62 Inspiring Kate Quotes

June 30, 2024, 2:45 p.m.

62 Inspiring Kate Quotes

Looking for a dose of inspiration from one of the most influential voices around? You’ve come to the right place. We've meticulously compiled a collection of the top 62 inspiring Kate quotes that are sure to uplift, motivate, and empower you. Whether it's Kate's witty wisdom, heartfelt reflections, or her powerful affirmations, these quotes encapsulate the essence of her impactful words. Dive in and let these timeless quotes ignite your spirit and drive you towards a brighter, more inspired tomorrow.

1. “She crouched with her hand out. What the hell was she doing… "Here, kitty, kitty, kitty." Oh my God, she was retarded and I was going to kill Jim.” - Ilona Andrews

2. “As he passed me, he leaned to Curran and handed him a paper fan folded from some sort of flyer.Curran looked at the fan. “What?”"An emergency precaution, Your Majesty. In case the lady faints.”Curran just stared at him.Raphael strode toward the Pit, turned, flexed a bit, and winked at me."Give me that,” I told Curran. “I need to fan myself.”"No, you don’t.” - Ilona Andrews

3. “He said “woman” in the same way I’d say “Mmmmm, yummy chocolate” after waking up from hunger pains and finding a Hershey bar in an empty refrigerator.” - Ilona Andrews

4. “I know a man who is in love with my friend. He loves her absolutely. The only thing he wants in return is for her to love him.” Saiman arched his eyebrows, imitating me. “And?” "You’re the exact opposite of him. You lack the capacity to love, so you want to smother mine as well.” - Ilona Andrews

5. “Our stares connected and we were quiet for a long minute, united by our misery. At least he understood me and I understood him."A fine pair we make,” he said."Yeah.” - Ilona Andrews

6. “Kate," Lucern interrupted."What?" she asked warily."I do not need blood." He tugged her off balance and into his lap. "All I need is you.” - Lynsay Sands

7. “From what I know of you already, you have quite a reputation for providing customer satisfaction."Julie's cheeks burned. For Kate's benefit she said, "I try." "Oh, I'm certain you do more than try. You go all out." He paused for several beats. Then, "I've driven past the gallery thousands of times and always admired the works displayed in the windows. But I haven't had a reason to stop.""And now you did?""Now I did."She drew herself up. "Well, I'm sure Katherine will find the perfect piece for you. She's very knowledgeable.""He came to see you.""That's right, Ms. Rutledge. Not that Ms. Fields isn't perfectly charming and, I'm sure, knowledgeable." He shot Kate a smile over his shoulder, which she returned before he came back around to Julie. "But I'm placing myself in your very capable hands.” - Sandra Brown

8. “The mage pulled my knife out of his side and looked at it. “Nice knife.” The voice was deep but female.I threw my second knife. The blade bit into the mage’s chest. Shit. Missed the neck. “Here, have another one.” - Ilona Andrews

9. “He put the book down. “As you wish.” He rose and walked past me. I lowered my sword, expecting him to pass, but suddenly he stepped in dangerously close. “Welcome home. I’m glad you made it. There is coffee in the kitchen for you.”My mouth gaped open.He inhaled my scent, bent close, about to kiss me…I just stood there like an idiot.Curran smirked and whispered in my ear instead. “Psych.”And just like that, he was out the door and gone.Oh boy.” - Ilona Andrews

10. “Yeah, right, like Catherine Deneuve has her own hot-guy SWAT team trolling the neighborhood for celebrity stalkers with swords" - Kate (Die For Me)” - Amy Plum

11. “He raised his hand in a peaceful gesture. "You need to relax a bit, dove. Like Mouse over there. You trust me, don't you, Mouse?""Nope!""Ahhh, I'm hurt. Nobody likes me.” - Ilona Andrews

12. “Secret to what?""Secret to shutting you up," he said. "I just have to beat you till you're half-dead, then give you chicken soup and"--he raised his hands--"blessed silence.” - Ilona Andrews

13. “He lunged for the maps. I grabbed the chair and hit him with it. He went down. I hit him again to make sure he stayed that way, stepped over him, and picked up the maps."I win.” - Ilona Andrews

14. “In there?'She nodded.'You want us to go into the tortoise?'Another nod.'It's alive.'Another nod.” - Ilona Andrews

15. “The Oracle rose. As one, the three witches bowed."See?" Bran jerked his thumb at the three women. "That's how a woman should treat a man. Next time you see me, I want you to do just like them.” - Ilona Andrews

16. “The decorator of Las Colimas must have been a great admirer of both early Aztec and late Taco Bell architectural styles.” - Ilona Andrews

17. “On the other hand it was bad manners to look a gift horse in the mouth. Even if you're getting it from an overweight cracker in a fringe shirt.” - Ilona Andrews

