72 Vampire Academy Quotes

Aug. 22, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

72 Vampire Academy Quotes

Dive into the enthralling world of Richelle Mead's "Vampire Academy" series with a curated collection of the top 72 most memorable quotes. Whether you're a die-hard fan reminiscing on your favorite moments or a newcomer eager to taste the wit and wisdom of the series' characters, these quotes will immerse you in the captivating universe of vampires, dhampirs, and Moroi royalty. Prepare to relive the drama, romance, and intense friendships that have made "Vampire Academy" a beloved favorite among readers.

1. “The incident with Dawn hadn't been one of my finer moments. I honestly hadn't expected to break any bones when I shoved her into a tree. Still, the incident had given me a dangerous reputation. The story had gained legendary status, and I liked to imagine that it was still being told around campfires late at night. Judging by the look on the girl's face, it was.” - Richelle Mead

2. “I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you lost, little girl? The elementary school's over on west campus."A pink flush spread over her cheeks. "Don't you ever touch me again. You screw with me, I'll screw you right back."Oh man, what an opening that was.” - Richelle Mead

3. “Oh, so that's why you're up here. For a pity party.""This isn't a joke. I'm serious." I could tell Lissa was getting angry. It was trumping her earlier distress.He shrugged and leaned casually against the sloping wall. "So am I. I love pity parties. I wish I'd brought the hats. What do you want to mope about first? How it's going to take you a whole day to be popular and loved again? How you'll have to wait a couple weeks before Hollister can ship out some new clothes? If you spring for rush shipping, it might not be so long.” - Richelle Mead

4. “The spell. Victor said you had to want me... to care about me... for it to work." When he didn't say anything, I tried to grip his shirt, but my fingers were too weak. "Did you? Did you want me?"His words came out thickly. "Yes, Roza. I did want you. I still do. I wish... we could be together.""Then why did you lie to me?"We reached the clinic, and he managed to open the door while still holding me. As soon as he stepped inside, he began yelling for help. "Why did you lie?" I murmured again.Still holding me in his arms, he looked down at me. I could hear voices and footsteps getting closer."Because we can't be together.""Because of the age thing, right?" I asked. "Because you're my mentor?"His fingertip gently wiped away a tear that had escaped down my cheek. "That's part of it," he said. "But also... well, you and I will both be Lissa's gaurdians someday. I need to protect her at all cost. If a pack of Strogoi come, I need to throw my body between them and her."I know that. Of course that's what you have to do." The black sparkles were dancing in front of my eyes again. I was fading out."No. If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.” - Richelle Mead

5. “Little Dhampir” - Richelle Mead

6. “No one had ever called me unnatural before, except for the time I put ketchup on a taco. But seriously, we'd been out of salsa, so what else was I supposed to do?” - Richelle Mead

7. “You can't fool me, comrade. You want to put on a cowboy hat and keep lawless bank robbers in line.''"No time. I have enough trouble keeping you in line.” - Richelle Mead

8. “Plus, you're the last Dragomir. You're always going to be in the spotlight. Who’s she? Just another Ivashkov. There are tons of them.''Probably because all the guys like Adrian and have all sorts of illegitimate children.''Adrian doesn’t have any children.''That we know of,' I said mysteriously.” - Richelle Mead

9. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say you just defended Christian's honor. Isn't he a pain in the ass?"Yes he is. But for the next 6 weeks he's MY pain in the ass.” - Richelle Mead

10. “I like him.""Like or like?"Oh, there's a difference?” - Richelle Mead

11. “Plus, I was about to spend six weeks with Christian Ozera. He was sarcastic, difficult, and made jokes about everything. Actually, he was a lot like me.It was going to be a long six weeks.” - Richelle Mead

12. “Why?" I asked softly. The word was carried away on the wind, but he heard."Because I want you."I gave him a sad smile, wondering if we'd meet again in the land of the dead. "Wrong answer," I told him.I let go.[...]I looked him in the eye. "I will always love you."Then I plunged the stake into his chest.It wasn't as precise a blow as I would have liked, not with the skilled way he was dodging. I struggled to get the stake in deep enough to his heart, unsure if I could do it from this angle. Then, his struggles stopped. His eyes stared at me, stunned, and his lips parted, almost into a smile, albeit a grisly and pained one."That's what I was supposed to say..." he gasped out.” - Richelle Mead

13. “Yet, it had been Dimitri’s gentleness and thoughtfulness mixed with that deadliness that made him so wonderful. The same hands that wielded stakes with such precision would carefully brush the hair out of my face. The eyes that could astutely spot any danger in the area would regard me wonderingly and worshipfully, like I was the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world.” - Richelle Mead

