89 Contemporary Romance Book Quotes

July 22, 2024, 11:46 a.m.

89 Contemporary Romance Book Quotes

In the ever-evolving world of literature, contemporary romance stands out as a genre that captures the heart and soul of readers through its modern, relatable love stories. Whether you're a devoted fan or a curious newcomer, these narratives offer a compelling blend of emotion, humor, and the magic of unexpected connections. To celebrate the essence of contemporary romance, we've curated a list of the top 89 book quotes that encapsulate the joys and challenges of love in today's world. Dive into these quotes and let them transport you to moments of swoon-worthy charm, heartfelt confessions, and the timeless journey of finding and cherishing true love.

1. “If I let you go are you going to hit me again?”“What do you think?”“Then I’m not going to let you go.” - Sarah Mayberry

2. “Maybe we’ll admit this thing we have is perfect, not worth messing around with. And stay together forever. If you’re interested, that is.”She glanced away. “I could think about that.”He buried his face in her neck. “Think fast” - Robyn Carr

3. “Whew,” he said. “You clean up good. You don’t look like the same girl.”She frowned right before she laughed. “Do women usually thank you for saying things like that?” - Robyn Carr

4. “What sort of look are you going for?” Damn, how did he answer this? “Something…normal,” he finally said.” - Toni Blake

5. “Mom was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, Melissa, but can you blame me for worrying? In less than an hour I found out you’re being stalked by a killer, sleeping with a stranger, and hiding with him in an empty apartment. You have to admit that sounds…unsettling.” - Robin DeJarnett

6. “Suddenly he caught his reflection in the mirror behind her. His face was twisted into a dark scowl, and he was standing there naked, with a boner, and another man’s business card in his hand.He looked like a dick.” - Sarah Mayberry

7. “I’ve never quite mastered the art of holding my liquor,” she replied. He watched her root around in her purse a moment, before pulling out a tube of lip balm.As Jonas watched her apply it, he nearly got distracted from her answer. Leaning forward, Jonas murmured, “Can’t hold your liquor, huh?”She replaced the cap and dropped it back into her purse. “Not so much. I tend to get a bit too happy.”His eyebrows shot up and his cock came to full-alert status. Happy--he liked the sound of that. “And that’s a bad thing?”To his utter shock, Deanna blushed. “In my case it is.”Curiosity got the better of him. “Care to explain?”The waiter returned with the check, forcing Jonas to drop the conversation while he fished out his credit card. Once they were alone again, Jonas waited, hoping Deanna would go into more detail. She didn’t disappoint him. “All my inhibitions disappear. It’s not a comfortable feeling for me.”She was killing him. An immediate picture of a carefree Deanna sprang to mind. He liked it a hell of a lot. “Most people enjoy letting it all hang out every once in a while. Taking life too seriously leads to an early grave.” “Maybe, but if I suddenly develop the urge, I’d rather be coherent.”“You don’t like to give up control,” he surmised.She cocked her head to the side, as if unsure how to respond at first. “It’s not that,” she said. “I guess if I’m in the mood to go romping naked through a forest, for example, then I don’t want alcohol to blur the memorable event for me.” She laughed. “I mean, I’d want to remember a crazy moment like that. Wouldn’t you?”No doubt about it, Jonas liked the way the lady’s mind worked. “You had me at ‘running naked’.” Deanna snorted. “You need serious help.” - Anne Rainey

8. “Arrr, shiver me timbers,” he said in an exaggerated pirate twang. He winked his uncovered eye and hooked his thumbs in his pants. “This is the nicest your mom’s been to a poor old bloke like me-self in days.”Sandra poked a finger in his chest, but grinned. “Don’t make me regret it, or you’ll walk the plank.”He grinned back and, with that eye patch, turned knee-meltingly rakish in under ten seconds flat. “Aye, I won’t be asking you to make me Roger jolly, if that’s what has you worrying.” - Jennifer Shirk

9. “The scent of him was subtle, beautifully fresh, and she couldn’t think clearly. No man had ever brought out these intense feelings in her. Chris Augustine was dangerous and she could get lost in his arms.” - Suzan Battah

10. “It doesn’t matter if you don’t love me right away,” he said. “Just give me a chance.” - Joan Kilby

11. “It was your choice to sleep with her Gavin! It didn't just happen!” - Belinda G. Buchanan

