48 Romance Novel Quotes

July 2, 2024, 8:45 a.m.

48 Romance Novel Quotes

Romance novels have a unique magic, captivating readers with tales of love, passion, and heartache. Whether you’re an avid romance reader or a newcomer to the genre, the right quote can evoke intense emotions and transport you to the most enchanting moments of love. In this post, we’ve curated a collection of the top 48 romance novel quotes that encapsulate the essence of true love. Prepare to be swept off your feet as you explore these timeless expressions of affection, longing, and the beautiful complexities of the human heart.

1. “The problem isn't finding out where you are gonna go-its figuring out what you are gonna do once you get there that is! (Jamie Sullivan)” - Nicholas Sparks

2. “Afterward, Sara didn't really remember falling asleep, still wearing her robe although she meant to get dressed and had had Serafina lay out a pair of jeans and a blouse for her. In any case, she had slept. And there had been dreams -- of the unsettling kind she didn't want to recall.” - Rosemary Rogers

3. “He looked like every glossy frat boy in every nerd movie ever made, like every popular town boy who’d ever looked right through her in high school, like every rotten rich kid who’d ever belonged where she hadn’t.My mama warned me about guys like you.He turned to her as if he’d heard her and took off his sunglasses, and she went down the steps to meet him, wiping her sweaty palms on her dust-smeared khaki shorts. “Hi, I’m Sophie Dempsey,” she said, flashing the Dempsey gotta-love-me grin as she held out her hot, grimy hand, and after a moment he took it.His hand was clean and cool and dry, and her heart pounded harder as she looked into his remote, gray eyes.“Hello, Sophie Dempsey,” her worst nightmare said. “Welcome to Temptation.” - Jennifer Crusie

4. “The collar had restrained his winds but not killed them. They uncoiled from behind the shadows, ready to surround her, to lift her up, to carry her away with only Ariel’s silk-clad arms wrapped about her to keep her from falling.Spirare, they whispered to her like an incantation. Breathe us in.Bertie didn’t mean to, but she inhaled, and everything inside her was a spring morning, a rose opening its petals to the sun, the light coming through the wavering glass of an old, diamond-paned window.Tendrils of wind reached for Bertie with a coaxing hand. Release him, and he will love you.” - Lisa Mantchev

5. “You need to grow up, and realize what it is you need right now, and what you can live without.” - Holly Hood

6. “Bila dari dulu aku tahu sebuah tabrakan bisa mempertemukanku dengan wanita cantik sepertimu, aku tak akan mengemudi terlalu hati-hati.” - Francisca Todi

7. “Ganteng bukan segalanya. Kau belum tahu saja, sewaktu-waktu dia bisa berubah menjadi monster yang mengerikan.” - Francisca Todi

8. “I don't know who he was," Kavita flat-out states, "but whoever he was he sure did a number on you, didn't he?"Mary leans forward to ensure he would see her deviant stare. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I did a number on him?"Kavita leans in closer as well, and with that same deviant expression, "Yes. I have.” - Carroll Bryant

9. “I never liked the influence of others when it came to feelings. I rather went through the painful process of analyzing everything half to death.” - Erika M. Szabo

10. “Affection is when we can't find any flaws in the other. Maybe I could if I really wanted to, but I don't want to, I accept you as you are.” - Erika M. Szabo

11. “The next time you're mad at me, talk to me,' he said. 'Don't shut me out. I don't like playing games. And by the way, I had a great time, too.” - Nicholas Sparks

12. “She’s drunk dialing contractors ” Chloe said to Tara. “Someone should stop her.” - Jill Shalvis

13. “I can see the stars in your eyes from a mile away. They guide me to you just like the North Star.” Then he bent his head and kissed her – a long, sweet kiss under moonbeams that caressed them both lovingly.” - Kelly Curry

14. “Saat memutuskan buat jatuh cinta, lo juga membuka kemungkinan cinta kelak akan berbalik nyakitin lo. - Good Fight” - Christian Simamora

15. “I always say too much when I'm talking to you--- that's one of the problems....” - Stephenie Meyer

16. “For readers worldwide, the attraction of romance novels seems to be that they provide hope, strength, and the assurance that happy endings are possible. Romance makes the promise that no matter how bleak things sometimes look, in the end everything will turn out right and true love will triumph -- and in an uncertain world, that's very comforting.” - Leigh Michaels

