49 Paranormal Romance Quotes

June 21, 2024, 5:47 p.m.

49 Paranormal Romance Quotes

Are you captivated by stories where the supernatural intertwines with romance, creating a landscape as mysterious as it is enchanting? Paranormal romance offers a thrilling escape into worlds where love defies all boundaries, transcending the ordinary to touch the extraordinary. We've curated a selection of the top 49 paranormal romance quotes that encapsulate the essence of this mesmerizing genre. Whether you're a long-time fan or new to the magic, these quotes will transport you to a realm where the heart meets the unknown, and the impossible becomes the foundation for everlasting love. Dive in and let these words ignite your imagination and passion.

1. “Megan noisily sucked in air for a scream that froze in her lungs. The cat stood in front of the open fire escape window, tail twitching, eyes focused intently on her face. Cursing inwardly at the stupidity of leaving the window open even a little bit, she made a mental note to never do it again…if she lived.The sheer size of the body under that sleek black coat was breathtaking, not to mention the power evident in those muscles. Megan whimpered as she caught sight of the sharp claws just visible on its feet. “Holy crap, someone up there has a really sick sense of humor. When I said I should get a cat, this is not what I meant!” she whispered. The cat snorted and her heart lodged in her throat.” - Cait Miller

2. “I blew through her like baby’s breath through a dandelion, and my soulleft its mark on hers. Forever. In one night, I’d bound her too me for as longas she lived, and I had no words to tell her.When I woke the next night, to see her there, above me, the relief radiatingfrom every line of her body, I thought it was more of a miracle than myfirst rising.” - Amy Lane

3. “There aren't any syringes." Red Sox came over and held a sterile pack out. When she tried to take it from him, he kept a grip on the thing. "I know you'll use this wisely.""Wisely?" She snapped the syringe out of his hand. "No, I'm going to poke him in the eye with it. Because that's what they trained me to do in medical school.” - J.R. Ward

4. “No, Lucius is harmless,' I fibbed. If you don't count the fact that he thinks he's a warrior prince representing a semi-cannibalistic race of undead bat people.” - Beth Fantaskey

5. “The passion I feel for you is more than you’re prepared for. - Eric” - Kailin Gow

6. “When she scooped up her clothes, opened his door, then snapped her fingers for a guard down the hall, Wroth watched like a bystander. “Pssst. Minion. I need these laundered. Very little starch. Don’t just stand there gawking or you’ll anger my good frenemy General Wroth. We’re like this.”He couldn’t see her but knew she was twining two fingers together.” - Kresley Cole

7. “Face it, Nat, this is one tiger who will never be jumping through your flaming hoop--” - Kresley Cole

8. “You're still... Declan?"----Voice hoarse, he said, "Aye, it's me. I will never be your perfect Viking, Regin! I've made unforgivable mistakes. I've no family or friends, and my men hold no love for me. I'm scarred inside and out. And I'm bloody askin' for you anyway!” - Kresley Cole

9. “Just hear me out. While you were napping, I was busy chatting up our allies. Didn't you know--your woman's a golden-tongued ambassador! My sisters always said I graduated from the shock-and-awe school of diplomacy, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck, right?” - Kresley Cole

10. “Declan and Regin:"Kiss you?" As he waited for the revulsion to seize him, he found himself wondering how she would react. Would she moan into his mouth?"It will help you remember me. Kiss me. Come on, you know you want to so bad. You want me so bad.""Never." Bloody get off her, get away from her. But he needed to be above her like this, to master her, overpower her."Never? That boner of yours just called you a lair.” - Kresley Cole

11. “V had a passing thought that she used the word "anyway" like an eraser on a crowded chalkboard. She said it whenever she needed to clear off the things she'd just shared to make room for more.” - J.R. Ward

12. “I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are.” - Jess C. Scott

13. “Please, let me take you home. You’re drunk.”“I am not.” I shoved him, spilling some kind of delicious poison on him. “Go home and have a wild time with Ms. Scarlet. In the bedroom. With the—”“Okay, you’re starting to talk board game. Let’s go home, babe. I’ll get you into bed.” - Rachael Wade

14. “You're not crazy. In fact, you're perfect. Everything about you couldnt be more so if I made a list of all the qualities I wanted in a partner and special ordered you.” - Bonnie Erina Wheeler

15. “I’d do anything for you.” And she knew he meant it. “Even before you healed me, you gave my life back, a reason for living. I adore you, I worship you. I love you beyond all reason.” - Ava Gray

16. “Testosterone poisoning can be fatal, Braveheart." (Delaney to Rowan)” - Diana Duncan

17. “You’re asking me? The Whack-O from loony town!” she snapped at him.” - Beth Bares

18. “Matt was almost completely naked. A tattered loincloth and an ugly chain with a yellow diamond were his only apparel.” - Priya Ardis

19. “Whose are all these ghosts?” she said, smiling at a flustered-looking Geraldine. “Oh,” said Geraldine, “I think they might be mine...?” - Diane Hall

20. “You're just a regular Wikipedia aren't you?” - Holly Hood

21. “I am familiar with the phrase, ‘needle in a haystack’ and I think I understand its meaning more than I wish to.” - David Sadler, Wasteland

22. “There are no endings for any of us, happy orotherwise, until we die. A fairy tale only endshappily because that’s the point where thestoryteller stops telling the story.” - Lilly Gayle

23. “He wanted more, as did I, but we still had a ways to go. I wasn’t a tease and my demands seemed pretty reasonable: always be honest and try not to eat me. ~ Sam, Living Violet” - Jaime Reed

