48 Kate Quotes

July 19, 2024, 3:45 p.m.

48 Kate Quotes

Kate has always been a name associated with elegance, wit, and wisdom, making it unsurprising that numerous quotes from various Kates have left an indelible mark on literature, entertainment, and everyday conversation. Whether it's from iconic characters in film, renowned authors, or influential figures in history, these words resonate deeply and inspire us in countless ways. In the spirit of celebrating this inspiring name, we’ve curated a collection of the top 48 Kate quotes that are sure to brighten your day, provoke thought, and add a touch of grace to your life. Dive in and discover the timeless wisdom and charm encapsulated in these wonderful quotes.

1. “I said, I know why you’re afraid to fight with me.”"And why is that?” If he flexed again, I’d have to implement emergency measures. Maybe I could kick some sand at him or something. Hard to look hot brushing sand out of your eyes."You want me.”Oh boy."You can’t resist my subtle charm, so you’re afraid you’re going to make a spectacle out of yourself.”"You know what? Don’t talk to me.” - Ilona Andrews

2. “I ripped my left arm out of his hand and slammed my elbow into his solar plexus. He exhaled in a gasp. I lunged for the dagger and sat on top of him, my knees pinning his arms, my dagger on his throat.He lay still. “I give up,” he said and smiled. “Your move.”Er. I was sitting atop the Beast Lord in my underwear, holding a knife to his throat. What the hell was my next move?” - Ilona Andrews

3. “Because he has the best equipment in the City and he knows how to use it!” - Ilona Andrews

4. “He leaned his head to me, his neck so close to my lips, I felt the heat coming off his skin. His breath was warm against my ear. His voice was a ragged snarl. "I miss you."This wasn't happening."I worry about you." He dipped his head and looked into my eyes. "I worry something stupid will happen and I won't be there and you'll be gone. I worry we won't ever get a chance and it's driving me out of my skull."No, no, no, no.........We stared at each other. The tiny space between us felt too hot. Muscles bulged on his naked frame. He looked feral.Mad gold eyes stared into mine. "Do you miss me, Kate?"I closed my eyes trying to shut him out. I could lie then we would be back to square one. Nothing would be resolved. I'd still be alone, hating him and wanting him.He grabbed my shoulders and shook me once. "Do you miss me?"I took the plunge. "Yes.” - Ilona Andrews

5. “Our stares connected and we were quiet for a long minute, united by our misery. At least he understood me and I understood him."A fine pair we make,” he said."Yeah.” - Ilona Andrews

6. “You said sloppy! Look, I didn't even use my sword; I hit him with my head, like a moron.” - Ilona Andrews

7. “Kate," Lucern interrupted."What?" she asked warily."I do not need blood." He tugged her off balance and into his lap. "All I need is you.” - Lynsay Sands

8. “Derek favored his left side. His horse refused to bear him. I couldn't blame the horse. I wouldn't want his demonic, undead-blood-smeared, wolf-smelling ass riding me, either. But it made us slow.” - Ilona Andrews

9. “I had to give it him, to flatter and insult a woman in one propostition took talent.” - Ilona Andrews

10. “In there?'She nodded.'You want us to go into the tortoise?'Another nod.'It's alive.'Another nod.” - Ilona Andrews

11. “Nice plan. Take the gullible outsiders, walk them around for a bit, then feed them to the giant tortoise.” - Ilona Andrews

12. “The Oracle rose. As one, the three witches bowed."See?" Bran jerked his thumb at the three women. "That's how a woman should treat a man. Next time you see me, I want you to do just like them.” - Ilona Andrews

13. “You know anything about investigative work?""Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.” - Ilona Andrews

14. “I lied. I need your help.""Who are we killing?""Do you have a pen?” - Ilona Andrews

15. “Kate Daniels, trained negotiator. When in possession of some valuable information, give it away to the first sexy man you see with no guarantee of return.” - Ilona Andrews

16. “I sighed and put Slayer between the front seats. "Stay here. Guard the car."Saiman shut the door. "Is the sword sentient?""No. But I like to pretend it is.” - Ilona Andrews

