48 Inspiring Destiny Quotes

June 16, 2024, 11:46 a.m.

48 Inspiring Destiny Quotes

In life, the concept of destiny evokes a sense of mystery and wonder, prompting us to ponder the path that lies ahead. Whether you believe in a predetermined fate or see life as a series of choices, the idea of destiny can be both empowering and inspiring. Quotes have a unique way of encapsulating profound thoughts in just a few words, offering insight and motivation to those seeking direction and purpose. In this collection, we present 48 of the most inspiring destiny quotes, curated to uplift your spirit and ignite your passion for the journey that awaits. Dive in and let these powerful words guide you as you navigate the ever-evolving story of your life.

1. “When fate hands us a lemon, let's try to make lemonade.” - Andrew Carnegie

2. “One love, one heart, one destiny.” - Robert Marley

3. “If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for, in detail, ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully for the thing I want to live for.” - Thomas Merton

4. “Destiny is usually just around the corner. Like a thief, a hooker, or a lottery vendor: its three most common personifications. But what destiny does not do is home visits. You have to go for it.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

5. “After all, is it not the way we humans shape the universe, shape time itself? Do we not take the raw stuff of chaos and impose a beginning, middle, and end on it, like the simplest and most profound of folktales, to reflect the shapes of our own tiny lives? And if the physicists are right, that the physical world changes as it is observed, and we are its only known observers, then might we not be bending the entire chaotic universe, the eternal, ever-active Now, to fit that familiar form?” - Tad Williams

6. “You can’t go back, Ever. You can’t change the past. It just is. . . . This is our destiny. Not yours.” - Alyson Noel

7. “History is a hermaphrodite with many distinguished lovers. We are neither mysteries nor strangers but the living breath of revelation made flesh by the unrestrained desires of a free and universal love. Universal me. Universal you.”--from Past Present and Future are One” - Aberjhani

8. “All the animals, the plants, the minerals, even other kinds of men, are being broken and reassembled every day, to preserve an elite few, who are the loudest to theorize on freedom, but the least free of all.” - Thomas Pynchon

9. “Dear Sir, poor sir, brave sir." he read, "You are an experiment by the Creator of the Universe. You are the only creature in the entire Universe who has free will. You are the only one who has to figure out what to do next - and why. Everybody else is a robot, a machine. Some persons seem to like you, and others seem to hate you, and you must wonder why. They are simply liking machines and hating machines. You are pooped and demoralized, " read Dwayne. "Why wouldn't you be? Of course it is exhausting, having to reason all the time in a universe which wasn't meant to be reasonable.” - Kurt Vonnegut

10. “In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?” - Rainer Maria Rilke

11. “It was a tale well known to children all over Africa: Abu Kassem, a miserly Baghdad merchant, had held on to his battered, much repaired pair of slippers even though they were objects of derision. At last, even he couldn't stomach the sight of them. But his every attempt to get rid of his slippers ended in disaster: when he tossed them out of his window they landed on the head of a pregnant woman who miscarried, and Abu Kassem was thrown in jail; when he dropped them in the canal, the slippers choked off the main drain and caused flooding, and off Abu Kassem went to jail...'One night when Tawfiq finished, another prisoner, a quiet dignified old man, said, 'Abu Kassem might as well build a special room for his slippers. Why try to lose them? He'll never escape.' The old man laughed, and he seemed happy when he said that. That night the old man died in his sleep.We all saw it the same way. the old man was right. The slippers in the story mean that everything you see and do and touch, every seed you sow, or don't sow, becomes part of your destiny...In order to start to get rid of your slippers, you have to admit they are yours, and if you do, then they will get rid of themselves.Ghosh sighed. 'I hope one day you see this as clearly as I did in Kerchele. The key to your happiness is to own your slippers, own who you are, own how you look, own your family, own the talents you have, and own the ones you don't. If you keep saying your slippers aren't yours, then you'll die searching, you'll die bitter, always feeling you were promised more. Not only our actions, but also our omissions, become our destiny.” - Abraham Verghese

12. “You speak of destiny as if it was fixed.” - Philip Pullman

13. “When you have something so important, something that you'll stay awake for, something you know that you were designed to do, well, it's worth getting a few dark circles, don't you think?” - Joan Bauer

14. “We ought to face our destiny with courage.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

15. “I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.” - Hermann Hesse

16. “Mark to yourself the gradual way in which you have been prepared for, and are now led by an irresistible necessity to enter upon your great labour.” - William Makepeace Thackeray

17. “Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.” - Albert Einstein

18. “They often say, “What’s the point in astrology if you can’t change yourdestiny?”. Well, it’s true that you can’t change your destiny, but still it helpsknowing about gravity.” - Kedar Joshi

19. “We live behind the closed doors of our own destiny.” - Sorin Cerin

20. “NOTHING goes exactly as planned.Make your OWN destiny” - Tate Hallaway

21. “Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.” - Ana Monnar

22. “Life is painful. It has thorns, like the stem of a rose. Culture and art are the roses that bloom on the stem. The flower is yourself, your humanity. Art is the liberation of the humanity inside yourself.” - Daisaku Ikeda

