49 Adrian Ivashkov Quotes

July 11, 2024, 1:46 a.m.

49 Adrian Ivashkov Quotes

Adrian Ivashkov, with his undeniable charm and complex personality, quickly became a beloved character in the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. Known for his wit, sarcasm, and surprising depth, Adrian's quotes often resonate deeply with fans of the series, capturing moments of humor, heartache, and introspection. In this collection, we delve into some of his most memorable lines, offering a glimpse into the intricate layers of this captivating character. Get ready to explore the top 49 Adrian Ivashkov quotes that continue to inspire and entertain readers worldwide.

1. “Boy is he pissed," said Adrian."Do you blame him?" asked Christian. "He just lost memerbship in the evil mastermind club. His brilliant plan fell apart, and now his daughter's missing when he thought she was somewhere safe."Adrian stayed pointedly silent.” - Richelle Mead

2. “This was the last thing I expected. You destroy my life and then feed me some inspiratonal philosophy.” - Richelle Mead

3. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I want. To help my girlfriend get her old boyfriend back.” - Richelle Mead

4. “My cigarettes and I are going outside. At least they show me respect.” - Richelle Mead

5. “Avery worries about her, too, so Lissa's in good hands. Avery's pretty amazing."I gave him a scathing look. "Amazing? Do you like her or something?" I hadn't forgotten Avery's comment about leaving the door unlocked for him. "Of course I like her. She's a great person.""No, I mean like. Not like.""Oh, I see," he said, rolling his eyes. "We're dealing with elementary school definitions of 'like'.” - Richelle Mead

6. “ARE YOU CRAZY?" I ASKED. He gave me the same wordless look he always did when I asked that question.” - Richelle Mead

7. “Do you go see her?" "No," I said, refusing to acknowledge that I'd just seen Lissa last night. "That's not my life anymore." "Right. Your life is all about dangerous vigilante missions." "You wouldn't understand anything that isn't drinking, smoking, or womanizing." He shook his head. "You're the only one I want, Rose.""Well, you can keep feeling that way, but you're going to have to keep waiting." "Much longer?" He asked me."I don't know." Hope blossomed on Adrian's face. "That's the most optimistic thing you've told me so far.” - Richelle Mead

8. “Hey, have you ever heard of the Alchemists? " "Sure, " he said."Of course you have. " "Why? Did you run into them? " "Kind of. " "What'd you do? " "Why do you think I did anything? " He laughed. "Alchemists only show up when trouble happens, and you bring trouble wherever you go. Be careful, though. They're religious nuts." "That's kind of extreme," I said. "Just don't let them convert you." He winked. "I like you being the sinner you are.” - Richelle Mead

9. “So, explain this," Avery said, "You just, what, hang around the Academy all day? Are you trying to redo your high school experience?" "Nothing to redo," said Adrian loftily. "I totally ruled my high school. I was worshiped and adored—not that that should come as a shock." Beside him, Christian nearly choked on his food. "So. . .You're trying to relive your glory days. It's all gone downhill since then, huh?" "No way," said Adrian. "I'm like a fine wine. I get better with age. The best is yet to come.""Seems like it'd get old after a while," said Avery, "I'm certainly bored, and I even spend part of the day helping my dad." "Adrian sleeps most of the day," noted Lissa, "So he doesn't actually have to worry about finding things to do." "Hey, I spend a good portion of my time helping you unravel the mysteries of spirit," Adrian reminded her. "And," he added, "I can visit people in their dreams."Christian held up a hand. "Stop. I can feel there's a comment coming on about how women already dream about you. I just ate, you know." "I wasn't going to go there," said Adrian. But he kind of looked like he wished he'd thought of the joke first.” - Richelle Mead

10. “Hey, Ivashkov! Open up. " Avery argued. She kept pounding on the door and yelling, and finally, Adrian answered. His hair stuck up at odd angles, and he had dark circles under his eyes. He'd drunk twice as much as Lissa last night. "What . . . ?" He blinked. "Shouldn't you guys be in class? Oh God. I didn't sleep that much, did I? " "Let us in, " said Avery, pushing past. "We've got refugees from a fire here. " She flounced onto his couch, making herself at home while he continued staring. Lissa and Christian joined her. "Avery sprang the fire alarm, " explained Lissa. "Nice work, " said Adrian, collapsing into a fluffy chair. "But why'd you have to come here? Is this the only place that's not burning down? " Avery batted her eyelashes at him. "Aren't you happy to see us? " He eyed her speculatively for a moment. "Always happy to see you. ” - Richelle Mead

