49 Erotic Romance Quotes

June 4, 2024, 1:45 a.m.

49 Erotic Romance Quotes

When it comes to evoking deep emotions and encapsulating the electric chemistry between lovers, few genres captivate like erotic romance. These stories delve into the intricacies of desire and passion, often revealing the transformative power of love and touch. Whether you're seeking to rekindle the flame with your partner, indulge in a sweet escape, or simply appreciate the art of seductive language, our curated collection of the top 49 Erotic Romance Quotes offers a journey through the most enchanting and steamy expressions of passion. Prepare to be swept off your feet by words that tease, thrill, and ultimately celebrate the beauty of romantic intimacy.

1. “Oh, Jatel, I am so used. Would you rid yourself of me?" the knight started to cry.Jatel slowly kissed the woman upon her forehead. To the Gods! how he loved her so.Not for the world entire, sire.” - Donald Allen Kirch

2. “Conn was a wickedly passionate, fiercely dominant man who loved her too much to ever really hurt her.” - Joely Sue Burkhart

3. “Careful old-timer, your age is showing.”“Hey, I’m only thirty-two. I’m in my prime, woman!”She harrumphed. “Well, I’m a mere twenty-five and you’re way too old for me.”Jay’s eyes smoldered as he whispered, “My experience is your gain.” - Anne Rainey

4. “If you’d rather skip lunch, that’s fine with me. I’ve got some things to take care of anyway before I can leave the store to Robin for the weekend.”“I don’t want to skip lunch,” he bit out. “I’m starving.”Her temper got the better of her. “Fine, but if you plan on snapping at me the whole time then I’d just as soon you eat alone.”His gaze darkened. “I’m not snapping.”She poked him in the chest. “Yes, you are.”Leo started to speak, then paused and let out a huge breath. “Sorry. Damn, I’m just having one of those days.”Amanda smiled and patted his cheek. “You can tell me all about it over a bowl of fettuccine.” - Anne Rainey

5. “She felt the cold blast from the sterile air conditioning on her bare arms and thighs, as she ambled down the center of the shopping complex's ground floor.The scene was a swirl of candy bright lights--the Victoria's Secret fuchsia signboard, signboards which lured one to purchase "confidence," or "sexual appeal," or whatever it was that was being advertised--the fluorescent lights in each store, contrasting with the shiny, black-tiled walls and eye-catching speckled marble tiles on the ground.One could lick the floor--the tiles were spotless, clean like the fake air she was breathing in, like the atoms and cells in her that were decaying in stale neglect.” - Jess C. Scott

6. “Adrian had always found it amusing that a guy could be drilling Stacia up her ass while she considered herself to be a virgin. Her intent had been to present herself as such when she found "Mr. Right.” - Jess C. Scott

7. “They wanted her. They all loved her. And they wanted to keep her.” - Hanna Lui

8. “You know how you have a good meal and you got gravy left on the plate. The gravy was so good that you don’t want to leave it on the plate but you don’t want to be a pig about it? So you take your bread and use it to sop up the rest of the gravy. That guy is totally soppable!” - Erin Jamison

9. “Everything about him enveloped her, made her crave exactly this. His possession. In her mind something relaxed; the balance shifted. She welcomed every way he could touch her, the heat from his body, the atoms of his breath. Everything.” - Cari Silverwood

10. “She reached out, her fingers hesitant. The deer—Knox—tilted his head down, letting her touch his antlers. Her hand trembled slightly as she caressed the boney protrusion. The ivory tines were warmer than she thought they’d be, a living extension of the man inside. She petted his pelt next, charmed by the coarse fur and the feel of his muscles bunching and moving underneath.Sitting back, she winked up at him. "You probably get this a lot,but…nice rack.”The deer flashed back into a man who tackled her onto her pillows with a wolfy growl. “Always gotta be the smartass, don’t you?” - Miranda Stowe

11. “Am I your dom, little rabbit?”“Yes.” Her red-brown brows drew together. “What’s wrong?”“Not a thing.” He gave her a faint smile, and his gravelly voice deepened. “I thought I’d tell you we’re getting married next month.”~Nolan and Beth~” - Cherise Sinclair

12. “Well, when you were nearly run over by the cyclist-and i was holding you and you were looking up at me - all 'kiss me , kiss me, Christian” - E.L. James

13. “It’s all right,” I said, spying what was inside his bag. “Went grocery shopping?”“I picked up a few things,” he said amicably, but then a silence stretched out between us. I got my key out, wanting to say so much more but not knowing where to start. “I see you did too.”Oh my God. I covered up the side of my bag, even though I knew he’d already seen the big yellow rooster with Cocks-A-Lot emblazoned on the side. I really had to have a word with Terry about his packaging.” - Lori Toland

14. “Suck on this, Edward.” - Danielle D. Smith

15. “Many things are thrown our way in this game of life. It's how you deal with them that shows your true character. I want all of you to feel the hope, love & passion I feel for the upcoming year & the rest of my life. I want ALL of you to not only go for your dreams, but have a damn ass good time doing it! Love & Warmth, May ♥” - May Water

16. “I told you I have both male and female organs.""You didn't say they were all fully functional!" Belle stared at the rapidly disappearing bulge."Damn girl, how'd you get so lucky? Shit!” - Belinda McBride

17. “Can I tell you that in my eyes not even God would be good enough to command you?” - Kele Moon

18. “Do you know about it, Kelsey?” he asked after a while. “Dominance and submission? This thing we’re doing? I don’t know so good how to explain it. Only how to do it.” - Annabel Joseph

