65 Laughter Quotes To Enjoy

June 15, 2024, 12:45 a.m.

65 Laughter Quotes To Enjoy

Laughter is often hailed as the best medicine, a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together. Whether it's a gentle chuckle or a full belly laugh, the act of laughing can lift your spirits, reduce stress, and even improve your health. To celebrate the joyous power of laughter, we've curated a collection of 65 heartwarming quotes that are sure to tickle your funny bone and brighten your day. Dive into these delightful snippets of humor and wisdom, and let the laughter begin!

1. “He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad.” - Rafael Sabatini

2. “I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.” - Audrey Hepburn

3. “There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.” - Erma Bombeck

4. “The earth laughs in flowers.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

5. “Laughter is America's most important export.” - Walt Disney

6. “The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” - Mark Twain

7. “There is no greater power than that of a laugh and happiness is a force which can save a person from the horrors of the world.” - Hillary DePiano

8. “Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.” - Lord Byron

9. “A priest once quoted to me the Roman saying that a religion is dead when the priests laugh at each other across the altar. I always laugh at the altar, be it Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist, because real religion is the transformation of anxiety into laughter.” - Alan Wilson Watts

10. “I was born to catch dragons in their dens / And pick flowers / To tell tales and laugh away the morning / To drift and dream like a lazy stream / And walk barefoot across sunshine days.” - James Kavanaugh

11. “I love it--I just love it.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. “What I'd show you is much more bizarre than anything we have looked at so far, and I warn you in advance that the first impulse will be to laugh. That's all right. Laugh if you must. Just don't take your eye off what you see, for even in your imagination, here is a creature who can do you damage.” - Stephen King

13. “We passed from laughter to terror which, like love and hate, are close relatives.” - Lise Deharme

14. “You gotta laugh because if you didn't you'd cry” - Craig Ferguson

15. “He bursts out laughing. It's short, as if he regretted allowing me to make him laugh, but the satisfaction's already mine.” - Melina Marchetta

16. “I am fated to journey hand in hand with my strange heroes and to survey the surging immensity of life, to survey it through the laughter that all can see and through the tears unseen and unknown by anyone.” - Nikolai Gogol

17. “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” - Charles Dickens

18. “Laughter is more than just a pleasurable activity...When people laugh together, they tend to talk and touch more and to make eye contact more frequently.” - Gretchen Rubin

19. “If there is no laughter, Jesus has gone somewhere else. If there is no joy and freedom, it is not a church: it is simply a crowd of melancholy people basking in a religious neurosis. If there is no celebration, there is no real worship.” - Steve Brown

20. “Laugh now, cry later.” - Erma Bombeck

21. “I don’t think being a comedian gives you any fucking insight into what makes people laugh.” - Craig Ferguson

22. “Elder's Meditation of the Day - February 18 "laughter is a necessity in life that does not cost much, and the Old Ones say that one of the greatest healing powers in our life is the ability to laugh." --Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA Laughter is a good stress eliminator. Laughter causes healing powers to be distributed through our bodies. Laughter helps heal relationships that are having problems. Laughter can change other people. Laughter can heal the sick. Laughter is spiritual. One of the greatest gifts among Indian people has been our ability to laugh. Humor is natural to Indian people. Sometimes the only thing left to do is laugh. Great Spirit, allow me to laugh when times get tough.” - Larry P. Aitken

23. “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - Jim Butcher

24. “With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” - William Shakespeare

25. “My body needs laughter as much as it needs tears. Both are cleansers of stress.” - Mahogany SilverRain

26. “I know why we laugh. We laugh because it hurts, and it's the only thing to make it stop hurting.” - Robert A. Heinlein

27. “I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.” - Maya Angelou

28. “Laughter, Susannah would later reflect, is like a hurricane: once it reaches a certain point, it becomes self-feeding, self-supporting. You laugh not because the jokes are funny but because your own condition is funny.” - Stephen King

29. “An infinite question is often destroyed by finite answers. To define everything is to annihilate much that gives us laughter and joy.” - Madeleine L'Engle

30. “That is one of the reasons why a man should pick a path with heart, so that he can find his laughter.” - Sheldon B. Kopp

31. “There were times when I lifted my face to the sky, stretched my arms wide to the winter night, and laughed out loud, so happy was I.The memory of it makes me laugh now, but not from happiness.Be careful what you show the world.You never know when the wolf is watching.” - Jennifer Donnelly

32. “Jos joku saa sinut nauramaan, haluat varmasti tavata hänet uudestaan!” - André Wickström

33. “The child's laughter is pure until he first laughs at a clown.” - Angela Carter

34. “The first time her laughter unfurled its wings in the wind, we knew that the world would never be the same”-” - Brian Andreas

35. “There is thin line between smile and laughter.” - Santosh Kalwar

36. “In the darkest of times, laughter helps revolutionize our perspective.” - Phil Callaway

37. “Ariel laughed and now her goose bumps had goose bumps.” - Lisa Mantchev

38. “It's easy to make me laugh, you can make me laugh, anyone can make me laugh, but that certainly does not mean you can make me do anything.” - C. JoyBell C.