17. “Your date appears to be hysterical," Rene told me."You think I should slap some man into him?” - Ilona Andrews

18. “Any messages for me?" Usually I got one or two, but mostly people who wanted my help preferred to talk in person."Yes. Hold on." She pulled out a handful of pink tickets and recited from memory, without checking the paper. "Seven forty-two a.m., Mr. Gasparian: I curse you. I curse your arms so they wither and die and fall off your body. I curse your eyeballs to explode. I curse your feet to swell until blue. I curse your spine to crack. I curse you. I curse you. I curse you.” - Ilona Andrews

19. “I paused with the pen in my hand. "He burst into flames?""He became engulfed in fire.""Was his buddy made out of orange rocks and at any point yell, 'It's clobbering time'?” - Ilona Andrews

20. “Juke glanced into her cup before tipping it down to her mouth. "Screw you!""Now come on, sugar, you know I don't swing that way.""Whatever!” - Ilona Andrews

21. “I know you'll tell me to fuck off, but I think Curran loves you. Truly loves you. And I think you love him, Kate. That's rare. Think about it--if he really stood you up, why would he be so pissed off about the whole thing? You both can be assholes of the first order, so don't let the two of you throw it away. If you're going to walk away from it, at least walk away knowing the whole picture.""You're right. Fuck off. I don't need him," I told her.” - Ilona Andrews

22. “ Dear rabbis, I'm so sorry, I nuked your circle dude. Here is his head as a souvenir. Yeah, that would fly.” - Ilona Andrews

23. “Hold your horses. I'm coming."..."From where I'm standing you're just breathing laboriously."The snow swam out of focus. "Breathing hard. Are you coming or just breathing hard. You've got to get your one-liners straight.” - Ilona Andrews

24. “You'll lose.""What makes you so sure?""You have no discipline. All you do is tear down shit down. My father is a bastard, but at least he builds things. You turn cities into smoking ruins and blunder about like some hyper child, smashing anything you see. And then you sit here and wonder, 'Why did all of my children turn out to be violet idiots? It's a mystery of nature,'.” - Ilona Andrews

25. “No more tubs for me." I jumped off the bed and pulled on a pair of Pack sweats. "They make me lose all sense."Curran sprawled on the bed with a big self-satisfied smile. "Want to know a secret?""Sure.""It's not the bathtub, baby."Well, aren't we smug. I picked up the corner of the lowest mattress and made a show of looking under it."What are you looking for?""A pea Your Majesty.""What?""You heard me."I jumped back as he lunged and his fingers missed me by an inch."Getting slow in your old age.""I thought you liked it slow."A flashback to last night mugged me and my mind executed a full stop.He laughed. "Ran out of snappy comebacks?""Hush. I'm trying to think of one.” - Ilona Andrews

26. “How’s your dance card look?” “Double-check your century Jules. No dance cards.” Jules shrugged & gave me his most flirtatious smile.” - Amy Plum

27. “The hallway led me to the stairway of a million steps. My leg screamed in protest. I sighed and started climbing. I just had to keep from limping. Limping showed weakness, and I didn’t need any enterprising, career-motivated shapeshifters trying to challenge me for dominance right about now.I had once mentioned my desire for an elevator, and His Majesty asked me if I would like a flock of doves to carry me up to my quarters so my feet wouldn’t have to touch the ground. We were sparring at the time and I kicked him in the kidney in retaliation.” - Ilona Andrews

28. “Andrea raised her hand. “This is the hand that slapped Aunt B.”“Maybe you should have it gold-plated.”“Here, you can touch it, since you’re my best friend.” - Ilona Andrews

29. “I'm going to kick you in the head when I get home. Repeatedly.” - Ilona Andrews

30. “Shifting in the hospital bed had blown her closet door wide open.” - Ilona Andrews

31. “My investigative technique mostly consisted of going through the list of interested parties and making as much noise as possible, until the culprit lost his patience and tried to shut me up.” - Ilona Andrews

32. “She can tell you the height of the attacker from the trigonometry of the blood spatter, while I'm fuzzy on what trigonometry is.” - Ilona Andrews

