48 Romantic Love Quotes

June 14, 2024, 7:45 a.m.

48 Romantic Love Quotes

In a world where words have the power to touch hearts and convey deep emotions, finding the perfect way to express your love can often be a challenge. Whether you're seeking to rekindle the spark in a long-term relationship or captivate someone new, romantic love quotes can serve as beautiful reminders of the profound connection you share. Dive into our carefully curated collection of the top 48 romantic love quotes, each designed to inspire and celebrate the beauty of love in its many forms. Allow these timeless sentiments to speak for you and strengthen the bond you cherish most.

1. “Anne "felt instinctively" that romance was peeping at her around a corner.” - L.M. Montgomery

2. “He stood in the doorway with his hands in his pockets, the picture of nonchalance, and even as a human, he was too gorgeous for words. His dark hair had been combed back, falling softly around his face, and his mercury eyes, though they should've seemed pale against all the white, glimmered more brightly than anything. And they were fixed solely on me.” - Julie Kagawa

3. “They were from two different worlds. Two entirely different people. But upon their coming together, they created- they found- their own path and together they had their own world and in their own world, they were the same. Everyone else outside of it- everyone else was over there. Away. And they together- they together were here. They were right here. They were the same.” - C. JoyBell C.

4. “When you look for a man- what you want to look for is a man with the heart of a poor boy and the mind of a conqueror.” - C. JoyBell C.

5. “No love,No life” - Sujit waghchaure

6. “Are you all right,” he whispered, his lips brushing the tips of my spiky hair. Granted, I knew he was only being discreet so as to save poor Hillary from being reamed again, but my knees didn’t know the difference. They betrayed me, buckling under his hot breath on my ear and the deep whisper that tickled my senses.” - Gwenn Wright

7. “Love is selflessly giving your breath away to allow someone else to breathe.” - Bryan Butvidas

8. “It was I who was conquered. In just seven nights, that fledgling goddess not only discovered that I had a heart, but she stole it forever, then cradled it in the palm of her hand.” - Celeste Bradley

9. “You looked like you’d been trying to fade away. I thought you were a woman who needed to be seen.” - Moira Rogers

10. “Love should feel like a hand sewn quilt made by grandma, wrapping you up on a cold winter morning.” - Carroll Bryant

11. “We are like oil and vinegar most of the time. But when you shake us up real good, the combination is heavenly.~ Anna Segee, The Stranger in Her Bed” - Janet Chapman

12. “Je suis la source de toute vie. Je suis la marée qui entre en vous et vous aime et se retire. Je suis l'amour qui entre en vous et dure pour l'éternité.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

13. “Belief in love can be hard, but faith in the romantic strings played by fate is faith in the symmetrical symphony sweetly delivered to comfort the screams of your heart” - Gaiven Clairmont

14. “Only a perfect rose, has the power to persuade a perusal of its petals” - Gaiven Clairmont

15. “In his eyes I saw all the other possibilities. The dream-world possibilities. The fairytale possibilities. The seemingly impossible possibilities.” - Tiffanie DeBartolo

16. “Time can be cruel if you don’t use it wisely ~ Imani Wisdom, Zion's Road: A Love Story about Faith and Redemption.” - Imani Wisdom

17. “My eyes are not worthy to look upon your face, yet they will not rest until they see you again.” - Cara Lynn Shultz

18. “The most procession that ever comes to a man in this world is a women's heart.” - Josiah G Holland AKA Timothy Titcomb

19. “I don’t know who she is, or, if she will ever love me or not. But, I’m falling for her, in just one meeting. Is love at first sight for real? No, no, this is so unreal. Will she love me? Maybe love is unconditional. God… I’m crazy… I’m in love.” - Rohit Sharma

20. “what’s meant for you will reach you in time, and if you embrace it with your arms wide open it might just stay with you forever and bless you with more happiness than you could ever envision.” - Jayde Scott

21. “Best surprise ever.” I whispered in his face. Then I leaned in and kissed him hard and deep like it was the last kiss I’d ever get.“Wrong darlin’, best hello ever.” He grinned” - K. Larsen

22. “I want to hear you say it,” I say, pushing her hair from her eyes. She sighs and I can’t hold back any longer. I stroke her cheek with my hand and lean in to kiss her soft lips. I half expect her to push me back, but I can’t stop myself right now. I have to do it. I have to kiss her. I need to kiss her.” - Melissa Brown

23. “Tak ada yang lebih buruk daripada iri pada sahabat, atau mengharapka sesuatu yang menurut perasaanmu seharusnya menjadi milikmu.” - Heather Webber

24. “Love is an emotion which does not die it disappears.” - Amit Abraham

25. “Dream of me.” - E.L. James

26. “Ele só teve um momento de frieza, com o Dr. Cottard: vendo-o piscar o olho e sorrir-lhe com um ar ambíguo antes que se tivessem falado (mímica que Cottard chamava de "deixar fluir"), Swann acreditou que o médico o conheci sem dúvida por ter estado com ele em algum lugar de prazer, embora ele mesmo os frequentasse muito pouco, nunca tendo vivido no mundo da farra. Considerando a alusão de mau gosto, sobretudo na presença de Odette, que poderia fazer dele uma ideia falsa, simulou um ar glacial. Mas quando soube que a dama que se encontrava a seu lado era a sra. Cottard, pensou que um marido tão jovem não teria pensado em fazer alusão, diante de sua mulher, a divertimento desse tipo, e deixou de atribuir ao ar cúmplice do médico o significado que temia.” - Marcel Proust

