50 Beautiful, Inspiring Quotes

Sept. 18, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

50 Beautiful, Inspiring Quotes

In a world brimming with challenges and uncertainties, sometimes all it takes is a few words to spark a wave of inspiration. Whether you're seeking motivation, a fresh perspective, or simply a moment of quiet reflection, quotes have the astonishing ability to touch our hearts and minds. We've sifted through countless quotes to bring you a handpicked selection of the top 50 beautiful, inspiring quotes. These pearls of wisdom come from diverse voices and eras, each offering a unique lens through which to view life. Get ready to be uplifted as you journey through these powerful snippets of insight and encouragement.

1. “I think the only necessary conclusion is that we are too beautiful, because being not beautiful at all just doesn't make sense.” - Zoe Trope

2. “Oleander time, she said. Lovers who kill each other now will blame it on the wind. ” - Janet Fitch

3. “There was no sun; there was no light. I was dying. I couldn't remember what the sky looked like. But I didn't die. I was lost to a sea of cold, and then I was reborn into a world of warmth.” - Maggie Stiefvater

4. “Everything passes away - suffering, pain, blood, hunger, pestilence. The sword will pass away too, but the stars will remain when the shadows of our presence and our deeds have vanished from the Earth. There is no man who does not know that. Why, then, will we not turn our eyes toward the stars? Why?” - Mikhail Bulgakov

5. “She's beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is a woman, therefore to be won.” - William Shakespeare

6. “He fell as gently as a tree falls. There was not even any sound..” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

7. “There was a beautiful time...” - Sylvia Plath

8. “It was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may knowBy the name of ANNABEL LEE;And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me.I was a child and she was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the winged seraphs of heavenCoveted her and me.And this was the reason that, long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud, chillingMy beautiful Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsman cameAnd bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulchreIn this kingdom by the sea.The angels, not half so happy in heaven,Went envying her and me-Yes!- that was the reason (as all men know,In this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud by night,Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.But our love it was stronger by far than the loveOf those who were older than we-Of many far wiser than we-And neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soul from the soulOf the beautiful Annabel Lee.For the moon never beams without bringing me dreamsOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the sideOf my darling- my darling- my life and my bride,In the sepulchre there by the sea,In her tomb by the sounding sea.” - Edgar Allen Poe

9. “HummingbirdFlitting, dartingA restless questTo fuel a fireThat burns your breastSeeking sweetnessFor selfish gleeBringing giftsSo heedlesslyYour touch a triggerYou fire lifeIgniting beautyIn vibrant strifeTo equal youIn colors brightThey dazzle, dumbfoundAnd delightBut in tableauTheir beauty endsEnlivened onlyBy the windWhilst you withGenerous energyProve a lovelyVibrant PersephoneTheir season endsThose blooms of springAnd hummingbirdOn fragile wingToo soon I fearYou will expireSweetness smoldersConsumed in fire.” - Michael Sullivan

10. “...but I preferred reading the American landscape as we went along. Every bump, rise, and stretch in it mystified my longing.” - Jack Kerouac

11. “You're beautful. Yes you are, you're very very beautiful. Extremely beautiful.” - Orson Welles

12. “My sorrow, when she's here with me, thinks these dark days of autumn rain are beautiful as days can be; she loves the bare, the withered tree; she walks the sodden pasture lane.” - Robert Frost

13. “And like flowers in the fields, that make wonderful views, when we stand side-by-side in our wonderful hues..We all make a beauty so wonderfully true.We are special and different, and just the same, too!So whenever you look at your beautiful skin, from your wiggling toes to your giggling grin...Think how lucky you are that the skin you live in, so beautifully holds the "You" who's within.” - Michael Tyler

14. “Destiny is real. And she's not mild-mannered. She will come around and hit you in the face and knock you over and before you know what hit you, you're naked- stripped of everything you thought you knew and everything you thought you didn't know- and there you are! A bloody nose, bruises all over you, and naked. And it's the most beautiful thing.” - C. JoyBell C.

