58 Inspiring Sports Quotes

June 24, 2024, 3:46 a.m.

58 Inspiring Sports Quotes

Sports have a unique power to evoke passion, determination, and an indomitable spirit across different walks of life. Whether you're an athlete striving for greatness or a fan cheering from the sidelines, the world of sports offers a treasure trove of inspiration. In this article, we've compiled a curated collection of the top 58 inspiring sports quotes that capture the essence of perseverance, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Let these words of wisdom motivate you to push beyond your limits and embrace the true spirit of competition.

1. “If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead.” - Erma Bombeck

2. “There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.” - Ernest Hemingway

3. “My best moment? I have a lot of good moments but the one I prefer is when I kicked the hooligan” - Eric Cantona

4. “Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence. In other words, it is war minus the shooting. (in "The Sporting Spirit", Tribune, GB, London, December 1945)” - George Orwell

5. “Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field? ” - Jim Bouton

6. “I later discovered that in order to be a good athlete one must care intensely what is happening with a ball, even if one doesn't have possession of it. This was ultimately my failure: my inability to work up a passion for the location of balls.” - Haven Kimmel

7. “Some seek the comfort of their therapist's office, other head to the corner pub and dive into a pint, but I chose running as my therapy.” - Dean Karnazes

8. “I haven't celebrated coming in No. 2 too many times.” - Mark Messier

9. “There are no environments where you're only going to win, because life just isn't like that.” - Bobby Orr

10. “football is like life - it requires perserverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.” - Vince Lombardi

11. “Somebody once asked me if I ever went up to the plate trying to hit a home run. I said "sure, every time".” - Mickey Mantle

12. “I'll play baseball for the Army or fight for it, whatever they want me to do.” - Mickey Mantle

13. “Many people say I'm the best women's soccer player in the world. I don't think so. And because of that, someday I just might be.” - Mia Hamm

14. “It's Thursday afternoon, and we have sports. These are the choices for the girls: watching an invitational cricket game; studying in one of the classrooms; or watching the senior rugby league. As you can imagine, I'm torn.” - Melina Marchetta

15. “wouldn't you like to make sure all those millions you give to Uncle Sam went to schools and hospitals instead of nuclear warheads?'As a matter of fact, he would. Playgrounds for big kids, preschool programs to little ones, and mandatory LASIK surgery for NFL refs.” - Susan Elizabeth Phillips

16. “Revolution is a spectators sport. The majority will sit in the stands and watch the factions fight. At the end they will choose side with the team that is winning. ” - George Lincoln Rockwell

17. “I'm the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.” - Bret Hart

18. “Sports bars are also a great place for guys to meet other guys--either for sex or for wrestling, whichever feels more right. ” - Eugene Mirman

19. “Whereas fanatic is usually a pejorative word, a Fan is someone who has roots somewhere.” - Simon Kuper

20. “Other than sports, only war and catastrophe can create this sort of national unity.” - Simon Kuper

21. “Sports fans eat shit.” - George Carlin

22. “We made a successful, last-minute effort to get the French Open many years ago, when the USA network bailed on it. I remember, four of us jumped on a plane on the spur of the moment to cover it. I think we had someone draw up a sign (by hand) that we could hold up in front of the camera to tell viewers that it was ESPN coverage.” - Patrick McEnroe

23. “Defeated misery is what all sport is about, eventually, if you follow the story for long enough; all sportsmen know this.” - Nick Hornby

24. “Pain? Yes, of course. Racing without pain is not racing. But the pleasure of being ahead outweighed the pain a million times over. To hell with the pain. What's six minutes of pain compared to the pain they're going to feel for the next six months or six decades. You never forget your wins and losses in this sport. YOU NEVER FORGET.” - Brad Alan Lewis

