86 Erotic Romance Quotes

Sept. 6, 2024, 3:45 p.m.

86 Erotic Romance Quotes

Erotic romance has a unique way of blending deep emotional connections with passionate, steamy encounters, creating a literary experience that leaves readers breathless and yearning for more. Whether you're seeking inspiration, a touch of spice for your own writing, or simply want to revel in the sensuality and intensity of romantic literature, our curated collection of the top 86 erotic romance quotes is here to ignite your imagination. Dive in and let these words transport you to a world where desire meets love, and passion knows no bounds.

1. “Love will find a way against time itself.” - Sylvia Day

2. “Oh, Jatel, I am so used. Would you rid yourself of me?" the knight started to cry.Jatel slowly kissed the woman upon her forehead. To the Gods! how he loved her so.Not for the world entire, sire.” - Donald Allen Kirch

3. “Conn was a wickedly passionate, fiercely dominant man who loved her too much to ever really hurt her.” - Joely Sue Burkhart

4. “Actually, yeah, I did buy a few new things,” she confirmed, then she teased a little more by adding, “I think Pete is going to really enjoy my outfit tomorrow night.”“Pete seems to like you no matter what you’re wearing,” Luke grumbled. “So, what did you buy for good ol’ Pete?”Darn, if he didn’t sound jealous! Could it be possible? It’d mean she meant something to him. Something more than Dr. Doolittle anyway. “I bought a mini skirt.” She wouldn’t tell him about the hair and the shoes. Or what she bought to wear under the skirt.She heard him cough. Hard. As if having a spasm. “Luke? Are you okay?”A couple more very tense seconds of coughs, and then, “Did you say a skirt?”She wanted to smack him.” - Anne Rainey

5. “I was torn. The evil, horny side of me wanted to know more. The good side wanted to feel sympathy and pretend he'd never heard it. I think 'evil horny' is gonna win. - Tyler Campbell (main character)” - Shaina Richmond

6. “Adrian had always found it amusing that a guy could be drilling Stacia up her ass while she considered herself to be a virgin. Her intent had been to present herself as such when she found "Mr. Right.” - Jess C. Scott

7. “Impertinent submissive,” Raoul snapped, and his dark brown eyes turned mean. “Nothing new for this one. You're doing a lousy job of bringing her to heel, Marcus.”“Bring me to heel? Like I'm a dog?” Without thinking, Gabi instinctively yanked away and snapped out, “Bite me.” - Cherise Sinclair

8. “Perfect,” he groaned. “You are perfect.” He sank his teeth into her ass, hard, drawing blood. “And now you wear my mark,” he finished proudly. “Your ass is mine.” - Hanna Lui

9. “They wanted her. They all loved her. And they wanted to keep her.” - Hanna Lui

10. “Wade sighed. “I’ll never understand why women wear bras to start with. They look uncomfortable as hell.” “They’re not that bad.”“Turn around so I can fasten the damn thing for you.”She refused to let go. Suddenly it seemed important to do this one small task alone. “I can do it, Wade. I need to get used to doing things with this cast.”He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her struggle. “Is it so hard to ask for help from me, Gracie?”She tried the two small hooks once more, but failed to get them both attached. “No, it’s just that I’m not used to people offering, I guess.”He moved around her and helped fasten the contrary hook. When she turned to tell him thanks, he placed his finger over her lips and murmured, “If you thank me, I’ll spank you. Knowing I haven’t been able to catch your stalker, that he broke into your home and trashed your things and I wasn’t able to stop him makes me feel as fucking useless as tits on a bull. The least I can do is fasten your bra.” - Anne Rainey

11. “You know how you have a good meal and you got gravy left on the plate. The gravy was so good that you don’t want to leave it on the plate but you don’t want to be a pig about it? So you take your bread and use it to sop up the rest of the gravy. That guy is totally soppable!” - Erin Jamison

12. “Everything about him enveloped her, made her crave exactly this. His possession. In her mind something relaxed; the balance shifted. She welcomed every way he could touch her, the heat from his body, the atoms of his breath. Everything.” - Cari Silverwood

