85 Islam Quotes For Inspiration

Aug. 26, 2024, 6:45 p.m.

85 Islam Quotes For Inspiration

In a world that often feels chaotic and fast-paced, finding moments of tranquility and inspiration can be invaluable. Islamic teachings, with their profound wisdom and timeless messages, offer powerful insights that can guide us through life's challenges and triumphs. Whether you are seeking spiritual nourishment, motivation, or a deeper connection to your faith, these carefully selected quotes from the Quran, Hadith, and esteemed Islamic scholars are sure to inspire and uplift you. Dive into our curated collection of the top 85 Islam quotes, and allow their timeless wisdom to illuminate your path.

1. “We took the liberty to make some enquiries concerning the ground of their pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury, and observed that we considered all mankind as our friends who had done us no wrong, nor had given us any provocation.The Ambassador [of Tripoli] answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.{Letter from the commissioners, John Adams & Thomas Jefferson, to John Jay, 28 March 1786}” - Thomas Jefferson

2. “Religion is never more tested than when our emotions are ablaze. At such a time, the timeless grandeur of the Law and its ethics stand at our mercy.” - Abdal Hakim Murad

3. “Reflection is the lamp of the heart. If it departs, the heart will have no light.” - Imam Al-Haddad

4. “Islam appears to me like a perfect work of architecture. All its parts are harmoniously conceived to complement and support each other; nothing is superfluous and nothing lacking; and the result is a structure of absolute balance and solid composure.” - Muhammad Asad

5. “Women make up one half of society. Our society will remain backward and in chains unless its women are liberated, enlightened and educated.” - Saddam Hussein

6. “Kekayaan tidak dinilai daripada banyaknya harta tetapi kaya jiwa.” - Tuan Guru Dato' Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat

7. “...Turn our thoughts, in the next place, to the characters of learned men. The priesthood have, in all ancient nations, nearly monopolized learning. Read over again all the accounts we have of Hindoos, Chaldeans, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Teutons, we shall find that priests had all the knowledge, and really governed all mankind. Examine Mahometanism, trace Christianity from its first promulgation; knowledge has been almost exclusively confined to the clergy. And, even since the Reformation, when or where has existed a Protestant or dissenting sect who would tolerate a free inquiry? The blackest billingsgate, the most ungentlemanly insolence, the most yahooish brutality is patiently endured, countenanced, propagated, and applauded. But touch a solemn truth in collision with a dogma of a sect, though capable of the clearest proof, and you will soon find you have disturbed a nest, and the hornets will swarm about your legs and hands, and fly into your face and eyes.[Letters to John Taylor, 1814, XVIII, p. 484]” - John Adams

8. “Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual.” - Imam Al- Ghazali

9. “They say that Caliph Omar, when consulted about what had to be done with the library of Alexandria, answered as follows: 'If the books of this library contain matters opposed to the Koran, they are bad and must be burned. If they contain only the doctrine of the Koran, burn them anyway, for they are superfluous.' Our learned men have cited this reasoning as the height of absurdity. However, suppose Gregory the Great was there instead of Omar and the Gospel instead of the Koran. The library would still have been burned, and that might well have been the finest moment in the life of this illustrious pontiff.” - Jean Jacques Rousseau

10. “There are many lay people and scholars alike, both with and without the Muslim community, who feel that the pure orthodox Islam of the fundamentalists could never survive outside the context of its seventh-century Arabian origins. Apply twenty-first-century science, logic, or humanistic reasoning to it and it falls apart.They believe this is why Islam has always relied so heavily on the threat of death. Question Islam, malign Islam, or leave Islam and you will be killed. It is a totalitarian modus operandi that silences all dissent and examination, thereby protecting the faith from ever having to defend itself.” - Brad Thor

11. “A believer shall not be stung twice out of the same hole.” - Prophet Rickey Price

