49 Cat Quotes To Purr About

Sept. 19, 2024, 4:45 p.m.

49 Cat Quotes To Purr About

Cats have a way of sneaking into our hearts with their curious antics and undeniable charm. Whether they’re curling up in a cozy spot for a nap, playfully chasing a piece of string, or simply staring out the window with that enigmatic look, cats possess a unique ability to captivate us. To celebrate these fascinating felines, we've curated a delightful collection of 49 cat quotes that perfectly capture the essence of our whiskered companions. Prepare to be entertained, moved, and inspired as you read these quotes that every cat lover will appreciate and purr about.

1. “Is that a stake, Bones, or are you just happy with my new dress?”“In this case, it’s a stake. You could always feel around for something more, though. See what comes up.” - Jeaniene Frost

2. “Out last chance is a cat's magic sight. We are doomed.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

3. “how can you love a little catso muchin such ashortshorttime?” - Sharon Creech

4. “A library after closing is a lonely place. It is heart-poundingly silent, and the rows of shelves create an almost unfathomable number of dark and creepy corners.” - Vicki Myron

5. “Of course the Man was wild too. He was dreadfully wild. He didn't even begin to be tame till he met the Woman, and she told him that she did not like living in his wild ways. She picked out a nice dry Cave, instead of a heap of wet leaves, to lie down in; and she strewed clean sand on the floor; and she lit a nice fire of wood at the back of the Cave; and she hung a dried wild-horse skin, tail down, across the opening of the Cave; and she said, 'Wipe your feet, dear, when you come in, and now we'll keep house.” - Rudyard Kipling

6. “It's a small world." . . . "When you put it in a cemetery it is.” - Kurt Vonnegut

7. “In this world, you get what you pay for.” - Kurt Vonnegut

8. “The gremlin stopped, blinking up at me with an almost hurt expression. 'Master punish bad kitty?' he said in a pitiful voice.'No I'm not going to punish the bad kitty,' I said and Grimalkin snorted.'And you aren't either. I want to talk to you. Will you stay and not run off if we let you go?'He bobbed his head, as best as he could while his ears were gripped tightly by Puck. 'Master wants Razor stay, Razor stay. Not move until told. Promise.” - Julie Kagawa

9. “Are you having performance issues?” I asked in surprise. “Bite your tongue,” Vlad said, with a snort. “I was seeing if Dermot understood sign language, but from the look on his face, it seems not.” - Jeaniene Frost

10. “Whatever would give you the idea that I'm her damn brother?” - Jeaniene Frost

11. “Why did you tell her I'm your boyfriend? Why doesn't she know about your real one? - TimmyHe's English! And Mom...Mom hates foreigners! - Cat” - Jeaniene Frost

12. “I think this’ll definitely tide me over while we’re apart,”Bones laughed, dragging me into his arms with far more strength and quickness than was fair, considering I still had trouble making my limbs operate.“Oh, Kitten,” he murmured as his lips dragged down my throat. “You didn’t really think we were done, did you?” - Jeaniene Frost

13. “...you don't care because you're all that and I'm just an artery in a dress. ” - Jeaniene Frost

14. “There's nothing to catch up on. You came, you saw, you scored, you left. End of story.” - Jeaniene Frost

15. “Do you know what you’ve done?” I asked in a bland tone. Annette gave mean inquiring look. “You’ve gotten on my last nerve.”The table went crashing into her before she could blink, and then my fist found a home inher perfectly arranged hair.” - Jeaniene Frost

16. “Christ girl, Ι wasn't even going to bite you. Well, not the way you're thinking." "I'm flattered you want to fuck me as well as muder me. Really, Liam, that's sweet." He grinned. "Valentine's Day was just last month, after all.” - Jeaniene Frost

17. “Bring me liquor, Bones, fast, to take my foot out of my mouth.Cat to Bones” - Jeaniene Frost

18. “Don't care for her tongue, do you? How strange. I find it one of my favorite parts.Bones to Gregor” - Jeaniene Frost

19. “Next to her, I felt like Carrot Top in drag.Cat re: Annette” - Jeaniene Frost

20. “The lustful glances thrown his way made me wish he wasn’t such a damned bowl of eye candy."- Cat re: Bones” - Jeaniene Frost

21. “You're not a woman," he said finally. "You're the Grim Reaper with red hair!” - Jeaniene Frost

22. “Care to see your room?” -BonesLet me guess—it’s that smashed‐up car right over there." -Cat” - Jeaniene Frost

23. “A meow massages the heart.” - Stuart McMillan

24. “It's the perfect solution. We argue all the time. We can't stand each other. It's like we're already married.” - Lisa Kleypas

25. “A black cat crossed my path, and I stopped to dance around it widdershins and to sing the rhyme,Ou va-ti mistigri?Passe sans faire de mai ici.” - Joanne Harris

26. “Where are you, bloodsuckers? Here, fangy, fangy, fangy...” - Jeaniene Frost

27. “Back on the ferry, I sip some vodka on the rocks and have a chat with God.Me: (desperately) What the *&%$# am I going to do?God:Me: (surprised) Really? After all those Sundays of being a back up singer for Jesus, you got nothing to say?God:Me: (humbly) Help me out here.” - Lexis De Rothschild

28. “How about I let you floss with my jugular as well?” - Jeaniene Frost

29. “I threw my hands up. Men. They were impossible to reason with.” - Jeaniene Frost

