80 Will Herondale Quotes

Aug. 16, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

80 Will Herondale Quotes

For fans of Cassandra Clare's "The Infernal Devices" series, Will Herondale stands out as one of the most beloved and enigmatic characters. His wit, charm, and occasionally brooding demeanor have captivated readers since his first appearance. Whether you are revisiting these cherished moments or discovering them for the first time, we've curated a collection of the top 80 Will Herondale quotes that embody his complex personality. From his sharp-tongued humor to moments of heartfelt vulnerability, these quotes offer a glimpse into the many facets of Will Herondale that make him so memorable. Dive in and relive the magic of the Shadowhunter world through the words of one of its most iconic characters.

1. “No, i mean enterprising." said Will. "When I mean morally deficient, I say,`Now, that is something i would have done´” - Cassandra Clare

2. “I suspect he's sweet on Sophie and doesn't like to see her work too hard.'Tessa was glad to hear it. She'd felt awful about her reaction to Sophie's scar, and the thought that Sophie had a male admirer - and a handsome one like that- eased her conscience slightly. 'Perhaps he's in love with Agatha', she said.'I hope not. I intend to marry Agatha myself. She may be a thousand years old, but she makes an incomparable jam tart. Beauty fades, but cooking is eternal.” - Cassandra Clare

3. “The witchlight made his skin paler, his eyes more intently blue. They were the color of the water in the North Atlantic, where the ice drifted on its blue-black surface like the snow clinging to the dark glass pane of a window.” - Cassandra Clare

4. “I thought... that we could at least talk about books.” - Cassandra Clare

5. “Gideon Lightwood said he was at the Institute in Madrid. What on earth was he doing there?''Faffing about, most likely', said Will.” - Cassandra Clare

6. “Never mind that,” said Will. “I’m boasting of my investigative skills, and I would prefer to do it without interruption. Where was I?” - Cassandra Clare

7. “I'm trying to figure out how someone could live in a brothel for a month and not notice. You must be terribly dull-witted." Tessa glared."If it helps at all, it seemed to be quite a high-class establishment. Nicely furnished, fairly clean...""Sounds as if you've visited your fair share of brothels," Tessa said, sourly. "Making a study of them?""More of a hobby," said Will, and smiled like a bad angel.” - Cassandra Clare

8. “Jem spoke with enormous care; talking to Will about anything personal was like trying not to startle away a wild animal.” - Cassandra Clare

9. “Hell,” he said. “Just when it was getting interesting, too.” And he leaped into the water after his friend.” - Cassandra Clare

10. “He wanted to make her laugh. He wanted to sit and listen to her talk about books until his ears fell off. But all these were things he could not want, because they were things he could not have, and wanting what you could not have led to misery and madness.” - Cassandra Clare

11. “He bent to put his cheek against hers. His breath against her ear made her shudder with each deliberately spoken word. "I have wanted to do this," he said, "every moment of every hour of every day that I have been with you since the day I met you.” - Cassandra Clare

12. “It's too late," she said."Don't say that." His voice was half a whisper. "I love you, Tessa. I love you.” - Cassandra Clare

13. “I shall charm him with such force that when I am done, he will be left lying limply on the ground, trying to remember his own name.” - Cassandra Clare

14. “Like what you see?” - Cassandra Clare

15. “He carried a pipe in his left hand, and as he examined Will at his leisure, he exhaled sending a cloud of sweet-smelling, cough-induced smoke. 'Finally broke down and admitted you're in love with me, have you?'He inquired of Will. 'I do enjoy these suprise midnight declarations.' He leaned against the doorway and waved a languid ringed hand. "Go along, have at it.” - Cassandra Clare

16. “Niches set back in the walls contained polished marble statues of entwined bodies. Will looked away from them hastily, and then back. It wasn't as if Magnus seemed to be paying attention to what Will was doing, and he'd honestly never imagined two people could get themselves into a position like that, much less make it look artistic.” - Cassandra Clare

17. “Astriola. That IS demon pox. You had evidence that demon pox existed and you didnt mention it to me! Et tu, Brute!' He rolled up the paper and hit Jem over the head with it.” - Cassandra Clare

