48 Everything Quotes

July 15, 2024, 10:45 p.m.

48 Everything Quotes

In a world brimming with complexities, sometimes a few words can encapsulate profound wisdom and inspiration. We've sifted through countless quotes to bring you the top 48 Everything Quotes that resonate with the myriad facets of life. From insightful remarks on love and happiness to musings on the nature of existence, this curated collection aims to touch your heart and mind in unexpected ways. Whether you're seeking motivation, solace, or simply a moment of reflection, these quotes promise to offer something meaningful for everyone. Dive in and discover the timeless words that have the power to transform your perspective on everything.

1. “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” - Confucious

2. “All that is transitory is but a metaphor.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

3. “Overconsumerism justifies everything.” - Toba Beta

4. “By trying to understand everything, everything makes me dream” - Gustave Flaubert

5. “Only if you are possible, everything will be possible.” - Santosh Kalwar

6. “Tyrants have only one problem in life.They simply just wanna rule everything.” - Toba Beta

7. “Be content with your lot; once cannot be first in everything.” - Aesop

8. “Peter's face clouded. "Everything comes at a price. Or have you not learned that yet?” - Brom

9. “Without you everything falls apart. Without you it's not as much fun to pick up the pieces.” - Nine Inch Nails

10. “Everything that anyone would ever look for is usually where they find it.” - Margaret Wise Brown

11. “But Katie knew it was a sin, had known from the moment she made the decision to lie with Adam. However, the transgression wasn't making love without the sanction of marriage. It was that for the first time in her life, Katie had put herself first. Put her own wants and needs above everything and everyone else.” - Jodi Picoult

12. “Sometimes now was enough.Sometimes it was everything.” - Mary Balogh

13. “Even when you’d lost everything you thought there was to lose, somebody came along and gave you something for free.” - Jenny Valentine

14. “You read any Greek myths, puppy? The one about the gorgon Medusa, particularly? I used to wonder what could be so terrible that you couldn't survive even looking at it.Until I got a little older and I figured out the obvious answer.Everything.” - Mike Carey & Peter Gross

15. “If everything were anything," Chance said softly, "the barriers would break down, and we'd all lose ourselves to chaos. And then there would be no cotton candy.” - Jordan Castillo Price

16. “I was raised thinking that moral and ethical standards are universals that apply equally to everyone. And these values aren't easily compatible with the kind of religion that posits a Creator. To my way of thinking, an omnipotent being who sets up a universe in which thinking beings proliferate, grow old, and die (usually in agony, alone, and in fear) is a cosmic sadist.” - Charles Stross

17. “Everything is still falling apart.” - Chuck Palahniuk

18. “Not many people get every single thing they want plus all the things they didn't think to ask for in the same day.” - Stephenie Meyer

19. “Everything comes in useful once in a hundred years.” - Katherine Paterson

20. “Everything is about them, not the dying boys and girls in the arena.” - Suzanne Collins

21. “Outside, the sun shines. Inside, there’s only darkness. The blackness is hard to describe, as it’s more than symptoms. It’s a nothing that becomes everything there is. And what one sees is only a fraction of the trauma inflicted.” - Justin Ordoñez

22. “There is no easy in the world neither hard everything is the same in a way.” - saki3

23. “I get it," said Link. "Even if it wrecks everything, even if you know you're gonna get busted, sometimes you gotta do it anyway." "Something like that.” - Kami Garcia

24. “I have everything I thought was important and nothing that really is.-Lily Francone” - Lorena Bathey

25. “It was a shame, but as Ron said, you couldn't have everything in life..” - J.K. Rowling

26. “What is this place?" "Nothing at all. Everywhere there is. Both at once?" Wereberry offered.” - Adam P. Knave

27. “Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world’s weight he had never chosen to bear.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

28. “Sniegam ir piecas pamatpazīmes.Tas ir balts.Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to.Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas.Tas ir slidens.Tas pārtop par ūdeni.Kad Juko par to ieminējās tēvam, viņš tajā saskatīja tikai negatīvo, it kā dēla dīvainā kaisle uz sniegu viņa acīs ziemas sezonu padarītu vēl biedējošāku.-Tas ir balts. Tātad neredzams un nav pelnījis būt redzams.Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to. Lepnais. Kas viņš tāds ir, lai apgalvotu, ka spēj sastindzināt pasauli?Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas. Tātad tas nav uzticams.Tas ir slidens. Kurš gan gūst baudu, paslīdot sniegā?Tas pārtop par ūdeni. Lai vairāk mūs appludinātu atkušņu laikā.Bet Juko savā sabiedrotajā saskatīja piecas citas īpašības, kas pilnībā apmierināja viņa māksliniecisko talantu.-Tas ir balts. Tātad sniegs ir dzeja. Neizsakāmas tīrības dzeja.Tas sastindzina dabu un pasargā to. Tātad sniegs ir glezna. Vissmalkākā ziemas glezna.Tas nemitīgi pārvēršas. Tātad sniegs ir kaligrāfija. Ir desmittūkstoš veidu, kā uzrakstīt vārdu sniegs.Tas ir slidens. Tātad sniegs ir deja. Uz sniega ikviens var sajusties kā virves dejotājs.Tas pārtop par ūdeni. Tātad sniegs ir mūzika. Pavasarī tas pārvērš upes un strautus baltu nošu simfonijās.-Sniegs Tev nozīmē to visu? - jautāja priesteris.-Vēl vairāk.” - Maxence Fermine