33. “Raphael was a bouda and they viewed sex as a fun recreational activity that should be practiced vigorously and often.” - Ilona Andrews

34. “Some men were handsome. Some were powerful. Curran was...dangerous.” - Ilona Andrews

35. “Shapeshifter parenting motto—if your kid slits somebody's throat, always have a backup plan to make the body disappear.” - Ilona Andrews

36. “I trusted her about as far as I could throw her. I was strong and she was small, but it still wasn't very far.” - Ilona Andrews

37. “He kissed me, and I pulled my personal psycho into bed with me.” - Ilona Andrews

38. “Runes, runes, runes... Runes. An inverted Algiz rune. The caption next to it said “Chernobog.” The Black God. Right. Of course, it wouldn’t be Chernobog, God of Morning Dew on the Rose Petals, but a woman could always hope.” - Ilona Andrews

39. “They had picked up Julie's scent hit wolfsbane lost her and found her trail again at the crumbling Highway 23 except it was two hours old and mixed with horse scents. She was hitchhiking. Great. Awesome. At least she always carried a knife with her. When I relayed this to Curran he shrugged and said, "If she kills anybody we'll make it go away.” - Ilona Andrews

40. “Say 'pop.'" "Pop?" "That was the sound of me pulling your head out of your ass.” - Ilona Andrews

41. “I prefer the word aviatrix. It has more zing to it.""It's very zingy," I agreed.” - Kenneth Oppel

42. “I could not help staring back, for they made quite a contrast: Kate's pale skin and elegant purple suit, Nadira's dusky skin and exotic fiery sari."Do we clash?" Nadira said dryly."We certainly do," said Kate. "Would you like me to move?""Don't trouble yourself.” - Kenneth Oppel

43. “Nadira gave Kate a long hard look. "Mr. Slater has the ship. Mr. Cruse has the coordinates. I have the key. What exactly do you have?"For the first time Kate looked flustered.” - Kenneth Oppel

44. “I stared at Kate in disbelief. "I know, I know," she said, walking toward me, hands raised as if to calm a dangerous beast. "She's not coming," I said."She's coming.""She can't.""She's coming.” - Kenneth Oppel

45. “Bearing my mother's face was a daily reminder that I could be as strong as she had been. And fighting for what I wanted most in life was the best way to keep her alive in my heart.” - Amy Plum

46. “Tension fled from me. Tomorrow I would worry about Hugh d’Ambray and Andrea andRoland, but now I was simply happy. Aaahh. Home. My place, my smells, my familiar rug under my feet, my kitchen, my Curran in the kitchen chair . . . Wait a damn minute.“You!” - Ilona Andrews

47. “Curran strode toward me, eyes blazing. "If I let her go, I'll need a replacement. Want to volunteer for the job."He looked like he wouldn't be taking no for an anser. I swiped Slayer from its sheath and backed away from the edge of the roof. "And be girlfriend number twenty-three soon to be dumped in favor of girlfriend number twenty-four who has slightly bigger boobs? I don't think so."He kept coming. "Oh Yeah?""Yeah, you get these beautiful women, make them dependent on you, and then you dump them. Well, this time a woman left you first, and your enormous ego can't deal with it. And to think that I hoped we could talk like reasonable adults. If we were the last two people on Earth, I'd find myself a moving island so I could get the hell away from you.” - Ilona Andrews

48. “And while thoulivest, dear Kate, take a fellow of plain anduncoined constancy; for he perforce must do theeright, because he hath not the gift to woo in otherplaces: for these fellows of infinite tongue, thatcan rhyme themselves into ladies' favours, they doalways reason themselves out again. What! aspeaker is but a prater; a rhyme is but a ballad. Agood leg will fall; a straight back will stoop; ablack beard will turn white; a curled pate will growbald; a fair face will wither; a full eye will waxhollow: but a good heart, Kate, is the sun and themoon; or, rather, the sun, and not the moon; for itshines bright and never changes, but keeps hiscourse truly. If thou would have such a one, takeme; and take me, take a soldier; take a soldier,take a king. And what sayest thou then to my love?speak, my fair, and fairly, I pray thee” - William Shakespeare