72 Powerful Right Quotes

July 18, 2024, 10:45 a.m.

72 Powerful Right Quotes

In the journey of life, finding the right words at the right moments can be immensely powerful. Quotes have the unique ability to inspire, uplift, and guide us through various situations—whether we're in need of motivation, seeking wisdom, or looking for a spark of positivity. In this blog post, we've curated a collection of the top 72 powerful right quotes, each chosen for its profound ability to resonate and inspire. Dive in and discover the words that might just be the perfect fit for whatever you're navigating today.

1. “My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.” - Ashleigh Brilliant

2. “There are only two forces at work in this world- black and white. Only people are grey.” - Chris Heimerdinger

3. “Hard to say what's right when all I wanna do is wrong.” - Prince

4. “Keep true. Never be ashamed of doing right. Decide what you think is right and stick to it.” - George Eliot

5. “Nobody gets praised for the right reasons.” - Diana Wynne Jones

6. “Psychopaths... people who know the differences between right and wrong, but don't give a shit. That's what most of my characters are like.” - Elmore Leonard

7. “Gossip, as usual, was one-third right and two-thirds wrong.” - L.M. Montgomery

8. “If I am right, Thy grace impartStill in the right to stay;If I am wrong, O, teach my heartTo find that better way!” - Alexander Pope

9. “This isn't right. This isn't even wrong.” - Wolfgang Pauli

10. “Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient. A thing is right when it tends to perserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” - Aldo Leopold

11. “Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.” - Robert Bloch

12. “This conflict between right and fact has endured since the origins of society. To bring the duel to an end, to consolidate the pure ideal with the human reality, to make the right peacefully interpenetrate the fact, and the fact the right, this is the work of the wise.” - Victor Hugo

13. “Waddya want me to do? through my sling shot at him?” - Hughes

14. “If I could, Sister James, I would certainly choose to live in innocence. But innocence can only be wisdom in a world without evil. Situations arise and we are confronted with wrongdoing and the need to act.” - John Patrick Shanley

15. “The VoiceThere is a voice inside of youThat whispers all day long,"I feel this is right for me,I know that this is wrong."No teacher, preacher, parent, friendOr wise man can decideWhat's right for you--just listen toThe voice that speaks inside.” - Shel Silverstein

16. “The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot.” - Mark Twain

17. “There's a hard life for every silver spoon.There's a touch of gray for every shade of blue.That's the way I see life.If there was nothing wrong...Then there'd be nothing right.” - Shinedown

18. “That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.” - Christopher Buckley

19. “And right action is freedom from past and future also.For most of us, this is the aim never to be realized. Who are only undefeated because we have gone on trying. "The Dry Salvages” - T.S. Eliot

20. “It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong.” - John Maynard Keynes

21. “... In love, everyone does things that hurt the other person, so there really is no "Right" and "Wrong". You just have to decide what you're willing to forgive” - Yvonne Wood

22. “Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right. This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- "No, YOU move.” - J. Michael Straczynski

23. “There is one fairly good reason for fighting - and that is, if the other man starts it. You see, wars are a great wickedness, perhaps the greatest wickedness of a wicked species. They are so wicked that they must not be allowed. When you can be perfectly certain that the other man started them, then is the time when you might have a sort of duty to stop them. ” - T.H. White

24. “Occasionally we all do wrong things from right motives. Only time can prove us right or wrong. The past is the past. Nothing can change it now, and who is to say that it was all wrong, anyway?” - Mary Balogh

25. “What is right is often forgotten by what is convenient.” - Bodie Thoene

26. “Good laws make it easier to do right and harder to do wrong.” - William Ewart Gladstone

27. “Be always sure you are right, then go ahead.” - Davy Crockett

28. “I'd rather be strongly wrong than weakly right.” - Tallulah Bankhead

29. “Sometimes knowing what's right isn't a rational decision, or even what works on paper. Sometimes leaving is the best course of action after all.” - Jodi Picoult