12. “...But the Mahommedan religion increases, instead of lessening, the fury of intolerance. It was originally propagated by the sword, and ever since, its votaries have been subject, above the people of all other creeds, to this form of madness. In a moment the fruits of patient toil, the prospects of material prosperity, the fear of death itself, are flung aside. The more emotional Pathans are powerless to resist. All rational considerations are forgotten. Seizing their weapons, they become Ghazis—as dangerous and as sensible as mad dogs: fit only to be treated as such. While the more generous spirits among the tribesmen become convulsed in an ecstasy of religious bloodthirstiness, poorer and more material souls derive additional impulses from the influence of others, the hopes of plunder and the joy of fighting. Thus whole nations are roused to arms. Thus the Turks repel their enemies, the Arabs of the Soudan break the British squares, and the rising on the Indian frontier spreads far and wide. In each case civilisation is confronted with militant Mahommedanism. The forces of progress clash with those of reaction. The religion of blood and war is face to face with that of peace.” - Winston Churchill

13. “Rifangi hanya menawarkan sehelai pembalut putih yang steril, tapi manusia bukan cetakan tunggal mumi Adam di atas bumi, yang ditaruh dalam gelas, tanpa sejarah, tanpa ketelanjuran kebudayaan.” - Goenawan Mohamad

14. “لم يستبدل الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم حباً بحب , بل أضاف حباً إلى حب” - محمد الصوياني

15. “أنت تجد في الشرق أحد اثنين .. تجد من يرفض العلم اكتفاء بالدين والقرآن .. و تجد من يرفض الدين اكتفاء و عبادة للعلم المادي و الوسائلالمادية .و كلا الاثنين سبب من أسباب النكبة الحضارية في المنطقة .. و كلاهمالم يفهم المعنى الحقيقي للدين و لا المعنى الحقيقي للعلم .” - مصطفى محمود

16. “As a woman you are better off in life earning your own money. You couldn't prevent your husband from leaving you or taking another wife, but you could have some of your dignity if you didn't have to beg him for financial support.” - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

17. “[…] I began to see Algiers as one of the most fascinating and dramatic places on earth. In the small space of this beautiful but congested city intersected two great conflicts of the contemporary world. The first was the one between Christianity and Islam (expressed here in the clash between colonizing France and colonized Algeria). The second, which acquired a sharpness of focus immediately after the independence and departure of the French, was a conflict at the very heart of Islam, between its open, dialectical — I would even say “Mediterranean” — current and its other, inward-looking one, born of a sense of uncertainty and confusion vis-à-vis the contemporary world, guided by fundamentalists who take advantage of modern technology and organizational principles yet at the same time deem the defense of faith and custom against modernity as the condition of their own existence, their sole identity.[…] In Algiers one speaks simply of the existence of two varieties of Islam — one, which is called the Islam of the desert, and a second, which is defined as the Islam of the river (or of the sea). The first is the religion practiced by warlike nomadic tribes struggling to survive in one of the world's most hostile environments, the Sahara. The second Islam is the faith of merchants, itinerant peddlers, people of the road and of the bazaar, for whom openness, compromise, and exchange are not only beneficial to trade, but necessary to life itself.” - Ryszard Kapuściński

18. “تبسمك في وجه أخيك صدقة، وأمرك بالمعروف صدقة ونهيك عن المنكر صدقة، وإرشادك الرجل في أرض الضلال لك صدقة، ونصرك الرجل الرديء البصر لك صدقة، وإماطتك الحجر والشوك العظم عن الطريق لك صدقةSmiling in your brother’s face is an act of charity. So is enjoining good and forbidding evil, giving directions to the lost traveller, aiding the blind and removing obstacles from the path.(Graded authentic by Ibn Hajar and al-Albani: Hidaayat-ur-Ruwaah, 2/293)” - Anonymous

