61 Fighting Spirit Quotes

June 24, 2024, 9:45 p.m.

61 Fighting Spirit Quotes

In the journey of life, we all encounter moments that test our resolve, challenge our limits, and push us to dig deeper within ourselves. During these trying times, a potent source of inspiration can be found in words that embody the fighting spirit. Whether you’re facing personal obstacles, aiming for ambitious goals, or simply in need of a boost, the right quote can reignite your inner fire and keep you moving forward. We've curated a collection of the top 61 fighting spirit quotes to empower, motivate, and remind you of the indomitable strength that lies within. Let these words serve as your beacon of hope and perseverance, lighting the path ahead.

1. “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” - Mahatma Gandhi

2. “It is easier to fight for one's principles than to live up to them.” - Alfred Adler

3. “All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more. But I am of the House of Éorl and not a serving-woman. I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear either pain or death.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

4. “If you can't go back to your mother's womb, you'd better learn to be a good fighter.” - Anchee Min

5. “War means fighting, and fighting means killing.” - Nathan Bedford Forrest

6. “The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards.” - William Francis Butler

7. “Hugh and I have been together for so long that in order to arouse extraordinary passion, we need to engage in physical combat. Once, he hit me on the back of the head with a broken wineglass, and I fell to the floor pretending to be unconscious. That was romantic, or would have been had he rushed to my side rather than stepping over my body to fetch the dustpan.” - David Sedaris

8. “Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.” - George Carlin

9. “You must tell Lady Alanna that sometime. I'd do it from a distance.” - Tamora Pierce

10. “For the coming of that day shall I fight, I and my sons and my chosen friends. For the freedom of Man. For his rights. For his life. For his honor.” - Ayn Rand

11. “Hey, bodyguard. You better get down to the gymnasium. This jumbo pixie guy is killing your sister." "Really?" said Butler, unconvinced. "Really. Juliet just does not seem to be herself. She can't put two moves together. It's pathetic, really. Everybody is betting against her." "I see," said Butler, straightening. Mulch held the door. "It's going to make things really interesting when you show up to help." Butler grinned. "I'm not coming to help. I just want to be there when she stops faking." "Ah," said Mulch, comprehension dawning on his face. "So I should switch my bet to Juliet?" "You certainly should" said Butler.” - Eoin Colfer

12. “It's hard to fight when the fight ain't fair.” - Taylor Swift

13. “What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.” - Frank Herbert

14. “The road to hell was paved with the bones of men who did not know when to quit fighting.” - Paulette Jiles

15. “Do not fight the thing in detail: turn from it. Look ONLY at your Lord. Sing. Read. Work.” - Amy Carmichael

16. “He began to realize that you cannot even fight happily with creatures that stand upon a different mental basis to yourself.” - H.G. Wells

17. “We got a fightin' side a mile wide, but we pray for peace 'cause it's mostly us that end up servin' overseas.” - Josh Thompson

18. “I’ve been fighting to be who I am all my life. What’s the point of being who I am, if I can’t have the person who was worth all the fighting for?” - Stephanie Lennox

19. “Democrats see our voluntary military supported by taxpayer dollars as their personal Salvation Army. Self-interested behavior, such as deploying troops to serve the nation, is considered boorish in Manhattan salons.” - Ann Coulter

20. “The afternoon breeze would incite to a weird and flabby activity all that crowded mass of clothing, with its vague suggestions of drowned, mutilated and flattened humanity. Trunks without heads waved at you arms without hands; legs without feet kicked fantastically with collapsible flourishes; and there were long white garments, that taking the wind fairly through their neck openings edged with lace, became for a moment violently distended as by the passage of obese and invisible bodies. On these days you could make out that ship at a great distance by the multi-coloured grotesque riot going on abaft her mizzen-mast.” - Joseph Conrad

21. “Anyone who likes or hates Dana White should take a look at this.” - June White

22. “He'd fought hard, Lida told me, as if there was another way to fight.” - John Green, The Fault In Our Stars

23. “Are the great spiritual teachings really advocating that we fight evil because we are on the side of light, the side of peace? Are they telling us to fight against that other 'undesirable' side, the bad and the black. That is a big question. If there is wisdom in the sacred teachings, there should not be any war. As long as a person is involved with warfare, trying to defend or attack, then his action is not sacred; it is mundane, dualistic, a battlefield situation.” - CHOGYAM TRUNGPA

24. “As long as a person is involved with warfare, trying to defend or attack, then his action is not sacred; it is mundane, dualistic, a battlefield situation.” - CHOGYAM TRUNGPA

25. “Men have been pacifists for every reason under the sun except to avoid danger and fighting.” - William Faulkner

