48 King Quotes

June 17, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

48 King Quotes

The wisdom of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. continues to reverberate through time, inspiring generations with his powerful words on justice, equality, love, and peace. In this collection, we've carefully selected the top 48 quotes from Dr. King to celebrate his enduring legacy. Whether you're looking for motivation, reflection, or insight, these quotes encapsulate the profound impact of his life's work and vision for a better world. Join us in exploring the timeless messages from one of history's most influential leaders.

1. “You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you. Till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and Kings in sceptres, you never enjoy the world.Till your spirit filleth the whole world, and the stars are your jewels; till you are as familiar with the ways of God in all Ages as with your walk and table: till you are intimately acquainted with that shady nothing out of which the world was made: till you love men so as to desire their happiness, with a thirst equal to the zeal of your own: till you delight in God for being good to all: you never enjoy the world.” - Thomas Traherne

2. “la buena literatura podía ser embriagadora sin renunciar al hilo conductor de las ideas.” - Stephen King

3. “Remember, remember the Fifth of November,The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,I know of no reasonWhy the gunpowder treasonShould ever be forgot.Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t’was his intentTo blow up the King and Parli’ment.Three-score barrels of powder belowTo prove old England’s overthrow;By God’s providence he was catch’d With a dark lantern and burning match.Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!” - Alan Moore

4. “My friend wants to get moving and so do I,' Eddie said. 'We've got miles to go yet.'I know that. It's on your face, son. Like a scar.'Eddie was fascinated by the idea of duty and ka as something that left a mark, something that might look like decoration to one eye and disfigurement to another. Outside, thunder cracked and lightning flashed.” - Stephen King

5. “October—You were sleeping so peacefully that I was loath to wake you. Duke Torquill, after demanding to know what I was doing in your apartment, has requested that I inform you of his intent to visit after ‘tending to some business at the Queen’s Court.’ I recommend wearing something clinging, as that may distract him from whatever he wishes to lecture you about this time. Hopefully, it’s your manners.You are truly endearing when you sleep. I attribute this to the exotic nature of seeing you in a state of silence.—Tybalt” - Seanan McGuire

6. “I never thought it would end like this. I never thought he would leave me without saying goodbye.” - Philippa Gregory

7. “Outside, daylight was bleeding slowly toward dusk.” - Stephen King

8. “He removed his unvaluable valuables and dumped his shirt, pants, and skivvies into a letter slot.” - Stephen King

9. “Whats the difference between a king and his horse?I dont mean some kiddy shit like one has 4 legs and the other has 2, or ones a person and ones an animal. If their form, ability, and power is exactly the same, then why is it one becomes the king and controls the battle and the other one becomes the horse and carries the king? There's only one answer...INSTINCT!!!” - Tite Kubo

10. “In the year 2025, the best men don't run for president, they run for their lives. . . .” - Stephen King

11. “your name your name, paragal, in the old toung, means 'one of pure light' and so you once were. but know this: when your stroke gfalls, so shall your own star fall. Your light will go out, and you will earn a newname. You shall be caled paragor - 'one of true darkness.' darkness will be your dwelling place and it will consume you. You willl ever be hungry for what you can naver have, No darkness in alleble will be as you ” - Wayne Thomas Batson

12. “Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence; the palaces of kings are built on the ruins of the bowers of paradise.” - Thomas Paine

13. “The trap had a ghastly perfection” - Stephen King

14. “The woman who preaches has poison religion. Let the respectable ones go” - Stephen King

15. “There was murder, there was rape, there were unspeakable practices, and all of them were for the good, the bloody good, the bloody myth, for the grail, for the Tower.” - Stephen King

16. “One true king knew when to step aside and give up the reins of power—to remove his crown and relinquish his kingdom—all for the sake of glimpsing, just once in a lifetime, the face of a holy child.He was the Fourth to follow the Star.His gift was a secret.The rest of his journey is unknown.” - Vera Nazarian

17. “Craziness is only a matter of degree, and there are lots of people besides me who have the urge to roll heads. They go to stock-car races and the horror movies and the wrestling matches they have in Portland Expo. Maybe what she said smacked of all those things, but I admired her for saying out loud, all the same--the price of honesty is always high. She had an admirable grasp of the fundamentals. Besides, she was tiny and pretty.” - Richard Bachman

18. “He was a heavy breather. You could hear him puffing and blowing into the mike up there like some large and sweaty animal. I don't like that, never have. My father is like that on the telephone. A lot of heavy breathing in your ear, so you can almost smell the scotch and Pall Malls on his breath. It always seems unsanitary and somehow homosexual.” - Richard Bachman

19. “You've got a shitty habit, you know it? I've noticed it on all those TV drive-safely pitches that you do. You breathe in people's ears. You sound like a stallion in heat, Philbrick. That's a shitty habit. You also sound like you're reading off a teleprompter, even when you're not. You ought to take care of stuff like that. You might save a life.” - Richard Bachman

20. “if the selflessness of phenomena is analyzed and if this analysis is cultivated, it causes the effect of attaining nirvana. through no other cause does one come to peace.” - Siddhārtha Gautama

21. “that the book is really good. and theres a prince in it to.” - Gail Carson Levine

22. “If king needs to be treated by psychiatrist, then the people need replacements for both.” - Toba Beta

23. “Do you believe in an afterlife?" the gunslinger asked him as Brown dropped three ears of hot corn onto his plate.Brown nodded. "I think this is it.” - Stephen King

24. “Who ought to be the king of france-the person who has the title, or the man who has the power?” - Pepin the Short

25. “Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia.” - C.S. Lewis

26. “Do whatever you must, Karigan," he told her, his voice so quiet it would not carry, "to come back. You must come back. To me." ~King Zachary” - Kristen Britain