27. “She is a mortal danger to all men. She is beautiful without knowing it, and possesses charms that she's not even aware of. She is like a trap set by nature - a sweet perfumed rose in whose petals Cupid lurks in ambush! Anyone who has seen her smile has known perfection. She instills grace in every common thing and divinity in every careless gesture. Venus in her shell was never so lovely, and Diana in the forest never so graceful as you.” - Cyrano de Bergerac

28. “Erotica is not porn. It's explicit romance.” - Tammy-Louise Wilkins

29. “Advice from a Romance Writer: Guys, make your woman feel pretty even on an 'off' day. Trust me, good things will come of it.” - Michelle M. Pillow

30. “They didn't recognize me," I say. I come to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk, completely flabbergasted. "They didn't recognize me," I repeat. He stops in turn, my hand still on his arm. "It is because they have never seen you," he says. "I would recognize you anywhere.” - Muriel Barbery

31. “Love doesn’t exactly come with an off switch.” - S.C. Stephens

32. “The churning of a human mind is unpredictable, as is the anatomy of the human heart.” - Rudy Rucker

33. “There isn’t going to be a ‘next lover,’” Grant said automatically, outraged by the idea. “I’m the only man she’s going to have.” - Lisa Kleypas

34. “Wir dachten alle, du wärst getoastet worden!" - Hector Delos"Wurde ich auch." - Lucas Delos” - Josephine Angelini

35. “I’m not a poet. But my wife is. She taught me to look for the extraordinary in the simplicity. She taught me about emotion, and truth, and second chances. You see, I never realized a person can keep giving everything with no thought to take. Alexa, you changed my life, but I was too afraid to reach for it. I believed I wasn’t good enough. Now I realize the truth.” - Jennifer Probst

36. “Masa depan tidak akan ada tanpa menjaga apa yang ada di masa kini!” - Evi Sri Rezeki

37. “Ternyata manusia tetap membutuhkan pelukan, sekalipun teknologi paling canggih telah ditemukan.” - Evi Sri Rezeki

38. “Manusia bisa saja bertemu dalam jejaring sosial, bercakap dan bertatapan dengan menggunakan skype, YM, atau apapun, tapi semua itu tidak bisa mengalahkan sebuah pelukan.” - Evi Sri Rezeki

39. “Teknologi itu hanya mempersempit batas, namun batas tidak pernah benar-benar hilang.” - Evi Sri Rezeki

40. “The sea was my first home...Now that I had nowhere else to go, this was the last place I felt safe.” - Jennifer Silverwood

41. “I hate not talking to you, I hate not bickering like we're an old married couple and I hate not spending every day right next to you. -- Chase” - Molly McAdams

42. “Bryn,” he said. “Do you know how much I love you?”I smiled and answered with a hint of sarcasm in my tone, “Well, I’m not quite sure.”“No, I’m serious,” Tyler said, turning over onto his side so that he was facing me. His eyes were serious, something that I only saw when he really had something to say.“Yeah, I do. It’s the kind that hurts so good, right? Almost like you can’t breathe without the other person and the only thing that keeps you sane throughout the day is knowing that you’ll see that person soon enough. Nothing can come between you and that person. You would do anything for them. Be anyone they need you to be. Without thinking twice, you know you will be there, no matter what. That’s what loving you is to me.” - Alexandria Rhodes

43. “I love you times infinity.”“Ditto, babe.” He kissed me softly.” - Alexandria Rhodes

44. “It is necessary to know that Cole is a neat-freak. They are both exhausted after a medical situation happens in the story. This is not part of the quote. "Cole sat at the head of the table at a right angle to Rhyne. He snapped his napkin open and tucked one corner into the collar of his shirt. When Rhyne looked at him in surprise, he said, "You're too busy to do more laundry. I thought I'd try to keep my shirts reasonably clean." Rhyne continued to stare at him. "What?" he asked, looking down at himself. "Have I already spilled something?" "My heart," she said feelingly. "All over you.” - Jo Goodman

45. “If you ever want something badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then its yours forever. If it doesnt, then it was never yours to begin with.” - Jack Engelhard

46. “I know there is a difference in our ages, but who cares? My heart has no idea how old your heart is.” - Evelyn R. Baldwin

47. “Quinn hesitated, then said what his heart demanded."Lizzy, even if you don't believe, I will still be your friend. Nothing is going to change that. I'm loyal to my friends for a lifetime. There are no qualifications."She just looked at him for a long time, and then the smile that could make his heart roll over appeared. She got to her feet and lightly tapped his arm with the sombrero. "You're forgiven for asking me out fourth."She would have passed him but he snagged her hand. "Lizzy."She stopped."I saved the best for last.” - Dee Henderson

48. “I adore you, Chiru. I want to show you in ways words can't express” - Augusta Li