12. “Late twenties, single, female. Do the math.Flirty flings were fabulous until you hit the big three-O, all downhillfrom there. Biological clocks started ticking like time bombs waiting todetonate, gravity exerted more force on your life than your mom, andsuddenly, the dog-ugliest creep looked like Jake Gyllenhaal.” - Nicola Marsh

13. “All pomp and show.” Anjali’s glare at the house would’ve exploded bricks if she’d had superhuman powers. “A fat cow needs a big barn.” - Nicola Marsh

14. “I’m going to kill you, you know.” - Abria Mattina

15. “I solved world hunger.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Oh, ye of little faith.”
“You realize that solving world hunger would mean you’d be doing something good for a change?”
“Ah, but there’s the kicker: I destroyed my solutions.” He finally looks away from the window and gives me this cocky smirk. “Malevolence 101, Kirk.” - Abria Mattina

16. “I winked and locked my arm in Carter's, and we stood there, watching Dean stroll away."You know the guy's never gonna give up," Carter nudged me, letting out a sigh."We'd have really pretty babies, huh?""Yup. They'd be rad little Brangelinas, running around tearing the place up.""Yeah, you're right. My rejection is such a disservice to the world...” - Rachael Wade

17. “Stumbling closer, I held up the manuscript, the pages flapping frantically in the wind. “I take it this is a murder mystery? You killed the ex-fiancée and thanked her in the dedication? Mighty dignified of you, I must say.”“Nah. It’s a horror novel. But yeah, the bimbo dies in the end. Bob Hall says it’s going to be a bestseller, so I figured I owed her some thanks for the inspiration.” He edged a few feet closer, his smile spread from ear to ear. The glimmer in his eyes flickered toward the ocean, breaking our connection. He hung his head, licked his lips, then returned his eyes to mine, restoring the connection with an intense smolder. “Are you gonna get over here, or what?”Letting out a soft chuckle, the tears began to blind me. “Make me.” - Rachael Wade

18. “They say money talks, but all mine ever says is 'good-bye sucker.” - Jill Shalvis

19. “Do not, she urged her inner vixen, look at the way those blue jeans fit his lean legs. Do not notice how he’s filled out in all the right places.” - Scarlett Scott

20. “I love you, Gideon.”“God.” He looked at me with something that resembled disgust. Whether it was directed at me or himself, I didn’t know. “How can you say that?”“Because it’s the truth.”“You just see this”—he gestured at himself with a wave of his hand. “You’re not seeing the fucked-up, broken mess inside.”I inhaled sharply. “You can say that to me? When you know I’m fucked up and broken, too?” - Sylvia Day

21. “Are you sleeping with anyone?” The question was asked so casually it took a second to process what he’d said. I inhaled sharply. “Why is that any business of yours?” He looked at me and I saw what I’d seen the first time we’d met—tremendous power and steely control. Both of which had me taking an involuntary step back. Again. At least I didn’t fall this time; I was making progress. “Because I want to fuck you, Eva. I need to know what’s standing in my way, if anything.” - Sylvia Day

22. “..then he pushed the call button again and asked, "Are you sleeping with anyone?""Why is that any business of yours?""Because I want to fuck you, Eva. I need to know what's standing in my way, if anything.” - Sylvia Day

23. “Don't. Tell me when, then. And before you say never, take a good look at me and tell me if you see a man who's easily deterred.” - Sylvia Day

24. “Being with Demetri wasn’t the absence of pain, it was the added presence of peace, making it easier and easier for that little part of my heart to heal again.--From Pull: A Seaside Novel” - Rachel Van Dyken

25. “No, it's okay. It was just … weird. No one has ever called me hot before.”“Really?” Trace frowned. “Well, that changes right now.” He ceased walking, stopping in the dead center of the pathway and reached for my hands. “Jade Cannon, you are totally hot!” Trace announced loudly, and people nearby stopped to stare at us after his outburst. I couldn't help but laugh.” - Chelsea Lynn Charters

26. “She'd been trained as a child no to trust anyone, but he'd just saved her life, and she was freezing. He could be a yeti for all she cared.” - Krystal Shannan

27. “She grabbed her clutch bag and circled her arms around his neck. "Caulder McCutchen, I'm really not sure what you are."He lifted his head and looked down at her, squinted. "I'm a man. Enough said?"Velia smiled and looped her arm through his. "Yes, sir. Shall we go?” - Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

28. “Be careful who you choose as your friends because their bad habits can become your bad habits. Choose wisely...we all have a choice in life.” - Mimi Jenkins

29. “No one has ever made me feel like this, no one. So much regret, so much loss, and so much desire all swirled together in my muddled brain. In my muddled heart.” - Melissa Brown