14. “I had a standing arrangement with God: I'd agree to believe in him—barely—so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays.” - Richelle Mead

15. “Other people spoke, and I tried to keep up with the translations. All the stories were about Dimitri's kindness and strength of character. Even when not out battling the undead, Dimitri had always been there to help those who needed it. Almost everyone could recall sometime that Dimitri had stepped up to help others, going out of his way to do what was right, even in situations that could put him at risk. That was no surprise to me. Dimitri always did the right thing.And it was that attitude that had made me love him so much. I had a similar nature. I too rushed in when others needed me, sometimes when I shouldn't have. Others called me crazy for it, but Dimitri had understood. He'd always understood me, and part of what we'd worked on was how to temper that impulsive need to run into danger with reason and calculation. I had a feeling no one else in this world would ever understand me like he did.” - Richelle Mead

16. “Thats why your doing this? Because Lissa told you to?” - Richelle Mead

17. “I'm backing down now. I really do love you. That's why I'm doing this.” - Richelle Mead

18. “Adrian opened his mouth, undoubtedly ready with some inappropriate and mocking comment. Lissa gave him a sharp headshake that kept him quiet. "Aren't there any, I don't know, sleeveless options?"The saleswoman's eyes widened. "No one has ever worn straps to a funeral. It wouldn't be right.""What about shorts?" asked Adrian. "Are they okay if they're with a tie? Because that's what I was gonna go with."The woman looked horrified.” - Richelle Mead

19. “This," Adrian said grandly, "is Blake Lazar.""It's nice to meet you," she said.Blake smile radiantly. "May I call you Vasilisa?""You can call me Lissa.""You can also," added Christian, "let go of her hand now.” - Richelle Mead

20. “Boy is he pissed," said Adrian."Do you blame him?" asked Christian. "He just lost memerbship in the evil mastermind club. His brilliant plan fell apart, and now his daughter's missing when he thought she was somewhere safe."Adrian stayed pointedly silent.” - Richelle Mead

21. “What have I done?" I whispered.Jill put her arm around me, but it was Dimitri who spoke."What you had to.” - Richelle Mead

22. “That's a dangerous look," said Dimitri, giving me a brief glance before returning his eyes to the road."What look?" I asked innocently."The one that says you just got some idea.""I didn't just get an idea. I got a great idea.” - Richelle Mead

23. “Life, unfortunately, doesn't seem to care what we want.” - Richelle Mead

24. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I want. To help my girlfriend get her old boyfriend back.” - Richelle Mead

25. “The battle cry sort of gave you away. Try not to yell next time.” - Richelle Mead

26. “Fuck off.” - Richelle Mead

27. “This college would probably have the same problem as the last one did."I frowned, "What's that?""Homework.” - Richelle Mead

28. “Avery worries about her, too, so Lissa's in good hands. Avery's pretty amazing."I gave him a scathing look. "Amazing? Do you like her or something?" I hadn't forgotten Avery's comment about leaving the door unlocked for him. "Of course I like her. She's a great person.""No, I mean like. Not like.""Oh, I see," he said, rolling his eyes. "We're dealing with elementary school definitions of 'like'.” - Richelle Mead

29. “I've heard a lot about you, Rose. Don't worry. It was all good." "No, it wasn't.” - Richelle Mead

30. “The three cards were the Moon, the Empress, and the Ace of Cups. Ambrose leaned over my shoulder to peer at the cards. "Ooh,' he said. "Very interesting."Rhonda glanced up at him. "Hush. You don't know what you're talking about.” - Richelle Mead

31. “She turned back to the cards and tapped the Ace of Cups. "You're on the verge of a new beginning, a rebirth of great power and emotion. Your life will change, but it will be change that takes you in the direction that, while difficult, will ultimatley illuminate the world.""Whoa," I said.Rhonda then pointed to the Empress. "Power and leadership lie ahead of you, which you will handle with grace and intelligence. The seeds are already in place, though there's an edge of uncertainty-an enigmatic set of influences that hang around you like a mist." Her attention was on the Moon as she said those words. "But my overall impression is that those unknown factors won't deter you from your destiny."Lissa's eyes were wide. "You can teel that just from the cards?"...After several moments of heavy silence, she said, "You will destroy that which is undead."i waited about thirty seconds for her to continue, but she didn't. "Wait, that's it?"...Her eyes flickered over the cards, looked at Dimitri, then looked back at the cards. Her expression was blank. "You will lose what you value most, so treasure it while you can." She pointed to the Wheel of Fortune card. "The wheel is turning, always turning.” - Richelle Mead

