55 Inspiring Fight Quotes

Aug. 14, 2024, 12:46 p.m.

55 Inspiring Fight Quotes

In the journey of life, we all encounter moments that challenge our strength, determination, and resilience. Whether you're facing personal battles, striving to achieve your dreams, or standing up for what you believe in, finding inspiration can be the key to persevering. Words have an incredible power to lift us up and fuel our fighting spirit. That's why we've gathered a curated collection of the top 55 inspiring fight quotes. These quotes, by some of the wisest and most influential voices, are here to remind you of the warrior within and to ignite the courage needed to keep pushing forward. Embrace these words and let them be the motivation you need to conquer any challenge that comes your way.

1. “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.” - John Stuart Mill

2. “Wer davonläuft kann später kämpfen.” - Menander

3. “Keisaku and Eita were expecting to see "the beauty in the morning" as they entered the room. What they actually saw, however, was "The Terror of the Bagworm Queen" rolling around on the floor. It was a scene far removed from the sexy situation the two had imagined.” - Yashichiro Takahashi

4. “The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins.” - I.F. Stone

5. “What's up?" I asked.You tell me," he said. "You were the one about ready to start making out with Adrian."It was an experiment," I said. "It was part of my therapy."What the hell kind of therapy are you in?” - Richelle Mead

6. “I will fight untill the end” - Breaking Benjamin

7. “And I can fight only for something that I love, love only what I respect, and respect only what I at least know.” - Adolf Hitler

8. “Cassia.I know which life is my real one now, no matter what happens. It’s the one with you. For some reason, knowing that even one person knows my story makes things different. Maybe it’s like the poem says. Maybe this is my way of not going gentle.I love you. (Ky Markham)” - Ally Condie

9. “There is only one way to fight, and that's dirty. Clean gentlemanly fighting will get you nowhere but dead, and fast. Take every cheap shot, every low blow, absolutely kick people when they're down, and maybe you'll be the one who walks away.” - Jeaniene Frost

10. “you might want to decide fast. We live in a dangerous world. If you see a chance to be happy, you have to fight for it, so later you have no regrets.” - Ilona Andrews

11. “Illium, his expression subdued as it had been for too many days, turned to her. “Mind if I have a go?”“Kick his ass.”Stripping off his shirt and boots, Illium held out his hand for one of Venom’s blades. Lips curving, Venom passed it over. “Sure you can handle me, pretty, pretty Bluebell?”“Did I ever tell you about my snakeskin boots?” A savage grin, and she knew Venom was about to bear the brunt of whatever haunted the blue-winged angel.Venom swirled his blade in hand. “I do think I need some new feathers for my pillow.” - Nalini Singh

12. “She stood up and took the book from him, and as he smiled over his shoulder at some other kids, she threw it away and kicked him as hard as she could in the vicinity of the groin.Well, as you might imagine, Ludwig Schmeikl certainly buckled, and on the way down, he was punched in the ear. When he landed, he was set upon. When he was set upon, he was slapped and clawed and obliterated by a girl who was utterly consumed with rage. His skin was so warm and soft. Her knuckles and fingernails were so frighteningly tough, despite their smallness.You Saukerl." Her voice, too, was able to scratch him. "You Arschloch. Can you spell Arschloch for me?” - Markus Zusak

13. “She whirled when the monster was almost on top of her. I thought the thing in her hands was an umbrella until she cranked the pump and the shotgun blast blew the giant twenty feet backwards, right into Nico's sword. "Nice one," Paul said. "When did you learn to fire a shotgun?" I demanded. My mom blew the hair out of her face. "About two seconds ago. Percy, we'll be fine. Go!” - Rick Riordan

14. “Andrew had a gift for deepening the incision he began.” - Chris Cleave

15. “It was important, Dumbledore said, to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated. . . .” - J.K. Rowling

16. “When two evil guys fight in a duel,the worst of both will be the winner.” - Toba Beta

17. “If you escape from a necessary fight, pray you will live long enough to wait for and deal with the same challenge that must be settled.” - Toba Beta

18. “Give more, so that we can build more, put interest in understanding another more in whatever actions one might carry out in life. Because we all are fighting for survival against adversaries and are sometimes falling, but if we stand together and help shield and strengthen one another, imagine the world that we will live in together, having more happiness with one another, at one another’s side.” - Jonathan Anthony Burkett

19. “Because I feel no anger toward my mother. Only loss, and loss is a feeling you can’t fight your way out of as easily.” - Ally Condie

20. “Some people really need to be taught some manners," he said disdainfully. I stared up at him."Would you really have gotten in a fight for me?""Of course." He didn't hesitate."But there were four of them.""Beth, I'd take on Megatron's army to protect you.""Who?” - Alexandra Adornetto

21. “The thing about loving someone, is that yelling at them only feels good while you're doing it -- as soon as they're gone, all you want to do is take it all back” - Lauren Barnholdt

