Dec. 25, 2024, 3:45 a.m.
In a world driven by ambition and the pursuit of success, the concept of wealth creation remains a powerful motivator. Whether through personal endeavors, strategic investments, or entrepreneurial ventures, the journey to financial prosperity is often paved with wisdom from those who have walked the path before us. The right quote can inspire, educate, and ignite the determination needed to achieve financial goals. In this curated collection, we delve into 84 of the most profound and insightful quotes on wealth creation, capturing the essence of what it means to build and sustain prosperity in today's ever-evolving landscape. Join us as we explore the timeless words of thinkers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries, offering perspective and guidance on your journey to creating wealth.
1. “Our souls sparkle brightly with creative energy, our beings are as complex as the universe, and at the same time we help make up a higher body of energy.” - Stephen Richards
2. “Your dreams will come true, but do not be overly demanding. Be logical – there are not enough mansions for everyone in the world, are there?” - Stephen Richards
3. “There is nothing to prove to anyone, just concentrate on your own needs.” - Stephen Richards
4. “Using your mind is a faster method to getting what you want. I mean, all you have to do is sit there. What could be easier?” - Stephen Richards
5. “The mind is the strongest tool we have to help us secure the riches within the universe.” - Stephen Richards
6. “I have my own theory: ignorance is bliss. The less you know, the more confident you can be in tackling things.” - Stephen Richards
7. “Exhaust your worries and they will soon leave you.” - Stephen Richards
8. “You willed yourself to where you are today, so will yourself out of it.” - Stephen Richards
9. “Since extra-sensory perception (ESP) is awareness of the world beyond the senses, it would be inappropriate to term this Sixth Sense ‘extrasensory’.” - Stephen Richards
10. “I have never seen a newspaper headline where those in spirit, without physical bodies, carried out evil deeds like a mugger in a parking lot.” - Stephen Richards
11. “We tend to think of future inventions and discoveries, but in reality, these things already exist in the knowledge bank of the universe.” - Stephen Richards
12. “Inaction creates nothing. Action creates success.” - Stephen Richards
13. “Stand out from the crowd, be yourself.” - Stephen Richards
14. “Poverty: a temporary financial low, curable by money.” - Stephen Richards
15. “If the great internet connects us all ... then why are so many of us becoming increasingly isolated?” - Stephen Richards
16. “Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right.” - Stephen Richards
17. “When you accomplish the impossible then you can achieve anything.” - Stephen Richards
18. “When others walk away from a lost cause, then that is the time you can step in and seize success.” - Stephen Richards
19. “Thrill me, chill me I went in search of money and success, all I got was a bellyful of excess! Now that I've realigned myself I’m on my tip-toes because life is sweet! I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for all the blessings that are manifesting in my life … neat!” - Stephen Richards
20. “View life through a wide angle lens attitude and see your horizons broaden.” - Stephen Richards
21. “Just let go of the need to care about whether it happens or not, then you are free from fear and can then concentrate on focusing.” - Stephen Richards
22. “Making excuses is one of a host of self-defeating behaviours and mental patterns that can block your success.” - Stephen Richards
23. “A good self-esteem level is mostly dependant on how we value ourselves without any bias.” - Stephen Richards
24. “If we can acquire an attitude of self-belief, then we will surely determine our future actions and our future life opportunities.” - Stephen Richards
25. “How we relate with other people is dependent on how we rate ourselves and what we think about ourselves.” - Stephen Richards
26. “A failure is always in the passenger seat in his or her life.” - Stephen Richards
27. “If someone does not consider those around them to be valuable and hold only themselves in high regard, they too have a very bad self-esteem.” - Stephen Richards
28. “Positive belief in yourself will give you the energy needed to conquer the world and this belief is the power behind all creation.” - Stephen Richards
29. “Whatever belief we have actually stems from the thankfulness that we feel and this feeling further attracts more happy feelings towards us.” - Stephen Richards
30. “The gratitude that you feel leads to faith in the abundance and with every resonance that radiates from your mind more strong feelings of faith start to reside in you.” - Stephen Richards
31. “Success is within reach of all people, but you can grasp it only when you realise the power within you.” - Stephen Richards
32. “Circumstances, knowledge or birth do not determine the realisation of your desires. It is only you who are blocking the achievement of your dreams and goals.” - Stephen Richards
33. “The difference between being mediocre and achieving excellence is you.” - Stephen Richards
34. “Manifesting is a lot like making a cake. The things needed are supplied by you, the mixing is done by your mind and the baking is done in the oven of the universe.” - Stephen Richards
35. “In the spiritual world many forms of the physical universe that are potentially effective can be perceived but with regard to time, we can observe only one form.” - Stephen Richards
36. “According to the Law of Attraction, the physical reality that you experience at present is drawn towards the future probability you desired when it attains more power.” - Stephen Richards
37. “A barrier is a limitation only when you perceive it as one.” - Stephen Richards
38. “In reality there are no limitations. They are vibrant and changeable to whatever form you want them to take to realise your goals.” - Stephen Richards
39. “The realisation that limitations are imaginary will make you strong and overpowering.” - Stephen Richards
40. “Through the practice of meditation, of calming and focusing our mind, as well as developing greater clarity and a sense of awareness, we train ourselves to recognize the wealth that was already there - the very wealth others fail to recognize.” - Stephen Richards
41. “If it is about education, then all who are college graduates should be wealthy, but we know that there are many highly educated, highly qualified, and highly experienced people who just manage to scrape by, if at all.” - Stephen Richards
