62 Twitter Quotes For Inspiration

Aug. 22, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

62 Twitter Quotes For Inspiration

In the digital age, where every scroll and swipe connects us to endless streams of information, finding that perfect nugget of inspiration can feel like discovering a hidden gem. Twitter, with its concise nature and widespread reach, has become a treasure trove for such gems—quotes that lift our spirits, motivate us to pursue our dreams, and provoke thought in just 280 characters or less. To celebrate this, we've curated a collection of 62 top Twitter quotes that encapsulate inspiration in its purest form. Whether you're in need of a quick boost for your day or seeking words to fuel your long-term goals, this compilation promises to offer the perfect dose of inspiration right at your fingertips.

1. “I love seeing other channels counterprogram the Super Bowl. PBS: "DAMN RIGHT we're airing a new 'Masterpiece Classic'! Fuck off, sports!” - Tara Ariano

2. “The best way to engage honestly with the marketplace via Twitter is to never use the words "engage," "honestly," or "marketplace.” - Jeffrey Zeldman

3. “Its like a sort of internet Ren Fair. Its like Dungeons & Dragons but for cool people who have got friends.” - Craig Ferguson

4. “Memo to extreme partisans: If you can't bring yourselves to love your enemies, can you at least learn to hate your friends?” - Walter Kirn

5. “Everyone loves a witch hunt as long as it's someone else's witch being hunted.” - Walter Kirn

6. “When Loughner himself speaks and we find out his real influences are Spiderman, 'Gnome Chomsky,' Taylor Swift, and Dr. Bronner, then what?” - Walter Kirn

7. “Dear Teens at Starbucks wearing 'Abstain from Sex 2 Attain Ur Goals' t-shirts: Doesn't it depend on what my goals are?” - John Green

8. “Since Modi's Mumbai sign-off, much commentary has been focused on the brand-dilution potential inherent in its scandals. MS Dhoni doesn't think we should worry: 'IPL as a brand can survive on its own.' Shilpa Shetty, 'brand ambassador' of the Rajasthan Royals, tweets that we should: 'Custodians of Cricket must not hamper d Brandvalue of this viable sport.' Hampering d Brandvalue, insists new IPL boss Chirayu Amin, is the furthest thing from his mind: 'IPL's brand image is strong and nobody can touch that.' Harsha Bhogle, however, frets for the nation: 'Within the cricket world, Brand India will take a hit.'Not much more than a week after Modi's first tell-all tweets, the media was anxiously consulting Brand Finance's managing director, Unni Krishnan. Had there been any brand dilution yet? It was, said the soothsayer gravely, 'too early to say'. He could, however, confirm the following: 'The wealth that can be created by the brand is going to be substantially significant for many stakeholders. A conducive ecosystem has to be created to move the brand to the next level… We have to build the requisite bandwidth to monetise these opportunities.' Er, yeah… what he said. Anyway, placing a value on the IPL brand has clearly been quite beneficial to Brand Finance's brand.” - Gideon Haigh

9. “This could be addictive.” - Kevin Pietersen

10. “New Labour leader Ed Miliband announces plan to 'make this party slightly less unelectable by 2015'. He added: 'I am Ed, the Almighty One.'Defeated brother David Miliband overheard muttering: 'Now I know how Wayne Christ felt after little Jesus came along.” - Andy Zaltzman

11. “Great News! If you quit being cunty the whole world will stop being against you!” - Sarah Silverman

12. “Like many people, I feel like celebrating. Remember this feeling. It is human, and can help us understand when others express bloodlust.” - John Green

13. “Stupid quotes are only Twitters in disguise.” - Shannon Alder

14. “Good books make you ask questions. Bad readers want everything answered.” - Scott Westerfeld

15. “I realise people exist who don't read. But it's like I knew there were people who didn't breathe or eat: I can't imagine a life like that.” - Sarah Rees Brennan

16. “I don't mind bigots. You're allowed to be bigoted, if that makes you happy. Just do it at home. And not around the children.” - Maureen Johnson

17. “إوعى تشك فى مصر حتى لو سهرت برة البيت” - جلال عامر

18. “فى بلادنا كل «صول» يطلع معاش أو أستاذ خالى شغل يتحول داخل «أنبوبة» التليفزيون فى درجة حرارة معينة ومع التقليب المستمر إلى «محلل»!ا” - جلال عامر

19. “النظم العربية بارعة في توصيف التهم للمعارضين: تعكير الصفو- إغضاب البورصة- إطلاق شائعات إلى الفضاء الخارجى- تكوين جمعية بهدف قبضها الأول” - جلال عامر

20. “فى العالم الثالث يمتلك الحاكم حكمة لقمان ويمتلك رجل الأعمال مال قارون ويمتلك الشعب صبر أيوب” - جلال عامر

21. “حقوق الإنسان: هو حق المواطن في ألا يتم إهانته إلا تحت إشراف ضابط” - جلال عامر

22. “إذا كان عندك «صنعة» فإن عدوك هو ابن كارك وإذا كان عندك «بنت» فإن عدوك هو ابن جارك” - جلال عامر

23. “Learn to trust your instincts. Only something dead goes with the tide. Only something living can go against it.” - Tony Parsons

24. “Becoming a lake has put a lot of things in perspective for me.” - Heather Christle

25. “I realise I'm behind on this but Rebekah Brooks was married to Ross Kemp of Gangs fame?! And she assaulted him? That explains so much.” - Mandy Wiener