13. “She’d run over Dankyo in an instant to get to Theo. Be a darn big bump in the road, but she’d do it.” - Cari Silverwood

14. “She reached out, her fingers hesitant. The deer—Knox—tilted his head down, letting her touch his antlers. Her hand trembled slightly as she caressed the boney protrusion. The ivory tines were warmer than she thought they’d be, a living extension of the man inside. She petted his pelt next, charmed by the coarse fur and the feel of his muscles bunching and moving underneath.Sitting back, she winked up at him. "You probably get this a lot,but…nice rack.”The deer flashed back into a man who tackled her onto her pillows with a wolfy growl. “Always gotta be the smartass, don’t you?” - Miranda Stowe

15. “Am I your dom, little rabbit?”“Yes.” Her red-brown brows drew together. “What’s wrong?”“Not a thing.” He gave her a faint smile, and his gravelly voice deepened. “I thought I’d tell you we’re getting married next month.”~Nolan and Beth~” - Cherise Sinclair

16. “Have you gone crazy?""Have you gone crazy, Master.” - Cherise Sinclair

17. “It’s all right,” I said, spying what was inside his bag. “Went grocery shopping?”“I picked up a few things,” he said amicably, but then a silence stretched out between us. I got my key out, wanting to say so much more but not knowing where to start. “I see you did too.”Oh my God. I covered up the side of my bag, even though I knew he’d already seen the big yellow rooster with Cocks-A-Lot emblazoned on the side. I really had to have a word with Terry about his packaging.” - Lori Toland

18. “My nipples tightened as I breathed in his musky scent mixed with cologne. I didn’t recognize the brand, but it spoke to something inside me. It whispered come closer, and my heart pounded harder.” - Lori Toland

19. “You desire me. I can scent it on the wind.” He drew in a breath and licked his lips. “I have been waiting for your courage to bring you to me, but I have grown tired of our little game.” - Stella Berkley

20. “I was stirred only like a leaf in the wind, that is all. . .” - Anais Nin

21. “I like my boyfriends to bend over, Robert.” - Belinda McBride

22. “In some very rare cases, an opposite-sex pair was born, and they always mated one another. Disturbing as it might sound, when it did happen, the offspring were invariably gifted. Sera and Trace's sons were noted psych-scientists.” - Belinda McBride

23. “Fear can be a potent aphrodisiac.” - Kele Moon

24. “Danny couldn't help it, he laughed as he shook his head. "You bit the apple.""I bit the apple," Paul agreed. His eyes glimmered bright blue as tears welled up in them and he gave Danny a soft smile.” - Kele Moon

25. “Move your hands, Morgan,” he commanded.“It hurts!” she protested.“It’s supposed to.” - Cara Bristol

26. “You're very lovely, gatita."Her brows pulled together, and she gave him a skeptical stare."Do not look at your master as if he's an idiot.” - Cherise Sinclair

27. “But, chiquita, you must understand that while you are here, I expect you to come to me and share your fears. Even if I am the one causing them.” - Cherise Sinclair

28. “You’re so damn big,” she whispered.“Why, thank you cariño,” he said.” - Cherise Sinclair

29. “Slut. I’m a dirty-The sound of a hand hitting flesh was simultaneous with the shocking sting on her bottom. “Ow!”“You don’t think those nasty thoughts about my sumisita, Kimberly.” - Cherise Sinclair

30. “You spanked me,” she told him.“I did.” He lifted her shoulders high enough to push a wedge pillow under the pad. “And I enjoyed it very much. You have a very spankable ass, no?” - Cherise Sinclair

31. “That’s an awful lot of littles, don’t you think?”“Perhaps.” He displayed his hand. “Big.” He set hers next to his, so small and delicate contrasted with his thick, blunt fingers. Why did holding her fragile hand raise every protective instinct he had?” - Cherise Sinclair