30. “There are many differing viewpoints on nature versus nurture, and there are those who believe that bad behavior can be excused and understood if a person doesn't know better. The theory that someone who has been abused as a child will go on to abuse their own children, and so on, because they don't know differently is widely held. But children know. We all know.Learned behavior. When a child is abused, he or she knows, even as it is happening, that it is wrong. I knew. I was abused. When a child is treated unfairly in any way, he or she knows that it is wrong. I knew. I was treated unfairly. And when a child is treated with love and affection, he or she knows that it is right. I knew. I saw how other kids were treated with love and affection by their parents. I knew. My soul cried out to me and told me so. We all know. We all know right from wrong. Our souls cry out to us and tell us so. And we decide, we make our choices, and we are responsible for those choices. We, no one else but we, decide.Anger, hurt, pain, humiliation, fear, dread, confusion-all these emotions we choose. De we hold on to our anger, our pain and humiliation, and hit back, or do we strive to understand that we can do better?” - Rosemary Altea

31. “After so many years even the fire of passion dies, and with it what was believed the light of the truth. Who of us is able to say now whether Hector or Achilles was right, Agamemnon or Priam, when they fought over the beauty of a woman who is now dust and ashes?” - Umberto Eco

32. “There are people in the world, who are just wrong, and then there are the masses of population that are right, or at the very least they lie in the veil of between. I on the other hand, do not belong to any group. I don’t exist. It’s not that I don’t have substance; I have a body like everyone else. I can feel the fire when it burns against my skin, the rain when it caresses my face and the breeze as it fingers my hair. I have all the senses that other people do. I am just empty, inside.” - J.D. Stroube

33. “I never touch sugar, cheese, bread... I only like what I'm allowed to like. I'm beyond temptation. There is no weakness. When I see tons of food in the studio, for us and for everybody, for me it's as if this stuff was made out of plastic. The idea doesn't even enter my mind that a human being could put that into their mouth. I'm like the animals in the forest. They don't touch what they cannot eat.” - Karl Lagerfeld

34. “I always make sure that the world will prove me right. It gives me the freedom to contradict myself.” - Criss Jami

35. “Think about that for a moment. They died for you. Now take a good look at the life you're living and tell me: Did they do the right thing?” - Mira Grant

36. “When you think you're right, you're most likely wrong.” - Jodi Picoult

37. “Oh, the fools, like a lot of good little schoolboys, scared to death of anything they've been taught is wrong!” - Émile Zola

38. “It would be most right, and most wise, and, therefore must involve least suffering.” - Jane Austen

39. “The fate of the Right in the late modern age is to destroy what remains of the past in a vain attempt to recover it.” - john gray

40. “A lot of people think something is right, and so that thing becomes right.” - Paulo Coelho

41. “A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

42. “Seems like nothing's getting safer or better," I said. "Seems like everything's getting worse." "Maybe that's what's gotta happen," Willa Mae said. "Maybe everything's gotta break lose and fall apart before we can put it back together again right.” - Margaret McMullan

43. “I search his eyes for the slightest sign of anything, fear, remorse, anger. But there's only the same look of amusement that ended our last conversation. It's as if he's speaking the words again. "Oh, my dear Miss Everdeen. I thought we had agreed not to lie to each other."He's right. We did.The point of my arrow shifts upward. I release the string. And President Coin collapses over the side of the balcony and plunges to the ground. Dead.” - Suzanne Collins

44. “Beethoven said that it's better to hit the wrong note confidently, than hit the right note unconfidently. Never be afraid to be wrong or to embarrass yourself; we are all students in this life, and there is always something more to learn.” - Mike Norton

45. “I'm too old to figure out the rights and wrongs of everything.” - Barbara Else

46. “If you boil it down, just because someone else does the wrong thing we are not exempt from doing what’s right.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

47. “Sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing.” - Finian Whish

48. “Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.” - Neil Gaiman

49. “Get to know the right, then you would know the people of right. Right Is not measured by its men, but men are measured by their right.” - Ali Bin Abi Thalib

