49 Young Adult Romance Quotes

Aug. 25, 2024, 9:45 p.m.

49 Young Adult Romance Quotes

When it comes to portraying the highs and lows of young love, few genres capture it as poignantly as Young Adult Romance. These stories transport us to a world where every glance, every touch, and every unspoken word can set our hearts aflutter. Whether you’re a seasoned reader or new to the genre, there’s something universally enchanting about first loves and the journey of growing together. In this post, we've curated a collection of the top 49 Young Adult Romance Quotes that perfectly encapsulate the magic, heartbreak, and hope of youth. Prepare to be swept off your feet as these quotes reignite the memories of tender moments and timeless connections.

1. “Then his lips caress mine. It’s only a brush, but the warmth overheats every part of me. Leaning back, my elbow bumps into the power button on the dryer and the old appliance starts moving. Spinning. Spinning like my head. Like my heart.” - Lauren Hammond

2. “I’m waiting with baited breath to hear that silver tongue of yours.” - Jodie B. Cooper

3. “If I've got a Dad, and his name is Wormwood Rot, and he's in some heavy metal rock band called Grave Dirt . . . then I'm definitely meeting him!She stares at me awkwardly, and I'm about to ask again—maybe even insist—when she says, "Honey, why do you think he's on the news? Wormwood, I mean . . . your father? Becca, he's . . . dead.” - Rusty Fischer

4. “Fine. Stay. I don’t care,” I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes. “But don’t think I’m going to share the bed!”~Touching Smoke” - Airicka Phoenix

5. “I just held her hand and tried to imagine the world without us and for about one second I was a good enough person to hope she died so she would never know that I was going, too. But then I wanted more time so we could fall in love.” - John Green

6. “Right. Because if you have trouble putting ketchup and mustard on a hot dog, you should totally move on to saving lives.” - Huntley Fitzpatrick

7. “When I turn back to Jase, he’s again beaming at me. “You’re nice.” He sounds pleased, as if he hadn’t expected this aspect of my personality.” - Huntley Fitzpatrick

8. “This is Sailor Supergirl,” George says. “She knows all about black holes.” - Huntley Fitzpatrick

9. “No bikinis on a first date.” He nods. “I’m sure that’s a rule. Or should be. For my sisters anyway.” - Huntley Fitzpatrick

10. “I guess I like things that take time and attention. More worthwhile that way.” - Huntley Fitzpatrick

11. “He's exasperated. "I'm saying I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you this whole bleeding year!” - Stephanie Perkins

12. “I knew from Brianna that being beautiful wasn’t all great. Brianna had changed in middle school. One day we were both seventh graders and the next, she was a supermodel who had a seventh grader for a best friend.” - Elizabeth Scott

13. “I’m always the one who doesn’t have a date, the one guys walk up to and say, “So, is your friend, you know, with someone?” and I may not be the only girl without someone, but it feels like it sometimes. A lot of the time.” - Elizabeth Scott

14. “I didn’t want to see it. I didn’t think he’d ever really notice me, and in the end, he didn’t.” - Elizabeth Scott

15. “She was left to beg for mercy only to burn in torment again the next day. She was a weed struggling through cracks of concrete, unwanted, undesired, crushed and abused under trampling feet. She would never see the sun. She would never be free. She would always be a solitary candle in the dark, cold without a flame to warm it, forever peering out at the world through a laminated sheet of glass too thick to penetrate. When she died, if she was ever allowed, no one would ever know. She would pass a faded ghost of a girl abandoned by all.” - Airicka Phoenix

16. “There is no one that can make me look into their eyes and see the rest of my life. Only you.” - Airicka Phoenix

17. “I don’t know how to dance!” she said. His arms tightened around her when she tried to pull away. “Then just let me hold you.” - Airicka Phoenix

18. “Believe in something, and let that something be yourself.” - Harley Brooks

19. “Well, put it this way--I don't want to ever imagine a moment without you next to me ever again.” - Gretchen de la O

20. “I had shaved my beard for her-a huge disappointment, because I’d enjoyed my three weeks looking like a bank robber.” - Jennifer Echols

21. “Say it again,” he says.“That whole drawn-out speech?” I remember something about a solar system, but I’m too light-headed to recite the entire thing all over again.He steps closer. “No. The part about you fallin’ for me.” - Simone Elkeles

22. “Don’t try and make me feel better, Alex. I hate you.”“I hate you, too.” - Simone Elkeles

23. “Thoughts of being a pirate and stealing her away to my ship race across my mind. Although I’m not a pirate, and she’s not my captured princess.” - Simone Elkeles