22. “But she had known, better than anyone else, what demons he had faced, had known how hard he had fought to free himself from them. That he had lost the fight in the end made the struggle no less honorable.” - Donna Woolfolk Cross

23. “Pitiful and pitied by no one, why have I come to the ignominy of this detestable old age, who was ruler of two kingdoms, mother of two kings? My guts are torn from me, my family is carried off and removed from me. The young king [crown prince Henry, †1183] and the count of Britanny [prince Geoffrey, †1186] sleep in dust, and their most unhappy mother is compelled to be irremediably tormented by the memory of the dead. Two sons remain to my solace, who today survive to punish me, miserable and condemned. King Richard [the Lionheart] is held in chains [in captivity with Emperor Henry VI of Germany]. His brother, John, depletes his kingdom with iron [the sword] and lays it waste with fire. In all things the Lord has turned cruel to me and attacked me with the harshness of his hand. Truly his wrath battles against me: my sons fight amongst themselves, if it is a fight where where one is restrained in chains, the other, adding sorrow to sorrow, undertakes to usurp the kingdom of the exile by cruel tyranny. Good Jesus, who will grant that you protect me in hell and hide me until your fury passes, until the arrows which are in me cease, by which my whole spirit is sucked out?"[Third letter to Pope Celestine (1193)]” - Eleanor of Aquitaine

24. “Patience is a virtue, but there comes a moment when you must stop being patient and take the day by the throat and shake it. If it fights back; fine. I'd rather end up bloody at the end of the day, then unhurt with no progress made, no knowledge gained. I'd rather have a no, then nothing. I'd forgotten that about myself.” - Laurell K. Hamilton

25. “I had traded the fight against love for the fight against loneliness, the fight against life for the fight against death.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

26. “Wear that scarf," he said, pointing to a blue cashmere scarf hanging on a peg. "It matches your eyes."Alec looked at it. Suddenly he was filled with hate - for the scarf, for Magnus, and most of all for himself. "Don't tell me," he said. "The scarf's a hundred years old, and it was given to you by Queen Victoria right before she died, for special services to the Crown or something."Magnus sat up. "What's gotten into you?"Alec stared at him. "Am I the newest thing in this apartment?""I think that honor goes to Chairman Meow. He's only two.""I said newest, not youngest," Alec snapped.” - Cassandra Clare

27. “How do you stop those who will stop at nothing?” - Battle in Seattle Film

28. “Letting go is easy. Anyone can do that. Love is fighting for someone to stay. That's what takes work.” - Katie Kacvinsky

29. “Numai moartea e o forță la fel de absolută, dar în lupta de veacuri dintre aceste două puteri, dragostea este cea care ia moartea de gât, îi pune genunchiul în piept, o bate ziua și noaptea, o învinge în fiecare primăvară, o urmărește pas cu pas și-n fiecare groapă pe care aceasta o sapă, dragostea aruncă sămânța unei vieți noi.” - Henryk Sienkiewicz

30. “We wanted the freedom to love. We wanted the freedom to choose. Now we have to fight for it.” - Lauren Oliver

31. “Madoka: Won't anyone notice that Mami-san is dead?Homura: Mami Tomoe's only relatives are distant relations. It will be quite some time before anyone files a missing persons report. When one dies on that side of the wards, not even a body is left behind. She'll wind up forever a "missing person"... That is what happens to magical girls in the end.Madoka: ...That's too cruel! Mami-san has been fighting all alone for a long time for everyone's sake! For no one to even notice that she's gone... That's just too lonely a fate...Homura: It is just that kind of contract that gives us the power in the first place. It isn't for anyone else's sake. We fight on for the sake of our own prayer. So for no one to notice... for the world to forget us... That is just something we have to accept.” - Magica Quartet

32. “Always walk away from a fight. Then ambush.” - Tim Dorsey

33. “O'Shaughnessy is hitting Denholt on the side of his head with his free arm, great, walloping, pile-driver blows. The two of them stagger together, like partners in a crazy dance. Glass is breaking all around them. Gray smoke from the six shots, pink-and-white dust from the chipped brick-and-plaster walls, swirl around them in a rainbow haze. Something vividly green flares up from one of the overturned retorts, goes right out again. O'Shaughnessy tears the emptied gun away, flings it off somewhere. More breaking glass, and this time a tart pungent smell that makes the nostrils sting. The crunch of pulverized tube glass underfoot makes it sound as if they were scuffling in sand or hard-packed snow. ("Jane Brown's Body")” - Cornell Woolrich

34. “Some of us are born to live and to fight, Echo. Others are born to fight for their right to live. When those two collide, there’s hell to pay.” - Nadège Richards