15. “You must find a boy your own age. Someone mild and beautiful to be your lover. Someone who will tremble for your touch, offer you a marguerite by its long stem with his eyes lowered. Someone whose fingers are a poem.” - Janet Fitch

16. “People took such awful chances with chemicals and their bodies because they wanted the quality of their lives to improve. They lived in ugly places where there were only ugly things to do. They didn't own doodley-squat, so they couldn't improve their surroundings. so they did their best to make their insides beautiful instead.” - Kurt Vonnegut

17. “The earth's orbit didn't slow down. The world didn't stop falling. Slowly, very, very slowly, Michael started to sink to his knees.” - B.R. Collins

18. “If someone tells you you're not beautiful, turn around and walk away so they canhave a great view of your fabulous ass.” - Miley Cyrus

19. “Dawn was coming. The Waystone Inn lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts.” - Patrick Rothfuss

20. “His lips soften into a smile that cracks apart my spine. He repeats my name like the word amuses him. Entertains him. Delights him. In seventeen years no one has said my name like that” - Tahereh Mafi

21. “For reasons he couldn’t understand a sadness came over him and it was then he saw the girl standing on the other side of the dirt road, her eyes pools of absolute sorrow, her light brown hair glowing in the splinters of sunlight that forced their way through the trees.” - Melina Marchetta

22. “You want me as much as I want you. And all I want is you."My tongue warred with my mind. "Today," I whispered.Noah stood slowly, his body skimming mine as he rose. "Today. Tonight. Tomorrow. Forever.” - Michelle Hodkin

23. “Fear that I was very different from everyone else. Fear that deep down inside I was a shallow fraud, that after the revolution or after Jesus came down to straighten everything out, everyone from hippies to hard-hats would unfold and blossom into the beautiful people they were while I would remain a gnarled little wart in the corner, oozing bile and giving off putrid smells.” - Mark Vonnegut

24. “Isabelle had always thought of her mind as a garden, a magical place to play as a child, when the grown-ups were having conversations and she was expected to listen politely-- and even, although she hated to admit this, later with Edward, her husband, when listening to the particularities of his carpet salesmanship wore her thin. Every year the garden grew larger, the paths longer and more complicated. Meadows of memories.Of course, her mental garden hadn't always been well tended. There were the years when the children were young, fast-moving periods when life flew by without time for the roots of deep reflection, and yet she knew memories were created whether one pondered them or not. She had always considered that one of the luxuries of growing older would be the chance to wander through the garden that had grown while she wasn't looking. She would sit on a bench and let her mind take every path, tend every moment she hadn't paid attention to, appreciate the juxtaposition of the one memory against another.” - Erica Bauermeister

25. “My soule, poore soule thou talkes of things/ Thou knowest not what, my soule hath sliver wings,/ That mounts me up unto the highest heavens.” - Thomas Kyd

26. “This is the most beautiful piece of advice I can offer. I you don't have what you want now, you don't have what you want.” - Ann Brashares

27. “She wore flowers in her hair and carried magic secrets in her eyes. She spoke to no one. She spent hours on the riverbank. She smoked cigarettes and had midnight swims...” - Arundhati Roy

28. “When they'd first come out in the morning, a single flounder lay flapping and puffing in the breezeway, one sad, swollen eye looking back toward the sea.” - Dennis Lehane

29. “Peeta" I said "Stay with me"I heard him say one word before the drigs pulled me under, I realised later that what he said was 'always” - Suzanne Collins

30. “Culture uses art to dream the deaths of beautiful women.” - Elisabeth Bronfen

31. “My mind is a warehouse of carefully organized human emotions.I lock away the things that do not serve me.” - Tahereh Mafi

32. “Funny hoe everything can change in an instant. From death to life. From empty to full. From darkness to light. Or maybe I just wasn't looking. I hadn't known that light could be a feeling and sound could be a color and a kiss could be both a question and an answer. And that heaven could be the ocean or a person or this moment or something else entirely.” - Megan Miranda

33. “This womens skin is shimmering and pale, her long black hair is tied with dozens of silver ribbons that fall over her shoulders. Her gown is white, covered in what to Bailey looks like looping black embroidery, but as he walks closer he sees that the black marks are actually words written across the fabric. When he is near enough to read parts of the gown, he realizes that they are love letters, inscribed in handwritten text. Words of desire and longing wrapping around her waist, flowing down the train of her gown as it spills over the platform. The statue herself is still, but her hand is held out and only then does Bailey notice the young woman with a red scarf standing in front of her, offering the love letter-clad statue a sungle crimson rose.The movement is so subtle that it is almost undetectable, but slowly, very, very slowly, the statue reaches to accept the rose.Her fingers open, and the young woman with the rose waits patiently as the statue gradually closes her hand around the stem, releasing it only when it is secure.....The statue is lifting the rose, gradually, to her face. Her eye lids slowly close.” - Erin Morgenstern

