88 Quotes And Ideas

July 13, 2024, 1:45 p.m.

88 Quotes And Ideas

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of inspiration can be a game-changer. Whether you're looking for a spark to kickstart your day, wisdom to guide your decisions, or just a touch of motivation during tough times, a well-chosen quote can work wonders. We've sifted through countless words of wisdom to bring you a carefully curated collection of the top 88 quotes and ideas. These nuggets of insight come from a variety of voices—philosophers, leaders, artists, and visionaries—each offering a unique perspective to lift your spirit and enrich your journey. Dive in and let these powerful thoughts provoke, inspire, and illuminate your path.

1. “No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.” - Victor Hugo

2. “If I ever conceive any original idea, it will be because I have been abnormally prone to confuse ideas ... and I have thus found remote analogies and relations which others have not considered! Others rarely make these confusions, and proceed by precise analysis.” - Kenneth J.W. Craik

3. “I have tried to be a man of letters in love with ideas in order to be a wiser and more loving person, hoping to leave the world just a little better than I found it.” - Cornel West

4. “The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.[Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962]” - John F. Kennedy

5. “For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We learned to talk and we learned to listen. Speech has allowed the communication of ideas, enabling human beings to work together to build the impossible. Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking, and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn't have to be like this. Our greatest hopes could become reality in the future. With the technology at our disposal, the possibilities are unbounded. All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” - Stephen Hawking

6. “A war of ideas can no more be won without books than a naval war can be won without ships. Books, like ships, have the toughest armor, the longest cruising range, and mount the most powerful guns.” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

7. “Books can ignite fires in your mind, because they carry ideas for kindling, and art for matches.” - Gary D. Schmidt

8. “Debería ser rico para tener una secretaria a la que dictar, mientras camino, porque las mejores ideas se me ocurren siempre cuando estoy lejos de la máquina.” - Henry Miller

9. “I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.” - John Cage

10. “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death.” - John F. Kennedy

11. “Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another--physical beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought. Both originated in envy, thrived in insecurity, and ended in disillusion.” - Toni Morrison

12. “The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them."(The Decider, July 21, 2007)” - Bill Maher

13. “Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good; its only necessary that, if they do fail, they do so in an interesting way. ” - Robert Rosen

14. “For at the heart of the uniform, reasoning is shaky and elusive: a mind in search of ideas should first stock up on appearances.” - Francis Ponge

15. “So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?' Mr. Okamoto: 'That's an interesting question?' Mr. Chiba: 'The story with animals.' Mr. Okamoto: 'Yes. The story with animals is the better story.' Pi Patel: 'Thank you. And so it goes with God.” - Yann Martel

16. “He was no longer quite sure whether anything he had ever thought or felt was truly his own property, or whether his thoughts were merely a common part of the world’s store of ideas which had always existed ready-made and which people only borrowed, like books from a library.” - Milan Kundera

17. “I think that perhaps if I had had to slow down the ideas so that I could capture them on paper I might have stifled some of them.” - J.K. Rowling

18. “Real life is physical. Give me books instead. Give me the invisibility of the contents of books, the thoughts, the ideas, the images. Let me become part of a book. . . . an intertextual being: a book cyborg, or, considering that books aren't cybernetic, perhaps a bibliorg.” - Scarlett Thomas

19. “That's the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you.” - Ray Bradbury

20. “I read anything that’s going to be interesting. But you don’t know what it is until you’ve read it. Somewhere in a book on the history of false teeth there’ll be the making of a novel.” - Terry Pratchett

21. “The quality of a play is the quality of its ideas.” - George Bernard Shaw

22. “We are set in our ways, bound by our perspectives and stuck in our thinking.” - Joel Osteen

23. “Martial (the main character of LOCUS SOLUS) has a very interesting conception of literary beauty: the work must contain nothing real, no observations about the world or the mind, nothing but completely imaginary constructions. These are in themselves ideas from an extrahuman world.” - Pierre Janet

24. “We end up stumbling our way through the forest, never seeing all the unexpected and wonderful possibilities and potentials because we're looking for the idea of a tree, instead of appreciating the actual trees in front of us.” - Charles de Lint

25. “There is something at the bottom of every new human thought, every thought of genius, or even every earnest thought that springs up in any brain, which can never be communicated to others, even if one were to write volumes about it and were explaining one's idea for thirty-five years; there's something left which cannot be induced to emerge from your brain, and remains with you forever; and with it you will die, without communicating to anyone perhaps the most important of your ideas.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

26. “I feel as though, if I were to extend my hand just a little toward the pool where the ideas ferment, I could grab at the idea and pull it out of the pool and onto the floor where ideas must stand before the jury of the brain. There, it must present itself, still from the pool, and a bit shivery because new ideas are not given a towel to dry off with, towels being reserved for proven theories; new ideas are simply pulled and stood up, and asked to explain themselves - not a very pleasant thing really, which is why so many people go into the room where the pool is. The exercise is exhausting not to mention a bit difficult to watch, if you are at all a sympathetic creature. What was my idea, anyways?” - Emilie Autumn

