50 Chick Lit Quotes

Sept. 6, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

50 Chick Lit Quotes

Chick lit, with its delightful blend of humor, romance, and relatable life scenarios, has charmed readers across the globe. Whether through the witty banter of beloved characters or the poignant reflections on love and friendship, this genre offers a treasure trove of memorable quotes. In this post, we've carefully compiled 50 of the most iconic chick lit quotes that capture the essence of these heartwarming stories. Prepare to be inspired, laugh out loud, and maybe even shed a tear as we celebrate the best moments from the pages of our favorite chick lit novels.

1. “Norman picked up a sketch, glanced at it, then put it back down on the table. "I saw Bea Williamson this morning," he said in a low voice. "Lurking about looking for cut glass." "Oh, of course," Mira said with a sigh. "Did she have it with her?" Norman nodded solemnly. "Yep. I swear, I think it's almost gotten ... bigger." Mira shook her head. "Not possible." "I'm serious," Norman said. "It's way big." I kept waiting for someone to expand on this, but since neither of them seemed about to, I asked, "What are you talking about?" They looked at each other. Then, Mira took a breath. "Bea Williamson's baby," she said quietly, as if someone could hear us, "has the biggest head you have ever seen." Norman nodded, seconding this. "A baby?" I said. "A big-headed baby," Mira corrected me. "You should see the cranium on this kid. It's mind-boggling.” - Sarah Dessen

2. “Trina stared into her open kitchen cabinets. She was two and a half days into her pre-date-night ritual fast, and she was about to crack. Technically, she wasn’t going out on a date Saturday night, but Juliet was determined to have a man in her bed by the end of the evening. To be honest, Trina wasn’t really looking forward to tomorrow night’s manhunt. Sure, she was desperate for some hot monkey sex, but the thought of a one-night-stand was quickly losing its appeal. She wanted more than just plain, old sex. She wanted romance -- preferably with someone for whom she didn’t have to fast for three days to attract.” - Lucie Simone

3. “Honey, that man would do anything to keep you. Lie, steal, cheat, kill, clean up after himself, and do laundry.” - Alisa Sheckley

4. “Gideon laughed. "I like to be direct.""Okay," I said. "But I warn you, I like to be evasive, inserutable and generally send mixed messages." "I doubt it.""Human interaction is not my strong point," I told him. "Not seriously.""Seriously," I said. Thinking: There is so much about me he doesn't know. Gideon put his hand on my leg. "What's your strong point, then?""Goats," I told him. "I am excellent with goats.” - E. Lockhart

5. “He looked like every glossy frat boy in every nerd movie ever made, like every popular town boy who’d ever looked right through her in high school, like every rotten rich kid who’d ever belonged where she hadn’t.My mama warned me about guys like you.He turned to her as if he’d heard her and took off his sunglasses, and she went down the steps to meet him, wiping her sweaty palms on her dust-smeared khaki shorts. “Hi, I’m Sophie Dempsey,” she said, flashing the Dempsey gotta-love-me grin as she held out her hot, grimy hand, and after a moment he took it.His hand was clean and cool and dry, and her heart pounded harder as she looked into his remote, gray eyes.“Hello, Sophie Dempsey,” her worst nightmare said. “Welcome to Temptation.” - Jennifer Crusie

6. “Ambien might have mentally just tossed my salad. WITH CROUTONS.” - Jen Lancaster

7. “How quickly we damn ourselves when we start to talk, how small and inglorious we always sound.” - Curtis Sittenfeld

8. “The urge to change my mind and not go at all is enormous. I’m absolutely terrified to leave on that boat. But, if I don’t go, there’ll be one more broken person in this world who gave up a dream to sit in a chair, pick up the TV remote and shrink.” - Lexis De Rothschild

9. “I have a head for business and a body for sin. Unfortunately, the sin appears to be gluttony.” - Jenny Colgan

10. “Another tug and a yank at my chestnut curls and she snarls at me, “You are so much like her.”This is something my mother often says and never explains. Though it is a great mystery to me it is also a blessing, for she always hurries from the room after saying it.” - Gwenn Wright

