52 Questions And Quotes

Aug. 31, 2024, 9:45 p.m.

52 Questions And Quotes

In a world that constantly challenges us to think, grow, and dream, questions and quotes play an essential role in sparking inspiration and reflection. Whether you're seeking a mental nudge to break through a creative block, or a thoughtful quote to fuel your motivation, our carefully curated collection of the top 52 questions and quotes is here to ignite your curiosity and drive. Dive in, discover new perspectives, and let these words guide you on your journey.

1. “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers.” - Thomas Pynchon

2. “Albert grunted. "Do you know what happens to lads who ask too many questions?"Mort thought for a moment."No," he said eventually, "what?"There was silence.Then Albert straightened up and said, "Damned if I know. Probably they get answers, and serve 'em right.” - Terry Pratchett

3. “Where the questions of religion are concerned people are guilty of every possible kind of insincerity and intellectual misdemeanor.” - Sigmund Freud

4. “I don't get it,' Caroline said, bemused. 'She's the only one with wings. Why is that?'There were so many questions in life. You couldn't ever have all the answers. But I knew this one.It's so she can fly,' I said. Then I started to run.” - Sarah Dessen

5. “There are no foolish questions and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.” - Charles Proteus Steinmetz

6. “Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not.Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end.Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed, and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm.There is only one serious question. And that is: Who knows how to make love stay?Answer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself.” - Tom Robbins

7. “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.” - Primo Levi

8. “Questions are great, but only if you know the answers. If you ask questions and the answers surprise you, you look silly.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

9. “You remember having friends who used to lampoon the world so effortlessly, crouching at the verge of every joke and waiting to pounce on it, and you remember how they changed as they grew older and the joy of questioning everything slowly became transformed into the pain of questioning everything, like a star consuming its own core.” - Kevin Brockmeier

10. “Have you found someone to share your heart with? Are you giving to your community? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you trying to be as human as you can be?” - Mitch Albom

11. “He looked at me intently, from what seemed behind the veil of a grave experience. Then slowly and prophetically, he said the scariest thing I'd ever heard: "Because the answer to a heartfelt question, Jack, will always break your heart.” - Thomas H. Cook

12. “The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask.” - Nancy Newhall

13. “She holds herself with such reserve. She smiles, but the smile doesn't reach her eyes, even in the company of the girls she's chosen to eat with. Why?I have no clue, and I really don't want to spend my time worrying about it. But my brain pushes at the question anyway.Why are people aloof?Because they don't want to let others in.Why don't they want to let others in?Well, sometimes because they're shy, and sometimes because they're convinced of their own superiority.But those aren't the only reasons. Sometimes it's because thay have something to hide.” - Lauren Myracle

14. “At the end of the day, the questions we ask of ourselves determine the type of people that we will become.” - Leo Babauta

15. “The question is very understandable, but no one has found a satisfactory answer to it so far. Yes, why do they make still more gigantic planes, still heavier bombs and, at the same time, prefabricated houses for reconstruction? Why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medical services, artists, or for poor people?Why do some people have to starve, while there are surpluses rotting in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy?” - Anne Frank

16. “How many hours are there in a mile? Is yellow square or round? Probably half the questions we ask-half our great theological and metaphysical problems-are like that.” - C.S. Lewis

17. “Questions, I've got some questionsI want to know youBut what if I could ask you only one thingOnly this one time, what would you tell me?Well maybe you could give me a suggestionSo I could know you, what would you tell me?Maybe you could tell me what to ask youBecause then I'd know you, what would you tell mePlease tell me that there's timeTo make this work for all intents and purposesAnd what are your intentions, will you try?Impressions, you've made impressionsThey're going nowhereThey're just going to wait here if you let themPlease don't let themI want to know youAnd if they're going to haunt mePlease collect themPlease just collect themAnd now I'm beggingI'm begging you to ask me just one questionOne simple questionBecause then you'd know meI'll tell you that there's timeTo make this work for all intents and purposesAt least for my ownWhat is a heart worth if it's just left all alone?Leave it long enough and watch it turn into stoneWhy must we always be untrue?” - Jack Johnson

18. “With the passage of days in this godly isolation [desert], my heart grew calm. It seemed to fill with answers. I did not ask questions any more; I was certain. Everything - where we came from, where we are going, what our purpose is on earth - struck me as extremely sure and simple in this God-trodden isolation. Little by little my blood took on the godly rhythm. Matins, Divine Liturgy, vespers, psalmodies, the sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening, the constellations suspended like chandeliers each night over the monastery: all came and went, came and went in obedience to eternal laws, and drew the blood of man into the same placid rhythm. I saw the world as a tree, a gigantic poplar, and myself as a green leaf clinging to a branch with my slender stalk. When God's wind blew, I hopped and danced, together with the entire tree.” - Nikos Kazantzakis

19. “those which arise dependently are free of inherent existence.” - Siddhārtha Gautama

20. “those which are produced from causes are not produced. they do not have an inherent nature of production. those which depend on causes are said to be empty; those who know emptiness are aware.” - Siddhārtha Gautama

21. “To question the world around us and all its complexities is not blasphamy, but simply using the mind God gave us for its intended purpous. God is an artist. Artist do not create to have someone just glance and say "That is pretty." Artist want viewers to look closer, deeper--to really see what they have created--not just glance.” - Cristina Marrero

22. “Remember, an easy question can have an easy answer. But a hard question must have a hard answer. And for the hardest questions of all, there may be no answer - except faith.” - Charles Sheffield