19. “من قال لك أن درب الجنة معبد بالورود؟” - أحمد خيري العمري

20. “إلى البكائين على مافات٫ المتحيّرين وراء تحقيق المعجزات٫ الدائرين حول محور من أنفسهم يصارعون المنى وتصارعهم دون الانتهاء إلى قرار.. ألى هؤلاء نوجّه كلمة ( وليم جيمس ) : "ان بيننا وبين الله رابطة لاتنفصم٫ فإذا نحن أخضعنا أنفسنا لإشرافه-سبحانه وتعالى- تحققت أمنياتنا وآمالنا كلها” - محمد الغزالي

21. “اود ان اقول لك: ان بعد كل خيار هناك خيارات اخرى.. حياتنا هذه ليست خيارا واحدا نؤديه ونستسلم بعدها لكل ما يحدث بنا. حياتنا ليست مفترق طريق منفرد و وحيد نختار اي جهة سنسلك وينتهي الامر بعدها.. ابدا.. كل خيار يفتح سلسلة من الخيارات. وكل مفترق طريق يحوي خلفه سلسلة من مفترقات طرق.. وفي كل خطوة من خطوات حياتنا يوجد قدران، نختار واحدا منهما بملء ارادتنا..” - أحمد خيري العمري

22. “Many well-meaning Dutch people have told me in all earnestness that nothing in Islamic culture incites abuse of women, that this is just a terrible misunderstanding. Men all over the world beat their women, I am constantly informed. In reality, these Westerners are the ones who misunderstand Islam. The Quaran mandates these punishments. It gives a legitimate basis for abuse, so that the perpetrators feel no shame and are not hounded by their conscience of their community. I wanted my art exhibit to make it difficult for people to look away from this problem. I wanted secular, non-Muslim people to stop kidding themselves that "Islam is peace and tolerance.” - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

23. “If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad?” - Alphonse de Lamartine

24. “He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports. He cared not for the dressings of power. The simplicity of his private life was in keeping with his public life." ” - R. Bosworth Smith

25. “I think I have a very good idea why it is that anti-Semitism is so tenacious and so protean and so enduring. Christianity and Islam, theistic though they may claim to be, are both based on the fetishizing of human primates: Jesus in one case and Mohammed in the other. Neither of these figures can be called exactly historical but both have one thing in common even in their quasi-mythical dimension. Both of them were first encountered by the Jews. And the Jews, ravenous as they were for any sign of the long-sought Messiah, were not taken in by either of these two pretenders, or not in large numbers or not for long.If you meet a devout Christian or a believing Muslim, you are meeting someone who would give everything he owned for a personal, face-to-face meeting with the blessed founder or prophet. But in the visage of the Jew, such ardent believers encounter the very figure who did have such a precious moment, and who spurned the opportunity and turned shrugging aside. Do you imagine for a microsecond that such a vile, churlish transgression will ever be forgiven? I myself certainly hope that it will not. The Jews have seen through Jesus and Mohammed. In retrospect, many of them have also seen through the mythical, primitive, and cruel figures of Abraham and Moses. Nearer to our own time, in the bitter combats over the work of Marx and Freud and Einstein, Jewish participants and protagonists have not been the least noticeable. May this always be the case, whenever any human primate sets up, or is set up by others, as a Messiah.” - Christopher Hitchens

26. “So this is where all the vapid talk about the 'soul' of the universe is actually headed. Once the hard-won principles of reason and science have been discredited, the world will not pass into the hands of credulous herbivores who keep crystals by their sides and swoon over the poems of Khalil Gibran. The 'vacuum' will be invaded instead by determined fundamentalists of every stripe who already know the truth by means of revelation and who actually seek real and serious power in the here and now. One thinks of the painstaking, cloud-dispelling labor of British scientists from Isaac Newton to Joseph Priestley to Charles Darwin to Ernest Rutherford to Alan Turing and Francis Crick, much of it built upon the shoulders of Galileo and Copernicus, only to see it casually slandered by a moral and intellectual weakling from the usurping House of Hanover. An awful embarrassment awaits the British if they do not declare for a republic based on verifiable laws and principles, both political and scientific.” - Christopher Hitchens