42. “How often do the poor daydream of a better life? Plenty, no doubt, and where does it get them? It is the poor who begin with a daydream and realize at some point that they have to get up, roll their sleeves, and start doing something about those day dreams who succeed. And there are many who have.” - Stephen Richards
43. “You must wake up to the truth that whoever you are, that whatever you have or think you do not have, you are perfect in the here and now. Unless you can accept yourself, you will never be satisfied with anything, because it all begins with yourself.” - Stephen Richards
44. “Remember that in the end, the universe responds to our emotions, not to our words.” - Stephen Richards
45. “Manifesting your desires requires an understanding of the universe’s abundance and inherently giving nature. If you ask from a position of fear or desperation, you are sending out your fear and desperation, and the universe, giving, reflecting, and non-judgmental as it is, will send those right back at you.” - Stephen Richards
46. “When you begin to actively participate in the creation of your life, there is never an end, even in death, for physics tells us that nothing is ever created nor destroyed, merely transformed.” - Stephen Richards
47. “Some find that they are content with little, while others find that they want much, much more. Still others create and manifest many things, only to later discover that it was the creation which brought them greater joy and satisfaction, more so than the actual possession or enjoyment of those creations.” - Stephen Richards
48. “If we ask, we should also be prepared to give.” - Stephen Richards
49. “If we truly love ourselves, in spite of our flaws, then we can love others in spite of theirs.” - Stephen Richards
50. “Thought is power, as is desire, but neither is enough unless it is backed by faith, specificity, and the desire to see to it that it becomes.” - Stephen Richards
51. “Desire is what lends power to thought, it is that element that separates a wish or a day dream into reality, if properly directed.” - Stephen Richards
52. “Regardless of whether luck or coincidence is involved, desires directed in the right way have a tendency to manifest.” - Stephen Richards
53. “If you align your vibrations and frequencies with those things you desire, you will acquire them.” - Stephen Richards
54. “Show respect to all. If you accept that all is undifferentiated oneness, and that all things are merely different aspects of that one thing (but vibrating at different frequencies), then you must respect yourself and everything and everyone around you.” - Stephen Richards
55. “There are no absolutes, and your way is neither the only way nor the right way.” - Stephen Richards
56. “To will is to put your emotion into your desire. Simply wanting is not desire, it is merely an undirected thought with no purpose but to pass the time.” - Stephen Richards
57. “When you put your passion into your desire, when it becomes a fire that threatens to consume you unless you have it, then your will is in the right place.” - Stephen Richards
58. “Be yourself and become wealthy!” - Stephen Richards
59. “When your back is to the wall and you are facing fear head on, the only way is forward and through it.” - Stephen Richards
60. “The only time you fail is when you fall down and stay down.” - Stephen Richards
61. “Happiness is something we reap from the seeds we sow. Plant misery seeds and that us what you reap.” - Stephen Richards
62. “Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.” - Stephen Richards
63. “Without enthusiasm then what we have surrounded ourselves with becomes worthless.” - Stephen Richards
64. “No matter how small you start, always dream big.” - Stephen Richards
65. “Don`t allow ignorance to further enslave your destiny.” - Jaachynma N.E. Agu
66. “When life gives you lemons, use Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards
67. “Believe and achieve with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
68. “Some people only dream of success… while others wake up and use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
69. “Whatever your desire, use Cosmic Ordering to get what you require!” - Stephen Richards
70. “A clever person solves a problem; a wise person uses Cosmic Ordering!” - Stephen Richards
71. “The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
72. “Human beings are incredibly slow, Cosmic Ordering is incredibly fast!” - Stephen Richards
73. “A man may fail many times, and then he turns to Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
74. “Often the only difference between success and failure is not using Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
75. “There are more triumphs than defeats with Cosmic Ordering.” - Stephen Richards
76. “There are thousands of codes in the Torah which are decoded by the Talmud.” - H.W. Charles
77. “The Talmud says that “blessed is He who has created all these to serve me.” German politician Julius Streicher said, “It is an open secret that Jews do not work, but rather let others work for them.” - H.W. Charles
78. “The Jews are known for their perseverance and this is what helps them achieve their goals. Perseverance means continuous persistence in a course of action, a purpose, in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.” - H.W. Charles
79. “Many people have got caught up in the belief known as the “Law of Attraction.” They believe that by their thoughts, affirmations, and other “attraction” exercises they will become wealthy. However, the Tanakh wisely says, “In all work there is profit, but mere talk produces only poverty.” (CJB, Proverbs 14:23). Only through work it is possible to produce results that create wealth and simply talking about wealth will not produce any results. The idea that wealth can come through thoughts or affirmations is a fantasy. “A hard worker has plenty of food, but a person who chases fantasies ends up in poverty” (CJB, Proverbs 28:19).” - H.W. Charles
80. “Although some popular religious texts such as the New Testament, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, or Tibetan Book of the Dead contain interesting insights and stories, it is the Jewish religious texts such as the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) that contain valuable information on acquiring wealth.” - H.W. Charles
81. “No matter what your wishes, they are not crazy so long as they are not crazy to you!” - Stephen Richards
82. “To control your life, control your mind. To control your mind, control your breath.” - Stephen Richards
83. “Become your own success story, not someone else's.” - Stephen Richards
84. “Run and hide or rise and shine ...” - Stephen Richards