32. “Do you love him?"There were only a few people in the world who could ask me such insanely personal questions without getting punched. Dimitri was one of them.” - Richelle Mead

33. “You see something you like?” - Richelle Mead

34. “Това е много странно, а когато АЗ кажа, че нещо е странно, значи работата е много сериозна.Ейдриан към Роуз” - Richelle Mead

35. “Je t'aime Roza...je serais là pour toi. Je ne laisserais jamais rien t'arriver.Et je ne laisserais jamais rien t'arriver non plus. Je t'aime.” - Richelle Mead

36. “When we were almost to the other campus, I felt the weird nausea hit me. I called a warning to Christian, just as a Strigoi grabbed him. But Christian was fast. Flames wreathed the Strigoi's head. He screamed and released Christian, trying frantically to put the flames out. The Strigoi never saw me coming with the stake. The whole thing took under a minute. Christian and I exchanged looks.Yeah. We were badasses.” - Richelle Mead

37. “You'll be eighteen soon, but even so…" He sighed. "When this comes out, a lot of people aren't going to be happy.""Yeah, well, they can deal." Rumors and gossip I could handle."I also have a feeling your mother's going to have a very ugly conversation with me.""You're about to face down Strigoi, and my mother's the one you're scared of?” - Richelle Mead

38. “Nah, you always look good. As for me … well, it's hard to explain. The auras are getting to me. There's so much sorrow around here. You can't even begin to understand. It radiates from everyone on a spiritual level. It's overwhelming. It makes your dark aura downright cheerful.” - Richelle Mead

39. “You, know I'm the Queen's favorite great nephew, Well, yeah I'm her only great nephew, but that's not important, I'd still be her favorite...” - Richelle Mead

40. “‎She didn't understand what it was like to be filled with a love so strong that it made your chest ache—a love you could only feel and not express. Keeping love buried was a lot like keeping anger pent up, I'd learned. It just ate you up inside until you wanted to scream or kick something.” - Richelle Mead

41. “No. If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you." - Dimitri” - Richelle Mead

42. “How come all the harmless people were so lame? Maybe that was the definition of safe.” - Richelle Mead

43. “What are you? An after school special?” - Richelle Mead

44. “This was the kind of dress that changed the world. The kind of dress that started religions.” - Richelle Mead

45. “If you try to turn me against Lissa one more time the stories are going to be about you bleeding because I'll have ripped your throat out!” - Richelle Mead

46. “He sighed and then focused his eyes right on me. It was like drowning, drowning in seas of green. There was nothing in the world except for those eyes."I want to kiss you, Rose," he said softly. "And I want you to want me too.” - Richelle Mead

47. “Vladimir did great things—so could she. Besides, they come first, right?""Not always."I stared. I'd had they come first drilled into me since I was a child. It was what all guardians believed. Only the dhampirs who'd run away from their duty didn't subscribe to that. What he said was almost like treason."Sometimes, Rose, you have to know when to put yourself first.” - Richelle Mead

48. “We can't..." he told me."I know," I agreed.Then his mouth was on mine again, and this time, I knew there would be no turning back. There were no walls this time. Our bodies wrapped together as he tried to get my coat off, then his shirt, then my shirt. ... It really was a lot like when we'd fought out on the quad earlier-that same passion and heat. I think at the end of the day, the instincts that power fighting and sex aren't so different. They all come from an animal side of us. Yet, as more and more clothes came off, it went beyond just animal passion. It was sweet and wonderful at the same time. When I looked into his eyes, I could see without a doubt that he loved me more than anyone else in the world, that I was his salvation, the same way that he was mine. I'd never expected my first time to be in a cabin in the woods, but I realized the place didn't matter. The person did. With someone you loved, you could be anywhere, and it would be incredible. Being in the most luxurious bed in the world wouldn't matter if you were with someone you didn't love.” - Richelle Mead

49. “No," Dimitri interrupted gently. He moved his face toward mine, our foreheads nearly touching. "It won't happen to you. You're too strong. You'll fight it, just like you did thistime.""I only did because you were here." He wrapped his arms around me, and I buried my face in his chest. "I can't do it by myself," I whispered."You can," he said. There was a tremulous note in his voice. "You're strong—you're so, so strong. It's why I love you.” - Richelle Mead