27. “I'm a fundamentalist in the true sense. That is to say, I follow the fundamentals of religion... But for over 1,400 years people have been interpreting and re-interpreting the religion to suit their own purpose! ... These [extremist and terrorist acts] are not Islamic fundamentals any more than the Christians who burned people at the stake are fundamentalist. They are actually deviating from the teachings of the religion!” - Mahathir Mohamad

28. “I believe Western culture -- rule of law, universal suffrage, etc. -- is preferable to Arab culture: that's why there are millions of Muslims in Scandinavia, and four Scandinavians in Syria. Follow the traffic. I support immigration, but with assimilation.” - Mark Steyn

29. “There is nothing in our book, the Qur'an, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone lays a hand on you, send him to the cemetery.” - Malcolm X

30. “The United States finds itself with forces of reaction. Do I have to demonstrate this? The Taliban's annihilation of music and culture? The enslavement of women?” - Christopher Hitchens

31. “In the pragmatist, streetwise climate of advanced postmodern capitalism, with its scepticism of big pictures and grand narratives, its hard-nosed disenchantment with the metaphysical, 'life' is one among a whole series of discredited totalities. We are invited to think small rather than big – ironically, at just the point when some of those out to destroy Western civilization are doing exactly the opposite. In the conflict between Western capitalism and radical Islam, a paucity of belief squares up to an excess of it. The West finds itself faced with a full-blooded metaphysical onslaught at just the historical point that it has, so to speak, philosophically disarmed. As far as belief goes, postmodernism prefers to travel light: it has beliefs, to be sure, but it does not have faith.” - Terry Eagleton

32. “Interestingly, the more Americans report knowing about Muslim countries, the more likely they are to hold positive views of those countries. (p. 155)” - John L. Esposito

33. “War can condition a person to be resilient, tolerant, dependable, strong, and capable of so much more than one who had experienced nothing of it; it can bring out the very best in us, but also the very worst. Where is it, I ask, the proper conduit through which a soldier should be raised from whence they would become an upstanding citizen of the world, instead of a single country?” - Mike Norton

34. “Islam itu indah. Islam itu cinta” - Helvy Tiana Rosa

35. “Antisemitism is unique among religious hatreds. It is a racist conspiracy theory fashioned for the needs of messianic and brutal rulers, as dictators from the Tsars to the Islamists via the Nazis have shown. Many other alleged religious 'hatreds' are not hatreds in the true sense. If I criticise Islamic, Orthodox Jewish or Catholic attitudes towards women, for instance, and I'm accused of being a bigot, I shrug and say it is not bigoted to oppose bigotry.” - Nick Cohen

36. “Change, development and progress, according to the Islamic viewpoint, refer to the return to the genuine Islam enunciated and practised by the Holy Prophet (may God bless and give him Peace!) and his noble Companions and their Followers (blessing and peace be upon them all!) and the faith and practice of genuine Muslims after them; and they also refer to the self and mean its return to its original nature and religion (Islam).” - Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

37. “Of course, a single verse of the Holy Qur'an or a hadith moves the faithful to good actions, but volumes of books would not move an unwilling person who is like an ass carrying a load of books.” - Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi

38. “إن الدولة العثمانية حبلى بدولة أروبية، وسوف تلدها يوما ما ..! و إن أروبا حبلى بالإسلام وسوف تلده يوما ما ..!” - فريد الأنصاري

39. “There is no compulsion for man to accept the truth. But it is certainly a shame upon the human intellect when man is not even interested in finding out as to what is the truth! Islam teaches that God has given man the faculty of reason and therefore expects man to reason things out objectively and systematically for himself. To reflect and to question and to reflect.” - Maurice Bucaille

40. “الدين علاقة رأسية بين العبد وربه حولناها إلى علاقة أفقية بين المواطن وأخيه” - جلال عامر