32. “She was so light; he could hold her all night without a problem.” - Cherise Sinclair

33. “He smiled. A sub shouldn’t be terrified, but a little anxiety was good.” - Cherise Sinclair

34. “Sex is a team sport, sugar.” - Cherise Sinclair

35. “I cannot come with you, my prince," he said with great tenderness, as he kneeled over the sleeping Neriah and placed the chain around his neck. "But perhaps, when you sleep, you will dream of me." He touched his hand to Neriah's forehead and whispered, "Now, forget me.” - Shira Anthony

36. “Although he assumed she’d naturally submit to him, he obviously believed she was still her own person. A strong person.” - Cherise Sinclair

37. “She rubbed her cheek on his chest like a sleepy cat. “I like when you hold me.”Dios, she was going to break his heart. “I like when I hold you too.” - Cherise Sinclair

38. “Oh heaven and hell, stop with the tears. Given the day Sarah had just had, the tears were logical. But watching her face crumple, hearing the gut-deep harsh sobs, filled Rukh with an irrational need to pull her into his arms, wrap her in a hug.As soon as the urge had gelled into conscious thought, his essence hardened into visibility and his arms slid up around her shivering, wet body.Sarah’s eyes popped open and she staggered back with a yell.His arms tightened around her, steadying her, keeping her close. Well, shit. At least, she’d stoppedcrying.Fear-bright green eyes stared at him instead.Given he was an assassin, sent to kill her, her response was natural, even intelligent. Yet, bitterness churned in his gut at the thought of her fearing him. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “You’re safe.”“Am I hallucinating?” Her question came out as a croak.“Yes, yes you are.” That seemed a much better answer than the truth.She pinned him with her dark, direct gaze. “You’re just a figment of my imagination. A fantasy?”“Yes.” He didn’t dare move.“Then why are you still wearing clothes?” - Mina Khan

39. “Look, I'm good okay. I'm her..." he stopped dead. The woman at the desk looked up expectantly, "uncle." His voice faded."Katie certainly has a lot of those, " the annoying person chirped before handing his ID back and pointing to a side door. SHe gave him a different sort of look. This one he recognized. He smiled at her. She was sort of good looking, actually. "You gay like her other uncles?" Jack laughed."Nope.” - Liz Crowe

40. “I’m a firm believer in equality at all times—”“At all times?” She glanced at the cuffs clipped to his leathers. “Why do I find that hard to believe?” And why the heck was she arguing with him. Mine, mine, mine.“At all times,” he repeated. “However, in the bedroom or in the club, I am a lot more equal than you.” - Cherise Sinclair

41. “I have to say, her blonde bob was amazing. The delicate way it hugged her face and neck. The softness of it...” - James Lusarde

42. “What would you like to do with my neck?’ I asked. ‘Seduce me with your words. Feel free.” - James Lusarde

43. “We laughed together. It’s so lovely laughing with a man. It feels positive. Relaxed…” - James Lusarde

44. “I smile at you, hinting at the pleasures ahead, and silently point to the zip at the back of my dress…” - James Lusarde

45. “You have a gorgeous ass, and it holds handprints beautifully.”Oh, well, how nice for me.” - Cherise Sinclair

46. “You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t care, Abby.”“I don’t.” She glared at him, so full of life she almost glowed.“You do.” He kissed the pouting lips lightly. “And I’m going to keep you.” - Cherise Sinclair

47. “No, no, I don’t want that.”“I didn’t ask.” - Cherise Sinclair

48. “She had a problem, which meant they had a problem.” - Starla Kaye

49. “Okay?” Even if she deserved to be punished, he always let her know he cared about her.” - Starla Kaye

50. “He seemed to think that spanking solved problems instead of taking the time to talk about them.” - Starla Kaye

51. “We’re wasting time here. I’ve got a sweet ass to paddle. Some legs to spread…” - Starla Kaye

52. “I need your submission too, but only if it’s real. If you’re really not feeling it, then don’t pretend. Make me earn it.” - Bianca Sommerland