30. “Kissing Kate is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. And as much as I want to think I’m the good guy, as much as I’ve proclaimed that sleeping with an attached girl isn’t my style, I’m not walking away. I can’t. I have her now. She’s mine. And I’m not going anywhere.” - Melissa Brown

31. “We’re adults. I might be a little more of an adult if you’re counting years but I bet I have a lower IQ, so that puts us pretty much even.” - Robyn Carr

32. “My family stood right in front of me, talking and smiling. I felt like I was viewing one of those cheesy ad shots for camera companies. The ones I looked at and thought, fake, because no one's family ever looked that happy. Yet, the perfect family moment bloomed right before my eyes, and I wasn't a part of it.” - Elizabeth Morgan

33. “I stumbled away. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth and just looked athim. "What was that?"His chest rose and fell heavily. "A kiss.""Why?""Why?" He laughed. His blue eyes suddenly looked so sad. "Because I've wanted to do that for twenty years.” - Elizabeth Morgan

34. “One more salt to try," Kellan said, reaching into the box. He brought a jar of black, flaky crystals up to the light. "Black diamond finishing salt. Extremely rare and too bold for those with meek palates. But, for a true connoisseur, the flavor is incomparable." He lowered her head and torso to the ground and pushed her sweater up to expose her stomach and ribs. "I want to sample it on your skin.” - Melissa Cutler

35. “Hey," I said softly and cupped his cheek."Yeah?"“What about your dream?”His face went dimples. “I’m lookin’ at it, darlin’.”Oh. Crap. My heart felt near bursting. I was absolutely done for. This man owned me, body and soul, and everything in between.” - Madeline Sheehan

36. “I wasn't raised to let a woman walk through a dimly lit parking lot alone. Wasn't born in a cornfield, you know.”Velia turned. “No, I didn't know. So, you're quite a gentleman. Don't we sound like a good pair—the devil woman and the gentleman?” - Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

37. “So nothing! Look, I get that coming here meant you could finally do things on your own, but you are just supposed to just take sips of freedom Norah – don’t just slam it down your throat like a tequila shot!” - Angela Richardson

38. “How can a girl look so innocent and so hot at the same time?” - Angela Richardson

39. “Truthfully, from the moment in front of the Chagall, you had me Norah. Until that moment, I didn’t know moments like that existed between a man and a woman. I felt breathless, unhinged and lost, all in one split second because you deterred my future with just one look. You have no idea how completely floored I felt that a girl could so instantly take all my control and direction and all that I knew to be normal, and turn it completely and utterly upside down.” - Angela Richardson

40. “Young girls think they know what their hearts desire, what they want the most. When really, we know nothing of love, devotion and utter loyalty. Not until we break our own hearts when we learn that what we desire is nothing like what we thought it would be. ~Papercut Doll” - Alexia Purdy

41. “[while dancing] The man who was supposed to be her new partner had taken the caller’s final instruction to extremes. From the way Adam’s mouth was locked against Kitty’s he seemed to be anticipating not a temporary split but a lengthy separation. More of a French Fancy than a farmer’s fancy, thought Coralie.” - Christine Stovell

42. “I believe in making my potential models comfortable,’ he explained when she shot a surprised look at him. ‘I’m considerate, unlike some artists who bend their sitters into difficult positions and expect them to stay there for hours. My demands are entirely reasonable.’For a moment, her libido got interested in his demands. What would it be like to listen to the soft caress of his voice as he told her how he wanted her? To have those midnight-blue eyes roam over every inch of her body? To be passive, helpless, whilst he did whatever he pleased?” - Christine Stovell

43. “He’s been fighting a lot on the Midwest circuit, but Vegas is the big-time. If he ever wants to get anywhere, he has to fight here. And since we’re here, we thought we’d get married, since Vegas is so romantic.”Ivy could think of a dozen cities more romantic than Vegas—Akron, Ohio came to mind—but she didn’t argue.” - Linda Morris

44. “You could have fucked me ’til your uncut, overexposed on the blogs, ‘too ginormous for my snatch’ pecker fell off. And I’d still no way never ever in a thousand years sell, loan, sample you my Easton. And to answer your question, I run my company with my pussy, and twenty-four other pussy-sporting employees. Easton girls do not allow dickheads or cocks in our fashion world. Period.” - Avery Aster