39. “It's normal to shy away from illness and death. It's natural to gravitate toward laughter and life.” - Ellyn Bache

40. “I’m not up for laughing, but their laughter makes the room feel safer, so we begin to explore.” - John Green

41. “When I die, I plan to be laughing hysterically.” - Minari Endou

42. “It was a laugh that came from the tip of his toes, gaining force and soul as it traveled through his body and out into the world in mirthful bursts. There wasn't anything fake about it; it was an amusement park of a laugh, and when it appeared, you wanted to jump on board.” - David Levithan

43. “He had an idea that even when beaten he could steal a little victory by laughing at defeat.” - John Steinbeck

44. “Lonely people have enthusiasms which cannot always be explained. When something strikes them as funny, the intensity and length of their laughter mirrors the depth of their loneliness, and they are capable of laughing like hyenas. When something touches their emotions, it runs through them like Paul Revere, awakening feelings that gather into great armies.” - Mark Helprin

45. “We're all here for a spell; get all the good laughs you can.” - Will Rodgers

46. “Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories.” - Dave Brenner

47. “I stand in the dark, start to unbutton. Then I hear something inside my body. I've broken, something has cracked, that must be it. Noise is coming up, coming out, of the broken place, in my face. Without warning: I wasn't thinking about here or there or anywhere. If I let the noise get out into the air it will be laughter, too loud, too much of it, someone is bound to hear.” - Margaret Atwood

48. “She was like a lone angel floating above the surface of the earth, laughing with delight because she could fly but crying out of loneliness.” - Markus Zusak

49. “Halt eyed them balefully. They were all being so obvious about not mentioning his sudden reappearance that it was even worse than if they had commented on it...'Oh, go on!' he said. 'Somebody say something! I know what you're thinking!''It's good to see you up and about, Halt,' Selethen said gravely...Halt glared at the others and they quickly chorused their pleasure at seeing him back to his normal self. But he could see the grins they didn't quite manage to hide. He fixed a glare on Alyss.'I'm surprised at you Alyss,' he said. 'I expected no better of Will and Evanlyn, of course. Heartless beasts, the pair of them. But you! I thought you had been better trained!'...'Halt, I'm sorry! It's not funny, you're right... Shut up, Will.' This last was directed at Will as he tried, unsuccessfully, to smother a snigger.” - John Flanagan

50. “Laughter is a very underrated tool for healing.” - Bronnie Ware

51. “Parece que en los estallidos de risa lo corpóreo hiciera prevalecer y afirmar su existencia, por encima de lo racional, y esa emergencia del cuerpo tan ostentosa ha concitado el rechazo, el desdén y la amonestación. Afirmo lo anterior a partir de haber observado la recurrencia de llamados hacia la contención: reír estrepitosamente siempre ha sido visto como signo de mala educación.” - Martha Elena Munguia Zatarain

52. “The only people for me are the ones who spill things, the ones who drop their cups sometimes, the ones who get dirty hands and messy hair, the ones who can go barefoot if they feel like it, the people who forget things, and can laugh at themselves every day...” - C. JoyBell C.

53. “We have to laugh. Because laughter, we already know, is the first evidence of freedom.” - Rosario Castellanos

54. “It had been the longest time since she had had a rib-scraping laugh. She had forgotten how deep and down it could be. So different from the miscellaneous giggles and smiles she had learned to be content with these past few years.” - Toni Morrison

55. “She knows what it is to be sad and miserable, but those emotions are almost enjoyable. They throw moments of happiness and laughter into sharper relief.” - Simon Mawer

56. “You laugh as you sing about dying, you drug yourself up, but you can still see clearly, and you die as you break into a fit of laughter, because asi es la vida in this soup of islands stewed in hunger and the desire to be someone else.” - Mayra Santos-Febres

57. “no matter how big his smile or how loud his laugh, you could hear the hurt underneath.” - Kirby Larson

58. “A man who can laugh at himself is truly blessed, for he will never lack for amusement.” - James Carlos Blake

59. “It is of immense importance to learn to laugh at ourselves.” - Katherine Mansfield

60. “While McMurphy laughs. Rocking farther and farther backward against the cabin top,spreading his laugh across the water. Laughing at the girl,at the guys, at George,at me sucking my bleeding thumb, at the captain back at the pier and the bicycle rider and the service station guys and the five thousand houses and the Big Nurse and all of it. Because he knows you have to laugh at the things that hurt you just to keep yourself in balance, just to keep the world from running you plumb crazy. He know's there's a painful side; he knows my thumb smarts and his girl friend has a bruised breast and the doctor is losing his glasses, but he won't let the pain blot out the humor no more'n he'll let the humor blot out the pain.” - Ken Kesey

61. “The F word turns me on, she whispered. The F word?FoodHe threw back his head and laughed. It rumbled up out of his chest and felt so good it startled him. For the first time in years,his laughter was spontaneous. It wasn`t tinged with bitterness and cynicism.” - Sandra Brown

62. “Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life – looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times.” - Steve Goodier

63. “The SkeletonChattering finch and water-flyAre not merrier than I;Here among the flowers I lieLaughing everlastingly.No: I may not tell the best;Surely, friends, I might have guessedDeath was but the good King's jest,It was hid so carefully.” - G.K. Chesterton

64. “The chuckle is a perfectly acceptable form of laughter.” - Timothy Hallinan

65. “Laughter from yesterday that makes the heart giggle today brightens the perspective for tomorrow.” - Evinda Lepins