53. “I won’t have people judging you because of this.” - Bianca Sommerland

54. “Fun? “Katrina, I didn’t request to be set up on a date. I can’t go meet a complete stranger and….” he scanned the email again. “…and spend the night with her?” - Lia Davis

55. “We were in the middle of a scene, and this crazy woman comes roaring out of the crowd, screaming, grabs my whip, and damned if she didn’t punch me.” Rubbing his reddened chin, the man’s lips curved a little. “It’s almost funny, but still, she ruined our scene.” - Cherise Sinclair

56. “Heck, that woman out there looked like she was getting more from one kiss than Jessica had ever gotten from the whole insert-dick-move-around shebang.” - Cherise Sinclair

57. “...I don't know what marriages are like on your plane. I know Fae marriages can be all about respect and treating your wife like a lady. That's crap, love. You're my wife. I'm going to do all sorts of filthy things to you because you belong to me. You're my little toy. I'm going to fuck you as often as I can and in as many ways as my filthy mind can come up with. That's a strong marriage.” - Sophie Oak

58. “He's naked," she said in a whisper louder than a yell."He knows," Cyrus said."Does he want a blanket?""Apparently not.” - Dominique Eastwick

59. “Let Your Inhibitions Run Free” - Cindy Smith-Jordan

60. “You so need a Daddy, little girl.” - Breanna Hayse

61. “I knew instantly that I wanted that type of love in my life. To have someone I could take care of in every sense and who would trust me to do so. No matter what I asked of them.” - Breanna Hayse

62. “Honey, letting us isn’t the issue. You either cooperate and get it done, or don’t-and still get it done.” - Breanna Hayse

63. “You're absolutely gorgeous. But you look too empty." Holding her gaze he slid his thumbs in to circle the rim of her opening. "Want something to fill you up?” - Gina L. Maxwell

64. “I love you, baby girl. When you’re sad, I am too.” - Darla Phelps

65. “There is something immensely scary about putting yourself out there for people to love or hate you, fan or pan you, review or screw you.” - L.V. Lewis

66. “As she reached back for the buckle, her fingers met Mr. Meisner’s. She jumped. “I can do this... Sir.”“Ah.” He brushed aside her fingers. “I see you’ve at least remembered the sir.”“One always calls gentlemen that, just as you--”With only a rustle of cloth to warn her, his teeth met in the lobe of her ear, sending a spark into her middle. Like the melt of winter snow, she felt heat pool in her lower body. Her fingers curled against her collarbone where her hands still rested either side of her neck.“I’m not a gentleman, Faith.” - Cari Silverwood

67. “Careful, Love. You can't offer a starving man a feast and expect him not to take you up on it.” - R.K. Lilley

68. “You think Diana would come to your bed?” Ned threw his head back and laughed. “You’re mad! First of all, she would never break her marriage vows. Secondly, she’s certainly deduced by now what a whoremonger you are. She wouldn’t touch you with gloves, my friend.” from THE DEVIL YOU KNOW (DEVIL DEVERE book #3)” - Victoria Vane

69. “What is your name, my pet?""Kitty," she replied.DeVere threw back his head with a guffaw. "Kitty? How delightfully apropos!" His erstwhile companions forgotten, he patted a muscular thigh. "Come then, Kitty, my sweet, little puss. Sit on your master's lap, and I'll stroke you 'till you purr."-A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE” - Victoria Vane

70. “Ned looked to DeVere. "You are the master of mayhem. Any brilliant ideas?""If we want him to leave the gate, we must provide proper motivation," DeVere answered."Such as?" Phoebe prompted."Let us keep to the basics, my pet. Men are primarily moved by either their stomachs or their cocks. If we cannot tempt the one, it must be the other."Ned glared. "What are you suggesting?""Our little chambermaid can take the blighter off by offering him a hand job.""The hell she will!" Ned barked before Phoebe could answer for herself. "Think of something else!""Come now, Ned. She'll be well compensated for her trouble. He laughed. "Hell, for a thousand, I might be tempted to do it myself."A WILD NIGHT'S BRIDE” - Victoria Vane