27. “Sometimes it takes a lowly, title-less man to humble the world. Kings, rulers, CEOs, judges, doctors, pastors, they are already expected to be greater and wiser.” - Criss Jami

28. “A nod at Beatrice who held absolutely still. "She said she would come with me. She insisted on it. She stamped her little foot at me."He pointed down to her toes as if she were a child yet.Then he straightened his shoulders. "But I sent her back to the nursery, where she belonged, and told her to play with her dolls instead. As everyone knows, a female on a hunt is a distraction at best and bad luck at worse."Which explained why Beatrice went into the woods with her hound alone, George thought. She looked now as though she had gone to some other place where she could not hear her father's words and thus could not be hurt by them. George wondered how often she was forced to go to that place.Did King Helm not see how much she was like him? It seemed she was rejected for any sign of femininity yet also rejected for not showing enough femininity, How could she win?” - Mette Ivie Harrison

29. “From one king to another, know that I'm giving you the middle finger right now." And he was, with a smile.” - J.R. Ward

30. “Maedhros laughed saying: 'A king is he that can hold his own or else his title is vain. Thingol does but grant us lands where his power does not run. Indeed Doriath alone would be his realm this day but for the coming of the Noldor. Therefore in Doriath let him reign and be glad that he has the sons of Finwe for his neighbours not the Orcs of Morgoth that we found.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

31. “‎The only way Jesus can be our King is if we allow Him to be our Servant” - Stuart Greaves

32. “‎If we do not know the King that comes to your bedroom for the sole purpose of taking out your trash, then you have yet to know Jesus as the Servant of All.” - Stuart Greaves

33. “So, yes, I will marry you. Someday. If you'll have me," he said modestly."Of course I will, you idiot," I said with a shriek, and threw myself into his arms.” - Eilis O'Neal

34. “They miss the whisper that runsany day in your mind,"Who are you really, wanderer?"--and the answer you have to giveno matter how dark and coldthe world around you is:"Maybe I'm a king.” - William Stafford

35. “Never say that you can't do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can't be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds. We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become self-aware to this: absolutely anything in the world is possible.Master yourself, and become king of the world around you. Let no odds, chastisement, exile, doubt, fear, or ANY mental virii prevent you from accomplishing your dreams. Never be a victim of life; be it's conqueror.” - Mike Norton

36. “I once knew a man who was heir to the throne of a great kingdom, he lived as a ranger and fought his destiny to sit on a throne but in his blood he was a king. I also knew a man who was the king of a small kingdom, it was very small and his throne very humble but he and his people were all brave and worthy conquerors. And I knew a man who sat on a magnificent throne of a big and majestic kingdom, but he was not a king at all, he was only a cowardly steward. If you are the king of a great kingdom, you will always be the only king though you live in the bushes. If you are the king of a small kingdom, you can lead your people in worth and honor and together conquer anything. And if you are not a king, though you sit on the king’s throne and drape yourself in many fine robes of silk and velvet, you are still not the king and you will never be one.” - C. JoyBell C.

37. “Remember, though, that you are the king's observer, not the king's champion.” - Joe Abercrombie

38. “The King is only fond of words, and cannot translate them into deeds.” - Teck Foo Check

39. “Dreams are the psyche's way of taking a good dump every now and then. And that people who dream - or don't dream in a way they can often remember when they wake up - are mentally constipated in some way.” - Stephen King

40. “I was in the kitchen drinking coffee when I heard Coretta cry, "Martin, Martin, come quickly!" I put down my cup and ran toward the living room. As I approached the front window Coretta pointed joyfully to a slowly moving bus: "Darling, it's empty!” - Martin Luther King Jr.

41. “A king who’s innocentof the things of which he’s guilty?” - Kristin Cashore

42. “In bad times, a king or a queen can be a rock for the waters to crash against, so those less strong are not washed away. I will be such a rock. Only give me a chance, sweet Zoria, and I will be a rock for my people.” - Tad Williams

43. “Never Be Still unless you're resting. If you're not at rest, you should be taking action.” - Brian A. Brown

44. “And I would die for any one of mine.” - King Leonidas

45. “As happens in dreams, when a perfectly harmless object inspires us with fear and thereafter is frightening every time we dream of it (and even in real life retains disquieting overtones), so Dreyer's presence became for Franz a refined torture, an implacable menace. [ ... H]e could not help cringing when, with a banging of doors in a dramatic draft, Martha and Dreyer entered simultaneously from two different rooms as if on a too harshly lit stage. Then he snapped to attention and in this attitude felt himself ascending through the ceiling, through the roof, into the black-brown sky, while, in reality, drained and empty, he was shaking hands with Martha, with Dreyer. He dropped back on his feet out of that dark nonexistence, from those unknown and rather silly heights, to land firmly in the middle of the room (safe, safe!) when hearty Dreyer described a circle with his index finger and jabbed him in the navel; Franz mimicked a gasp and giggled; and as usual Martha was coldly radiant. His fear did not pass but only subsided temporarily: one incautious glance, one eloquent smile, and all would be revealed, and a disaster beyond imagination would shatter his career. Thereafter whenever he entered this house, he imagined that the disaster had happened—that Martha had been found out, or had confessed everything in a fit of insanity or religious self-immolation to her husband; and the drawing room chandelier invariably met him with a sinister refulgence.” - Vladimir Nabokov

46. “(...) I, for one, prize lessThe name of king than deeds of kingly power;And so would all who learn in wisdom’s school.” - Sophocles

47. “Ephesians 6:16-1816 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.” - LaNina King

48. “It is very easy to be a military strategist, a mercenary, or a king, but much harder to be a father.” - Nadia Scrieva