July 30, 2024, 2:46 a.m.
In the fast-paced, often overwhelming world we live in, a little guidance can go a long way. Whether you're facing personal challenges, navigating career transitions, or simply seeking motivation to become the best version of yourself, self-help books have long been a beacon of light for many. Within their pages lie pearls of wisdom that can inspire, uplift, and propel you towards your goals. We've carefully curated a collection of the top 51 self-help book quotes that resonate deeply and offer insights into living a more fulfilling and empowered life. Dive in and let these compelling words guide you on your journey to self-discovery and personal growth.
1. “Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens” - Tony DeLiso
2. “You Have the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams!” - Dr. Tae Yun Kim
3. “The cosmic believer needs the energy of the universe to survive spiritually.” - Stephen Richards
4. “Your dreams will come true, but do not be overly demanding. Be logical – there are not enough mansions for everyone in the world, are there?” - Stephen Richards
5. “You willed yourself to where you are today, so will yourself out of it.” - Stephen Richards
6. “Since extra-sensory perception (ESP) is awareness of the world beyond the senses, it would be inappropriate to term this Sixth Sense ‘extrasensory’.” - Stephen Richards
7. “Inaction creates nothing. Action creates success.” - Stephen Richards
8. “Poverty: a temporary financial low, curable by money.” - Stephen Richards
9. “If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated?” - Stephen Richards
10. “When you accomplish the impossible then you can achieve anything.” - Stephen Richards
11. “No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself.” - Stephen Richards
12. “Focusing is the great secret of power. If you want to use your full amount of focus, you must close down all other thought and direct your power of generating mental steam toward one outcome.” - Stephen Richards
13. “A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.” - Stephen Richards
14. “If we can acquire an attitude of self-belief, then we will surely determine our future actions and our future life opportunities.” - Stephen Richards
15. “How we relate with other people is dependent on how we rate ourselves and what we think about ourselves.” - Stephen Richards
16. “A failure is always in the passenger seat in his or her life.” - Stephen Richards
17. “What we perceive about ourselves is greatly a reflection of how we will end up living our lives.” - Stephen Richards
18. “Positive belief in yourself will give you the energy needed to conquer the world and this belief is the power behind all creation.” - Stephen Richards
19. “Once we open our eyes to the infinite magic that the universe has in abundance, we are sure to be enthralled by what we see and this miraculous creation gets us closer to our dreams and to the world as a whole.” - Stephen Richards
20. “If you take any step, no matter how small it is, towards achieving your dreams then you will surely find the right path and reach the abundance that lies in store for you.” - Stephen Richards
21. “When you act on your beliefs, the realisation that happens is caused by you and this will in turn lead to a consequence.” - Stephen Richards
22. “Success is within reach of all people, but you can grasp it only when you realise the power within you.” - Stephen Richards
23. “When you are drowned by your sorry state, and you feel as if you are carried away from the road that leads to your desires, you should know that you are the one responsible for being led away from the right path.” - Stephen Richards
24. “It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle.” - Stephen Richards
25. “Manifesting is a lot like making a cake. The things needed are supplied by you, the mixing is done by your mind and the baking is done in the oven of the universe.” - Stephen Richards
26. “According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.” - Stephen Richards
27. “A barrier is a limitation only when you perceive it as one.” - Stephen Richards
28. “Trust in your own beliefs or succumb to the influence of others’.” - Steve Backley
29. “Athletes who are able to stay completely focused in pursuit of their dreams are the ones that are most likely to become champions.” - Steve Backley
30. “Success is a decision, not a gift.” - Steve Backley
31. “A mind filled with negative thoughts makes you feel miserable and inadequate and will lead to failure after failure no matter how hard you try to succeed.” - Steve Backley
32. “To think is good. To obsess is bad.” - Steve Backley
33. “These are the people who will encourage you to go after your dreams and will inspire you to succeed. Stick to them like a barnacle to a rock.” - Steve Backley
34. “If you have positive energy you will always attract positive outcomes.” - Steve Backley
35. “Success is virulent. Once you get the bug then it’s in you.” - Steve Backley
36. “The people and successes in your life mirror your beliefs.” - Steve Backley
37. “There are three types of people in this world. Firstly, there are people who make things happen. Then there are people who watch things happen. Lastly, there are people who ask, what happened? Which do you want to be?” - Steve Backley
38. “It is action that creates motivation.” - Steve Backley
39. “See it, feel it, trust it!” - Steve Backley
40. “It is never about who is right or wrong, it is about what is best.” - Steve Backley
41. “If you are able to focus unswervingly on your goals, then all that you desire will become yours.” - Steve Backley
42. “Nothing could be any worse than having to turn to your friends, your colleagues and your loved ones and say –‘I gave up too soon’.” - Steve Backley
43. “Act like a champion, and then become one.” - Steve Backley
44. “Too often, people get stuck in a state of over-thinking, the result is that they never reach a decision.” - Steve Backley
45. “The first step is the most important. It is the most crucial and the most effective as it will initiate the direction you have chosen.” - Steve Backley
46. “We are beings of energy, and as such we are all perfect magnets - – attracting according to our personal energy vibration.” - Brenda El-Leithy
47. “Freedom is your birthright!” - Tae Yun Kim
48. “The most incredible architectureIs the architecture of Self,which is ever changing, evolving, revolving and has unlimited beauty and light inside which radiates outwards for everyone to see and feel. With every in breatheyou are adding to your lifeand every out breathe you are releasing what is not contributing to your life.Every breathe is a re-birth.” - Allan Rufus
49. “Life is like a sandwich!Birth as one slice,and death as the other.What you put in-between the slices is up to you.Is your sandwich tasty or sour?Allan Rufus.org” - Allan Rufus
50. “Life is like a game of chess.To win you have to make a move.Knowing which move to make comes with IN-SIGHTand knowledge, and by learning the lessons that areacculated along the way.We become each and every piece within the game called life!” - Allan Rufus
51. “Often what keeps us stuck and continually doing penance is the very feeling that we must pay for lack of action. We become caught in a circle of blame, condemn ourselves, feel hopeless, and feed the fire—or slow burn—by reciting like a mantra our history of inertia and self-judged wrong choices. Well, let's break that dead-end cycle of waste and regret.” - Noelle Sterne