34. “This is for girls who have the tendency to stay up at night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under the smiles, laughs and giggles on a daily basis. The girls who wear their heart on their sleeve. The girls who pray that things will work out just once and they'll be satisfied. The girls who sceam and cry to their pillows because everyone else fails to listen. The girls who have so many secrets but wont tell a soul. The girls who have mistakes and regrets as a daily moral. The girls that never win. The girls that stay up all night thinking about that one boy and hoping that he'll notice her one day. The girls who take life as it comes, to the girls who are hoping that it'll get better somewhere down the road. For the girls who love with all their heart although it always gets broken. To girls who think it's over. To real girls, to all girls: You're beautiful.” - Zayn Malik

35. “She reminded me of the sea; the way she came dancing towards you, wild and beautiful, and just when she was almost close enough to touch she'd rush away again.” - Glenda Millard

36. “The most beautiful moments always seemed to accelerate and slip beyond one’s grasp just when you want to hold onto them for as long as possible.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

37. “Jag vill, i mitt liv, få älska någon som älskar mig.” - Jonas Gardell

38. “I wish I believed him. He's looking at me like he can see where I begin.” - Amy McNamara

39. “Ladies, most of you have no idea how beautiful you are. Don't let mean words from an insecure soul blind you from the truth of your beauty. You are beautiful by design... just the way you are.” - Steve Maraboli

40. “To leave out beautiful sunsets is the secret of good taste.” - Dejan Stojanovic

41. “It is beautiful to express love and even more beautiful to feel it.” - Dejan Stojanovic

42. “He’d lapped at her ankles like a lovesick pup, and she’d been exactly what she was now, a woman born too beautiful and too rich to worry about a small thing like integrity.” - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

43. “I love bookshelves, and stacks of books, spines, typography, and the feel of pages between my fingertips. I love bookmarks, and old bindings, and stars in margins next to beautiful passages. I love exuberant underlinings that recall to me a swoon of language-love from a long-ago reading, something I hoped to remember. I love book plates, and inscriptions in gifts from loved ones, I love author signatures, and I love books sitting around reminding me of them, being present in my life, being. I love books. Not just for what they contain. I love them as objects too, as ever-present reminders of what they contain, and because they are beautiful. They are one of my favorite things in life, really at the tiptop of the list, easily my favorite inanimate things in existence, and ... I am just not cottoning on to this idea of making them ... not exist anymore. Making them cease to take up space in the world, in my life? No, please do not take away the physical reality of my books.” - Laini Taylor

44. “My experiences remind me that it's those black clouds that make the blue skies even more beautiful.” - Kelly Clarkson

45. “Remember that you don't owe anyone an apology. You are who you are, you have no choice, and that is beautiful.” - Emy Storey

46. “Man vill bli älskad, i brist därpå beundrad, i brist därpå fruktad, i brist därpå avskydd och föraktad. Man vill ingiva människorna något slags känsla. Själen ryser för tomrummet och vill kontakt till vad pris som helst.” - Hjalmar Söderberg

47. “...I remember the oily smoke of a cigarette suspended in a shaft of sunlight - with you, everything was beautiful...” - John Geddes A Familiar Rain

48. “Everyone will think I'm ugly."Tik Tok smiled. "That's true. But we are a small village. We have narrow tastes. There's no telling who else in the world would think you're beautiful.” - Jodi Lynn Anderson

49. “I saw a woman who physically and spiritually blocked out the definition of being celestial, and replaced it with her own divine beauty. She was transcendent. She was beyond astonishing in her presence. But what she truly did, which was beyond the scope of an average woman's power, was step above the barriers of reality and illusion with her pure, majestic, and omnipotent beauty.” - Lionel Suggs

50. “I wanted to be strong when I went back to Persuasion. Strong and beautiful and totally together. I dreamed of the day I’d get to rub all your faces in my sheer awesomeness.” - Susan Donovan