41. “Die before you Die” - Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)

42. “Inexperience people think that books will lead the one of intellect to understanding. But the ignoramus doesn't know that in these books are ambiguos that will confuse even the most intelligent of people. If you try to learn this knowledge without a teacher you will go astray and affairs will become so confusing to you that you will be more astray than Toma*, the physician.*توما الحكيم” - Abū Hayyān al-Tawhīdī

43. “I have learned that one should say "Peace!" to those who shout their hatred for one's being and presence or at one's passage.” - Tariq Ramadan

44. “The earth isn’t spinning because you told it to do so. Your intestines aren’t digesting by your command. You’re made up of a trillion cells who don’t ask your permission before offering their rakats. And we think submission is applying strict discipline to our worship? We think surrender is about not eating a pig? It’s just not that small to me. i can’t fit my deen into a neat little box, because to me everything comes from Allah. Birds sing Allah’s name. to say Allah is in this book and not that… do you know who you’re talking about? the Allah that made you from a clot and clothed in flesh… Allah is too big and open for my deen to be small and closed.” - Michael Muhammad Knight

45. “نحن المسلمين ! ديننا الفضيلة الظاهرة ، الحق الأبلج. لا حجب ولا أستار ولا خفايا ولا أسرار. هو واضح وضوح المئذنة . أفليس فيها ذلك المعنى ؟ هل في الدنيا جماعه او نحلة تكرر مبادئها وتذاع عشر مرات في اليومكما تذاع مبادئ ديننا نحن المسلمون ،على ألسنة المؤذنين : أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمداً رسول الله” - علي الطنطاوي

46. “When the man, by means if 'ibadat, succeeded in curbing his animal and canal passions and has thereby rendered submissive his animal soul,making it subject to the rational soul, the man thus described has attained to freedom and existence;he has achieved supreme peace and his soul is pacified, being set at liberty, as it were, free from fetters of inexorable fate and the noisy strife and hell of human vices.” - Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas

47. “Ibn Mas'ud said that Allah's Messenger said: Abusing a Muslim is sinful and fighting with his tantamount to Kufr. Bukhari Muslim” - Ahmad Von Denffer

48. “People accuse me of having interiorized a feeling of racial inferiority, so that I attack my own culture out of self-hatred, because I want to be white. This is a tiresome argument. Tell me, is freedom then only for white people? Is it self-love to adhere to my ancestors' traditions and mutilate my daughters? To agree to be humiliated and powerless? To watch passively as my countrymen abuse women and slaughter each other in pointless disputes? When I came to a new culture, where I saw for the first time that human relations could be different, would it have been self-love to see that as a foreign cult, which Muslims are forbidden to practice?” - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

49. “The Occident has never found it easy to grasp the strange netherworld of spirits that followers of Islam universally believe exist in a realm overlaid our own.” - Tahir Shah

50. “يظن الغمر أن الكتب تهدى ... ... أخاً فهم لإدراك العلوموما يدرى الجهول بأن فيها ... ... غوامض حيرت عقل الفهيمإذا رمت العلوم بغير شيخ ... ... ضللت عن الصراط المستقيموتلتبس الأمور عليك حتى ... ... تصير أضل من 'توما الحكيم” - أبو حيان التوحيدي

51. “As to the 'Left' I'll say briefly why this was the finish for me. Here is American society, attacked under open skies in broad daylight by the most reactionary and vicious force in the contemporary world, a force which treats Afghans and Algerians and Egyptians far worse than it has yet been able to treat us. The vaunted CIA and FBI are asleep, at best. The working-class heroes move, without orders and at risk to their lives, to fill the moral and political vacuum. The moral idiots, meanwhile, like Falwell and Robertson and Rabbi Lapin, announce that this clerical aggression is a punishment for our secularism. And the governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, hitherto considered allies on our 'national security' calculus, prove to be the most friendly to the Taliban and Al Qaeda.Here was a time for the Left to demand a top-to-bottom house-cleaning of the state and of our covert alliances, a full inquiry into the origins of the defeat, and a resolute declaration in favor of a fight to the end for secular and humanist values: a fight which would make friends of the democratic and secular forces in the Muslim world. And instead, the near-majority of 'Left' intellectuals started sounding like Falwell, and bleating that the main problem was Bush's legitimacy. So I don't even muster a hollow laugh when this pathetic faction says that I, and not they, are in bed with the forces of reaction.” - Christopher Hitchens