18. “LondonThe InstituteYear of Our Lord 1878 “Mother, Father, my chwaer fach,It’s my seventeenth birthday today. I know that to write to you is to break the law, I know that I will likely tear this letter into pieces when it is finished. As I have done on all my birthdays past since I was twelve. But I write anyway, to commemorate the occasion - the way some make yearly pilgrimages to a grave, to remember the death of a loved one. For are we not dead to each other?I wonder if when you woke this morning you remembered that today, seventeen years ago, you had a son? I wonder if you think of me and imagine my life here in the Institute in London? I doubt you could imagine it. It is so very different from our house surrounded by mountains, and the great clear blue sky and the endless green. Here, everything is black and gray and brown, and the sunsets are painted in smoke and blood. I wonder if you worry that I am lonely or, as Mother always used to, that I am cold, that I have gone out into the rain again without a hat? No one here worries about those details. There are so many things that could kill us at any moment; catching a chill hardly seems important.I wonder if you knew that I could hear you that day you came for me, when I was twelve. I crawled under the bed to block out the sound of you crying my name, but I heard you. I heard mother call for her fach, her little one. I bit my hands until they bled but I did not come down. And, eventually, Charlotte convinced you to go away. I thought you might come again but you never did. Herondales are stubborn like that.I remember the great sighs of relief you would both give each time the Council came to ask me if I wished to join the Nephilim and leave my family, and each time I said no and I send them away. I wonder if you knew I was tempted by the idea of a life of glory, of fighting, of killing to protect as a man should. It is in our blood - the call to the seraph and the stele, to marks and to monsters. I wonder why you left the Nephilim, Father? I wonder why Mother chose not to Ascend and to become a Shadowhunter? Is it because you found them cruel or cold? I have no fathom side. Charlotte, especially, is kind to me, little knowing how much I do not deserve it. Henry is mad as a brush, but a good man. He would have made Ella laugh. There is little good to be said about Jessamine, but she is harmless. As little as there is good to say about her, there is as much good to say about Jem: He is the brother Father always thought I should have. Blood of my blood - though we are no relation. Though I might have lost everything else, at least I have gained one thing in his friendship.And we have a new addition to our household too. Her name is Tessa. A pretty name, is it not? When the clouds used to roll over the mountains from the ocean? That gray is the color of her eyes.And now I will tell you a terrible truth, since I never intend to send this letter. I came here to the Institute because I had nowhere else to go. I did not expect it to ever be home, but in the time I have been here I have discovered that I am a true Shadowhunter. In some way my blood tells me that this is what I was born to do.If only I had known before and gone with the Clave the first time they asked me, perhaps I could have saved Ella’s life. Perhaps I could have saved my own. Your Son,Will” - Cassandra Clare

19. “Meet me in the courtyard in half an hour, then,” said Will. “I’ll wake Cyril. And be prepared to swoon at my finery.” - Cassandra Clare

20. “Was that Will?" she said finally.Henry arched one ginger eyebrow. "Perhaps he's been kidnapped and replaced by an automaton," he suggested. "It seems possible..."For once Charlotte could only find herself in agreement.” - Cassandra Clare

21. “What is this?” he went on now, spearing an unfortunate object on a fork and raising it to eye level. “This… this… thing?” “A parsnip?” Jem suggested.“A parsnip planted in Satan’s own garden.” said Will. He glanced about. “I don’t suppose there’s a dog I could feed it to.”“There don’t seem to be any pets about,” Jem—who loved all animals, even the inglorious and ill-tempered Church—observed.“Probably all poisoned by parsnips,” said Will.” - Cassandra Clare

22. “Tess, Tess, Tessa. Was there ever a more beautiful sound than your name? To speak it aloud makes my heart ring like a bell. Strange to imagine that, isn’t it – a heart ringing – but when you touch me that is what it is like: as if my heart is ringing in my chest and the sound shivers down my veins and splinters my bones with joy.Why have I written these words in this book? Because of you. You taught me to love this book where I had scorned it. When I read it for the second time, with an open mind and heart, I felt the most complete despair and envy of Sydney Carton. Yes, Sydney, for even if he had no hope that the woman he loved would love him, at least he could tell her of his love. At least he could do something to prove his passion, even if that thing was to die.I would have chosen death for a chance to tell you the truth, Tessa, if I could have been assured that death would be my own. And that is why I envied Sydney, for he was free.And now at last I am free, and I can finally tell you, without fear of danger to you, all that I feel in my heart.You are not the last dream of my soul.You are the first dream, the only dream I ever was unable to stop myself from dreaming. You are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream I hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.With hope at least,Will Herondale” - Cassandra Clare

