59 Inspirational End Quotes

July 19, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

59 Inspirational End Quotes

In the journey of life, endings are inevitable. They mark the close of chapters, the conclusion of endeavors, and the culmination of experiences. Yet, with every ending comes reflection, insight, and the inspiration for new beginnings. Whether you're seeking solace in the conclusion of a personal journey, closing out a project, or simply looking for words to bring peace to a heartfelt goodbye, our curated collection of the top 59 inspirational end quotes offers the wisdom and encouragement you need. Dive in and discover the perfect words to celebrate the beauty of endings and the promise of fresh starts.

1. “From too much love of livingFrom hope and fear set free,We thank with brief thanksgivingWhatever gods may beThat no life lives for ever;That dead men rise up never;That even the weariest riverWinds somewhere safe to sea.Then star nor sun shall waken,Nor any change of light:Nor sound of waters shaken,Nor any sound or sight:Nor wintry leaves nor vernal,Nor days nor things diurnal;Only the sleep eternalIn an eternal night.” - Algernon Charles Swinburne

2. “My troubles are all over, and I am at home; and often before I am quite awake, I fancy I am still in the orchard at Birtwick, standing with my old friends under the apple trees.” - Anna Sewell

3. “I keep turning over new leaves, and spoiling them, as I used to spoil my copybooks; and I make so many beginnings there never will be an end. (Jo March)” - Louisa May Alcott

4. “Seek for the Sword that was brokenIn Imladris it dwells;There shall be counsels takenStronger than Morgul-spells.There shall be shown a tokenThat Doom is near at hand,For Isuldur's Bane shall waken,And the halfling forth shall stand.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

5. “This haze of blood must subside, the palace must collapse under the weight of the riches it conceals, the orgy must finish and the time come to awaken.” - Gustave Flaubert

6. “And I know I’ve lost.Everything is lost.Everything is over.“As the newly appointed President of this fair planet of ours,” the Mayor says, holding out his hands as if to show me the world for the first time,” let me be the very first to welcome you to its new capital city.”“Todd?” Viola whispers, her eyes closed.I hold her tightly to me.“I’m sorry,” I whisper to her. “I’m so sorry.”We’ve run right into a trap.We’ve run right off the end of the world.“Welcome,” says the Mayor,” to the New Prentisstown.” - Patrick Ness

7. “I will fight untill the end” - Breaking Benjamin

8. “Death isn't the end, it's the beginning.” - Jennifer Love Hewitt

9. “I may not have any power over it at the moment, but at some point that must change. I can be very patient. I am the end of all things, nephew mine. I shall be the last. When birth has ended, I wil cut Clotho's cord, and she will be no more. The time will come when every last thread has been measured, and I will snip Lachesis from the great weave. In the end only Death and I will remain. Then I will cut his thread, and it will be me alone. With my last strength I will close the shears on my own life. I am the end of everything, including you.” - Kelly McCullough

10. “No book can ever be finished. While working on it we learn just enough to find it immature the moment we turn away from it” - Karl Popper

11. “The great miraculous bell of translucent ice is suspended in mid-air.It rings to announce endings and beginnings. And it rings because there is fresh promise and wonder in the skies.Its clear tones resound in the placid silence of the winter day, and echo long into the silver-blue serenity of night.The bell can only be seen at the turning of the year, when the days wind down into nothing, and get ready to march out again.When you hear the bell, you feel a tug at your heart.It is your immortal inspiration.” - Vera Nazarian

12. “The world began in hazard and will end in it.” - John Fowles

13. “Centuries of fighting, and for what? I say. "Today it ends. I can't live in fear any longer. I've cursed this power. I've both enjoyed and misused it. And I've hidden it away. Now I must try to wield it correctly, to marry it to a purpose and hope that is enough.” - Libba Bray

14. “At dawn of man, many words of inspiration.At the end, there will be words of revelation.” - Toba Beta

15. “Nothing’s boring if it’s in your soul…” - David Drake

16. “Kindness and a caring mind are two separate qualities. Kindness is manners. It is superficial custom, an acquired practice. Not so the mind. The mind is deeper, stronger, and, I believe, it is far more inconstant.” - Haruki Murakami