18. “You know anything about investigative work?""Sure. Annoy the people involved until the guilt party tries to make you go away.” - Ilona Andrews

19. “Kate Daniels, trained negotiator. When in possession of some valuable information, give it away to the first sexy man you see with no guarantee of return.” - Ilona Andrews

20. “Juke glanced into her cup before tipping it down to her mouth. "Screw you!""Now come on, sugar, you know I don't swing that way.""Whatever!” - Ilona Andrews

21. “I've read your summary.""And?""It's not incompetent."Be still, my heart, so I don't faint from such faint phrase. "Did you expect it to be written in crayon?” - Ilona Andrews

22. “ Dear rabbis, I'm so sorry, I nuked your circle dude. Here is his head as a souvenir. Yeah, that would fly.” - Ilona Andrews

23. “Hold your horses. I'm coming."..."From where I'm standing you're just breathing laboriously."The snow swam out of focus. "Breathing hard. Are you coming or just breathing hard. You've got to get your one-liners straight.” - Ilona Andrews

24. “I know it may come as a shock, but it's sort of considered polite to wait for the consent of the woman. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if you don't wait, you may have to deal with pesky criminal charges like kidnapping and rape.” - Ilona Andrews

25. “Torch strode over and stared at the fiver"What's this?""Some change for you. Buy your flunkies some decent clothes." I dipped my fingers into the jar and smeared think fragrant paste on my face. Torch frowned, mirroring the expression on my aunt's face."Change?"Oh, for crying out loud. "It's money. We don't use coins as currency now, we use paper money." He stared at me. "I'm insulting you! I'm saying your poor, like a beggar, because your undead are in rags. I'm offering to clothe your servants for you, because you can't provide for them. Come on, how thick do you have to be?"He jerked his hand up. A jet of flame erupted from his fingers, sliding against the ward. I jerked back from the windows on instinct. The fire died. I leaned forward. "Do you understand now?" More fire. "What's the matter? Was that not enough money?” - Ilona Andrews

26. “I'm counting to ten in my head.""Is it helping?""No.""It doesn't help me with you either. I used to life weights to alleviate frustration, but someone blowtorched my weight bench. How did you do it, by the way?""I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you.” - Ilona Andrews

27. “How’s your dance card look?” “Double-check your century Jules. No dance cards.” Jules shrugged & gave me his most flirtatious smile.” - Amy Plum

28. “A few Paris blocks away I led a completely normal life with my sister & grandparents. And here I was sword fighting with dead guys.” - Amy Plum

29. “Kate: “Oh, please, Vincent. We’re in the middle of a major tourist site. Père Lachaise cemetary is practically Disneyland for the Dead. It’s not some Buffy soundstage with vampires rising out of the ground every time someone turns around.” - Amy Plum

30. “Kate, I admit that we aren’t in the easiest of situations. But are you always this . . . complicated?”I opened my mouth to say something, but Vincent shook his head, grinning. “Actually, don’t answer that. Of course you are. I wouldn’t be so totally into you if you weren’t.” - Amy Plum

31. “Gaspard eyed me cautiously. “I really can’t say,” he responded in his formal nineteenth-century style. Can’t, or won’t? I thought.” - Amy Plum

32. “When in doubt, poke the beehive with a stick to see if anything interesting flies out.I clapped my hands. 'I had no idea Pit teams had such pretty cheerleaders. Can you do it again, but with more spirit this time?” - Ilona Andrews

33. “The hallway led me to the stairway of a million steps. My leg screamed in protest. I sighed and started climbing. I just had to keep from limping. Limping showed weakness, and I didn’t need any enterprising, career-motivated shapeshifters trying to challenge me for dominance right about now.I had once mentioned my desire for an elevator, and His Majesty asked me if I would like a flock of doves to carry me up to my quarters so my feet wouldn’t have to touch the ground. We were sparring at the time and I kicked him in the kidney in retaliation.” - Ilona Andrews

34. “People around me died, usually in horrible and bloody ways.” - Ilona Andrews

35. “I turned and bumped my head against his chest a few times. It was the nearest hard surface.” - Ilona Andrews

36. “People around me die. They drop like flies. I've gone through life leaving a trail of dead bodies behind me. My mother is dead, my guardian is dead, my aunt is dead—because I killed her, and when my real father finds me, he'll move heaven and earth to make me dead.” - Ilona Andrews

37. “I'm going to kick you in the head when I get home. Repeatedly.” - Ilona Andrews

38. “I got a dog-training book. It says Grendel needs mental stimulation, so I tried to train him, but I think he must be retarded.” - Ilona Andrews

39. “She put her hands over her face. Ah crap. What do I do now? Do I say something, do I not say something? I kept talking, keeping my voice as light as I could manage. Her shoulders shook slightly. She was crying. Fuck me. I sat there, not sure what to do with myself.” - Ilona Andrews