11. “So, " Nathan said, attention focused on Adrian, "now that Vasilisa's graduated, what are you going to do with yourself? You aren't going to keep slumming with high school students, are you? There's no point in you being there anymore. " "I don't know, " said Adrian lazily. "I kind of like hanging out with them. They think I'm funnier than I really am. " "Unsurprising, " his father replied. "You aren't funny at all. It's time you do something productive. If you aren't going to go back to college, you should at least start sitting in on some of the family business meetings. Tatiana spoils you, but you could learn a lot from Rufus. " "True, " said Adrian deadpan."I'd really like to know how he keeps his two mistresses a secret from his wife. " "Adrian!" snapped Daniella, a flush spilling over her pale cheeks” - Richelle Mead

12. “I can't believe you've been here all day and didn't come visit. ", Tatiana said."Aw, I figured you had more important things to do than see me, " Adrian told her. "Besides, I quit smoking, so now we won't be able to go sneak cigarettes out behind the throne room together. " "Adrian!" chastised Nathan, turning bright red. It occurred to me then that I could have based a drinking game around how many times he exclaimed his son's name disapprovingly.” - Richelle Mead

13. “I know how devastated you must be to miss me, but leave a message, and I'll try to ease your agony” - Richelle Mead

14. “But I can say you’re okay for an irreverent party boy with occasional moments of brilliance.”“Brilliant? You think I’m brilliant?” He threw his hands skyward. “You hear that, world? Sage says I’m brilliant.”“That’s not what I said!”...“Come on, Sage. You understand how my mind works. You said I was brilliant, remember?”Eddie glanced at me in surprise. “You did?”“No! I never said that.” Adrian’s smile was infuriating. “Stop telling people that.” - Richelle Mead

15. “Micah showed up shortly thereafter and was happy to meet our other “brother.” He shook Adrian’s hand and smiled. “Now I see some family resemblance. I was starting to wonder if Jill was adopted, but you two kind of look like each other.”“So does our mailman back in North Dakota,” said Adrian.“South,” I corrected. Fortunately, Micah didn’t seem to think there was anything weird about the slip.“Right,” said Adrian. He studied Micah thoughtfully. “There’s something familiar about you. Have we met?”Micah shook his head. “I’ve never been to South Dakota.”I was pretty sure I heard Adrian murmur, “That makes two of us.” - Richelle Mead

16. “Sorry, Sage. Last I checked, you aren’t an expert insocial matters...""At least I take action. You? You let the world go bywithout you. You have no spine. You don’t fight back."“You don’t know the first thing about me, Adrian Ivashkov. I fight back plenty.” - Richelle Mead

17. “You look confused," said Adrian.I shook my head and sighed. "I think I'm just overthinking things."He nodded solemnly. "That's why I try to never do it.” - Richelle Mead

18. “So. Are you guys here to convert me or sell me siding?” - Richelle Mead

19. “Happy Birthday."Adrian came to a sudden halt. The words were soft and small, spoken tentatively, but easily discerned by vampire ears. Slowly, he turned around and found Jill Mastrano standing shyly before him.” - Richelle Mead

20. “Hey show some respect. They’re real people with names. Carla and Krissy” He frowned. “Or was it Missy?” - Richelle Mead

21. “Of course they didn't give us this much, Sage. But I had to make sure I nailed my first assignment. Takes a lot of tries before you hit perfection." He paused to reconsider that. "Well, except for my parents. They got it on the first try.” - Richelle Mead

22. “They’re waiting for you. Go on in.” Adrian leaned close to Keith’s ear and spoke in an ominous voice. “If.You.Dare.” He poked Keith’s shoulder and gave a "Muhahaha” kind of monster laugh.” - Richelle Mead

23. “I did it because he wasn't fair to you. Because you deserve credit for what you've done. Because he needs to realize you aren't the person he's always thought you were. He needs to see you for who you really are, not for all the ideas and preconceptions he's built up around you." The power in Adrian's gaze was so strong that I kept talking. I was nervous about meeting that stare in silence. Also, part of me was afraid that if I pondered my own words too hard, I'd discover they were just as much about my own father and me as Adrian and his. "It should have been enough for you to tell him who you are - show him who you are - but he wouldn't listen” - Richelle Mead

24. “I can pick a lock. How do you think I got into my parents' liquor cabinet in middle school?” - Richelle Mead

25. “Really, Sage? A date?”I sighed. “Yes, Adrian. A date.”“A real date. Not, like, doing homework together,” he added. “I mean like where you go out to a movie or something. And a movie that’s not part of a school assignment. Or about something boring.”“A real date.” - Richelle Mead