52. “The unity of scientific and spiritual knowledge is realized when each of the particular sciences is organically related to the supreme knowledge of al-tawhid.” - Osman Bakar

53. “Keadaan universiti-universiti di negara-negara Islam yang mengajar agama dan tamadun Islam telah menjadi amat lemah kerana ketiadaan koleksi perpustakaan yang lengkap, program akademik kukuh, penyeliaan serius dan bersifat terlalu berpihak kepada politik. Segelintir institusi pengajian tinggi yang baik, dirosakkan oleh perasaan hasad, dengki dan fikiran sempit.” - Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud

54. “Half the published articles on Gaza contain a standard reference to its resemblance to a vast open-air prison (and when I last saw it under Israeli occupation it certainly did deserve this metaphor). The problem is that, given its ideology and its allies, Hamas qualifies rather too well in the capacity of guard and warder.” - Christopher Hitchens

55. “Just as the Torah and Bible teach concern for those in distress, the Koran instructs all Muslims to make caring for widows, orphans, and refugees a priority.” - Greg Mortenson

56. “Artinya, Anda lebih mulai tertarik untuk mempelajari Qur’an sebagai sumber informasi yang ditinggalkan Nabi Muhammad dan menurut orang Islam masih otentik hingga sekarang dibanding menilai agama ini dari perilaku penganutnya?” - Tasaro GK

57. “Melalui kajian dan penyelidikan pengajian tingginya, Barat mendidik kaum terpelajar dunia Islam dan Timur sama ada dari segi ekonomi, sains dan teknologi, pentadbiran awam, sosiologi, falsafah mahupun agama. Secara yang cukup licik, Barat secara senyap-senyap menyusup di semua kedudukan dan jawatan strategis dunia melalui saluran pemikiran, ilmu dan pendidikan. Justeru idea dan pengaruh Barat menjadi satu cabaran amat besar terhadap bangsa-bangsa yang lain. Cabaran ilmu dan pengetahuan ini hanya mampu dipecahkan sekiranya kita memiliki universiti-universiti sendiri yang sekali gus bercirikan Islam dan moden.” - Mohd Sani Badron

58. “Past and future are the same, and we cannot change either, only know them more fully. My journey to the past had changed nothing, but what I had learned had changed everything, and I understood that it could not have been otherwise. If our lives are tales that Allah tells, then we are the audience as well as the players, and it is by living these tales that we receive their lessons.” - Ted Chiang

59. “الدين عقل وعاطفة ، وعلم وأدب ، ونظر صائب ، وبصيرة نيرة.” - محمد الغزالي

60. “Di antara pertikaian antarmazhab yang mengakibatkan pergolakan dan kekacauan adalah pertikaian antara mazhab Ahlus Sunnah dan Rafidhah pada tahun 655H. Pertikaian ini dimenangkan Ahli Sunnah sehingga bertambahlah kebencian kaum Rafidhah terhadap kalangan Ahlus Sunnah. Wazir Ibn al-‘Alqami yang menganut mazhab Rafidhah menekan kaum Muslim Ahlus Sunnah dan meminta Hulagu Khan, pemimpin Tartar menyerang wilayah Islam. Permintaan ini dipenuhi Hulagu Khan yang berhasil menduduki Baghdad, menjatuhkan khalifah dan menghapus sistem kekhalifahan dan membantai penduduk tanpa pandang bulu sehingga kota itu banjir darah.” - Yusri Abdul Ghani Abdullah

