64 New Quotes For Adults

June 3, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

64 New Quotes For Adults

In today’s fast-paced world, a dose of wisdom or a fresh perspective can make all the difference. Whether you're navigating the challenges of adulthood, seeking inspiration, or simply in need of a mental break, quotes have a remarkable way of encapsulating the complex emotions and experiences we encounter. We've curated a collection of the top 64 new quotes for adults to uplift your spirit, provoke thought, and perhaps even inspire change. Dive in and discover nuggets of wisdom that resonate with you and may even become your new mantra.

1. “You have a certain charm, believe it or not. That, and you feed me.” - Abria Mattina

2. “I underestimated your laziness.” “It’s pronounced intelligence, Kirk.” - Abria Mattina

3. “I’m going to kill you, you know.” - Abria Mattina

4. “You know, you’re kind of a badass.” “Please, if I had balls they’d be bigger than yours.” - Abria Mattina

5. “Why am I surrounded by sluts and morons?” - Abria Mattina

6. “I solved world hunger.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Oh, ye of little faith.”
“You realize that solving world hunger would mean you’d be doing something good for a change?”
“Ah, but there’s the kicker: I destroyed my solutions.” He finally looks away from the window and gives me this cocky smirk. “Malevolence 101, Kirk.” - Abria Mattina

7. “Their eyes locked.They could see into each other's souls. This was why she had been bored.” - Marion Croslydon

8. “James is why I never left. I should have left.” - Kate Avelynn

9. “This is my first real memory of James. In every memory before that, he’s just a flash of color, a warm body with a blurred face, a comforting voice begging me not to die. When he planted himself between our father and me that day, an eight-year-old with small fists clenched at his sides, I think I fell in love with my brother.” - Kate Avelynn

10. “James “Knockout Jimmy” O’Brien, Granite Fall’s very own boxing legend—a title he held until a young groupie poked holes in the condom she made him wear “for protection.”My brother was born nine months later, fists already swinging.” - Kate Avelynn

11. “Selfish as this sounds, I meant what I said earlier,” he finally says.I try to remember what he said, but everything is kind of a blur. “Which part?” “The ‘I’m glad you came tonight’ part.” So I’m not imagining the nudging or the sparks or what I could have sworn was his thumb tracing circles on the back of my hand while we walked to his car. “Mmm. Well in that case, I meant what I said, too.”He kicks a rock I’m two steps from tripping over out of my path. “You said the potholes in Leslie’s driveway suck.” - Kate Avelynn

12. “I feel his intense gaze skimming my face and force myself to look him in the eye. This time, when he leans closer, I know what he wants. He traces my jaw with his fingertips, then moves lower to my chin. My eyelids flutter closed when he tips my face up.Oh my God. Sam Donavon is going to kiss me. The forest holds its breath.I hold my breath.Our lips brush, light as eyelashes. His fingers trail back into my hair, tilting my head. Hot cinnamon dances across my mouth. I’m drowning.And then my name, roared at the top of familiar lungs, cracks the silent night.” - Kate Avelynn

13. “He stabs his fingers through his drying hair and resumes his pacing. “You think I don’t know this went really fast? I didn’t plan for this to happen. Hell, I didn’t even know if you’d let me talk to you, much less be with you. But then you did and we did and…” He stops in the center of the room and stares at me, his shoulders sagging. “I figured out pretty quick that this is a forever thing for me. I think it has been from the very beginning.” - Kate Avelynn

14. “Rena?” I looked up as a figure emerged from the white void of snowfall. The snow dusted his broad shoulders as he took long, measured strides toward me, his black coat flapping in the wind. As he neared, I made out his startled features. “Wallace?” His gaze burned with indiscernible emotion. “Are you hugging the lamp post?” - Carrie Butler

15. “That girl was a goddess and once a guy got hooked on her it was damn hard weaning off. - Drake” - Victoria H. Smith

16. “I had fallen too far. I was in love with Rush Finlay.” - Abbi Glines

17. “Please. Forgive me. One more chance, Blaire. I want this. I want you.” - Abbi Glines

18. “Blaire, even if all we do is kiss or just lay there and talk, I'm okay with that. I just wanted you up here. Close to me.” - Abbi Glines

19. “You naked in my bed is even more unbelievably beautiful than I thought it would be... and trust me I've thought about it. A lot.” - Abbi Glines