26. “I was astonished to see Adrian watching me, a look of contentment on his face. His eyes seemed to study my every feature. Seeing me notice him, he immediately looked away. His usual smirky expression replaced by a dreamy one. “The mechanic will wait,” he said. “Yeah, but I’m supposed to meet Brayden soon, I’ll be-” That’s when I got a good look at Adrian. “What have you done? Look at you! You shouldn’t be out here.” “It’s not that bad.” He was lying, and we both knew it.“Come on, we have to get you out of here before you get worse. What were you thinking?” His expression was astonishingly nonchalant for someone who looked like he would pass out. “It was worth it. You looked…happy” - Richelle Mead

27. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. You have no clue of how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine.” - Richelle Mead

28. “Different time, different place,” I said. “Things can change. People can change.” - Richelle Mead

29. “The ghost of a smile flickered across his lips. ‘You’re always the voice of reason. Just try listening to yourself once in a while.” - Richelle Mead

30. “Rose once told me about this poem she’d read. There was this line, ‘If your eyes weren’t open, you wouldn’t know the difference between dreaming and waking.’ You know what I’m afraid of? That someday, even with my eyes open, I still won’t know.” - Richelle Mead

31. “But I’m just going to be out there having a tea party with her cats or whatever it is she has in mind."Adrian” - Richelle Mead

32. “Besides, when not hard at work with this research, I'm actually conducting a side experiment on how cigarettes and gin increase charisma. As you might guess, the results are looking very promising.” - Richelle Mead

33. “We're going on a, um, windmill tour later this week."If I'd wanted to shut them all up, I'd definitely succeeded. They all looked stunned.Adrian spoke first. "I'm going to assume that means he's flying you to Amsterdam on his private jet. If so, I'd like to come along. But not for the windmills.” - Richelle Mead

34. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth.” - Michelle Mead

35. “I’m not dangerous,” I breathed.He brought his face toward mine. “You are to me.”And somehow, against all reason, we were kissing.” - Richelle Mead

36. “The tension between us kicked up a notch, and I realized that along with our bodies being nearer, so were our lips.” - Richelle Mead

37. “What am I supposed to do with a wool coat? Especially here in Palm Springs?”“Sleep with it,” he suggested. “Think of me.” - Richelle Mead

38. “Wow,” said Adrian. He sat down on the bed and tested its bounciness, giving it a nod of approval. “This is amazing. What do you think, buttercup?”“I have no words,” I said honestly.He patted the spot beside him. “Want to try it out?” - Richelle Mead

39. “Something clenched in my chest, and for a moment, the whole world narrowed down to the green of his eyes.” - Richelle Mead

40. “But when I touch you, your aura … it smolders. The colors deepen, it burns more intensely, the purple increases. Why? Why, Sydney?” He used that hand to pull me closer. “Why do you react that way if I don’t mean anything to you?” There was a desperation in his voice, and it was legitimate.” - Richelle Mead

41. “I also had to come tonight to apologize. If you need to go to Mexico to finish this process off, then I understand. I was wrong to criticize you for it or even imply that I had some kind of say in it. One of the greatest things about you is that in the end, you always make smart decisions. Can’t always say the same for myself. Whatever you need to do, I’ll support you.” - Richelle Mead

42. “And besides . . . I don’t want to leave you. Er, you guys.”He smiled, and it lit up his whole face. “Well, ‘we’ are certainly happy to hear that. Oh, and I’m also happy to watch our darling little love child dragon while you’re in St. Louis.”I grinned back.” - Richelle Mead

43. “He was too perfect, despite being one of the most imperfect people I knew.” - Richelle Mead

44. “Look, Sage. I don't know much about chemistry or computer hacking or photosynthery, but this is something I've got a lot of experience with." I think he mean photosynthesis, but I didn't correct him. "Use my knowledge. Don't let it go to waste.” - Richelle Mead

45. “I gave him a smile that I hoped was as dazzling as one of his. "I realized I'm in love."Marcus, startled, looked around as though he expected to see my object d'amour in the car with us. "And you just realized this? Did you just have some sort of vision?""Didn't need to," I said, thinking of Wolfe's ill-fated trip to the Orkneys. "It's always been right in front of me.” - Richelle Mead

46. “You're my flame in the dark. We chase away the shadows around each other.” - Richelle Mead

47. “He anxiously touched his hair. "I think my hair gel's frozen.” - Richelle Mead

48. “All that mattered was that he was Adrian, my Adrian. My match. My partner in crime, in the long battle I’d just signed on for to right the wrongs in the Alchemist and Moroi worlds. Maybe Marcus was right that I’d also signed myself up for disaster, but I didn’t care. In that moment, it seemed that as long as Adrian and I were together, there was no challenge too great for us.” - Richelle Mead

49. “You’re presumptuous and arrogant and a whole lot of other things if you think I’ve changed my mind.” “You see, that’s just it.” There he was again, moving into my space. “I think you like the ‘other things.” - Richelle Mead