50. “There are four things you need to know about war. One, every action requires careful tactics. Two, never lose hope and fight only for what is right. Three, be brave but you don't have to be fearless. And four, be willing to sacrifice.” - Courtney Allison Moulton

51. “Being over there changes a man. Right and wrong don't look so different anymore to some.” - M.L. Stedman

52. “There is no right or wrong, only what we believe is more right or more wrong” - Evan Meekins

53. “ Make it right.” - Alison Goodman

54. “The word 'heresy' not only means no longer being wrong; it practically means being clear-headed and courageous. The word 'orthodoxy' not only no longer means being right; it practically means being wrong.” - G.K. Chesterton

55. “I fear nothing when I am doing right,' said Jack.'Then,' said the lady in the red cap, 'you are one of those who slay giants.” - Andrew Lang

56. “It turns out that indecision is a path itself; but figuratively, a vertical path - up or down - meaning it isn't always a fruitless path. One is forgotten, but the other is glorified. To be what they call 'middle-of-the-road' in most cases just means you have a hard time figuring out who between options is dumber. So quite often those who refused to decide were, after all, the bold individuals, the influential ones, the creative ones, those who snatched their own authority.” - Criss Jami

57. “He may have as strong a sense of what would be right, as you can have, without being so equal under particular circumstances to act up to it.""Then, it would not be so strong a sense. If it failed to produce equal exertion, it could not be an equal conviction.” - Jane Austen

58. “Right now is always the right time for almost everything.” - Minhal Mehdi

59. “Do not believe that you alone can be right.The man who thinks that,The man who maintains that only he has the powerTo reason correctly, the gift to speak, the soul—A man like that, when you know him, turns out empty.” - Sophocles

60. “The devil lives in our mistakes, the lord lives in our rights. Who lives in our ignorance, and who wins after all?” - Maya Angelou Kwabena kodom Nicholas Sparks Rosa Parks

61. “No man can have a right to impose an unchosen obligation , an unrewarded duty or an involuntary servitude on another man.There can be no such thing as " the right to enslave .” - Ayn Rand

62. “I'm happy here, and why change when you love the club and the club's in a really good position right now.” - Frank Lampard

63. “Right is just and true.” - Victor Hugo

64. “But more than that, if you ally yourself with people who are prepared to fight to make a difference, then your life will always be in danger. I don't think it's fair to ever blame the person who makes the stand. Because the Doctor's so old, because he's done this so many times before, he sometimes forgets how dangerous it is. But if he didn't create the danger by opposing evil, if he didn't get these people to help him, then terrible things would happen. Standing up for what's right is always the best thing to do.” - Tom MacRae

65. “Finding the right one is never easy. Especially, when the wrong one looks so right.” - Hanifa Johnson

66. “It's just that life felt the right size in there... not too big and not too small. Wasn't so hard to work up a bit of courage. It's got so bloody complicated since then.” - Athol Fugard

67. “Our natural rights come from an authority beyond the petty rule of man.” - Bryant McGill

68. “When I reached the street I didn't know whether to go right or left. Soon I'd have to start acting like a person who cared about what happened to him.” - Denis Johnson

69. “What other people may think of the rightness or wrongness is nothing in comparison to my own deep knowledge, my innate conviction that it was wrong.” - Elizabeth Gaskell

70. “Can you hold a red-hot iron rod in your hand merely because some one wants you to do so? Then, will it be right on your part to ask others to do the same thing just to satisfy your desires? If you cannot tolerate infliction of pain on your body or mind by others' words and actions, what right have you to do the same to others through your words and deeds?Do unto others as you would like to be done by. Injury or violence done by you to any life in any form, animal or human, is as harmful as it would e if caused to your own self.” - Lord Mahāvīra

71. “Right and wrong are very complicated; sometimes I get confused which one to follow.” - M.F. Moonzajer

72. “And as we should all know by now, anytime you predict failure you have an excellent chance of being right.” - Jeff Lindsay