30. “I love you, Catherine. You claimed my heart soon after we met, a beautiful Highland selkie who kept me safe within her cave. No one ever came to my rescue before. I laughed and I teased you, but I'd never been so deeply moved. While I was waiting at The Hague, I promised myself I'd tell you as soon as I saw you again." He wet a taut nipple with his tongue and blew on it gently. "It made me very happy to admit it. You're the only one I've ever truly loved." He turned his attention to the other tip, one hand plumping her as the other tickled its peak. She whimpered and he soothed her with a wet kiss. She moaned, gripping his shoulders as her heels dug in the ground. He lifted hishead and looked straight into her eyes. "I feared I'd lost you when I saw you in that river. You're the only thing that gives my life meaning, Catherine. I love you." His lips brushed the corner of her mouth. "I love you," he breathed against her lips. "I love you!" He enfolded her in his arms andthrust his tongue deep in her mouth, claiming her in a voluptuous kiss.” - Judith James

31. “Bastard hits harder than a fucking freight train."I just smiled. "I know.” - Jeaniene Frost

32. “BONES: “I want you to promise me something. Promise me you’re not going to start running again.”CAT: “No, I’m too tired to run, and you’re too fast. You’d only catch me.”BONES: “That’s right, luv. If you run from me, I’ll chase you. And I’ll find you.” - Jeaniene Frost

33. “What have you done to my cat?" Magnus demanded... "You drank his blood, didn't you? You said you weren't hungry!"Simon was indignant. "I did not drink his blood. He's fine!" He poked the Chairman in the stomach. The cat yawned. "Second, you asked me if I was hungry when you were ordering pizza, so I said no, because I can't eat pizza. I was being polite.""That doesn't get you the right to eat my cat.""Your cat is fine!" Simon reached to pick up the tabby, who jumped indignantly to his feet and stalked off the table. "See?""Whatever.” - Cassandra Clare

34. “Since you and Crispin are now finished and I have a few hours to kill, how about that shag?” he asked with heavy irony.“Bite me,” I sighed, gathering up the pages.He winked. “Of course. My second-favorite thing to do in bed.” - Jeaniene Frost

35. “I never hear about dear Mike. I wrote Ellen Greene and asked about him and she replyed and never mentioned Mike but told me all about her roomatism. As if I cared about her roomatism.” - Emily of New Moon

36. “Just as I was thinking I would never find my animus, I caught sight of my shadow and laughed out loud. I'd thrown myself onto the floor in frustration - my head resting on one arm and waving the other to cool myself down. There on the wall was the perfectly formed shadow of a cat, curled up - with a swishing tail! ...I even heard myself purr!” - Jane Prowse

37. “Meg's face clouded, and I wondered if she was going to rain the way people do sometimes.” - Ray Rhamey

38. “....called to give you the good news. I asked our daughter to marry me and she accepted. Congratulations, I will officially your son-in-law. Now, do you want me to call you zmum straightaway, or wait until after the wedding?" I lew through the ir in a dive tht finally tackled him, wrenching the phone away. Bones was laughing so hard he had to breathe to get it all out. "Mom? Are you there? Mom.....?" "You might want to give her a moment, Kitten. I believe she fainted.” - Jeaniene Frost

39. “‎"What the hell was THAT?" I gasped."Premature inflamulation," he replied. "Happens sometimes. Very embarrassing, I don't like to talk about it."A snort of amusement came from my right. I swung in that direction to see Bones bestow the most approving look on Vlad he'd ever given him. Then his expression sobered as he met my gaze.” - Jeaniene Frost

40. “...why is my cat a Muse? the cat has the rare grace of never saying a word too much― Mark Twain ...that's why ...” - John Geddes

41. “The ocean filled the footprints where a boy and cat had stood.” - Lloyd Alexander

42. “Yet he could not enjoy the walk. In the morning especially a bougainvillaea looks handmade, lawns are always lawns, and it is true indeed that dogs smell fear. Cats don't say.” - Douglas Woolf

43. “And I was some of the mud that got to sit up and look around. Lucky me, lucky mud.” - Kurt Vonnegut

44. “Spartacus," I called, "how's it hanging?" Probably not too well. Once you're dead, had your organs removed, and are resurrected as an undead mummified cat, your testicles probably looked like old raisins that had rolled under the couch. Raisins didn't tend to...hang.” - Rob Thurman

45. “You do that, and I take back every nasty thing I've ever said about you."He grinned, his mood changing from serious to wicked in an instant. "Why? I'm all those things and more."I shook my head. Ian was more proud of his depravity than anyone I'd met, but if he helped me pull Bones out from under four bespelled vampires and one demonically-enchanced vamp, I'd shower him with prostitutes and porn while swearing he was an angel.” - Jeaniene Frost

46. “Meow, meow, meow. Meow meow. Meoow,” Boo told me, obviously having a full day and feeling I needed to be kept apprised of every second of it.” - Kristen Ashley

47. “...today there are bars of light on the rug, but Muse Cat prefers his tomato box where he can dream in private...” - John Geddes

48. “...at morning, I'm unruffled - I'll sit with my tea and Muse Cat beside me and listen to the soft chime of the grandfather clock...” - John Geddes

49. “They all seemed hungry, happy, and healthy enough in their buzzing—oh the days were hot, and the noise of bees filled the air that was dusty with pollen and sun haze, and there were tiny black flies stuck to one another crowded by the creek and a creek stink rising from the deep pool under the willow tree where a wheat sack of new kittens had been drowned, and their tiny terrible struggling had shot like an electric current through the confusion of muddy water and up the arm of the person who had tied the stone around the mouth of the sack and thrust it into the water; and the culprit had not been able to brush away the current; it penetrated her body and made her heart beat with fear and pity. I was the culprit.” - Janet Frame