20. “I need you. Right now. Let me love you right here, please.” - Abbi Glines

21. “A laugh jumps out of my mouth, surprising me. I can’t even remember the last time I laughed and it puts me on edge. I suddenly want to do the same thing to her. Let her see how it feels to teeter on that cliff.” - Nyrae Dawn

22. “Well, why not just snap my damn olive branch and beat me with it? I was only trying to help.” - Carrie Butler

23. “Maybe that was why another part of me--a very small part--had wanted to kiss Wallace then. Both sides of his mouth, between his brows, and every other place those stupid worry lines marred his expression. That part of me had wanted to hold him tight and give him the comfort I knew he couldn’t ask for.But that part terrified me the most.” - Carrie Butler

24. “Cole radiated that cool, bad boy sort of confidence—the kind that left most women flustered and ready.” - Carrie Butler

25. “It doesn’t matter what’s wrong with him. We’re not going to act like he doesn’t exist. Not anymore.” - Carrie Butler

26. “So nothing! Look, I get that coming here meant you could finally do things on your own, but you are just supposed to just take sips of freedom Norah – don’t just slam it down your throat like a tequila shot!” - Angela Richardson

27. “But this girl...she doesn’t feel pointless. She’s real and she’s beautiful and she fits perfectly when she’s in my arms. She makes me want to feel.” - Monica Murphy

28. “I can tell you, Jay, nothing that happens in this life is worth killing yourself over. Time passes, and you can decide to change your future. You don't let what some assholes say or do, direct you. In this life, it only matters what you do with it.” - Nicole Reed

29. “When you find someone you want to spend forever with you, you don't let them go, whether forever turns out to be a day or a year of fifty years. Don't let the fear of losing them keep you from loving them.” - Nicole Williams

30. “Caring for someone is scary, because you both know how it feels to lose someone in the span of a heartbeat.” - Nicole Williams

31. “And if I ever see you or your fake ass Chanel earrings around here again, I will shove my very real, very pointy Jimmy Choos up your prissy little ass. Do I make myself clear?” - Magan Vernon

32. “I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked tonight with his strong build lining his t-shirt. He should never cover his beauty with clothes and such things. - Ariel” - Victoria H. Smith

33. “When he flashed that rockin’ smile of his again, I couldn’t help but think that me being cute was what might be crossing his mind. Then again, maybe he thought I was a dumbass. Either way, he smiled, which was good enough for me. - Ariel” - Victoria H. Smith

34. “He stood there tall and dashing, peering down at her with a set of mesmerizing sapphire eyes. It wasn’t the eyes that had her sex-drive squealing into overdrive; it was that…hair. Now, Tarrah had never really been into redheads before, but damn, she sure as hell would be willing to convert.” - Victoria H. Smith

35. “I plastered on my best poker face, attempting to appear cool and casual even thought I had never been so eager to deliver two Chicken Parmagianas in my life."Just be careful, hon," Rosanna said."Oh, are the plates hot?" I flinched back just before my hands made contact.Rosanna laughed. "No, but hot boys can burn just as easily.” - C.J. Duggan

36. “I don’t get where he gets off thinking he should be able to have his cake and eat it too because news flash, this cake store is fucking closed.--Lane” - Michelle A. Valentine

37. “Yes we do. If I don’t have you soon, I’m going to implode. Can’t you see that? I want you to be with me. I can’t stand all these guys coming on to you. The fact that I’m not allowed to do a God damn thing about it because you’re not mine is killing me.”--Noel” - Michelle A. Valentine

38. “He pries me from his chest and drops his hand from the back of my head, tracing my ear, along my jawline. He snatches his fingers a moment before they press into my lip.” - Rebecca Berto

39. “She was damaged and broken and there wasn’t any kind of glue in the world that could fix her.” - Julie Bale

40. “I didn’t have to look at him to know I’d just lost everything I’d ever wanted because I felt it. I felt the loss seep into bone and tissue. I felt it settle between the cracks in my heart and the empty holes in my soul.” - Julie Bale

41. “You know there’s this gaping space between us, and if I leaned forward I’d grab Dex’s shirt without ever touching him. You know there’s a three-inch-thick glass wall separating us.Now we know, too.” - Rebecca Berto

42. “I don’t know how it happened. Nobody does. There are only theories, empty rhetoric and doomsday prophecies. None of them are right, but none of them are completely wrong, either. They all have a grain of truth. All I know is where I was and what I was doing when it happened.” - Summer Lane