23. “Families are wonderful institution," he said. "I value mine more than I can possibly say. But each of us has an individual life to live, our own path to tread, our own destiny to forge. You can imagine, if you will, how my family wished to shelter and protect me and do my living for me so that I would never again know fear or pain or abandonment. Eventually I had to step clear of them-or I might have fallen into the temptation of allowing them to do just that.” - Mary Balogh

24. “Silence is not our heritage but our destiny; we live where we want to live.” - Annie Dillard

25. “Do you really believe in destiny?" "How can I not believe in destiny, when there is no difference between my memories and my dreams at night? There's no difference between their reality. And if I dream something first, I remember it later when I am actually walking in the place or looking at the person I first dreamed of. Days later. Or years later. Destiny~ she walks with me.” - C. JoyBell C.

26. “Sorrowful and great is the artist's destiny.” - Franz Liszt

27. “Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.” - Andrew Boyd

28. “The fine thing about pacts with the devil is that when you sign them you are well aware of their conditions. Otherwise, why would you be recompensed with hell?” - Umberto Eco

29. “Nobody knows anything...... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one.” - William Goldman

30. “I want to fulfill myself in one of the rarest of destinies. I have only a dim notion of what it 
will be. I want it to have not a graceful curve slightly bent toward evening but a hitherto unseen beauty 
lovely because of the danger which works away at it overwhelms it undermines it. Oh let me be only utter
 beauty I shall go quickly or slowly but I shall dare what must be dared. I shall destroy appearances the 
casings will burn away and one evening I shall appear there in the palm of your hand quiet and pure like a
 glass statuette. You will see me. Round about me there will be nothing left.” - Jean Genet

31. “Environment is what you make it and destiny is how you react to your environment: whether you try to overcome it or just resign yourself to it.” - Nick Joaquin

32. “But no-one came here to live an ordinary life. Despite what our somnambulistic, mythless society society tells us — a place stuffed to the gilders with unawake, unthinking folk ruled by shoulds, oughts and have-tos; people who have no understanding of themselves; individuals afraid to acknowledge, let alone live their dreams — you came here to weave your unique essence and vision into the world, thus rendering it magnificent, both for yourself and others.” - Thea Euryphaessa

33. “No matter how pathetic or pitiful, every human is fated to have one moment in their lives in which they can change their own destiny.” - Takayuki Yamaguchi

34. “Together they spent their whole lives waiting for their luck to change, as though luck were some fabulous tide that would one day flood and consecrate the marshes of our island, christening us in the iridescent ointments of a charmed destiny.” - Pat Conroy

35. “Time will come that all that we love, we will eventually lose, and all that we hate we will eventually face.” - F. Sionil José

36. “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” - Gautama Buddha

37. “A predetermined destiny does not exist; when a man is born, his life is open to all the possibilities; in other words, potentially, man has infinitely different destinies! All destinies are his probable destiny!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

38. “‎Destiny finds those who listen, and fate finds the rest.” - Marshall Masters

39. “When you are convinced that everything that happens is the will of God, what is there to do but wait until God has mercy?” - Maaza Mengiste

40. “You know what I was thinking about on my way home? How different my life would be if you’d made that gash a little deeper. Or how different yours would be if I’d vaulted myself off a roof nine years ago. Do you ever think about things like that? Like, if either you or I wouldn’t have made it, where would the other one be right now? It was something I thought about all the time: how death changes every remaining moment for those still living.” - Tiffanie DeBartolo

41. “Every man engaged in war tells himself he can alter what has been written, that it is he, not God, who is the maker of destiny, free to change what is meant to be.” - Alice Hoffman

42. “Before your reach your destination, you'll find yourself going through the wilderness. There's some survival skills that you'll need master through the wilderness journey. While in the wilderness, your faith will be tried and tested. You'll become humble. Your vision for your life will get clearer. You're in training for your purpose. You'll lose some friends, because there's some folks who are only with you because of where they think your journey will lead THEM. Don't worry, they're a little confused... but it was meant for them to get lost during this phase. Walk on. Continue on your journey. Soon, you'll be approaching the mountain. Get ready to climb!” - Yvonne Pierre

43. “Our destiny becomes the accumulation of the choices that we make; the choices of which paths we took in life.” - Steven Redhead

44. “Perhaps there are those who are able to go about their lives unfettered by such concerns. But for those like us, our fate is to face the world as orphans, chasing through long years the shadows of vanished parents. There is nothing for it but to try and see through our missions to the end, as best we can, for until we do so, we will be permitted no calm.” - Kazuo Ishiguro

45. “The sun rises in the east every morning and falls in the west, Ayden. Darknesses are awaken and fate is tested, destinies are foreseen. Thy soul the only enemy, a hero is born. A new light rises once again...” - Nadège Richards

46. “Still, the seeds of change have been sown in my mind, and they will not be easily forgotten.” - C.M. Stunich

47. “Satan will always provide a witness to where you have been, in order to challenge your fate.” - Shannon L. Alder

48. “O, believe, as thou livest, that every sound that is spoken over the round world, which thou oughtest to hear, will vibrate on thine ear!” - Ralph Waldo Emerson