40. “One day I'll kill him, you know.I glanced at her. She was deadly serious.” - Ilona Andrews

41. “Whatever storm was brewing, I'd find it and fight it. If it was the price of being with Curran, then I would pay it. He was worth it.” - Ilona Andrews

42. “Seducing him in the tub smelling of vinegar was out of the question. There had to be some boundaries.” - Ilona Andrews

43. “Black hair, angelic face, and devil eyes.” - Ilona Andrews

44. “What is wrong with you?Many, many things.” - Ilona Andrews

45. “I'm investigating people who sacrifice trained killers to dark gods.Perfect, it will keep him occupied.In what capacity?Bait.” - Ilona Andrews

46. “Put your badass faces on and follow me.” - Ilona Andrews

47. “Aha," Andrea said. "I'm going to ignore that you just referred to yourself as 'sugar woogums'.” - Ilona Andrews

48. “Two hours. More than enough time to kidnap a man. Or to slice his throat, bury him in the forest, and steal his magic project. How the hell did de Harven fit into it? Did he surprise the thieves? Of course, Adam Kamen could've killed his uber-bodyguard and bolted with the goods. Because he was secretly a ninja, adept at mortal combat and vanishing into thin air. Yes, that was it. Case solved.” - Ilona Andrews

49. “It's not a loup cage, you know,' I told her. 'It's a holding cell. Or safe room. or secure room. I don't think Jim ever settled on a term he could live with.''Aha. It's a loup cage.' Andrea cleared her throat. 'I touched it with my finger and it hurt. Is that in case of marital problems?” - Ilona Andrews

50. “Help me, I can’t breathe, your ego is pushing all the air out of the room.” - Ilona Andrews

51. “They had picked up Julie's scent hit wolfsbane lost her and found her trail again at the crumbling Highway 23 except it was two hours old and mixed with horse scents. She was hitchhiking. Great. Awesome. At least she always carried a knife with her. When I relayed this to Curran he shrugged and said, "If she kills anybody we'll make it go away.” - Ilona Andrews

52. “Damn boudas. I tell him he's under siege and he goes to take a nap.” - Ilona Andrews

53. “This is payback, isn't it?" Jim glared at me. "Don't be ridiculous," I told him. "As the Consort of the Pack, I'm far above petty revenge.” - Ilona Andrews

54. “I spent the rest of the day in someone else's story. The rare moments that I put the book down, my own pain returned in burning stabs.” - Amy Plum

55. “Clearly God was in some kind of mood on my birthday.” - Jodi Picoult

56. “Everyone watched, wondering if this could be the same lunatic who'd nearly berthed his ornithopter in the restaurant. I swallowed, for it seemed he was headed straight for my table. He pulled off his helmet and a mass of dark auburn hair spilled out. Off came the goggles, and I was looking at the beaming face of Kate de Vries.” - Kenneth Oppel

57. “I could not help staring back, for they made quite a contrast: Kate's pale skin and elegant purple suit, Nadira's dusky skin and exotic fiery sari."Do we clash?" Nadira said dryly."We certainly do," said Kate. "Would you like me to move?""Don't trouble yourself.” - Kenneth Oppel

58. “The Beast Lord walked out of the warehouse. The screen went dark.My knight in furry armor.Saiman opened his mouth. "This is why I didn't. Personally, I think your smile is inappropriate.” - Ilona Andrews

59. “She was in love with a vampire. Bela Lugosi. Nosferatu. Vlad the Impaler. Count Chocula . The urge to laugh seized her and she buried her face in her hands and cried instead.” - Shelby Reed

60. “Tension fled from me. Tomorrow I would worry about Hugh d’Ambray and Andrea andRoland, but now I was simply happy. Aaahh. Home. My place, my smells, my familiar rug under my feet, my kitchen, my Curran in the kitchen chair . . . Wait a damn minute.“You!” - Ilona Andrews

61. “I clawed my eyes open and rolled off my bed. For some reason, someone had moved the floor several feet lower than I had expected, and I fell and crashed with a thud.Ow.A blond head popped over the side of the bed, and a familiar male voice asked, “Are you okay down there?”Curran. The Beast Lord was in my bed. No, wait a minute. I didn’t have a bed, because my insane aunt had destroyed my apartment. I was mated to the Beast Lord, which meant I was in the Keep, in Curran’s rooms, and in his bed. Our bed. Which was four feet high. Right.“Kate?”“I’m fine.”“Would you like me to install one of those child playground slides for you?” - Ilona Andrews

62. “(...) alguns livros são tão bons que queremos lê-los uma e outra vez. Afeiçoamo-nos a eles.Tornam-se...bom, tornam-se um pouco a nossa familia.” - Patricia Cabot