17. “Payton “Sin” Sinclair was an unapologetic people-watcher. As a sports consultant, working with some of the biggest and most recognizable athletes in sports and business, he had to be able to read the smallest nuances of others. That ability was just one of the unique attributes that set him apart from the competition and made him the go-to person when corporations wanted to align themselves with the top professional athletes in the country.” - Francis Ray

18. “You see, there is a major downfall to living in a tourist town. You guessed it, the constant turnover of new people. You cannot really connect with anyone because no one is ever here for more than two weeks every year, if they comeback at all. The intruders never thought about what happens once they leave. ~ Stella” - Michele Richard

19. “The water was lapping around my waist by the time Ivy and Gabriel found me. I was shivering, but I hardly noticed. I didn't move or speak, not even when Gabriel lifted me out of the water and carried me back to our house. Ivy helped me into the shower, and came to help me out half an hour later when I'd forgotten where I was and just stood under the pounding water. Gabriel bought me some dinner, but I couldn't eat it. I sat on my bed, staring into space and doing nothing but thinking of Xavier and trying not to think of him at the same time. The separation made me realize just how safe I felt with him. I craved his touch, his smell, even the awareness that he was nearby. But now he felt miles away, and I couldn't reach him, and that knowledge made me feel ready to crumble, to cease to exist.” - Alexandra Adornetto

20. “You’re playing with a blow torch, andit’s pointed at your head. Think about what you’re saying.” - Michelle Sutton

21. “Afterwards, as he held me and stroked my hair, my body was singing with pleasure, I couldn’t believe I had waited so long. I thought of how we had wasted a whole year we could have had together and I felt so sad I wanted to cry.” - Somi Ekhasomhi

22. “Goodbyes are sad, but they are temporary, because as hellos ends with goodbyes, so will goodbyes start with hellos.” - Melody Manful

23. “I kicked off my shoes and pulled his hand away from the wheel so I could straddle his lap and hold him. His grip on me was excruciatingly tight, but I didn't complain. We were on an insanely busy street, with endless cars rumbling past on one side and a crush of pedestrians on the other, but neither of us cared. He was shaking violently, as if he were sobbing uncontrollably, but he made no sound and shed no tears.The sky cried for him, the rain coming down hard and angry, steaming off the ground.” - Sylvia Day

24. “Matt is a tortured soul,' Amanda insisted. 'He's Heathcliff and you're Cathy. He's Rochester and you're Jane Eyre. He's-''Darcy and I'm Elizabeth. I get it. And you're wrong.” - Robin Brande

25. “Hot damn. Cue the violins and happy cartoon bunnies. I was in the middle of a Disney moment. Because this guy was gorgeous. And we were standing so close to each other. If he hadn't been holding onto a barely contained rage directed at yours truly, it could have almost been construed as romantic.” - A. Meredith Walters

26. “I was spinning—from the kiss, the alcohol or the lack of air, I wasn’t sure, but I knew I needed to pull away if only just to breath.” - Melissa Aragon

27. “My fingers itched to touch, my lips begged to taste and my body buzzed with a frenzied energy, but my mind screamed to move far away from him fast.” - Melissa Aragon

28. “His embrace left her breathless and restored all the faith she'd lost in the power of love. When their lips parted, she sighed and said, 'I don't need a party or anything else. All I need is you. I love you.' (Wildflowers)” - Catherine Greenfeder

29. “Have you never been so heartbreakingly lonely that you felt as though you would go mad?”- Darcia Moon, Gravitation, Book One: Beyond the Pale” - N.L. Armitage

30. “Believe that sometimes choices in life aren't always what we WANT. But sometimes, they're what we NEED” - Kathryn Le Veque

31. “Love is as hard to hide as hate.” - Jennifer Hudson Taylor

32. “I'm enjoying two beautiful visions tonight. Watching you stand there against a marvelous background has to be the most intriguing sunset I have ever experienced.” - K.S. Collier