24. “Drawing her closer he tucked his chin and lifted hers to meet his abysmal onyx eyes.” - Jennifer Silverwood

25. “Reading a good book in silence is like eating chocolate for the rest of your life and never getting fat.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

26. “Susie and Pippa clinked their glasses together. I followed suit, but my heart wasn't in it anymore. It had already left the building.” - Milly Silver

27. “Fear only has power when I cower under the illusion.” - Poppet

28. “Every man needs a shadow to reveal his light, to always be that close, ever present, bonded forever in astral allegiance.” - Poppet

29. “In truth the issue is that we are so powerful what we believe becomes our reality.” - Poppet

30. “she shakes her head, fisting hands into my t-shirt and sobbing into my neck. And all I can think about is how good this feels” - Poppet

31. “Rubbing absently at my temple, I do declare this woman leaves me flabbergasted and tongue tied.” - Poppet

32. “He gives me the stare that only men can do. The mouth tightening exasperation stare.” - Poppet

33. “Now more than ever I wish I had a cup of oblivion. But there is no mercy for the people who have left the darkness for the light. The darkness lingers until you stand naked in the light and let it fill you up, in every corner of your soul.” - Poppet

34. “Snatching my hand in the death grip of his fingers, he pulls me off the wall to line his chest, closing his body around me in a muscular cage which smells of leather and soap.” - Poppet

35. “He follows me down, catching his weight on either side of my head so he can leer his face into mine, coiling muscles and immobility at me, “I want you to lay into me. Fight me.” - Poppet

36. “Cole radiated that cool, bad boy sort of confidence—the kind that left most women flustered and ready.” - Carrie Butler

37. “Honor miró por la ventana... y vio la sobrecogedora imagen de un ángel con alas de color azul plateado aterrizando en la zona verde del césped.-Es... -Se quedó sin aliento.Había visto fotos, incluso imágenes de televisión, que mostraban a aquel ángel de alas azules, pero ninguna de ellas le hacía justicia. Nada podría hacérsela.Resultaba mucho más impactante de cerca. No le quitó la vista de encima mientras se reunían con él junto al coche. Tenía los ojos del color del oro veneciano, el cabello negro con matices azules, y un rostro de una belleza tan pura que resultaba casi demasiado hermoso. Casi.Era, sencillamente, la criatura más hermosa que había visto en su vida.-Soy Illium -dijo el ángel mirándola a los ojos.Honor estuvo a punto de esbozar una sonrisa al ver la curiosidad pintada en sus iris dorados.-Yo soy Honor.” - Nalini Singh

38. “By the time she yanked on her old jeans and a battered plaid flannel shirt, she felt almost normal. Calm, as she plugged in the coffee pot. But the nightmare was still very much on her mind, because it wasn’t a dream…It was a memory.” - Dani Harper

39. “As a Cambion, balance is paramount. Never lose control, never allow emotions to run wild, and never, ever forget who you are and what lives within you. Such discipline requires a sound mind, a thick skin, and a high tolerance for all things weird, because one wrong move and it’s over. No matter how tempting it is at first, in the end, there’s nothing more tragic, more excruciating than losing yourself.Well, except maybe high school.” - sam

40. “Are you always so mistrusting?” he said, lifting a brow.“When my escort is a demon, yes.” - Lia Davis

41. “Incredible. Humans are such irrational creatures. So here you sit,a small space filled with demons that could tear you limb from limb as easy as pulling wings off a butterfly and you're scared of the helicopter crashing, which has a less than 2 percent chance... tell me Keira girl, what do you think the percentage is of a vampire sucking a human dry?” - Stephanie Hudson

42. “Seriously, this old woman had no idea how close she came to being squashed like a roach. -Sage Hannigan, Contingency” - P. S. Martinez

43. “Amie blinked through the haze of her thoughts and the constant drum of the rains. A golden light swung back and forth in the distance like a pendulum and every second drew closer. Finally, Amie could tell it wasn’t a faerie light but a lantern, carried by a small green-cloaked person.” - Jennifer Silverwood

44. “He looked at his watch and knew he had to get going. He wished he could spend forever staring at her, but he was not meant to have that much happiness; he never thought he deserved it. Not after spending centuries as he did.” - Daniele Lanzarotta

45. “An ear-splitting screech pierced the silence, followed by another, striking his ears like metal against a hollow bell. The woosh woosh of wind being displaced brought Andrew’s attention skyward, and a glacial gust of paralyzing terror raced up his spine. The creature opened its mouth, and a blazing shaft of fire bellowed from above. Andrew barely had enough time to back beneath an awning for protection. Egnatious and Sebastian dove to the side while Firen sidestepped her impending doom, raising the katana in challenge.The screeching returned, except now the howls were coming from every direction.Firen’s chest heaved. “Did you see that?” she asked, her stormy eyes glinting with rapture and daring as she held her katana out, preparing for the next attack.“Did I see the dragon?” Sebastian asked, hysteria dangerously rising to the surface. He stood and brushed himself off. “Yes, I bloody well did see that enormous, scaly, fire-breathing dragon.” - Laura Kreitzer

46. “Your hair is like butterflies,” Sebastian said, giggling like a child.“That’s nice,” Firen said impatiently. “Keep moving.”“Fantastic. I always like my days better with a touch of insanity,” Gabriella quipped.” - Laura Kreitzer

47. “The cleanest civilization I’ve ever seen…and the number one thing you pack for a wedding is a jar of dirt?” - M.A. George

48. “Phrase the question any way you like…The answer will still be ‘Kiss my ass.” - M.A. George

49. “I didn’t intend it to come out sarcastically, but I guess that’s just where my tone of voice automatically goes these days.” - M.A. George