24. “I liked the air I was breathing, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my head,” I assured him with a giggle. “Will you kiss me again?” I flirted sweetly.” - Deborah Ann

25. “You’ve got a big ego, Fuentes.”“That’s not all I’ve got.” - Simone Elkeles

26. “Luis is right there.” I point to the corner of the yard, where my little brother is the centre of attention doing imitations of barnyard animals. I have yet to inform him that talent isn’t as much of a chick magnet when you get into junior high.” - Simone Elkeles

27. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a dickhead. Well, I did.” - Simone Elkeles

28. “I like that girl more than I can remember likin’ anything in my life. I’m not about to give her up. I’ll start carin’ about what other people think when I’m six feet under.” - Simone Elkeles

29. “Is that your cheap way of telling me you want to kiss me?”He looks into my eyes, his dark gaze capturing mine. “Querida, I always want to kiss you.” - Simone Elkeles

30. “When she wraps her arms around my neck, all I want to do is protect this girl for the rest of my life.” - Simone Elkeles

31. “I’m not going anywhere until you hear me out.”Oh, please no. Anything except having to listen to her lecture. I push the button that calls the nurse.“Can we help you, Alex?” a voice bellows through the speaker.“I’m bein’ tortured.” - Simone Elkeles

32. “Yes, his ear. I was attracted to his ear. While I was in church. I'm pretty sure that solidifies my position as the weirdest person on the planet.” - Amanda Hamm

33. “Whoa, who was that?”“Madison Stone,” Kiara mutters.“Introduce me to her.”“Why?”Because I know it’ll annoy the shit out of you.” - Simone Elkeles

34. “She ignores me, so I cup my hands over my mouth and do something I haven’t done in years— barnyard sounds.” - Simone Elkeles

35. “The Professor doesn’t have a problem being called Dick? If my name was Richard, I’d go by Richard or Rich . . . not Dick. Hell, I’d even settle for being called Chard.” - Simone Elkeles

36. “cause if you were my girlfriend and a stud like me was livin’ in your house, I’d kiss you in front of the guy every chance I got as a reminder.” - Simone Elkeles

37. “There’s always time for arguin’ when you’re a Fuentes.” - Simone Elkeles

38. “What would yo do for a piece of forever? What would you do to love more,feel more, and live more?” - Shey Stahl

39. “Sylvia grabs my sleeve. “He’s a looker.”“I know. The problem is, he knows it, too.” - Simone Elkeles

40. “What’s with all those tattoos? Makes you look like a hooligan.”“I suspect I am a hooligan.” - Simone Elkeles

41. “The percentage of couples who stay together after high school is, like, less than five percent, you guys.” - Simone Elkeles

42. “Ben walks in the room and asks, “What were you guys doing?” Nikki says “Nothing” at the same time I say, “Your sister and I were just makin’ out.” - Simone Elkeles

43. “I have to protect you,” he says softly.” - Simone Elkeles

44. “Listen, I don’t know what the hell happened between you and Marco. To be honest I don’t really want to know, ’cause if I did I’d probably want to kick the shit outta him.”“I don’t need you to protect me.”“What if I want to?” - Simone Elkeles

45. “A text pops up on the screen. It’s from Luis. I can’t help but grin when I read his perfectly thought-out message.Luis: Hey” - Simone Elkeles

46. “I have trust issues.”“I know. I’m on a mission to cure you of that.” - Simone Elkeles

47. “The stars twinkled above him brilliantly, representing all of the beautiful laws of the universe.” - Keira D. Skye

48. “I leaned down and looked at his handsome face. I wanted to kiss him in a way that would remain soft and true on his lips, all the while help him from escaping the overwhelming sense of sadnes that he felt. I pressed forward and kissed him, tasting the saltiness of fish against his lips, and the disappointment that he held so very deeply inside. I kissed him long and wide, yet limp and yielding, pulling myself away from reality to only drown in the fantasy of our love. I touched his mouth in such a loving way, that not even his incapability to reach into my soul, could tear us away from exchanging such romance. He immediately gave into the kiss, his sadness slowly giving way to the moment that we so intimately shared. It amazed me what a merman could do, even when flowing tears streamed down his face. Through the bridge of kissing, I had healed him, and he had healed me in return.” - Keira D. Skye

49. “The feeling of his lips on my skin and his hand just below my breasts sent shivers through my body. I ran my hands through his soft hair, slipping in a kiss as he ran his tongue up my neck. His lips met mine again.” - Julia Crane