33. “Honor miró por la ventana... y vio la sobrecogedora imagen de un ángel con alas de color azul plateado aterrizando en la zona verde del césped.-Es... -Se quedó sin aliento.Había visto fotos, incluso imágenes de televisión, que mostraban a aquel ángel de alas azules, pero ninguna de ellas le hacía justicia. Nada podría hacérsela.Resultaba mucho más impactante de cerca. No le quitó la vista de encima mientras se reunían con él junto al coche. Tenía los ojos del color del oro veneciano, el cabello negro con matices azules, y un rostro de una belleza tan pura que resultaba casi demasiado hermoso. Casi.Era, sencillamente, la criatura más hermosa que había visto en su vida.-Soy Illium -dijo el ángel mirándola a los ojos.Honor estuvo a punto de esbozar una sonrisa al ver la curiosidad pintada en sus iris dorados.-Yo soy Honor.” - Nalini Singh

34. “He said he wants variety. The irony is that I wanted variety too. But I wanted variety in a solid, stable committed relationship where I would wake up each morning asking “What are we going to do today?” not asking “Who are you going to do today?” - Aimee Lane

35. “But I’ve learned that sometimes, somehow, no matter how much time we spend apart from the ones we care most about, our love for them never fades, for time apart only makes our love grow stronger.” - Rebecah McManus

36. “I am not a twenty-two-year-old boy; I am not a besotted fool. If you think to jilt me, think again. For I will not turn tail and run the other way as he did, oh no. I will find you, and I will drag you to the altar on your back if need be, no matter how you might be screaming. No matter how scandalous it might be.” - Brenda Joyce

37. “David Hudson was rising in the political field. As a senator from New York, he had it all – good looks, a well-known family name and the finances to go with it, but for David, it was never enough. He graduated from an Ivy League school at the top of his class, and his parents were political royalty in America so he grew up in the spotlight with all of the luxuries one could imagine.” - Yolanda Richards

38. “If you lay down and act like a doormat... then you are sure to get walked on.” - Janey Rosen

39. “That’s when it hit him with the force of a fastball in the chest: He was falling in love with Shane MacKinnon. He hardly knew her, and yet he knew with absolutely certainty that she was everything he’d ever wanted. He wanted to hold her like this for the rest of their lives. He wanted to wipe away her tears. He wanted to make her happy, take care of her, protect her from harm. He wanted to make babies with her and walk beside her as they grew old. He wanted to be buried next to her. Falling? It was completely nuts, but he couldn’t deny it: He was already in love with her. And it scared the crap out of him.” - Jane Taylor Starwood

40. “They still had sexual relations with another, slept in the same bed, shared kisses and intimacy and matrimonial fluid, however both were not married to each other in that sense, although there was a piece of paper that said otherwise.” - Keira D. Skye

41. “Ternyata memelihara cinta sebelah tangan itu seperti memelihara dinosurus. Dino kecil polos yang manis, tiba-tiba sudah tumbuh sangat besar, lebih besar daripada yang bisa kuukur. Ia sudah tumbuh menjadi monster yang bahkan bisa membunuh diriku sendiri, yang telah memeliharanya. Aku tidak bisa lagi memeliharanya, karena ia telah tumbuh di luar kendaliku. Sekarang, aku tidak bisa lagi membiarkannya tumbuh tanpa menyakitiku.” - Ayuwidya

42. “When had she moved so close? Her brain screamed at her to back away. She would regret this. She already regretted this.” - Laura Oliva

43. “As Amani frantically diced the ingredients for her Pan seared Mahi-Mahi with Mango Salsa, she recalled her first meeting with him during a class he taught on the presentation of food and organization the previous year. Amani had been immediately drawn to the tall, serious Californian, and not just because of his looks. With dark wavy hair, strong features and the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen short of Paul Newman’s, David Spencer was everything Amani admired in a man, and then some.http://omadisonpress.com/romance/all-...” - Joanna Hynes

44. “A real, true love that makes a human being believe in the power of destiny happens only once in a lifetime.” - Natalie Ansard

45. “Maybe she should stop reading those damn romance novels. They were giving her crazy expectations.” - Lexi Blake

46. “Ia tampak begitu lembut, membuat semua orang yang berkata kasar padanya seperti berengsek kelas dunia.” - Ayuwidya

47. “For the briefest of moments his eyes sparkled before dimming again. “However much I would love to get into a discussion about chastity belts, now is not the time. The people we were fighting were not human in the strictest sense of the word.” - Michelle Smart

48. “Say you’ll marry me.” Sighing melodramatically, Tyler wound his free arm around Johnnie’s neck. He pulled back enough to look again into Johnnie’s eyes. “Fine. But why do I get the feeling I get to be the bride?” - Jet Mykles