23. “I am brave," Will said..."Yes, you are," Magnus said, and kissed him. It wasn't the most dramatic kiss, but Will failed his free arm as if a bee had landed on him; Magnus had to hope Camille would assume this was passion. When they broke apart, Will looked stunned. So did Camille, for that matter....Will swung sideways...He dashed across the room, retrieved it, and tucked it into Magnus's waistcoat pocket. Then, with a wink at Camille that, Magnus thought, God alone knew how she would interpret, he sauntered out of the room.” - Cassandra Clare

24. “He seemed to realize she was staring at him, because the cursing stopped. "You cut me," he said. His voice was pleasant. British. Very ordinary. He looked at his hand with critcal interest. "It might be fatal." Tessa looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you the Magister?" He tilted his hand to the side. Blood ran down it, spattering the floor. "Dear me, massive blood loss. Death could be imminent.” - Cassandra Clare

25. “Will tossed the bloody cloth aside. “And you wonder why we aren’t friends.” “I just wondered,” Gabriel said, in more subdued voice, “if perhaps you have ever had enough.” “Enough of what?” “Enough of behaving as you do.” Will crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes glistening dangerously. “Oh, I can never get enough,” he said. “Which, incidentally, is what your sister said to me when─” The carriage door flew open. A hand shot out, grabbed Will by the back of his shirt, and hauled him inside.” - Cassandra Clare

26. “He had lost Will Herondale. And he did not know if he could ever get him back.” - Cassandra Clare

27. “James Carstairs! Jem! Where are you, you disloyal bastard?” - Cassandra Clare

28. “Will speechless for once, a glass of water frozen halfway to his lips” - Cassandra Clare

29. “I’ve gotten my Phosphor to work at last.” Henry proudly brandished the object. “It functions on the principle of witchlight but is five times more powerful. Merely press a button, and you will see a blaze of light the like of which you have never imagined.”There was a silence. “So,” said Will finally, “it’s a very, very bright witchlight, then?”“Exactly,” Henry said.“Is that useful, precisely?” Jem inquired. “After all, witchlight is just for illumination. It’s not as if it’s dangerous… .”“Wait till you see it!” Henry replied. He held up the object. “Watch.”Will moved to object, but it was too late; Henry had already pressed the button. There was a blinding flare of light and a whooshing sound, and the room was plunged into blackness. Tessa gave a yelp of surprise, and Jem laughed softly.“Am I blind?” Will’s voice floated out of the darkness, tinged with annoyance. “I’m not going to be at all pleased if you’ve blinded me, Henry.”“No.” Henry sounded worried. “No, the Phosphor seems to— Well, it seems to have turned all the lights in the room off.”“It’s not supposed to do that?” Jem sounded mild, as always.“Er,” said Henry, “no.” - Cassandra Clare

30. “Let me guess, Jessie. You ran across some poor woman in the park who had the misfortune of wearing a gown that clashed with yours, so you slit her throat with that clever little parasol of yours. Do I have it right?”Jessamine bared her teeth at him. “You’re being ridiculous.”“You are, you know,” Charlotte told him.“I mean, I’m wearing blue. Blue goes with everything,” Jessamine went on. “Which, really, you ought to know. You’re vain enough about your own clothes.”“Blue does not go with everything,” Will told her. “It does not go with red, for instance.”“I have a red and blue striped waistcoat,” Henry interjected, reaching for the peas.“And if that isn’t proof that those two colors should never be seen together under Heaven, I don’t know what is.” - Cassandra Clare

31. “You should see his older brother,” said Jem. “Makes Gabriel look sweeter than gingerbread. Hates Will even more thanGabriel, too, if that’s possible.” - Cassandra Clare

32. “Tessa knows Will,” protested Charlotte. “She trusts Will.”“Iwouldn’t go that far,” muttered Tessa.” - Cassandra Clare

33. “Míralo. El rostro de un ángel malicioso y los ojos como el cielo nocturno en el Infierno. Es muy hermoso, y a los vampiros les gusta eso. Y no puedo decir que a mí me moleste. -Magnus sonrió de medio lado-. Cabello negro y ojos azules son mi combinación favorita.” - Cassandra Clare

34. “wanting what you could not have led to misery and madness” - Cassandra Clare

35. “I get no sense from his note at all,” said Will, bounding to his feet, “except that he can quote Tennyson’s lesser poetry. Sophie, how quickly canyou have Tessa ready?”“Half an hour,” said Sophie, not looking up from the dress.“Meet me in the courtyard in half an hour, then,” said Will. “I’ll wake Cyril. And be prepared to swoon at my finery.” - Cassandra Clare