26. “I must do whatever I can to find the best partners possible." "Did you kick their butts?" He frowned. "The buttocks are among the least sensitive places to hit someone." I laughed. "It's a figure of speech." "To kick butts. Interesting.” - Allison van Diepen

27. “I will give you a few guarantees of my own, Mukthar. I guarantee that before the sun sets, even if you win, even if my cold, dead body is lying on the field, you will rue the day you ever set foot in the Plains. For every inch you advance I'll exact gallons of Mukthar blood. I guarantee that there will be not one family of the Bear Mukthars or they will mourn at least one of theirs. I guarantee that even if you are triumphant the fruits of victory will taste like dust in your mouth. I guarantee that if you fail to kill me today, you will meet me again. You will meet me at the Ximerionian border. You will meet me at every city, town, village, and hamlet. You will meet me on every Amirathan crossroad, on every hill. I will fight you with every sword at my command, with every arrow, with every dagger. I will fight you with pitchforks. I will fight you with the very rocks of the land you try to conquer. I will never, never, never give up.~Anaxantis, before the Battle of the Zinchara (May 29th, 1453 aed)” - Andrew Ashling

28. “I think it's odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often and about such petty matters. Up to now I always thought bickering was just something children did and that they outgrew it.” - Anne Frank

29. “Go fuck yourself," I replied, always the lady. "I'm staying here.” - Ava Gardner

30. “Great idea," I said. "Call the police. Call the fucking police.” - Ava Gardner

31. “Then, aided by the booze, like a fool I tossed off one of those throwaway lines that would have been better thrown away. "Ah, Frank! I thought you were going to be down here fucking Lana.” - Ava Gardner

32. “Ender didn't like fighting. He didn't like Peter's kind, the strong against the weak, and he didn't like his own kind either, the smart against the stupid.” - Orson Scott Card

33. “There was a ringing in his ears, like a dead phone line that he couldn’t hang up on.” - Mark Capell

34. “Fighting is like champagne. It goes to the heads of cowards as quickly as of heroes. Any fool can be brave on a battlefield when it's be brave or else be killed.” - Margaret Mitchell

35. “You will never be entirely comfortable. This is the truth behind the champion - he is always fighting something. To do otherwise is to settle.” - Julien Smith

36. “I’ve often thought it unfair that women are expected to stay at home when there’s a fight to be won. If awoman has the strength to bear a child, she can swing a sword as well as any man.” - Karen Hawkins

37. “Fighting and writing’s deepest layers of beauty lie not only in the physical and mental realms of what we know, but also as an incognizable instinct, a realm we will never fully know but will forever feel.” - Cameron Conaway

38. “I’ve learned to fall like the BJJ player, to protect the body through controlling the distribution of force by slapping the mat with hands open. With hands open. Hands open. Open. O Pen.” - Cameron Conaway

39. “Fighting positions, please, ladies...''That's debatable,' Halt said in an undertone to Will as they stood watching...'The 'fighting' part or the 'ladies' part?' Will replied with a grin.Halt looked at him and shook his head. 'Definitely the 'ladies,'' he said. 'There's no debate about the 'fighting.''Will shrugged. He knew there was an edginess to the girls' relationship and that it had something to do with him. Why that should be so was beyond him.” - John Flanagan

40. “My father was a Catholic, a coal miner in the Big Pit. My mother a Jew. A charwoman, when she could find the work. They didn’t fit in Wales. Nor in the U.K., either. They didn’t fit with each other all that well, for that matter. They fought every day for as long as I can remember and loved each other more than anyone I’ve ever known. At least they did right up till a night when he looked right and not left at a train crossing in Chepstow and ended up half a mile from where he’d started, dead as the Ghost. Looking for a job, he was. Turned out he didn’t need one.” - Patrick Reinken

41. “Though the object of being a Great Power is to be able to fight a Great War, the only way of remaining a Great Power is not to fight one.” - A.J.P. Taylor

42. “Stefan spat. "Oh, aye, he fell. O' course, Master Ralon helped him fall, several times. Poor li'l tyke didn't have a chance.” - Tamora Pierce

43. “I'll show you an imaginative re-creation, my fist imaginatively re-creating your fucken face for starters.” - Neil Gaiman

44. “Grand Mage,” Ghastly said, as he put the map away, “did you know the sparrow flies south for the winter?”“What an odd thing to say,” Ravel said, and as he turned, he snapped his palm against the air and Paloma slammed into the wall.”…..“What do you know,” Ravel said, breathing a little faster, “Skulduggery’s silly little code actually works.” - Derek Landy