71. “Por ti, el mundo cobra un sentido para mi que no tenia antes. Ahora ocupo un lugar, contigo.Gideon Cross” - Silvya Day

72. “The fire that had been raging inside her ever since she met him, ever since she left him, was now having gasoline thrown on top of it--by the gallon.” - T.A. Grey

73. “...Gabrielle and Elaine seemed to hit it off by talking books — something trending about a very young billionaire and his obsession with an even younger woman...and sex. Lots of erotic sex scenes in the book like apparently on every page...Who has time? Why even read about sex in a book when you can have it instead? I don't get that. And billionaires in their twenties? I mentally shook my head and pretended to care. I'm such a bastard.” - Raine Miller All In

74. “His look darkens and he heaves me against his chest forcing me to look at him. “What I do know is that you are disrespectful and disobedient. And that is something that we have to change, don’t we?” - Aileen Rose

75. “Your hatred is my foreplay.” - Julian King” - Z. Stefani

76. “Cages, spanking benches, sawhorses, bondage tables. Scene after scene. Throaty moans, high screams, whining, whimpering, and groaning. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. All his cop instincts shouted for him to get his cuffs out and start arresting people.” - Cherise Sinclair

77. “He caught her staring and smiled-not a conceited I-work-out-and-have-a-great-body type smirk, but more of a I’m-a-boy; you’re-a-girl; life is good.” - Cherise Sinclair

78. “No. No, I don’t want my hands restrained.”“Yes. You do.” - Cherise Sinclair

79. “Damn, you’re soft. I have trouble keeping my hands off you.”Okay, serious melty stuff.” - Cherise Sinclair

80. “When I want to.” He ran his finger over her lips. “You don’t get a vote, honey.” - Cherise Sinclair

81. “My cousin fell in love with a dom, so I checked into it to see if I needed to kill him before they got married.” - Cherise Sinclair

82. “You could have fucked me ’til your uncut, overexposed on the blogs, ‘too ginormous for my snatch’ pecker fell off. And I’d still no way never ever in a thousand years sell, loan, sample you my Easton. And to answer your question, I run my company with my pussy, and twenty-four other pussy-sporting employees. Easton girls do not allow dickheads or cocks in our fashion world. Period.” - Avery Aster

83. “Do you know what passion is?”I blink, confused.“Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.” - J. Kenner

84. “A master like Raoul looks for a woman whose need to serve and submit matches his need to protect and take command.” - Cherise Sinclair

85. “What is Destiny? Is it a doctrine formulated by aristocrats and philosophers arguing that there is some unseen driving force predicting the outcomes of every minuscule and life altering moment in one's life? Or is it the artistry illustrated by those under-qualifed and over-eager to give their future meaning and their ambitions hope? Is it a declaration by those who refuse to accept that we are alone in this universe, spinning randomly through a matrix of accidental coincidences? Or is it the assumptions made by those who concede that there is a divine plan or pre-ordained path for each human being,regardless of their current station?I think destiny is a bit of a tease....It's syndical taunts and teases mock those naive enough to believe in its black jack dealing of inevitable futures. Its evolution from puppy dogs and ice cream to razor blades and broken mirrors characterizes the fickle nature of its sordid underbelly. Those relying on its decisive measures will fracture under its harsh rules. Those embracing the fact that life happens at a million miles a minute will flourish in its random grace.Destiny has afforded me the most magical memories and unbelievably tragic experiences that have molded and shaped my life into what it is today...beautiful.I fully accept the mirage that destiny promises and the reality it can produce. Without the invisible momentum carried with its sincere fabrication of coming attraction, destiny is the covenant we rely on to get ourselves through the day. To the destiny I know awaits me, I thank you in advance. Don't cry because it's over....smile because it happened.” - ivan rusilko

86. “He was just beautiful. She'd never known a man could be beautiful, but he definitely was.” - Emily Jane Trent