25. “The flow. Yeah. Knowing you could step on the court and make it happen. You practiced, sure. But then, when you walked out there, you could just go. You could flow, that was it: you created and you didn't totally know how. You just knew you could, so you did. It wasn't thinking and it wasn't imitating somebody else's moves, though you always looked carefully when you watched good players play. But when you played... it was something you couldn't explain. Neal used to know. It didn't come from thinking about it.” - Doug Wilhelm

26. “After joyfully working each morning, I would leave off around midday to challenge myself to a footrace. Speeding along the sunny paths of the Jardin du Luxembourg, ideas would breed like aphids in my head—for creative invention is easy and sublime when air cycles quickly through the lungs and the body is busy at noble tasks.” - Roman Payne

27. “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records. ” - William Arthur Ward

28. “Baseball happens to be a game of cumulative tension but football, basketball and hockey are played with hand grenades and machine guns. ” - John Leonard

29. “Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.” - Dan Quayle

30. “Boxing has become America's tragic theater. ” - Joyce Carol Oates

31. “Champions keep playing until they get it right.” - Billie Jean King

32. “Football is an incredible game. Sometimes it's so incredible, it's unbelievable. ” - Tom Landry

33. “Football is violence and cold weather and college rye. ” - Roger Kahn

34. “God made me fast. And when I run, I feel His pleasure. ” - Eric Liddell

35. “Greatness, whether athletic or otherwise, doesn’t come from those content on just being but from those who seek being the difference.” - Kirk Mango

36. “He already knew he could coach. All you had to do was look at each of your players and ask yourself: What story does this guy wish someone would tell him about himself? And then you told the guy that story.” - Chad Harbach

37. “The pleasure of sport was so often the chance to indulge the cessation of time itself--the pitcher dawdling on the mound, the skier poised at the top of a mountain trail, the basketball player with the rough skin of the ball against his palm preparing for a foul shot, the tennis player at set point over his opponent--all of them savoring a moment before committing themselves to action.” - George Plimpton

38. “There's something about putting on a pair of skates, and getting out there and moving like nobody else can. Freedom is a word that comes to mind.” - Randy Gardner

39. “Maybe if I'd agreed to do the debutante thing like she wanted. Or taken up pageants instead of riding jump bikes with a bunch of grungy boys. I'd always tell her, why can't I do both? Who says you have to be either smart or pretty, or into girly stuff or sports? Life shouldn't be about the either/or. We're capable of more than that, you know?” - Sarah Dessen

40. “Philippine culture was clearly different. It wasn't the fan's duty to remain aloof in the presence of stars; it was the player's responsibility to show gratitude to the average Filipino.” - Rafe Bartholomew

41. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” - Phil Jackson

42. “I've fallen in love with baseball.” - Nick Jonas

43. “I've never had an interest, but baseball looks abnormal.” - Emily J. Proctor

44. “Deep down, it's all baseball, no matter what kind of geometrical shape you play it with.” - Vernon D. Burns

45. “[On writing:] "There's a great quote by Julius Irving that went, 'Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don't feel like doing them.'"(One On 1, interview with Budd Mishkin; NY1, March 25, 2007.)” - David Halberstam

46. “You either commit yourself as a professional racing driver that's designed to win races or you come second or you come third or fifth and am not design to come third, fourth or fifth, I race to win.” - Ayrton Senna

47. “Részvétet éreztem az ismeretlen sportember iránt, és egyúttal kárörömet is. Úgy kell neki, miért sportember, de ha már sportember, mit keres minálunk. Valószínűleg ő is így érzett volna irányomban, ha a golfpályán látott volna meg engem.” - Antal Szerb

48. “Without self-discipline, success is impossible, period.” - Lou Holtz

49. “Baseball has so much history and tradition. You can respect it, or you can exploit it for profit, but it's still being made all over the place, all the time.” - Michael Lewis

50. “It's considered good sportsmanship not to pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling.” - Mark Twain

51. “With sports, you have no time to reflect. You just do.” - Terri Giuliano Long