17. “In her way, she was a hard one. Faith in any sort of natural justice was nothing but a night light; she knew of that. Whatever she did, she would end the same way with everyone does: flat on her back with a tube in her nose, wondering, "Is this all?” - Thomas Harris

18. “The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead.” - Ralph Ellison

19. “Love as much and as hard as you can because one day in your life near the end, you may forget how it truly feels.” - Jeanette Michelle

20. “Promise me you’ll marry me. Not now. Someday. Because I need to know.”Claire felt a flutter inside, like a bird trying to fly, and a rush of heat that made her dizzy. And something else, something fragile as a soap bubble,and just as beautiful. Joy, in the middle of all this horror and heartbreak.“Yes,” she whispered back. “I promise.”And she kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him, while the sun came up and bathed Morganville in one last, shining day.” - Rachel Caine

21. “Life starts from a white hole and ends in a black hole.” - Santosh Kalwar

22. “Well, this is basically the end, so the answers should be in these next few pages. I doubt they will surprise you, but you never know. I don't know how smart or thick you are. You could be Albert Einstein for all I know, or some literary prizewinner, or maybe you're just middle of the road like me.” - Markus Zusak

23. “Slowly, with many lost days, I come back to life.” - Suzanne Collins

24. “I am Cinna's bird, ignited, flying frantically to escape something inescapable. The feathers of flame that grow from my body. Beating my wings only fans the blaze. I consume myself, but to no end.Finally, my wings begin to falter, I lose height, and gravity pulls me into a foamy sea the color of Finnick's eyes. I float on my back, which continues to burn beneath the water, but the agony quiets to pain. When I am adrift and unable to navigate, that's when they come. The dead.The ones I loved fly as birds in the open sky above me. Soaring, weaving, calling to me to join them. I want so badly to follow them, but the seawater saturates my wings, making it impossible to lift them. The ones I hated have taken to the water, horrible scaled things that tear my salty flesh with needle teeth. Biting again and again. Dragging me beneath the surface.The small white bird tinged in pink dives down, buries her claws in my chest, and tries to keep me afloat."No, Katniss! No! You can't go!"But the ones I hated are winning, and if she clings to me, she'll be lost as well. "Prim, let go!" And finally she does.” - Suzanne Collins

25. “I search his eyes for the slightest sign of anything, fear, remorse, anger. But there's only the same look of amusement that ended our last conversation. It's as if he's speaking the words again. "Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other."He's right. We did.The point of my arrow shifts upward. I release the string. And President Coin collapses over the side of the balcony and plunges to the ground. Dead.” - Suzanne Collins

26. “I think about going to the lake, but I'm so weak that I barely make it to mymeeting place with Gale. I sit on the rock where Cressida filmed us, but it's too wide without his body beside me.Several times I close my eyes and count to ten, thinking that when I open them, he will have materialized without a sound as he so often did. I have to remind myself that Gale's in 2 with a fancy job, probably kissing another pairof lips.” - Suzanne Collins

27. “As the earth dies your spirit will bloom; as the world fades your soul will rise and glisten. Amongst the dehydrated crevices of a desert earth you will stumble upon your diamonds; in between the dry skulls and cracked bones you will find your sapphires.” - C. JoyBell C.

28. “I was tired and crazy and rushed, and every time I boarded a plane, I wanted the plane to crash. I envied people dying of cancer. I hated my life. I was tired and bored with my job and my furniture, and I couldn’t see any way to change things.Only end them.” - Chuck Palahniuk

29. “To dance to fey music is the beginning of the end.” - Kate McCafferty

30. “And we all end up where we started” - Melina Marchetta

31. “Every moment was a precious thing, having in it the essence of finality.” - Daphne du Maurier

32. “Pale sky, white land; like somewhere past the end of the world” - Rinsai Rossetti

33. “At the end of the day, it isn’t where I came from. Maybe home is somewhere I’m going and never have been before.” - Warsan Shire