36. “Do you miss Wales?” Tessa inquired.Will shrugged lightly. “What’s to miss? Sheep and singing,” he said. “And the ridiculous language. Fe hoffwn i fod mor feddw, fyddai ddim yn cofio fy enw.”“What does that mean?”“It means ‘I wish to get so drunk I no longer remember my own name,’ Quite useful.” - Cassandra Clare

37. “You bit de Quincey," he said. "You fool. He's a vampire. You know what it means to bite a vampire." "I had no choice," said Will. "He was choking me.""I know," Jem said. "But really, Will. Again?” - Cassandra Clare

38. “When Will says 'enterprising', he means 'morally deficient.'" "No, I mean enterprising," said Will. "When I mean morally deficient, I say, 'Now, that's something I would have done.” - Cassandra Clare

39. “James, you are all the family I have. I would die for you. You know that. I would die without you. If it were not for you, I would be dead a hundred times over these past five years. I owe you everything, and if you cannot believe I have empathy, perhaps you might at least believe I know honor--honor, and debt--” - Cassandra Clare

40. “Tess?” A soft voice at the door; she looked up and saw Will there, silhouetted in the light from the corridor.” - Cassandra Clare

41. “Will: 'Singing the praises of our fair city? We treat you well here, don't we, James? I doubt I'd have that kind of luck in Shanghai. What do you call us there again?'Jem: 'Yang guizi ... foreign devils.” - Cassandra Clare

42. “Will looked as if he were being asked to believe in something impossible—snow in summertime, a London winter without rain.” - Cassandra Clare

43. “By the Angel, Bridget’s depressing,” said Henry, setting down his newspaper directly on his plate and causing the edge to soak through with egg yolk. Charlotte opened her mouth as if to object, and closed it again. “It’s all heartbreak, death and unrequited love.”“Well, that is what most songs are about,” said Will. “Requited love is nice, but it doesn’t make much of a ballad.” - Cassandra Clare

44. “Though Will was saying earlier,” Tessa added, “that heroes all come to bad ends, and he could not imagine why anyone would want to be one, anyway.”“Ah.” Jem’s hand squeezed hers briefly, and then let it go. “Well, Will is looking at it from the hero’s viewpoint, isn’t he? But as for the rest of us, it’s an easy answer.”“Is it?”“Of course.” His voice was almost a whisper now. “Heroes endure because we need them. Not for their own sakes. If Will …” - Cassandra Clare

45. “Will smirked, clearly pleased at the effect he was having. "I've no idea. I lost consciousness about then. I was having a lovely dream about a young woman who had mislaid all her clothes...” - Cassandra Clare

46. “Father . . . ," Gabriel began. "Father is a worm."Will gave a short laugh. He was in gear as if he had just come from the practice room, and his hair curled damply against his temples. He was not looking at Tessa, but she had grown used to that. Will hardly ever looked at her unless he had to. "It's good to see you've come round to our view of things, Gabriel, but this is an unusual way of announcing it."Gideon shot Will a reproachful look before turning back to his brother. "What do you mean, Gabriel? What did Father do?"Gabriel shook his head. "He's a worm," he said again, tonelessly."I know. He has brought shame on the name of Lightwood, and lied to both of us. He shamed and destroyed our mother. But we need not be like him."Gabriel pulled away from his brother's grip, his teeth suddenly flashing in an angry scowl. "You're not listening to me," he said. "He's a worm. A worm. A bloody great serpentlike thing. Since Mortmain stopped sending the medicine, he's been getting worse. Changing. Those sores upon his arms, they started to cover him. His hands, his neck, h-his face . . ." Gabriel's green eyes sought Will. "It was the pox, wasn't it? You know all about it, don't you? Aren't you some sort of expert?" "Well, you needn't act as if I invented it," said Will. "Just because I believed it existed. There are accounts of it—old stories in the library—” - Cassandra Clare

47. “Will!" Charlotte threw up her hands. "Why didn't you say so?""You know, the books on demon pox are in the library," Will said with an injured tone. "I wasn't preventing anyone from reading them” - Cassandra Clare

48. “You cannot reduce the situation to worm jokes, Will. This is Gabriel and Gideon’s father we’re discussing.”“We’re not just discussing him; we’re chasing him through an ornamental sculpture garden because he’s turned into a worm.” - Cassandra Clare