11. “It seemed to me that Mr. Forrester would approve of a woman who could follow him in conversation and not be baffled by ledgers and currency conversions. I had grossly overestimated him.” - Gwenn Wright

12. “She says it is a school for bluestockings which, according to her, is really only a fashionable way of saying it is a school for ugly girls who cannot find suitable husbands. To tease her, for I believe it is one of his greatest pleasures in this life, my father bought a pair of blue silk stockings for me the day we received my letter of acceptance. That evening and the next, father and I dined alone.” - Gwenn Wright

13. “Why did you wear heels? How are you supposed to fight a gargoyle in what you're wearing?” - Priya Ardis

14. “I can see the stars in your eyes from a mile away. They guide me to you just like the North Star.” Then he bent his head and kissed her – a long, sweet kiss under moonbeams that caressed them both lovingly.” - Kelly Curry

15. “Does he understand now that 'what if?' isn't fair when, under a different set of circumstances, you were asked to polarise things into one moment in time, when you had to defend what you wanted at a completely different moment? Kamryn to Luke” - Dorothy Koomson

16. “Spilling a Secret What its size, will have varying consequences. It’s not possible to predict what will happen if you open the gunnysack, let the cat escape. A liberated feline might purr on your lap, or it might scratch your eyes out. You can’t tell until you loosen the knot. Do you chance losing a friendship, if that friend’s well-being will only be preserved by betraying sworn-to silence trust? Once the seam is ripped, can it be mended again? And if that proves impossible, will you be okay when it all falls to pieces?” - Ellen Hopkins

17. “Agonizing really, how enduring love can be. Even after you have packed it up and put it away, it is still there—always there, yellowing around the edges and begging you to turn its pages again.” - Tina L. Hook

18. “Plus, I happened to be a history nerd. Why else would I be interested in a guy born in the year 519?” - Priya Ardis

19. “The combination of razor-sharp wit (completely real) and his credentials (completely fake) had won them over in the end.” - Priya Ardis

20. “Well, can you tell her that?"He looked down at his feet. "I will. I will."Guy-speak for, "I plan to keep avoiding her until she gives up.” - Priya Ardis

21. “The last declaration he'd made to me hung between us. The L word. The one that had nothing to do with like.” - Priya Ardis

22. “Whoever it was, whether I knew them or not, if I could help in some way, I would. I mean, if you can help, you have to help. Don't you think? - Poppy Wyatt” - Sophie Kinsella

23. “All I can say is, she's the one I think about. All the time. She's the voice I want to hear. She's the face I hope to see. - Sam Roxton” - Sophie Kinsella

24. “Liza took her time sipping her tea. “That’s what I hear Janet. Of course, living it up can take years off your life and add them to your face.” - Gwenn Wright

25. “Tomorrow I'd probably wake up to find my shoes talking to me. And let me tell you, the price I pay for shoes, they'd have one heck of an attitude.” - Melissa L. Webb

26. “I loved being in my own head so much, it was getting harder and harder being with other people.” - Marian Keyes

27. “Rock guys were Viagra for my soul.” - Nicky Wells

28. “You okay?" Sam asks."Gonna be," I say.” - Liza Palmer

29. “Amie frowned. 'That’s what I can’t figure out. I mean everyone wants their happy ending, right? No one cares about reading actual literature anymore anyway. All they want is vampires and supernatural mumbo-jumbo. It’s sick, really.” - Jennifer Silverwood

30. “If you want the extra-ordinary, you've got to be willing to forsake the ordinary' - Annie Grimes in Mr Alhourani's Dead Man's Spots” - D.M. Lee

31. “I'm never going to believe a Poirot mystery again. Never. All those witnesses going, "Yes, I remember it was 3:06 p.m. exactly, because I glanced at the clock as I reached for the sugar tongs, and Lady Favisham was quite clearly sitting on the right-hand side of the fireplace."Bollocks. They have no idea where Lady Favisham was, they just don't want to admit it in front of Poirot. I'm amazed he gets anywhere.” - Sophie Kinsella

32. “And this is the moment where I went wrong. This is the gut-churning, if-only instant. If I could go back in time, that's the moment I would march up to myself and say severely, "Poppy, priorities." But you don't realize, do you? The moment happens, and you make your crucial mistake, and then it's gone and the chance to do anything about it is blown away.” - Sophie Kinsella

