59 Manifesting Quotes

July 4, 2024, 4:45 p.m.

59 Manifesting Quotes

In a world increasingly attuned to the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction, manifesting has taken center stage as a powerful tool for personal transformation. This age-old practice of bringing one's desires into reality by aligning thoughts, emotions, and actions has captivated the minds of many seeking to enhance their lives. Whether you're a seasoned believer in manifesting or just beginning to explore its potential, quotes from those who have mastered the art can serve as profound sources of inspiration and guidance. In this collection, we've gathered the top 59 manifesting quotes to ignite your passion, elevate your mindset, and help you manifest your dreams into existence.

1. “If everyone realized this truth about their own inherent power to create and to attract whatever they desired, not everyone would want to be the president of a country, not everyone would want to live on that mansion on the hill, and not everyone would want the same things you would.” - Stephen Richards

2. “You must wake up to the truth that whoever you are, that whatever you have or think you do not have, you are perfect in the here and now. Unless you can accept yourself, you will never be satisfied with anything, because it all begins with yourself.” - Stephen Richards

3. “Remember that in the end, the universe responds to our emotions, not to our words.” - Stephen Richards

4. “Manifesting your desires requires an understanding of the universe’s abundance and inherently giving nature. If you ask from a position of fear or desperation, you are sending out your fear and desperation, and the universe, giving, reflecting, and non-judgmental as it is, will send those right back at you.” - Stephen Richards

5. “Be open to the realization that who you were before and who you are now are two different people, and that what may have made you happy then, may not be the same thing that will make you happy now.” - Stephen Richards

6. “When you begin to actively participate in the creation of your life, there is never an end, even in death, for physics tells us that nothing is ever created nor destroyed, merely transformed.” - Stephen Richards

7. “Some find that they are content with little, while others find that they want much, much more. Still others create and manifest many things, only to later discover that it was the creation which brought them greater joy and satisfaction, more so than the actual possession or enjoyment of those creations.” - Stephen Richards

8. “If we ask, we should also be prepared to give.” - Stephen Richards

9. “If we truly love ourselves, in spite of our flaws, then we can love others in spite of theirs.” - Stephen Richards

10. “If you knew the power within yourself to be truly happy, to be truly whole, then you would never ask another to become the image you desire for yourself, in order to be happy and whole.” - Stephen Richards

11. “If you truly love someone, you should be more interested in keeping them happy than in being right.” - Stephen Richards

12. “Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes.” - Stephen Richards

13. “When you send out a powerful thought into the universe, you send out ripples to all parts of it which come back to you, reflecting what it is you sent out.” - Stephen Richards

14. “Regardless of whether luck or coincidence is involved, desires directed in the right way have a tendency to manifest.” - Stephen Richards

15. “The basis of Cosmic Ordering is the belief that the universe is not dead matter, but pure energy which responds to our vibrations and to our frequencies.” - Stephen Richards

16. “If you align your vibrations and frequencies with those things you desire, you will acquire them.” - Stephen Richards

17. “Show respect to all. If you accept that all is undifferentiated oneness, and that all things are merely different aspects of that one thing (but vibrating at different frequencies), then you must respect yourself and everything and everyone around you.” - Stephen Richards

18. “Remember your true self. You are more than just flesh and bones; you are unlimited energy and power. Knowing this, you will understand why happiness and prosperity are your birth right.” - Stephen Richards

19. “There are no absolutes, and your way is neither the only way nor the right way.” - Stephen Richards

20. “To will is to put your emotion into your desire. Simply wanting is not desire, it is merely an undirected thought with no purpose but to pass the time.” - Stephen Richards

21. “When you put your passion into your desire, when it becomes a fire that threatens to consume you unless you have it, then your will is in the right place.” - Stephen Richards

22. “Becoming wealthy is about accumulating wealth.” - Stephen Richards

23. “Be yourself and become wealthy!” - Stephen Richards

24. “Do not invest time and money into yourself to have others completely destroy it!” - Stephen Richards

25. “There is nothing around me but money, money, money.” - Stephen Richards

26. “Without enthusiasm then what we have surrounded ourselves with becomes worthless.” - Stephen Richards

27. “When life gives you lemons, use Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards

28. “Cosmic Ordering is a dish best served today.” - Stephen Richards

29. “The first law of attraction is use Cosmic Ordering now.” - Stephen Richards

30. “With Cosmic Ordering you can count your chickens before they have hatched.” - Stephen Richards

31. “When you use Cosmic Ordering you will move from cloud nine to cloud ten.” - Stephen Richards

32. “There is no eleventh hour with Cosmic Ordering, only the golden hour.” - Stephen Richards

33. “Believe and achieve with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

34. “Cosmic Ordering success sticks to you like mud to a blanket.” - Stephen Richards

35. “On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

36. “Whatever your desire, use Cosmic Ordering to get what you require!” - Stephen Richards

37. “In the beginning man was poor, then along came Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

38. “A clever person solves a problem; a wise person uses Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards

39. “The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

40. “Human beings are incredibly slow, Cosmic Ordering is incredibly fast!” - Stephen Richards

41. “Twenty years from now you will be disappointed you never used Cosmic Ordering today.” - Stephen Richards

42. “Everybody talks about being rich, Cosmic Ordering does something about it.” - Stephen Richards

43. “A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

44. “Often the only difference between success and failure is not using Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

45. “To fail is nothing, unless you continue to ignore Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

46. “There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

47. “You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.” - Anthon St. Maarten

48. “In this lifetime we are like Superman who must remain disguised as the nerdy newspaper journalist Clark Kent, or Harry Potter and his friends who are not allowed to do magic while they are on holiday, away from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... but even Harry Potter and Clark Kent get to tap into their ‘special powers’ once in a while, especially when the going gets tough.” - Anthon St. Maarten

49. “Tell me your story and I will get back your life.” - Stephen Richards

50. “Willful blindness sees no end of damage done.” - Stephen Richards

51. “No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!” - Stephen Richards

52. “The ability to feel and express genuine gratitude for the help given when it is needed most, for the gift or boon that is given at just the right time and under the right circumstances, is a way of surrendering one’s self to benevolent external forces.” - Stephen Richards

53. “To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.” - Stephen Richards

54. “Stop harboring grudges against those who have wronged you, it just holds you back when you really want to be in the NOW.” - Stephen Richards

55. “Many surround themselves with luminaries, but in so doing they dull their own sparkle. If you want to shine bright, look to the heavens and see how the brightest star always stands apart from those lesser shining stars.” - Stephen Richards

56. “A psychic reading is not just about career opportunities, good fortune or meeting tall, dark strangers. It is a sacred portal to manifesting your true destiny.” - Anthon St. Maarten

57. “Patience is the antidote to the restless poison of the Ego. Without it we all become ego-maniacal bulls in china shops, destroying our future happiness as we blindly rush in where angels fear to tread. In these out-of-control moments, we bulldoze through the best possible outcomes for our lives, only to return to the scene of the crime later to cry over spilt milk.” - Anthon St. Maarten

58. “Become your own success story, not someone else's.” - Stephen Richards

59. “Run and hide or rise and shine ...” - Stephen Richards