19. “Although he assumed she’d naturally submit to him, he obviously believed she was still her own person. A strong person.” - Cherise Sinclair

20. “Bone Daddy.That's what they called him. A walking talking well-hung pleasure factory who, with a few easy orgasms, could bring you whatever your heart desired. Your boyfriend would propose, your boss would give you a raise. Rumor had it he could heal your scars, inside and out. If you satisfied his lust.” - R.G. Alexander , Rachel Grace

21. “I’m a firm believer in equality at all times—”“At all times?” She glanced at the cuffs clipped to his leathers. “Why do I find that hard to believe?” And why the heck was she arguing with him. Mine, mine, mine.“At all times,” he repeated. “However, in the bedroom or in the club, I am a lot more equal than you.” - Cherise Sinclair

22. “You got the list?” Lewis asked.“What the hell is the deal with the temperature?”“Razel is not allowed to sweat,” Maximo answered. “If she does,fanatics will appear from nowhere like mischievous sprites and bottleeach drop and then sell it on eBay for millions.” - Elizabeth Morgan

23. “I have to say, her blonde bob was amazing. The delicate way it hugged her face and neck. The softness of it...” - James Lusarde

24. “We laughed together. It’s so lovely laughing with a man. It feels positive. Relaxed…” - James Lusarde

25. “Ah, lust. It makes us forget anything we want to. The greatest relaxant, the greatest stimulant.” - James Lusarde

26. “A little insecurity in a submissive wasn’t a bad thing, but her doubts shouldn’t be whether the Dominant cared.” - Cherise Sinclair

27. “No, no, I don’t want that.”“I didn’t ask.” - Cherise Sinclair

28. “A man shouldn’t assume his wife was happy just because she didn’t complain all the time. She had complained this morning. He’d spanked her for it. That didn’t sit right somehow.” - Starla Kaye

29. “The collar represented something of big importance to her. He knew she saw it as losing who she was. He saw it as her trusting him enough to let him be in charge.” - Starla Kaye

30. “Those tingles she’d felt in her abdomen spread lower. Her body recognised her lover’s voice, wanted him.” - Starla Kaye

31. “This is going to hurt, isn’t it?”“Yes it is.””Am I allowed to call you names?”It was very very hard not to laugh. Impertinent little brat.” - Bianca Sommerland

32. “Fun? “Katrina, I didn’t request to be set up on a date. I can’t go meet a complete stranger and….” he scanned the email again. “…and spend the night with her?” - Lia Davis

33. “Heck, that woman out there looked like she was getting more from one kiss than Jessica had ever gotten from the whole insert-dick-move-around shebang.” - Cherise Sinclair

34. “Let Your Inhibitions Run Free” - Cindy Smith-Jordan

35. “You so need a Daddy, little girl.” - Breanna Hayse

36. “Honey, letting us isn’t the issue. You either cooperate and get it done, or don’t-and still get it done.” - Breanna Hayse

37. “I love you, baby girl. When you’re sad, I am too.” - Darla Phelps

38. “There is something immensely scary about putting yourself out there for people to love or hate you, fan or pan you, review or screw you.” - L.V. Lewis

39. “Marcus stood at the mantel mirror, fussing with his lace cuffs, adjusting his cravat and openly admiring his reflection. “I’ll beguile her with the full power of my persuasive charm.”“And should that fail?”Marcus turned to his secretary with a slow, devious grin. “Why, Nick, I’d have thought it obvious. I’ll just have to ruin her.”-A BREACH OF PROMISE” - Victoria Vane

40. “Ned looked to DeVere. "You are the master of mayhem. Any brilliant ideas?""If we want him to leave the gate, we must provide proper motivation," DeVere answered."Such as?" Phoebe prompted."Let us keep to the basics, my pet. Men are primarily moved by either their stomachs or their cocks. If we cannot tempt the one, it must be the other."Ned glared. "What are you suggesting?""Our little chambermaid can take the blighter off by offering him a hand job.""The hell she will!" Ned barked before Phoebe could answer for herself. "Think of something else!""Come now, Ned. She'll be well compensated for her trouble. He laughed. "Hell, for a thousand, I might be tempted to do it myself."A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE” - Victoria Vane

41. “The fire that had been raging inside her ever since she met him, ever since she left him, was now having gasoline thrown on top of it--by the gallon.” - T.A. Grey

42. “Shh, mi amor. The neighbors will hear and call the police.” - Kate Richards

43. “He caught her staring and smiled-not a conceited I-work-out-and-have-a-great-body type smirk, but more of a I’m-a-boy; you’re-a-girl; life is good.” - Cherise Sinclair

44. “Damn, you’re soft. I have trouble keeping my hands off you.”Okay, serious melty stuff.” - Cherise Sinclair

45. “Now, can I help you with something? I’m new, but I’ll do my best to figure out how to get what you need.”…“That’s good to hear, Abby, since I need your breasts for a few minutes.” - Cherise Sinclair

46. “Women, they were tricky business. A man had to step carefully lest he find himself in a pit of despair, longing after the one he wants and getting nothing but scorn in return. What was it about her that drove him crazy? He'd never had such a wild and instantaneous reaction to a woman before.” - T.A. Grey

47. “He'd seen when she began to panic, but he hadn't offered comfort like other Doms or changed his plans. He'd just waited her out. She could hate him a little for that.” - Cherise Sinclair

48. “Do you know what passion is?”I blink, confused.“Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.” - J. Kenner

49. “A master like Raoul looks for a woman whose need to serve and submit matches his need to protect and take command.” - Cherise Sinclair