33. “I don't believe this. How can he not want to go to the Savoy? God, it's all right for top businessmen, isn't it? Free champagne, yawn, yawn. Goody bags, yet another party, yawn, how tedious and dull.” - Sophie Kinsella

34. “So", says Jack at at last..."you broke up with Connor".Wow. So we're straight to the point. "So", I reply defiantly. "You decided to stay"."Yes, well...", "I thought I might take a closer look at some of the European subsidiaries." He looks up. "How about you?""Same reason." I nod. "European subsidiaries".” - Sophie Kinsella

35. “Love is simple, if you allow it to be simple." Julian to Hannah, Take A Chance” - Alison Wong

36. “Depressed beyond what I'd previously thought possible, I stripped, showered, and slipped on a fresh pair of jeans and a tee shirt and headed for my mom's, trying to figure out why a bank would charge twenty dollars for insufficient funds when they know you don't have it.” - Kit Frazier

37. “My bottom belly was gone! I'd contemplated having that thing sucked out many times, but if you've ever had a face-lift and a brow lift and felt the pain of that, it makes you pause before doing anything else too invasive.” - Adena Halpern

38. “This, Sebastian is no mere purse. And, you shouldn't call a handbag a purse.....a bag, on the other hand, is meant to be seen.” - Candace Bushnell

39. “When I married Mr. Right, I didn’t realize his first name was ALWAYS.” - Jill Kargman

40. “We'll then," Enjd said. "What's the problem?""This," Mindy said. She opened her hand and held up a tiny green plastic toy solider thrusting a bayonet."I don't understand," Enid said."This morning, when I opened my door to get the newspaper, I found a whole troop of them arranged on the mat.""And you think Paul Rice did it," Enid said skeptically."I don't think he did it. I know he did it," Mindy said. "He told me if I didn't approve his air conditioners, it was war...” - Candace Bushnell

41. “A mysterious ability, a broken promise, a life changed forever...” - Kim Hornsby

42. “If you have just one person believe in you, you'll always find your way” - Sarah Dessen

43. “I plastered on my best poker face, attempting to appear cool and casual even thought I had never been so eager to deliver two Chicken Parmagianas in my life."Just be careful, hon," Rosanna said."Oh, are the plates hot?" I flinched back just before my hands made contact.Rosanna laughed. "No, but hot boys can burn just as easily.” - C.J. Duggan

44. “I am the Merlin, bane of the Vale, terror of the four lands. I am chaos and shadows, the last of my people.” - Jennifer Silverwood

45. “Between dainty bites, she told Amie, 'Oh, you simply are as darling a creature as Henry described! I had no idea of your being so grown up! Henry, she is positively frazzleging!' Amie deepened her smile, saying, 'And I had no idea you would be so pretty either, madam.” - Jennifer Silverwood

46. “If Emrys was acting normally, like the typical self-gratifying narcissist he was, then it would have been easier to keep him in that special category of potential enemy.” - Jennifer Silverwood

47. “I already feel like the Girl Who Lived around here.” - Jennifer Silverwood

48. “It would be nice to report she lived happily ever after till the end of her days. But such cheap, cop-out one-liners belong to other uncomplicated fairy tales.” - Jennifer Silverwood

49. “You know what love means? It means loving the person you are now and not the person you want someone to be or the person they will be.” - Samantha Stroh Bailey

50. “We didn't, after all, sing "Another One Bites The Dust" as the coffin was carried out; Hazel and the vicar had settled instead on the more traditional "How Great Thou Art". And Aunty Rose's old adversary the mayor was pressed into service as a coffin bearer to replace Matt.Rose Adele Thornton, born in Bath, England, died in Waimanu, New Zealand, a mere fifty-three years later. Adept and compassionate nurse, fervent advocate of animal welfare, champion of correct diction and tireless crusader against the misuse of apostrophes. Experimental chef, peerless aunt, brave sufferer and true friend. She had the grace and courage to thoroughly enjoy a life which denied her everything she most wanted. The bravest woman I ever knew.” - Danielle Hawkins