27. “Just because an idea is true doesn't mean it can be proved. And just because an idea can be proved doesn't mean it's true.” - Jonah Lehrer

28. “You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” - Terence McKenna

29. “It often feels like a tremendous amount of work is required to get an idea moving forward, like pushing a train uphill. But at a certain point, the thing takes on its own momentum, and takes unexpected turns. So it's that feeling of holding on, rather than pushing it, that is the most exciting thing. It's that need to occasionally bounce off the walls, letting anything happen for any reason, and having nothing to guide you that is the joy.” - Danny Elfman

30. “For an idea that does not first seem insane, there is no hope.” - Albert Einstein

31. “Ideas and their creators run the world…one’s place in the world is due partially to the ideas that a culture has forced on one and/or the ideas that a person “freely” accepts and uses.” - Haki R. Madhubuti

32. “At beyond continent of reality, there are oceans of ideas.” - Toba Beta [Betelgeuse Incident]

33. “At every period of history, people have believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you risked ostracism or even violence by saying otherwise. If our own time were any different, that would be remarkable. As far as I can tell it isn't.” - Paul Graham

34. “You have to remember that I was a bright but simple fellow from Canada who seldom, if ever, met another writer, and then only a so-called literary type that occasionally sold a story and meanwhile worked in an office for a living.” - A. E. Van Vogt

35. “I could go on like this forever, but would I ever find a place that was meant for me? Like, for example, where? After lengthy considerations, the only place I could think of was the cockpit of a two-seater Kamikaze torpedo-plane. Of all the dumb ideas. In the first place, all the torpedo-planes were scrapped thirty years ago” - Haruki Murakami

36. “As time went on, we learned to arm ourselves in our different ways. Some of us with real guns, some of us with more ephemeral weapons, an idea or improbable plan or some sort of formulation about how best to move through the world. An idea that will let us be. Protect us and keep us safe. But a weapon nonetheless.” - COLSON WHITEHEAD

37. “Someday, men will visit ideas instead of places.” - Toba Beta

38. “The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic.” - H.L. Mencken

39. “Success shuns the man who lacks ideas.” - David Schwartz

40. “Every day thousands of people bury good ideas because they are afraid to act on them.And afterwards, the ghosts of these ideas come back to haunt them.” - David Schwartz

41. “Apriority creates ambiguities among ideas.” - Toba Beta

42. “Ideas are fruits of your thinking. But they've got to be harnessed and put to work to have value.Each year an oak tree produces enough acorns to populate a good-size forest. Yet from these bushels of seeds perhaps only one or two acorns will become a tree. The Squirrels destroy most of them, and the hard ground beneath the tree doesn't give the few remaining seeds much chance for a start. So it is with ideas. Very few bear fruit. Ideas are highly perishable. If we're not on guard, the squirrels (negative-thinking people) will destroy most of them. Ideas require special handling from the time they are born until they're transformed into practical ways for doing things better. ” - David J. Schwartz

43. “An artist without ideas is a mendicant; barren, he goes begging among the hours.” - Irving Stone

44. “The only way to make a library safe is to lock people out of it. As long as they are allowed to read the books 'any old time they have a mind to,' libraries will remain the nurseries of heresy and independence of thought. They will, in fact, preserve that freedom which is a far more important part of our lives than any ideology or orthodoxy, the freedom that dissolves orthodoxies and inspires solutions to the ever-changing challenges of the future. I hope that your library and mine will continue in this way to be dangerous for many years to come.” - Edmund S. Morgan

45. “Lo que pasó es lo de menos. Es una novela, y lo que ocurre en ellas da lo mismo y se olvida, una vez terminadas. Lo interesante son las posibilidades e ideas que nos inoculan y traen a través de sus casos imaginarios, se nos quedan con mayor nitidez que los sucesos reales y los tenemos más en cuenta.” - Javier Marías

46. “Physics advances by accepting absurdities. Its history is one of unbelievable ideas proving to be true.” - Rivka Galchen

47. “Always carry a notebook. And I mean always. The short-term memory only retains information for three minutes; unless it is committed to paper you can lose an idea for ever.” - Will Self

48. “The survival of my own ideas may not be as important as a condition I might create for others’ ideas to be realized.” - Mel Chin

49. “First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination.” - Napoleon Hill

50. “Babbage had most of this system sketched out by 1837, but the first true computer to use this programmable architecture didn’t appear for more than a hundred years.” - Steven Johnson

51. “This is not the wisdom of the crowd, but the wisdom of someone in the crowd. It’s not that the network itself is smart; it’s that the individuals get smarter because they’re connected to the network.” - Steven Johnson

52. “Old ideas can sometimes use new buildings. New ideas must use old buildings.” - Steven Johnson

53. “Ah yes, the head is full of books. The hard part is to force them down through the bloodstream and out through the fingers.” - Edward Abbey