43. “What’s your name?” I ask again. “Chris,” he says. “Chris Young.” I exhale dramatically, blowing my bangs out of my eyes. “I can take you,” I reply. “But if you try anything, I’ll shoot you right between the eyes. Seriously.” He almost smiles. “Yes, ma’am.” - Summer Lane

44. “I’ve never been on a bike,” I say. “I mean, I’ve been on a bike but not a motorcycle.”“And why is that?” he asks. “Bugs. They get in your mouth, right? That’s just gross.” Chris makes a face.“If you ride around with your mouth hanging open, I assume that could be a possibility.” - Summer Lane

45. “I’ve never been able to stand up for myself while growing up, but I will stand up for you against anyone who ever threatens to hurt you in any way.” - Daniele Lanzarotta

46. “There’s nothing easier to ‘acquire’ than a girl with a broken heart.” - Daniele Lanzarotta

47. “For now, I'll let you plead temporary amnesia," he said and lifted my chin to him. "But I'm never going to forget what it felt like when you were biting my lip instead of your own.” - Magan Vernon

48. “I need to make myself strong on the inside instead of what is on the outside. I know all of this, but why can’t I put any of it into action? I guess that’s why I am in this place.” - Piper Caleb

49. “Maybe we choose to stay in a constant state of ignorance as a protective instinct — maybe I was just in denial. I just don’t get how you can be completely in love with someone one day, and then all of a sudden you just aren’t. I will never forget that day...the day where I became numb.” - Piper Caleb

50. “The day I met you is the day by which all others will be measured. — Levi Ian Bryson” - T.R. Graves

51. “One second she’s all timid, and then reeoowr! Hellcat.” - Carrie Butler

52. “I mean, that was the code, wasn’t it? Single girls and taken guys weren’t allowed to be friends. The leash always got in the way.” - Carrie Butler

53. “All because I fell in love with a madman.” - Carrie Butler

54. “Why do you do that?” Torrin’s voice echoes in the empty hall. His hand is holding my arm gently, not at all like Derek does. I can’t have this. I can’t. I shouldn’t have ever come here with him. I draw in a shaky breath and pull my arm away. “Do what?” “Walk away every time I ask you something personal?” I stare hard at him. “Why do you do that? He blinks. “Huh?” “Ask so many questions.” His mouth drops open and closes and five long seconds pass before he says, “It’s what people do, Quinn. When they’re getting to know each other.” I shake my head and spin toward the door. “You don’t want to get to know me.” - Brooklyn Skye

55. “When the mind is free, magic happens.” - C.G. Rousing

56. “You know that feeling when everyone around you is happy and you feel like you're standing back to watch them from afar? Like you're in this crappy little theatre all by yourself, watching the lives of other people who are totally fabulous? Yeah, that's me.” - Jen Naumann

57. “All my life I thought love was supposed to be this amazing, wonderful feeling. I thought it was supposed to heal all wounds and conquer all. No one ever told me that it can leave a giant hole in your heart. No one ever mentioned that it could steal all the life away from you.” - Jen Naumann

58. “I want to kiss you so very badly, Rose. But I can't. And its killing me"-Mr. Stone” - Kate Bloomfield

59. “When we mated I felt your heart stop beating and it was as if the world had stopped turning. It was only while surrounded by death that I realized I had never felt more alive.” - Nenia Campbell

60. “Events That Haunt The Mind And Scar It With Nightmares Are Never What They Seem...” - P.W. Creighton

61. “A movie playing on the TV screen in front of us. Some sort of bad Tom Cruise drama. I've never liked Tom Cruise. He always reminded me of someone's creepy cousin, who smiles too big before he touches your butt and whispers something gross in your ear with hot whiskey breath.” - Erin McCarthy

62. “...you don’t fight fair against the devil, now do you?” - Meg Winkler

63. “I looked down, unable to meet the intensity in Nat’s eyes. Tonight, my crush for Nat had moved beyond a crush. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and the more we clashed, the more we wanted each other." - Summer, Perfect Summer” - Kailin Gow

64. “Tanned, toned, curves in the right places and that small waist…lips, hair, eyes all packaged up like a siren. If she’s a siren, I heard her call, and I’m diving in hook, line, and sinker. - Drew Donovan” - Kailin Gow