45. “Sugar,” Jake said, “I’ve wanted you since the first time you sassed me.”“I wanted to punch you in the nose.”He laughed and kissed her forehead. “My advertising skills left something to be desired.”“You rooked three unsuspecting women.”“I know.” He kissed her lips, taking his time. “I’m offering you a chance for payback.”“And that payback is sex?” He smelled awesome, like a hot, sexy man who’d been in a kitchen trying to please her. Or maybe please himself. With Jake, you never knew.He pulled her tighter against him, kissing her slowly, thoroughly. “I’d do my damnedest to make you a happy woman the second time I sold you something.”Sugar looked into Jake’s eyes. He was too hot, too sexy, almost taking her breath away. “I think your gravy’s burning.”“Nice try. I turned it off.” He tugged her hips against him, kissing her as if he’d never tasted anything as good as her mouth. Sugar moaned and let Jake hike her up on his waist. “If I’m moving too fast, say so. I’ll back off and feed you the best shrimp and steak dinner you’ve ever had. Just good friends breaking bread together.”Sugar gasped as Jake sank his teeth gently into her lower lip. Heat and warmth filled her, stealing her desire to tell him no about anything. “I’m not really that hungry.”His smile turned dangerous. “I am.” - Tina Leonard

46. “He flipped back the covers. “Come here, I want to show you something.”She raised a brow impishly, “You still have moves I haven’t seen? Impressive.” - Beth Mikell

47. “A million possible endearments ran through his head. But he said, “Help.” - Robyn Carr

48. “Isn’t he cute? That he thinks he has a sense of humour?” - Robyn Carr

49. “Can I kiss you?” And she would let him, lightly on her lips, a moment of brief anticipation. “Your kisses are like sugar woman.” He would tell her affectionately. “So sweet.” He would close in on her and then ask softly, “Please spend the night with me.” - Keira D. Skye

50. “Art was my little private pleasure. Nobody had seen my art, not even my parents. Andy didn't know about it. My dream was to become a publisher, not an artist lost in New York.” - Stephanie Witter

51. “Sarah, I’m going to take care of you whether you like it or not.” - Robyn Carr

52. “You’re a good date,” he said.“You thought of it as a date?”He nodded. “From the beginning.” - Robyn Carr

53. “Samantha, you're in my world now. We have standards here."-Jesse” - Wendy Ely

54. “That’s the thing you girls never get. It doesn't matter if you just woke up, or just got done bawling, or just finished your make-up. When a guy’s all love-sick over a chick, she looks exactly the same to him all the time: perfect.” - Elle Lothlorien

55. “I’m busy trying not to look like anything edible.” - Elle Lothlorien

56. “Alice, you might be the product of the biggest ball of ignorance, confidence, and good fortune the universe has ever manufactured. But if you’re thinking that you can take your results at the virtual tables and your grand tactic of Ignorance Is Bliss, and make that work for the Main Event, forget it—it WON'T.” - Elle Lothlorien

57. “I’ll get you and your little dog too?’ You say your girl can’t pay me back? Believe me when I say that that little gift’s just gonna keep right on giving.” - Elle Lothlorien

58. “Alice, it took big, dumb Talon Dodo thirty seconds to get you so pissed about a poker hand pun that you were about to beat him to death with your cane.” - Elle Lothlorien

59. “Do you ever answer anything in a way that people expect you to?” - Elle Lothlorien

60. “Oh, I have plenty of problems with Rabbit, it’s just that my comfort level with his name is standing in line behind about a hundred more important things.” - Elle Lothlorien

61. “He’s a guy. We’re easy and stupid. Just go bat your eyes at him and beg for forgiveness. It’ll take five minutes…three if you wear something low-cut.” - Elle Lothlorien

62. “Let’s put it this way: you know how we always told you that all those years of tormenting four sisters turned you into a closet sadist? Well, if you ever decide that being a lawyer isn’t bringing you the kind of gratification you were hoping for, then I think I found the perfect job for you.” - Elle Lothlorien

63. “Well, the gondola operator—whose name was ‘Happy,’ I might add—failed to inform me that about sixty seconds into the trip, the floor under the section of car I was standing on was going to slide away.Turns out it was a really useful way of finding out which of the passengers suffers from acute acrophobia.” - Elle Lothlorien

64. “I’m not sure a real man would smoke something that sounds like a mixed drink ice cream cone.” - Elle Lothlorien