49. “You know that feeling,” she said, “when you are reading a book, and you know that it is going to be a tragedy; you can feel the cold and darkness coming, see the net drawing tight around the characters who live and breathe on the pages. But you are tied to the story as if being dragged behind a carriage and you cannot let go or turn the course aside.” - Cassandra Clare

50. “Tessa is gone, and every moment she is gone is a knife ripping me apart from the inside.” - Cassandra Clare

51. “And to the devil with it if she is!" said the Consul. "One girl, who is not Nephilim, is not, cannot, be our priority.""She is my priority!" Will shouted.” - Cassandra Clare

52. “You may be right. I think it was round about Christmas when I got my Welsh dragon tattoo.”At that, Tessa had to try very hard not to blush. “How did that happen?”Will made an airy gesture with his hand. “I was drunk…”“Nonsense. You were never really drunk.”“On the contrary—in order to learn how to pretend to be inebriated, once must become inebriated at least once, as a reference point. Six-Fingered Nigel had been at the mulled cider—“ “You can’t mean there’s truly a Six-Fingered Nigel?” - Cassandra Clare

53. “Forsooth, I no longer toil in vain,To prove that demon pox warps the brain.So though 'ti pity, it's not in vainThat the pox-ridden worm was slain:For to believe in me, you all must deign.” - Cassandra Clare

54. “I should have known what you would do,” Jem said in a low voice. “I always know what you will do. I should have known you would put your hands into the fire.”“And I should have known you would throw that packet away,” said Will, without rancor. “It was—it was a madly noble thing to do. I understand why you did it.”“I was thinking of Tessa.” Jem drew his knees up and rested his chin on them, then laughed softly. “Madly noble. Isn’t that meant to be your area of expertise? Suddenly I am the one who does ridiculous things and you tell me to stop?”“God,” said Will. “When did we change places?”The firelight played over Jem’s face and hair as he shook his head. “It is a very strange thing, to be in love,” he said. “It changes you.”Will looked down at Jem, and what he felt, more than jealousy, more than anything else, was a wistful desire to commiserate with his best friend, to speak of the feelings he held in his heart. For were they not the same feelings? Did they not love the same way, the same person? But, “I wish you wouldn’t risk yourself,” was all he said.Jem stood up. “I have always wished that about you.”Will raised his eyes, so drowsy with sleep and the tiredness that came with healing runes that he could see Jem only as a haloed figure of light. “Are you going?”“Yes, to sleep.” Jem touched his fingers lightly to Will’s healing hands. “Let yourself rest, Will.” - Cassandra Clare

55. “Bright star,” Magnus said, and his eyes were thoughtful, as if he were remembering something, or someone. “Those of you who are mortal, you burn so fiercely. And you fiercer than most, Will. I will not ever forget you.” - Cassandra Clare

56. “I can't - I'll chop off my own foot!" "If you're going to chop off anyone's foot, chop off Benedict's," Will muttered.” - Cassandra Clare

57. “If the marriage were valid, she'd be your sister-in-law.” - Cassandra Clare

58. “Their beauty had always seemed to him like the beauty of pressed flowers-lovely, but dead.” - Cassandra Clare

59. “It is a very strange thing, to be in love. It changes you.” - Cassandra Clare

60. “Will." Her hands pulled at his shirt, and it came away, the buttons tearing, his head shaking free of the fabric, all wild dark hair, Heathcliff on the moors. His hands were less sure on her dress, but it came away as well, off over her head, and was cast aside, leaving Tessa in her chemise and corset. She went motionless, shocked at being so undressed in front of anyone but Sophie, and Will took a wild look at her corset that was only part desire.“How—," he said. “Does it come off?"Tessa couldn't help herself; despite everything, she giggled. “It laces," she whispered. “In the back.” - Cassandra Clare

61. “They say you cannot love two people equally at once,” she said. “And perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people, two people who might have been jealous of each other, or who would have imagined my love for one of them diminished by my love of the other. You merged your souls when you were both children. I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.” - Cassandra Clare

62. “Jem cried out with all his remaining strength. You cannot go where I am going! Nor would I want that for you!” - Cassandra Clare

63. “Wo men shi jie bai xiong di-we are more than brothers, Will.” - Cassandra Clare

64. “I think there is hope for you yet, Will Herondale.I will try to learn how to have it, without you to show me. Tessa, Jem said. She knows despair, and hope as well. you can teach each other. Find her, Will, and tell her that I loved her always. My blessings, for all that it is worth, is on you both.” - Cassandra Clare