35. “I'm coming with you.” Riley insisted. “I've got a bulletproof vest and I'm a better sharpshooter than you. Don't mess with me.” Riley pushed past them and out the sliding exit doors.Stella turned to Stan, horrified. “Don't give me that look, Stells.” Stan muttered, following Riley. “Look at it this way, if the whole sharpshooter thing turns out to be a lie, she can pinch the hell out of anyone.”~Riley Pembroke, Stan Darrow, "Sugar and Spies: Spy Sisters Book 1” - Rebekah Martin

36. “I started to enjoy the regal sport of cockfighting... but I'm still having trouble getting the hang of windmilling the bayonet” - Josh Stern

37. “Their prayers impacted the outcome of the fight.” - K. Howard Joslin

38. “- Why you?- (...) I’m the best.- Modest of you.- I am the best. Modesty has nothing to say about it.” - Paul Hoffman

39. “t was once famously said that it is as well that wars are so ruinously expensive, else we would never stop fighting them. However well said, it seems also to be endlessly forgotten that, while there may be just wars and unjust wars, there are never any cheap wars.” - Paul Hoffman

40. “The best way to compete is to get defeat.” - Santosh Kalwar

41. “Tell me you love me. Tell me you love me and will fight with me.” - Cassandra Clare

42. “In such a beast as this..." (he means the army)"...it was the collective power that went, collapsing like a long-exhausted animal, at once falling under its own weight as much as that of its enemy. It was a collective death and not a matter of bravery or even strength, and once it was down it was finished as a battle.” - Paul Hoffman

43. “One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.” - Sun Tzu

44. “—Hace dos mil años que lucho solo.—Bueno, nunca se es demasiado viejo para aprender.Kyrian resopló.—No puedes enseñarle trucos nuevos a un perro viejo.—No dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy.—El tiempo es oro.—Dios ayuda a los que se ayudan.Él soltó una carcajada.—No vas a dejarme ganar, ¿verdad?” - Sherrilyn Kenyon

45. “Родих се в морето,отгледан бях от пиратистанах един от тях.Воювах срещу враговете сии спечелих името синаричат ме...ОКОТО НА ВЪЛКА” - Милен Иванов

46. “It wasn't an attack. We'd been together too many times before, made love together too many times before, for it to be that. It was just that fear had suddenly entered, and made us dangerous strangers.("New York Blues")” - Cornell Woolrich

47. “They say cowardice is infectious; but then argument is, on the other hand, a great emboldener;” - Stevenson Robert Louis

48. “As a basic step of self-esteem, learn to treat as the mark of a cannibal any man’s demand for your help. To demand it is to claim that your life is his property – and loathsome as such claim might be, there’s something still more loathsome: your agreement. Do you ask if it’s ever proper to help another man? No- if he claims it as his right or as a moral duty that you owe him. Yes- if such is your own desire based on your own selfish pleasure in the value of his person and his struggle. Suffering as such is not a value, only man’s fight against suffering is. If you choose to help a man who suffers, do it only on the ground of his virtues, of his fight to recover, of his rational record, or of the fact that he suffers unjustly; then your action is still trade, and his virtue is the payment for your help. But to help a man who has no virtues, to help him on the ground of his suffering as such, to accept his faults, his need, as a claim – is to accept the mortgage of a zero on your values. A man who has no virtues is a hater of existence who acts on the premise of death; to help him is to sanction his evil and to support his career of destruction. Be it only a penny you will miss or a kindly smile he has not earned, a tribute to a zero is treason to life and to all those who struggle to maintain it. It is of such pennies and smiles that the desolation of your world was made.” - Ayn Rand

49. “We fight for a vision of the world that is both traditional and Faustian, that allies enrootment and disinstallation, the citizen’s freedom and imperial service to the community-as-a-people, passionate creativity and critical reason, an unshakeable loyalty and an adventurous curiosity (WWF 267)” - Guillaume Faye

50. “It’s necessary that everyone does his duty and works in his place - devotes himself to constructing a body of fundamental values - against the common enemy - in a network of active, supple, inderdependent, and confederated resistance - present on every front, at the level of Europe - with the aim of concentrating all the energies of the combatants.” - Guillaume Faye

51. “One should never fight for a country. One should fight, if one has to, for what one believes to be right. A country is only as good as its leading citizens.” - Garry Kilworth

52. “...there’s no such thing as a dirty fight.” - Susan Ee

53. “The most powerful tools of revolution through intention are humility and consciousness.” - Bryant McGill

54. “Lose your temper and you lose the fight.” - Margaret Atwood

55. “There was a loud shuffling above. A line of redcoats took their position at the edge of the ravine and aimed down at the rebels. "Present!" the British officer screamed to his men. "Present!" yelled the American officer. His men brought the butts of their muskets up to their shoulders and sighted down the long barrels, ready to shoot and kill. I pressed my face into the earth, unable to plan a course of escape. My mind would not be mastered and thought only of the wretched, lying, foul, silly girl who was the cause of everything. I thought of Isabel and I missed her. "FIRE!” - Laurie Halse Anderson