65. “Okay, so English settlers brought rabbits with them to Australia to breed for food and stuff, right? But they escaped and basically started destroying the country, eating the vegetation, that kind of thing. So by the early 1900s, the government was trying to figure out a way to get rid of all the rabbits. Want to hear what their genius plan was? The rabbit-proof fence. Worked out great for the rabbits. Once they learned how to play badminton and got the hang of tennis on grass, they couldn’t remember how they ever lived without it. Supposedly there was something like six hundred million rabbits by 1950. But you’re missing the point. The point is that even though it was pretty obvious from the beginning it wasn’t working, they kept right on building it—two thousand miles of it.” - Elle Lothlorien

66. “You keep right on building that fence, Faye. See what good it does you.” - Elle Lothlorien

67. “I hear they’re all infected with chlamydia, which just goes to show that you really can’t tell who’s got the clam. I mean, look at a picture of a koala…tell me you’re not shocked.” - Elle Lothlorien

68. “This is from the queen? And you say it’s for a mouse? I’m sorry, sir, but the Pyramid Hotel doesn’t allow any pets except for service animals.” - Elle Lothlorien

69. “Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that 'Alice Faye picked a peck of pepper for the poor, piping pig in the purple poke.' Wait—is that not what we’re talking about here?” - Elle Lothlorien

70. “Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel when I’m around you: confused, but still satisfied.' I freeze, trying to figure out how to cancel it out and replace it with something that sounds a whole lot less like sex and a candy bar ad.” - Elle Lothlorien

71. “I believe the phrase you’re looking for is ‘too much money and not enough things to spend it on.” - Elle Lothlorien

72. “Didn’t you read the invitation? There’s going to be a game in a little while--the big Twister game in an hour. Make sure you eat plenty of bread.” - Elle Lothlorien

73. “Just keep it simple, Alice Faye. Remember how you taught yourself. Nothing’s different just because you’re on a yacht, or wearing a fancy dress. Or because you appear to have dropped acid and are now in the mirror room at the fun house.” - Elle Lothlorien

74. “Are you saying that you need an attorney? For what? As far as I know, being a dick isn’t against the law in any country.” - Elle Lothlorien

75. “I don’t need to look at your primal, white-hot, mutant pirate eyes, big guy. Just forget that I’m there, and I’ll try to block out the fact that I ever met you. Basically we’ll just act like we do every day.” - Elle Lothlorien

76. “Don’t worry, little bunny, we only use our triplet telepathic powers for good.” - Elle Lothlorien

77. “Uh-oh, I hope he doesn’t start rattling off dirty limericks next; she’ll probably burn the hotel down.” - Elle Lothlorien

78. “Alice, I am the game, and trust me: you don’t want to play me.” - Elle Lothlorien

79. “The words ‘drink me’ come to mind. Anyone besides me up for some heavy alcohol consumption?” - Elle Lothlorien

80. “I made sure to brush my teeth as soon as I was able. I even asked for a hair tie to pull my long, blood-red hair into a twist at the nape of my neck so I wouldn’t have that 'freshly hospitalized' look.” - Elle Lothlorien

81. “Enjoy your little run because there’s no way you get off this boat without her trying to slice your Achilles in half.” - Elle Lothlorien

82. “I want to kiss my brother for being so tactful. Rabbit looks grateful as well, and I can only imagine what it would be like to trot out your embarrassing 'enjo kosai' problem in front of your sister, your former love-interest of a couple of weeks, and her two siblings.” - Elle Lothlorien

83. “I slump in my chair, thinking how a narcotic party of one is no party at all.” - Elle Lothlorien

84. “We’re late. For a VERY important date” - Elle Lothlorien

85. “Why are you looking at me? His eyes search mine for several long seconds before he holds contact and whispers, " Because I like your face.” - Mia Sheridan

86. “She was partial to the tie. Not too long ago he did unspeakable things to her with that tie.” - Melissa Cutler

87. “You make velocity look good.” - Melissa Cutler

88. “Love is like air, babe. It's there all the time, and you don't even think about it,or you take it for granted. Then all of a sudden, you need it, or you can't breathe. You inhale, and for the first time you're aware it's keeping you alive. You feel it brush your skin all the time. Sometimes it's warm and other times it's cool, but it's there surrounding you, feeding you, holding you. When you finally realize it's love, you become vulnerable. With that new fear of not having air, you subconsciously allow someone special to breathe life for you.” - Debra Kayn

89. “Thats' Right, Chlo. I want you so Much you make me shake in my f...... pants. I'm obsessed with you with where you are and what to do and who the f... you're with T want to bury myself inside you so deep I won't ever want to pull out.” - Red Garnier