34. “And there are really never endings, happy or otherwise.” - Erin Morgenstern

35. “Sometimes, the embers are better then the campfire. It's strange, but it's true.” - Stephen King

36. “End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path. One that we all must take.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

37. “You get use to someone—start to like them, even—and they leave. In the end, everyone leaves.” - Rachel Ward

38. “We all know we're one day closer to the end when we wake up in the morning. We just kid ourselves that it's not happening.” - Rachel Ward

39. “However cozy things seemed, the facts of life were the same. You couldn't escape death: It would get us all in the end.” - Rachel Ward

40. “The story I am going to tell has more than one beginning and without an end.” - T. Afsin Ilgar

41. “Friends end. But family will stay when your friendship ends” - Misti Hemlock

42. “Existence is the end of endless eternity without a beginning or an end.” - Dejan Stojanovic

43. “Infinity is the end. End without infinity is but a new beginning.” - Dejan Stojanovic

44. “In the end, the world returns to a grain.” - Dejan Stojanovic

45. “t was once famously said that it is as well that wars are so ruinously expensive, else we would never stop fighting them. However well said, it seems also to be endlessly forgotten that, while there may be just wars and unjust wars, there are never any cheap wars.” - Paul Hoffman

46. “The direction you choose to face determines whether you're standing at the end or the beginning of a road.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

47. “I know the resolution. I know the end of the story before it ever begins. I must choose love. And for this, I will surely die.” - Addison Moore

48. “You act as if I were your enemy.“You are my enemy. You seek to end the things I love.”And is an ending always bad? it asked. Must not all things, even worlds, someday end?“There is no need to hasten that end,” Vin said. “No reason to force it.”All things are subject to their own nature, Vin, Ruin said, seeming to flow around her. She could feel its touch on her—wet and delicate, like mist. You cannot blame me for what I am. Without me, nothing would end. Nothing could end. And therefore, nothing could grow. I am life. Would you fight life itself?Vin fell silent.Do not mourn because the day of this world’s end has arrived, Ruin said. That end was ordained the very day of the world’s conception. There is a beauty in death—the beauty of finality, the beauty of completion.For nothing is truly complete until the day it is finally destroyed.” - Brandon Sanderson

49. “The Initial Mystery that attends any journey is: how did the traveler reach his starting point in the first place?” - Louise Bogan

50. “The end justifies the means. Sometimes you have to do the wrong thing to get the right result.” - Sebastian Fitzek

51. “What was after the universe? Nothing. But was there anything round the universe to show where it stopped before the nothing place began? It could not be a wall; but there could be a thin line there all round everything.[...]It pained him that he did not know well what politics meant and that he did not know where the universe ended. He felt small and weak. When would he be like the fellows in poetry and rhetoric?” - James Joyce

52. “Truth, meanwhile, was a weaponthat even a damaged fist could still grasp and wield. It was a remarkably versatile commodity; it could be traded, or help serve an end, or produce aprofit.” - Mark Allen Smith

53. “Go on till you come to the end; then stop.” - Lewis Carroll

54. “In such a beast as this..." (he means the army)"...it was the collective power that went, collapsing like a long-exhausted animal, at once falling under its own weight as much as that of its enemy. It was a collective death and not a matter of bravery or even strength, and once it was down it was finished as a battle.” - Paul Hoffman

55. “In the end, we wear out our worries.” - Stephen King

56. “You don't have to be surprised when the end comes - just read the Word of God and get the full scoop!” - Velyn Cooper

57. “Good thing or bad thing must surely come to an end but absoluety nothing last forever” - Maryann

58. “When things go well for days on end, it is an hilarious accident.” - Kurt Vonnegut

59. “I've been trying to fit everything in, trying to get to the end before it's too late, but I see now how badly I've deceived myself. Words do not allow such things. The closer you come to the end, the more there is to say. The end is only imaginary, a destination you invent to keep yourself going, but a point comes when you realize you will never get there. You might have to stop, but that is only because you have run out of time. You stop, but that does not mean you have come to an end.” - Paul Auster