26. “One upside of the heat. Kind of cool to see a cat pant.” - Jonah Goldberg

27. “Gov. Christie says 'New Jersey First.' State-based Isolationism!” - Jonah Goldberg

28. “Genghis Miliband roars up to the despatch box like a caged donkey.” - Andy Zaltzman

29. “Nice mix of Tory MPs saying this issue shouldn't be used for petty political pointscoring, & Tory MPs trying to score petty political points.” - Andy Zaltzman

30. “Not reassuring when weathermen say 'Today will be terrible but don't worry it won't be as terrible as tomorrow or Friday.” - Jonah Goldberg

31. “The British version of 'Shit My Dad Says' is really entertaining.” - Jeremy Scahill

32. “Incestuous, homogeneous fiefdoms of self-proclaimed expertise are always rank-closing and mutually self-defending, above all else.” - Glenn Greenwald

33. “Tip to all British tabloids: Do Not Hack Amy Winehouse's Phone. I repeat: Do Not Hack Amy Winehouse's Phone.” - Jonah Goldberg

34. “I got my dad a great father's Day present. He called to say: 'Ach. Zis present is so good I now think it vas almost vorth having children.” - Johann Hari

35. “Some libs took offense at my David Broder quip earlier. In my own defense, I was taught in college it's OK to disrespect dead white males.” - James Taranto

36. “We have one precious life: do something extraordinary today, even if it's tiny. A pebble starts the avalanche.” - K.A. Laity

37. “When journalists are 'accused' of being 'advocates', that means: challenging and deviating from DC orthodoxies.” - Glenn Greenwald

38. “As always, imagine how great the press corps would be if it devoted 1/1000th the energy to dissecting non-sex political wrongdoing” - Glenn Greenwald

39. “They're called 'facts', and my role is to amplify those, not cheerlead. And I don't care at all what you think of my motives.” - Glenn Greenwald

40. “OK, publishing a book and releasing a movie is all very well, but Tottenham beating Man. U. 3-2... priceless.” - Salman Rushdie

41. “I'd like to vote for the candidate similar to the one the Right absurdly claims Obama is.” - Glenn Greenwald

42. “...some say Twitter seems trite and lacks weightiness - but in actuality, it lends itself to poetry - it can be very compressed and intense...” - John Geddes

43. “F. Scott Fitzgerald believed inserting exclamation points was the literary equivalent of an author laughing at his own jokes, but that's not the case in the modern age; now, the exclamation point signifies creative confusion. All it illustrates is that even the writer can't tell if what they're creating is supposed to be meaningful, frivolous, or cruel. It's an attempt to insert humor where none exists, on the off chance that a potential reader will only be pleased if they suspect they're being entertained. Of course, the reader isn't really sure, either. They just want to know when they're supposed to pretend to be amused.” - Chuck Klosterman

44. “For those suggesting criticisms of drone kills should wait until the election: that'd be reasonable if he stops killing until the election.” - Glenn Greenwald

45. “To one's enemies: "I hate myself more than you ever could.” - Alain De Botton

46. “Cuando una persona se configura para expresarse en 140 caracteres, cuando se habitúa al dicterio o al insulto, pierde capacidad para la argumentación, que es la médula del pensamiento.” - Fernando Savater

47. “If you want to write a negative review, don't tickle me gently with your aesthetic displeasure about my work. Unleash the goddamn Kraken."[on Twitter, July 17, 2012]” - Scott Lynch

48. “We are the generation of Social Media, Our biggest Revolution is a Tweet of 141 Characters.” - Sandra Chami Kassis

49. “If women are breadwinners and men bring home the bacon, why do people complain about having no dough? I'm confused. Also hungry.” - Stephen Colbert

50. “I love making observations. That one is a classic example.” - Stephen Colbert

51. “The Yankees' Facebook page was hacked. The hacker was immediately purchased and signed to a 5 year contract with the Yankees.” - Stephen Colbert

52. “Beyond all the other reasons not to do it, free speech assaults always backfire: they transform bigots into martyrs.” - Glenn Greenwald

53. “If a cigarette butt in the bottom of a beer bottle had a voice it would be the voice of Phil Tufnell.” - Telford Vice

54. “If by some bizarre chance there turns out to be a god [...], I'm willing to bet he's an atheist too.” - Salman Rushdie

55. “If I had one wish, it would be for self-drying pants. Wait -- no! Unlimited wishes! How do I return these stupid pants?!” - Stephen Colbert

56. “I know it's a really hard concept to process, but the fact that Govt accuses someone of being a Terrorist doesn't mean they are.” - Glenn Greenwald

57. “After obsessively Googling symptoms for four hours, I discovered 'obsessively Googling symptoms' is a symptom of hypochondria.” - Stephen Colbert

58. “The hallmark of an authoritarian idiot is yelling TERRORIST-LOVER! at anyone questioning the definition of Terrorist.” - Glenn Greenwald

59. “Scientists have invented a new strain of cannabis without the high. They celebrated with non-alcoholic beer and furious dry-humping.” - Stephen Colbert

60. “Bienvenidos a mi barco pirata. Vamos rumbo a Venecia, a cazar vampiros.” - Sofía Navarro

61. “Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me.” - Kiera Cass

62. “Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for you kingdom's cause, as I walk from nothing to eternity.” - Kiera Cass