65. “I need to know you believe me when I say I love you. That is all.""I believe everything you say," Tessa said with a smile, her hands creeping doen from his waist to his weapons belt. Her fingers closed on the hilt of the dagger, and she yanked it from the belt, smiling as he looked down at her in surprise. "After all," she said, "you weren't lying about the tattoo of the dragon of Wales, were you?” - Cassandra Clare

66. “She did not belong to Will-she was too much herself to belong to anyone, even Jem-but she belonged with them, and silently he cursed the Consul for not seeing it.” - Cassandra Clare

67. “I am nothing if not gracious," Will said. His eyes searched Jem's face, that face as familiar to him as his own. "And determined. You will not leave me. Not while I live.” - Cassandra Clare

68. “Will had shrugged once, helplessly. He had almost wished Jem would be angry with him. It would have been easier. He'd never felt so small within himself as he did when he faced Jem's expansive kindness.” - Cassandra Clare

69. “For five years it had been his absolute truth. Jem and Will. Will and Jem. Will Herondale lives, therefore Jem Carstairs lives also.” - Cassandra Clare

70. “Tessa was laying on her side, her brown hair spread over the pillow, watching Will, whose face was bent over the pages, with a look of tenderness in her eyes, a tenderness mirrored in the softness of Will's voice as he read.” - Cassandra Clare

71. “Marry me," he said. "Marry me, Tess. Marry me and be Tessa Herondale. Or be Tessa Gray, or be whatever you wish to call yourself, but marry me and stay with me and never leave me, for I cannot bear another day of my life to go by that does not have you in it.” - Cassandra Clare

72. “She had fallen asleep with her head on his arm, the clockwork angel, still around her throat, resting against his shoulder just to the left of his collarbone. As she moved away, the clockwork angel slipped free and she saw to her surprise that where it had lain against his skin it had left a mark behind, no bigger than a shilling, in the shape of a pale white star.” - Cassandra Clare

73. “Dw i'n dy garu di am byth," he said. "I love you. Always.” - Cassandra Clare

74. “Algunas veces uno tiene que elegir entre ser amable y honorable, –dijo. –A veces no se puede ser las dos.” - Cassandra Clare

75. “Hay más en la vida que no morir, –dijo. –Mira la forma en que vives, Will. Brillas tanto como una estrella. Había estado tomando solo la droga necesaria para mantenerme con vida pero no suficiente como para mantenerme bien. Un poco más de ella antes de las batallas, tal vez, me da energía, sin embargo, una media vida, el gris crepúsculo de una vida. –¿Pero has cambiado tu dosis ahora? ¿Ha sido desde el compro- miso? –Demandó Will. –¿O es por Tessa? –No puedes culparla por esto. Fue mi decisión. Ella no sabe sobre esto. –Ella quiere que vivas, James.” - Cassandra Clare

76. “Entonces estás muriendo por amor, –dijo Will finalmente, su voz sonaba estrangulada a sus propios oídos. –Muriendo un poco más rápido por amor. Y hay cosas peores por las que morir.” - Cassandra Clare

77. “— Jem es la mejor parte de mí. No espero que lo entiendas. Le debo esto. –Entonces, ¿qué soy yo? –preguntó Cecily. Will exhaló, demasiado irritado consigo mismo para comprobarlo. –Eres mi debilidad. –Y Tessa es tu corazón – dijo ella, no con enojo sino pensativamente. –No soy una tonta, como te dije – agregó por su expresión de sorpresa. –Sé que la amas.” - Cassandra Clare

78. “Hell is cold. Do you remember when you told me that? We were in the cellars of the Dark House. Anyone else would have been panicking, but you were as calm as a governess, telling me Hell was covered in ice. If it is the fire of Heaven that takes you from me, what a cruel irony that would be.” - Cassandra Clare

79. “Come back to me, Tessa. Henry said that perhaps, since you had touched the soul of an angel, that you dream of Heaven now, of fields of angels and flowers of fire. Perhaps you are happy in those dreams. But I ask this out of pure selfishness. Come back to me. For I cannot bear to lose all my heart.” - Cassandra Clare

80. “Even more blood welled up and spilled down his arm, splattering onto the ground.“Camille’s carpet,” Magnus protested.“It’s blood,” said Will. “She ought to be thrilled.” - Cassandra Clare