61. “In a well-functioning democracy, the state constitution is considered more important than God's holy book, whichever holy book that may be, and God matters only in your private life.” - Ayaan Hirsi Ali

62. “لقد كان في الأحداث الهائلة التي مرت بنا مايوقظ النيام، ويزعج أولي الغفلة، ولكن العلل القديمة لا تزال تفتك بنا، وتضرب بعضنا ببعض، وتجعل البعض يقاتل من أجل عدم أخذ شيء من شعر اللحية، وينسى الدواهي التي تزلزل البلاد والعباد.” - محمد الغزالي

63. “Allah tests our patience and our fortitude. He tests out strength of faith. be patient and there will endless rewards for you, insha'Allah" - Utaz Badr” - Leila Aboulela

64. “Whoever says that all music is prohibited, let him also claim that the songs of birds are prohibited.” - Imam Al-Ghazzali

65. “Najbolji medju vama je onaj koji je najbolji prema svojoj porodici, a ja sam od vas najbolji prema svojoj porodici. Zene nije postivao osim onaj ko je plemenit, a nije ih ponizavao niko osim zlikovac.” - Hadis

66. “Penekanan al-Quran terhadap hubungan intim antara epistemologi dan aksiologi dan kerohanian bukan bertujuan untuk merubah keobjektifan data dan fakta yang telah disahkan dengan betul. Sebaliknya ia bertujuan untuk memberi petunjuk yang sempurna, hikmah dan makna berhubung pelbagai dimensi usaha-usaha epistemologi. Justeru itu konsep ilmu dalam Islam mempunyai tujuan, yang ekoran daripadanya pula sejajar secara idealnya dengan keperluan-keperluan weltanshauungnya. Pendapat kesemua sarjana Islam adalah tepat bahawa tujuan utama ilmu adalah untuk mengenali Allah. Walaupun mereka berselisih tentang darjah-darjah ilmu ini.” - Wan Mohd Nor Wan Daud

67. “Pay the hired worker his wages before his sweat dries” - Hazrat Muhammad P.B.U.H

68. “Ikhlas, redha... sabar itu Islam, anakku” - Ramlee Awang Murshid

69. “He who at night feeling tired because of working in the daytime, then at night he was forgiven of Allah" —” - Prophet Muhammed PBUH

70. “Standing in Front of the Mirror of EternityDressed By True ExistenceLooking to Your Own RealityIn the Ocean of Oneness” - Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani

71. “Hearts melt when the Beloved of Allah is mentioned.” - Habib Kadhim al-Saqqaf

72. “The essence of all human rights is the equality of the entire human race, which the Qur’ān assumed, affirmed, and confirmed. It obliterated all distinctions among men except goodness and virtue (taqwā)” - Fazlur Rahman

73. “It must be constantly remembered that the Qu r’ān is not just descriptive but is primarily prescriptive. Both the content of its message and the power of the form in which it is conveyed are designed not so much to "inform" men in any ordinary sense of the word as to change their character. The psychological impact and the moral import of its statements, therefore, have a primaryrole. Phrases like "God has sealed their hearts, blinded their eyes, deafened them to truth” in the Qur’ān do have a descriptive meaning in terms of the psychological processes described earlier; but even more primarily in such contexts, they have a definite psychological intention: to change the ways of men in the right direction.” - Fazlur Rahman

74. “The Qur’ān began by criticizing two closely related aspects of that society: the polytheism or multiplicity of gods which was symptomatic of the segmentation of society, and the gross socioeconomic disparities that equally rested on and perpetuated a pernicious divisiveness of mankind. The two are obverse and converse of the same coin: only God can ensure the essential unity of the human race as His creation, His subjects, and those responsible finally to Him alone. The economic disparities were most persistently criticized, because they were the most difficult to remedy and were at the hear of social discord—although tribal rivalries, with their multiple entanglements of alliance, enmity, and vengeance, were no less serious, and the welding of these tribes into a political unity was an imperative need. Certain abuses of girls, orphans, and women, and the institution of slavery demanded desperate reform.” - Fazlur Rahman