45. “I've noticed that loneliness gets stronger when we try to face it down, but gets weaker when we simply ignore it.” - Paulo Coelho

46. “A man who fights you as he does is no better than an opportunist and no worse than a thug.” - Kristin Cashore

47. “Very slowly using two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the water. Octavian made a squeaking sound. "What was that for? I didn't say toss it! That could've been evidence. Or spoils of war!"Annabeth tried for a dumb-blonde smile, like: Oh, silly me. Nobody who knew her would have been fooled. But Octavian seemed to buy it. He huffed in exasperation. "You other two..." He pointed his blade a Hazel and Piper. "Put your weapons on the dock. No funny bus--"All around the Romans, Charleston Harbor erupted like a Las Vegas fountain putting on a show. When the wall of seawater subsided, the three Romans were in the bay, spluttering and frantically trying to stay afloat in their armor. Percy stood on the dock, holding Annabeth's dagger. "You dropped this," he said, totally poker-faced.” - Rick Riordan

48. “Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer” - Taylor Swift

49. “When we neared the orchard a flock of birds lit from its outer rows. They hadn't been there long. The branches shook with their absent weight and the birds circled above in the riddy mackerel sky, where they made an artless semaphore. I was afraid, I smelled copper and cheap wine. The sun was up, but a half-moon hung low on the opposite horizon, cutting through the morning sky like a figure from a child's pull-tab book.We were lined along the ditch up to our ankles in a soupy muck. It all seemed in that moment to be the conclusion of a poorly designed experiment in inevitability. Everything was in its proper place, waiting for a pause in time, for the source of all momentum to be stilled, so that what remained would be nothing more than detritus to be tallied up. The world was paper-thin as far as I could tell. And the world was the orchard, and the orchard was what came next. But none of that was true. I was only afraid of dying.” - Kevin Powers

50. “If this is truly the time that will decide, we have no business refusing people who feel the way we do. No right to decide that they must huddle in their homes waiting to see if they are still slaves or not when the summer ends.” - Guy Gavriel Kay

51. “Sometimes battles are unavoidable.” - Shannon A Thompson

52. “It amazed Forrest that so many men seemed to wake up in the morning needing some kind of beating or another, men saying and doing fantastic things for the sake of getting another man to smash his face.” - Matt Bondurant

53. “Never lose hope, though everything's bleak, though you feel so weak. Never shrink back, never look back, especially when you know that you're fighting for the right reasons, for the right people.” - Jawe Querimit

54. “If he can't reach you he can't hit youIf he can't hit you he can't hurt you” - Arun D. Ellis

55. “Madoka: I'm always... making somebody else fight for me. I can't do anything... Does that make me a coward?Kyōko: Why do you gotta be a magical girl?Madoka: "Why"...?Kyōko: ...This work isn't about playing around. When the job's about putting yourself in harm's way, the only ones who do it are the poor slobs who don't have any other choice. The others who are surrounded by loving families and have the whole world ahead of 'em... the idiots who become magical girls on a whim... They're the ones I can't accept. I just wanna crush 'em! ...Someday the time may come when you have your back to a wall and you gotta fight. You can think about that stuff when the time comes.” - Magica Quartet

56. “He who fights with guns and knives is a coward! For how easy is it to kill with the single pull of a trigger? And how does human flesh stand to a sharpened metal? Even an idiot can kill with a gun and a knife! A man needs no courage at all to stand behind these things that make him feel invincible and bigger than he ever will be! I don't say that no one should fight! Because battles must be fought, and wars will always be won! But let those who fight, fight with bare hands! The measure of true strength! With his hands and feet and nothing but! The country with truly strong men is able to have soldiers that need not a knife, that need no guns! And if you can soar even higher than that; fight with your pens! Let us all write! And see the substance of the man through his philosophies and through his beliefs! And let one philosophy outdo another! Let one belief outlast another! And let this be how we determine the outcome of a war!” - C. JoyBell C.

57. “I've never, ever, ever -- in my entire life -- fought over a man. I've fought women who've hit me because of a man, but then I was fighting to bust her ass, not defend his.” - Karen E. Quinones Miller

58. “I wanted to beat the heck out of the JV guys for that, except I wouldn't know what to do in a fistfight without a manual.” - Carrie Harris

59. “It was easier to deal with Tennyson when he was fighting me; but having him on my side was frightening, because now I didn't know who the enemy was.” - Neal Shusterman

60. “Men broke into their homes, killed their families, threatened you--and you won't let them do anything for fear you'll be hurt. That's selfish. How would you like it if I took your bow and said I cared too much about you to let you fight?” - Tamora Pierce

61. “Democracy is a brawl settled in advance by counting heads.” - David P. Gontar