52. “What would be the natural thing? A man goes to college. He works as he wants to work, he plays as he wants to play, he exercises for the fun of the game, he makes friends where he wants to make them, he is held in by no fear of criticism above, for the class ahead of him has nothing to do with his standing in his own class. Everything he does has the one vital quality: it is spontaneous. That is the flame of youth itself. Now, what really exists?""...I say our colleges to-day are business colleges—Yale more so, perhaps, because it is more sensitively American. Let's take up any side of our life here. Begin with athletics. What has become of the natural, spontaneous joy of contest? Instead you have one of the most perfectly organized business systems for achieving a required result—success. Football is driving, slavish work; there isn't one man in twenty who gets any real pleasure out of it. Professional baseball is not more rigorously disciplined and driven than our 'amateur' teams. Add the crew and the track. Play, the fun of the thing itself, doesn't exist; and why? Because we have made a business out of it all, and the college is scoured for material, just as drummers are sent out to bring in business."Take another case. A man has a knack at the banjo or guitar, or has a good voice. What is the spontaneous thing? To meet with other kindred spirits in informal gatherings in one another's rooms or at the fence, according to the whim of the moment. Instead what happens? You have our university musical clubs, thoroughly professional organizations. If you are material, you must get out and begin to work for them—coach with a professional coach, make the Apollo clubs, and, working on, some day in junior year reach the varsity organization and go out on a professional tour. Again an organization conceived on business lines."The same is true with the competition for our papers: the struggle for existence outside in a business world is not one whit more intense than the struggle to win out in the News or Lit competition. We are like a beef trust, with every by-product organized, down to the last possibility. You come to Yale—what is said to you? 'Be natural, be spontaneous, revel in a certain freedom, enjoy a leisure you'll never get again, browse around, give your imagination a chance, see every one, rub wits with every one, get to know yourself.'"Is that what's said? No. What are you told, instead? 'Here are twenty great machines that need new bolts and wheels. Get out and work. Work harder than the next man, who is going to try to outwork you. And, in order to succeed, work at only one thing. You don't count—everything for the college.' Regan says the colleges don't represent the nation; I say they don't even represent the individual.” - Owen Johnson

53. “You see, sex for Jews is not such a terrible sin. It's just one more physical sport we're gonna stink at.” - Jaffe Cohen

54. “I might have changed, but that did not mean the sport had.” - David Millar

55. “People focus on role models; it is more effective to find antimodels - people you don't want to resemble when you grow up” - Nassim Nicholas Taleb

56. “What the hell happened to your leg?" Ang asked him. Matt looked down at his shin, which was scraped and oozing and seemed to be caked in mud. "Crashed.""Crashed what?" Ang asked. "My mountain bike. We just got back.""You crashed, then what? Rolled in dirt?"He laughed. "Something like that actually. It's not a successful ride if you don't bleed." He must not have noticed the look of horror on my face, because he asked, suddenly enthusiastic, "You guys ride?"Angelo and I just looked at each other, and he seemed to realize that was a "no." "Too bad. Well, make yourselves at home. Beer's in the fridge. I have to get cleaned up. Kickoff's in ten minutes.""Football?" Angelo asked. Matt looked at his as if he had just asked if the sky was really blue. "Yeah! First game of the regular season!" We just stared blankly at him, and he just laughed and disappeared down the hall. Angelo looked at me with a smile on his face. "Four fags watchin' football. Must be pretty fuckin' cold in hell right now.” - Marie Sexton

57. “Its me own battle... and I'm seeing me body take on me mind.... BIG TIME!” - The Fitness Doc

58. “Will we ever see his like again? It is doubtful. But at least for a brief moment in time we were lucky to have him as one of our own: an English lionheart who was the terror of the continent, who earned the love and respect of everyone who had the privilege to see him in action and above all was a thoroughly decent hero of whom we can be proud. Rest in peace 'Big Dunc'. Your feats will echo in eternity.” - James Leighton