59 Self-Motivation Quotes

Sept. 23, 2024, 4:45 a.m.

59 Self-Motivation Quotes

In the journey of life, maintaining self-motivation is often the key to achieving our goals and finding fulfillment. Whether you're striving for personal growth, professional success, or simply trying to overcome everyday challenges, words of wisdom can provide the much-needed push to keep you moving forward. We've carefully selected a collection of the top 59 self-motivation quotes from renowned thinkers, leaders, and visionaries to inspire and empower you. Dive in and let these powerful words ignite your inner drive and keep you focused on your path to success.

1. “Always choose the future over the past. What do we do now?” - Brian Tracy

2. “Dare to love yourselfas if you were a rainbowwith gold at both ends.” - Author-Poet Aberjhani

3. “Do not depend on good motivator!Find your words of self-motivation!” - Toba Beta

4. “The first place where self-esteem begins its journey is within us.” - Stephen Richards

5. “A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.” - Stephen Richards

6. “If we can acquire an attitude of self-belief, then we will surely determine our future actions and our future life opportunities.” - Stephen Richards

7. “A failure is always in the passenger seat in his or her life.” - Stephen Richards

8. “What we perceive about ourselves is greatly a reflection of how we will end up living our lives.” - Stephen Richards

9. “Our own self-esteem is something we can actually twist in whatever way we want.” - Stephen Richards

10. “If someone does not consider those around them to be valuable and hold only themselves in high regard, they too have a very bad self-esteem.” - Stephen Richards

11. “Each person has got a voice inside them. Communicate with it and take hold of it. Do not let it push and shove you around – you are its master!” - Stephen Richards

12. “Positive belief in yourself will give you the energy needed to conquer the world and this belief is the power behind all creation.” - Stephen Richards

13. “Have faith in the universe and its capability to lead you to the path of abundance.” - Stephen Richards

14. “Grateful souls focus on the happiness and abundance present in their lives and this in turn attracts more abundance and joy towards them.” - Stephen Richards

15. “Whatever belief we have actually stems from the thankfulness that we feel and this feeling further attracts more happy feelings towards us.” - Stephen Richards

16. “The gratitude that you feel leads to faith in the abundance and with every resonance that radiates from your mind more strong feelings of faith start to reside in you.” - Stephen Richards

17. “Once we open our eyes to the infinite magic that the universe has in abundance, we are sure to be enthralled by what we see and this miraculous creation gets us closer to our dreams and to the world as a whole.” - Stephen Richards

18. “With every challenge you face, there is an opportunity hidden that will lead you towards the path of wealth and abundance.” - Stephen Richards

19. “When you act on your beliefs, the realisation that happens is caused by you and this will in turn lead to a consequence.” - Stephen Richards

20. “Success is within reach of all people, but you can grasp it only when you realise the power within you.” - Stephen Richards

21. “Circumstances, knowledge or birth do not determine the realisation of your desires. It is only you who are blocking the achievement of your dreams and goals.” - Stephen Richards

22. “When you are drowned by your sorry state, and you feel as if you are carried away from the road that leads to your desires, you should know that you are the one responsible for being led away from the right path.” - Stephen Richards

23. “It is not enough if you just live life as it comes to you like a floating leaf in a pond. Make use of the powers bestowed in you and soar like an eagle.” - Stephen Richards

24. “The difference between being mediocre and achieving excellence is you.” - Stephen Richards

25. “Manifesting is a lot like making a cake. The things needed are supplied by you, the mixing is done by your mind and the baking is done in the oven of the universe.” - Stephen Richards

26. “Choice forms the divider which is responsible for the formation of all futures that can be possible.” - Stephen Richards

27. “On the other hand, if the future is not the one you chose then you may have to use your willpower to obtain the future of your liking.” - Stephen Richards

28. “According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.” - Stephen Richards

29. “Failures can be called ‘strengtheners’ as they make you determined to reach your goal with the lessons they teach.” - Stephen Richards

30. “A barrier is a limitation only when you perceive it as one.” - Stephen Richards

31. “In reality there are no limitations. They are vibrant and changeable to whatever form you want them to take to realise your goals.” - Stephen Richards

32. “The realisation that limitations are imaginary will make you strong and overpowering.” - Stephen Richards

33. “Limitations are like mirages created by your own mind. When you realise that limitation do not exist, those around you will also feel it and allow you inside their space.” - Stephen Richards

34. “Do not invest time and money into yourself to have others completely destroy it!” - Stephen Richards

35. “There is nothing around me but money, money, money.” - Stephen Richards

36. “Without enthusiasm then what we have surrounded ourselves with becomes worthless.” - Stephen Richards

37. “The amount of time an individual may spend pondering over what his neighbor has and what he does not, is equivalent to the amount of time the individual has lost in becoming an equal to his neighbors.” - Victoria Addino

38. “Believe and achieve with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

39. “Cosmic Ordering success sticks to you like mud to a blanket.” - Stephen Richards

40. “On the road to success some will always expect tragedy ... ditch your doubts and experience success with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

41. “Whatever your desire, use Cosmic Ordering to get what you require!” - Stephen Richards

42. “In the beginning man was poor, then along came Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

43. “A clever person solves a problem; a wise person uses Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards

44. “The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

45. “Human beings are incredibly slow, Cosmic Ordering is incredibly fast!” - Stephen Richards

46. “Twenty years from now you will be disappointed you never used Cosmic Ordering today.” - Stephen Richards

47. “Everybody talks about being rich, Cosmic Ordering does something about it.” - Stephen Richards

48. “Often the only difference between success and failure is not using Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

49. “To fail is nothing, unless you continue to ignore Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

50. “There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards

51. “Sometimes our Biggest Nightmare turns out to be our Biggest Gift. And it all comes down to our attitude. Life will throw us curve balls and disappointments, even heartbreak. But ultimately we can choose if we're going to be Bitter or Better for the experience.” - Kathryn Orford

52. “Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It's your masterpiece after all.” - Nathan W. Morris

53. “No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!” - Stephen Richards

54. “Whether it means prizing the value of lessons learned, building games into your creative process, or getting gifts upon certain milestones of achievement, self-derived rewards make a big difference…You cannot ignore or completely escape the deeply ingrained short-term reward system within you. But you can become aware of what really motivates you and then tweak your incentives to sustain your long-term pursuits.” - Scott Belsky

55. “The ability to feel and express genuine gratitude for the help given when it is needed most, for the gift or boon that is given at just the right time and under the right circumstances, is a way of surrendering one’s self to benevolent external forces.” - Stephen Richards

56. “Stop harboring grudges against those who have wronged you, it just holds you back when you really want to be in the NOW.” - Stephen Richards

57. “My name is Lake Suck and this is my manifesto. I swear to be myself. To think for myself. I will not be led by social conventions. I will make my own way through the world. I will live on my own terms without conforming to society's expectations of who they think I should be, I will be the visible minority.By being myself, I will help to save the world. I swear to always look, listen, learn, think, ask, act, and speak for myself.” - Cecil Castellucci

58. “It sounds like a lot when you summarize it, but I don't do all of it every day. If you want to know the truth, most days I feel like I'm miserably behind and only doing about half of what I should be doing. But when you look back you can see that you're building something. I think people who say 'Don't look back' are crazy. I wouldn't survive if I weren't looking back and patting myself on the back all the time for making it this far.” - Charity Shumway

59. “BELIEVE in yourself even if nobody else does!” - Stephanie Lahart