29. “The true test is wonwhen being togetherwithout saying a wordis everything.” - Emma Cameron

30. “Any other questions?""Just one," I say. "What color are your eyes?" I want to know what he thinks, how he sees himself - the real Ky - when he dares to look."Blue," he says sounding surprised, "they've always been blue.""Not to me.""What do they look like to you?" he says puzzled, amused. Not looking at my mouth anymore, looking into my eyes."Lots of colors," I say. "At first I thought they were brown. Once I thought they were green...""What are they now?" he asks. He widens his eyes a little, leans closer, lets me look as long and deep as I want."Well?""Everything," I tell him, "They're everything.” - Ally Condie

31. “Everything at some point has been declared the root of all evil.” - Criss Jami

32. “The pursuit of joy in God is not optional. It is not an “extra” that a person might grow into after he comes to faith. It is not simply a way to “enhance” your walk with the Lord. Until your heart has hit upon this pursuit, your “faith” cannot please God. It is not saving faith. Saving faith is the confidence that if you sell all you have and forsake all sinful pleasures, the hidden treasure of holy joy will satisfy your deepest desires. Saving faith is the heartfelt conviction not only that Christ is reliable, but also that He is desirable. It is the confidence that He will come through with His promises and that what He promises is more to be desired than all the world.” - John Piper

33. “All I wanted was for you to be free from everything. And with that freedom, you often showed me another world, so I wanted you to be even freer. I wanted you to be so free that you would live your life for other people.” - Kyung-Sook Shin

34. “Yeah, I said the universe. Call it Fate or The Force or whatever you want. Everything is everything. It's all part of one big system. I like to think of it as the universe.” - Angie Smibert

35. “Darling," he said distractedly,"about the moon...""Yes?""I don't think it matters whether you want it or not.""What are you talking about?" "The moon. I think it's yours."Victoria yawned, not bothering to open her eyes. "Fine. i'm glad to have it.""But--" Robert shook his head. He was growing fanciful. the moon didn't belong to his wife. It didn't follow her, protect her. It certainly didn't wink at anybody.But he stared out the window the rest of the way home, just in case” - Julia Quinn

36. “Everything and nothing are the same in the Absolute.” - Dejan Stojanovic

37. “Everything seems impossible And everything seems possible.” - Dejan Stojanovic

38. “Nothing is part of everything.” - Dejan Stojanovic

39. “Without nothing, everything would be nothing.” - Dejan Stojanovic

40. “From everything, nothing looks to nothing.” - Dejan Stojanovic

41. “From nothing comes everything.” - Dejan Stojanovic

42. “Through everything I have passed but nowhere I have been.” - Dejan Stojanovic

43. “What was after the universe? Nothing. But was there anything round the universe to show where it stopped before the nothing place began? It could not be a wall; but there could be a thin line there all round everything.[...]It pained him that he did not know well what politics meant and that he did not know where the universe ended. He felt small and weak. When would he be like the fellows in poetry and rhetoric?” - James Joyce

44. “I’d been doing everything to please everyone else and some imaginary me.” - Jolene Stockman

45. “I had never before thought of how awful the relationship must be between the musician and his instrument. He has to fill it, this instrument, with the breath of life, his own. He has to make it do what he wants it to do. And a piano is just a piano. It's made out of so much wood and wires and little hammers and big ones, and ivory. While there's only so much you can do with it, the only way to find this out is to try; to try and make it do everything.” - James Baldwin

46. “In an era when most bands were about nothing, the Manics were about everything: an eloquent scream, a j'accuse to the entire moribund millennium.” - Simon Price

47. “We are young,beautiful scum,pissed off with the world…We are the suicide of the non-generation.We are as far away from anything in the 80s as possible, e.g. 80s' pop automation, the long running saga of the whimsical pop essay and the intrinsic musical sculptures of post-modernism…We are the only young kids in UK Channel Boredom to realise the future is in tight trousers, dyed hair and NOT the baggy loose attitude scum fuck retard zerodom of Madchester” - Simon Price

48. “How was I able to live alone before, my little everything? Without you I lack self-confidence, passion for work, and enjoyment of life--in short, without you, my life is no life.[Written to his wife, Mileva]” - Albert Einstein