50. “Roza." His voice had that same wonderful lowness, the same accent . . . itwas all just colder. "You forgot my first lesson: Don’t hesitate.” - Richelle Mead

51. “Wait. You think I'm going to die? That's why you slept with me?” - Richelle Mead

52. “He didn't ask what I was thinking, which was out of character for him. I guessed that meant that he was just as nervous as I suddenly was.” - Stephenie Meyer

53. “I fought against her, trying to mount some kind of defense, but it was like fighting Dimitri on crack.” - Richelle Mead

54. “Gaining superpowers doesn't mean you know how to use them.” - Richelle Mead

55. “I'm really not good with impulse control.” - Richelle Mead

56. “Then, his struggles stopped. His eyes stared at me, stunned, and his lips parted, almost into a smile, albeit a grisly and pained one."That’s what I was supposed to say..." he gasped out.Those were his last words.” - Richelle Mead

57. “Well," he said, "I don't believe that either." "Believe what? That I messed up? Why not?""Weren't you just listening? I saw you in Spokane. Someone like you doesn't mess up freeze." I was about to give him the same line I had given the guardians, that killing Strigoi didn't make me invincible, but he cut me off: "Plus I saw your face out there.""Out.... on the quad?""Yeah," several more quite moments passed. "I don't know what happened, but the way you looked...that wasn't the look of someone trying to get back at a person. It wasn't the look of someone blanking out of Alto's attack either. It was something different...I don't know. But you were completely consumed by something else—and honestly? Your expression? Kind of scary.""Yet...you aren't giving me a hard time over that either.""Not my business. If it was big enough to take you over like that, then it must be serious. But if push comes to shove, I feel safe with you, Rose. I know you'd protect me if there really was a Strigoi there." He yawned. "Okay. Now that I have bared my soul, can we please go to bed? Maybe you don't need beauty sleep, but some of us aren't so lucky.” - Richelle Mead

58. “Christ," I exclaimed. "We cannot roadtrip to Paris!” - Richelle Mead

59. “Dimitri's voice snapped my attention back to him. "That's Adrian Ivashkov." He said the name the same way everyone else did. "Yeah, I know.""This is the second time I've seen you with him.""Yeah," I replied glibly. "We hang out sometimes."Dimitri arched an eyebrow, then jerked his head back toward where we'd come from. "You hang out in his room a lot?"Several retorts popped into my head, and then a golden one took precedence. "What happens between him and me is none of your business." I managed a tone very similar to the one he'd used on me when making a similar comment about him and Tasha. "Actually, as long as you're at the Academy, what you do is my business.""Not my personal life. You don't have any say in that.” - Richelle Mead

60. “Everything's about my personal entertainment. The world is my stage. Keep it up- you're becoming a star performer in the show.” - Richelle Mead

61. “God,” I moaned. “Do they use that stuff as rocket fuel?”“No one made you keep drinking it.”“Hey, don’t get preachy. Besides, I had to be polite.”“Sure,” she said.” - Richelle Mead

62. “Guys do ridiculous things for love." Adrian reached into his pocket and held up a pack of cigarettes. "Do you know how badly I want one of these right now? Yet I suffer, Rose. All for you.” - Richelle Mead

63. “You did what you did out of love. I can't be mad at you over that. It was stupid, but that's how love is. Do you have any idea what I'd do for you? To keep you safe?” - Richelle Mead

64. “Don't be sorry you loved him. That's part of you, part you have to let go...” - Richelle Mead

65. “You've got to take it on faith that the enemy of your enemy is your friend.” - Richelle Mead

66. “That was the best not-sex ever.” - Richelle Mead

67. “If only it were that easy. You forget: I have an addictive personality. I'm addicted to you. Somehow I think you could do all sorts of bad things to me, and I'd still come back to you.” - Richelle Mead

68. “Dimitri: Well, you and I will both be Lissa's guardians someday. I need to protect her at all costs. If a pack of Strigoi come, I need to throw my body between them and her.Rose: I know that. Of course that's what you have to do.Dimitri: No. If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you.” - Richelle Mead

69. “Love and Loyalty, run deeper than blood." Love that quote even though I haven't read the book.” - Richelle Mead

70. “I haven’t even really tried to win you over, Roza. When I want to, I can be very persuasive.” - Richelle Mead

71. “Rose, I cheat at cards and buy liquor for minors. But I would never, ever force you into something you don't want.” - Richelle Mead

72. “You and me are going to have so much fun, Rose. Picking out curtains, doing each other's hair, telling ghost stories....” - Richelle Mead