75. “This struggle between good and evil, fresh and stale, new and decrepit,between the vigor of moral youth and the dotage of senility, is of positive benefit, for it keeps the perennial moral values alive” - Fazlur Rahman

76. “Za vjernika je problem dobar znak kretnje ka svome Gospodaru i lijepa najava napretka. Za njega je to, još jedna prilika u nizu, da pokaže sve ljepote i vještine koje je stekao na tom putu.” - Sulejman Bugari

77. “↑ top up position down↓ bottom“The corruption of religious leaders, who were expected to be the source of spiritual force and regeneration, is the last step in the decay of a community.” - Fazlur Rahman

78. “Es gibt keinen Gott und Dirac ist sein Prophet. (There is no God and Dirac is his Prophet.){A remark made during the Fifth Solvay International Conference (October 1927), after a discussion of the religious views of various physicists, at which all the participants laughed, including Dirac, as quoted in Teil und das Ganze (1969), by Werner Heisenberg, p. 119; it is an ironic play on the Muslim statement of faith, the Shahada, often translated: 'There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.'}” - Wolfgang Pauli

79. “Fear no one except the One.” - Habeeb Akande

80. “The anti-religious modernism which now threatens Islam and Muslims everywhere can be fully understood only by understanding the religion of the civilization in whose bosom modernism first developed, against which it rebelled, and whose tenets it has been challenging through constant battle since the birth of the modern world in the Renaissance.” - Seyyed Hossein Nasr

81. “The Prophet's character was termed tremendous because his concern was for God alone.” - Imam Junayd al-Baghdadi

82. “Pada prinsipnya kita bersetuju bahawa pandangan manusia, dan oleh kerananya ilmu-ilmu yang dibangunkan olehnya, dalam bidang apapun tidak boleh dikultuskan dan dianggap absolut. Hanya ilmu Tuhan yang mutlak (absolute). Menyedari keterbatasan ilmu manusia ini maka kita harus bersifat terbuka dalam menerima kepelbagaian pandangan, dan pada tahap ini kita bersetuju dengan idea pluralisme. Namun apabila kita berbicara mengenai konteks yang lebih besar iaitu tentang kebenaran dan realiti, dan bukan sebatas kebenaran dan realiti yang ditayangkan oleh akal fikiran manusia semata, tetapi suatu yang ditayangkan oleh pandangan alam Islam maka kita harus berhati-hari kerana ia melibatkan bukan hanya ilmu manusia tetapi juga ilmu Tuhan yang telah disampaikan kepada manusia melalui para nabi dan rasulNya. Oleh kerana itu dalam konteks Islam tiada pluralisme agama kerana di sini kita berbicara tentang wahyu dan makna-makna yang dibangun oleh al-Qur’an itu sendiri, dan bukan semata-mata hasil budaya dan produk sejarah manusia.” - Khalif Muammar

83. “Scientists or thinkers who try to discover the truth cannot find that higher life by thinking alone, but their own life, spent in search for the truth and neglecting the physical living, is just that higher form of human existence.” - Alija Izetbegović

84. “Based on the experience of history and civilization of mankind, which is more important for Muslims today, to no longer busy discussing the greatness that Muslims achieved in the past, or debating who first discovered the number zero, including the number one, two, three and so on, as the contribution of Muslims in the writing of numbers in this modern era and the foundation and development of civilizations throughout the world. But how Muslims will regained the lead and control of science and technology, leading back and become a leader in the world of science and civilization, because it represents a real achievement.” - Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

85. “Mükemmel bir sistem olan İslamiyet kaşanesinin, bütününü açıklamaksızın bir tek yapı taşının vücud-ı hikmetini izah etmek güç, hatta imkansız.” - Safiye Erol