54. “Ideas are more difficult to kill than people, but they can be killed, in the end.” - Neil Gaiman

55. “Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.” - Laurie Halse Anderson

56. “But that initial, comet-blazing-across-the-sky, Big Idea is only the beginning. Each book is composed of a mosaic of thousands of little ideas, ideas that invariably come to me at two in the morning when my alarm is set for seven.” - Lauren Willig

57. “Where two principles really do meet which cannot be reconciled with one another, then each man declares the other a fool and a heretic” - Ludwig Wittgenstein

58. “I feel obligated to point out, though, that I have always been a sucker for ideas I find aesthetically pleasing. The cosmic sweep of the thing - an interstellar kula chain - affirming the differences and at the same time emphasizing the similarities of all the intelligent races in the galaxy - tying them together, building common traditions... The notion strikes me as kind of fine.” - Roger Zelazny

59. “The last thing she wanted was to see her friend getting ideas in her head. There was such a lot of room in there for them to bounce around and do damage.” - Terry Pratchett

60. “I think of myself as a bad writer with big ideas, but I'd rather be that than a big writer with bad ideas.” - Michael Moorcock

61. “When an idea takes hold, nothing can stop it!” - Stephen Richards

62. “It's not how great the ideas are. It's about how you write them, to make them great.” - Primadonna Angela

63. “My ideas aren't afraid of height.” - Leena Ahmad Almashat

64. “Anyone can produce a new fact; the thing is to produce a new idea.” - E.E. Evans-Pritchard

65. “Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons.” - Sarah J. Maas

66. “There are two kinds of great power which can shake the earth: Mega earthquakes and big ideas!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

67. “I feel that all knowledge should be in the free-trade zone. Your knowledge, my knowledge, everybody's knowledge should be made use of. I think people who refuse to use other people's knowledge are making a big mistake. Those who refuse to share their knowledge with other people are making a great mistake, because we need it all. I don't have any problem about ideas I got from other people. If I find them useful, I'll just ease them right in and make them my own.” - Myles Horton

68. “The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he'll fight and die for it."[As quoted in The New Yorker, April 25, 2011]” - Francis Crick

69. “Thoughts are like burning stars, and ideas, they flood, they stretch the universe.” - Criss Jami

70. “Ideas that don't even exist have the power to destroy the world.” - Lionel Suggs

71. “I do my precalc homework, and then when I'm done I actually sit with the textbook for like three hours and try to understand what I just did. That's the kind of weekend it is--the kind where you have so much time you go past the answers and start looking into the ideas.” - John Green

72. “Si censuran tus ideas ten valor, no te rindas nunca, siempre alza la voz...Lucha fuerte, sin medida... No dejes de creer.” - Dulce María

73. “What greater flood can there be than the flood of ideas? How quickly they submerge all that they set out to destroy, how rapidly do they create terrifying depths?” - Victor Hugo

74. “I think it is the duty of all human beings, as intelligent and communicative beings, to learn all the ideas thought up before ours and use them as a means to think up new ones.” - Jonathan Culver

75. “Let go of all ideas and images in your mind, they come and go and aren’t even generated by you. So why pay so much attention to your imagination when reality is for the realizing right now?” - Adyashanti

76. “An idea can destroy the mind of a human being, twist it into a dark path of destruction and illness. But only the human can destroy the mind with a bullet to the soul. Ideas do not kill people; they ruin them. People kill people.” - Ingrid

77. “Wine gives one 'ideas,' whereas champagne gives one 'strategies.” - Roman Payne

78. “Having a sense of purpose is having a sense of self. A course to plot is a destination to hope for.” - Bryant McGill

79. “Love is like that, fragile and light. No wonder it rests upon our hearts in intangible moments, bids us follow fleeting thoughts and ideas and pursue our abstract imaginings.” - Belinda Jeffrey

80. “An idea weighs nothing, except on the mind.” - A.T. Baron

81. “Don’t just hope the big idea is going to come, make it happen” - Simon Dunn

82. “Knowledge is the stuff from which new ideas are made. Thus, the real key to being creative lies in what you do with your knowledge.” - Roger Von Oech

83. “Let's make progress, not excuses.” - Justin Cotillard

84. “No belief or idea is sacred, unless it treats all people as sacred” - Bryant McGill

85. “I had a head for religious ideas. They were the first ideas I ever encountered. They made other ideas seem mean....I had miles of Bible in memory: some perforce, but most by hap, like the words to songs. There was no corner of my brain where you couldn't find, among the files of clothing labels and heaps of rocks, among the swarms of protozoans and shelves of novels, whole tapes and snarls and reels of Bible.” - Annie Dillard

86. “Yeah, right. Instead of watching TV, we'll practice our weird magical powers. Great. What's next? Zooming around on flying carpets?” - Malia Ann Haberman

87. “This is the Self-Esteem Looking-Glass. You have to look in the mirror and compliment yourself.” - Malia Ann Haberman

88. “It’s not enough to fill your head with wondrous ideas—you must initiate action.” - Lorii Myers