23. “She had argued for a broad interpretation, which imposed a duty to answer questions truthfully, and not to hide facts which could give a different complexion to a matter, but on subsequent thought she had revised her position.Although she still believed that one should be frank in answers to questions, this duty arose only where there was an obligation, based on a reasonable expectation, to make a full disclosure. There was no duty to reveal everything in response to a casual question by one who had no right to the information.” - Alexander McCall Smith

24. “To get answers of life, ask questions” - Sukant Ratnakar

25. “It doesn’t cause me to doubt God’s existence, but it does force me to admit there’s a lot about God I don’t understand.” - Carolyn Custis James

26. “It's a fact—everyone is ignorant in some way or another.Ignorance is our deepest secret.And it is one of the scariest things out there, because those of us who are most ignorant are also the ones who often don't know it or don't want to admit it.Here is a quick test:If you have never changed your mind about some fundamental tenet of your belief, if you have never questioned the basics, and if you have no wish to do so, then you are likely ignorant.Before it is too late, go out there and find someone who, in your opinion, believes, assumes, or considers certain things very strongly and very differently from you, and just have a basic honest conversation.It will do both of you good.” - Vera Nazarian

27. “Others of us are lost. We're forever seeking. We torture ourselves with philosophies and ache to see the world. We question everything, even our own existence. We ask a lifetime of questions and are never satisfied with the answers because we don't recognize anyone as an authority to give them. We see life and the world as an enormous puzzle that we might never understand, that our questions might go unanswered until the day we die, almost never occurs to us. And when it does, it fills us with dread.” - Lisa Unger

28. “The book answers questions other people have thought of. I have thought of questions they have not answered. I always thought my questions were wrong questions because no one else asked them. Maybe no one thought of them. Maybe darkness got there first. Maybe I am the first light touching a gulf of ignorance.Maybe my questions matter.” - Elizabeth Moon

29. “An empowered life begins with serious personal questions about oneself. Those answers bare the seeds of success.” - Steve Maraboli

30. “When I die I hope it may be said:'Her suffering was black, but her books were read'.” - Shannon Alder

31. “Bakit kahit simpleng pagmamahal ay kinakailangan ng materyal na kapital?” - Eros S. Atalia

32. “We feel that, for the honour of God (and also, though we do not say this, for the sake of our own reputation as spiritual Christians), it is necessary for us to claim that we are, so to speak, already in the signal-box, here and now enjoying the inside information as to the why and wherefore of God’s doings. This comforting pretence becomes part of us: we feel sure that God has enabled us to understand all His ways with us and our circle thus far, and we take if for granted that we shall be able to see at once the reason for anything that may happen to us in the future. And then something very painful and quite inexplicable comes along, and our cheerful illusion of being in God’s secret councils is shattered. Our pride is wounded; we feel that God has slighted us; and unless at this point we repent, and humble ourselves very thoroughly for our former presumption, our whole subsequent spriritual life may be blighted.” - J.I. Packer

33. “Think about the answers of the questions that have not yet been asked! When they are asked, you will have the answers ready!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

34. “At the fruit of existence, there is a single concept of anonymity. This unknown concept is well known however. All one has to do is simply look behind the mirror for the answer. Yet, the answer won't come until the right question is asked. Because the illusions of reality are dressed in endless reflections, the blind will continue to be guided by the blind. The unknown concept is recognized to those who have tasted the fruit of existence, and as distant as the woman trying to grab Heaven from the reflection of an empty pond.” - Lionel Suggs

35. “I ask people impertinent questions. Hopefully turning up pertinent answers.” - Jim Butcher

36. “Might have, could have, may have, should have—the haves and have nots reduced to pointless possibilities.” - Terry Brooks

37. “...only the philosophical question is perennial, not the answers.” - Paul Tillich

38. “For every question, there is a book.” - Robert Goolrick (Autor)

39. “Ky still looks at me and I wonder for a moment if he is going to ask me what I am thinking about. But of course, he doesn't. He doesn't learn things by asking questions... He learns by watching.” - Ally Condie

40. “The more you believe, the more you doubt. The more you doubt, the more you ask questions. Knowing that questions left unanswered is the best proof for your belief.” - Sandra Chami Kassis

41. “Breaking a sweat through our difficulties minimized the likelihood of a crippling injury to our faith.” - K. Howard Joslin

42. “Pose your questions to people and you will get countless useless answers.” - Dejan Stojanovic

43. “There is always the question why And there is always life, Which doesn't need an answer.” - Dejan Stojanovic

44. “I'd rather strive for the kind of interview where instead of me asking to introduce myself to society, society asks me to introduce myself to society.” - Criss Jami

45. “Ada beza antara jumpa benda yang kita nak cari, dan cari benda yang kita nak jumpa.” - Hlovate

46. “The question wasn't whether or not I cared about him; the question was, how much? I'm glad Tennyson didn't ask that, because then I'd have to ask myself; and I already knew the answer. I cared far more than was safe.” - Neal Shusterman

47. “Two questions form the foundation of all novels: "What if?" and "What next?" (A third question, "What now?", is one the author asks himself every 10 minutes or so; but it's more a cry than a question.) Every novel begins with the speculative question, What if "X" happened? That's how you start.” - Tom Clancy

48. “There are essentially two questions in life - a spiritual question and a material question. The spiritual question is 'Who am I?' The material question is 'What am I to do with my life?' One leads to the other.” - Rasheed Ogunlaru

49. “Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.” - Shannon L. Alder

50. “He was evidently the sort of person who posed questions that were traps for you to fall into.” - Alice Munro

51. “Our greatest failing is that we neglect the significance of a question and obsess over the accuracy of the answer. Therefore, we end up being satisfied with remarkably accurate answers to meaningless questions and dissatisfied with imprecise answers that attempt to respond to the important issues.” - D.A. Blankinship

52. “He preferred smart questions to smart answers.” - Yoko Ogawa