93 Angelic Inspirational Quotes

June 23, 2024, 1:45 a.m.

93 Angelic Inspirational Quotes

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the gentle whispers of inspiration that surround us. Angels, often seen as messengers of hope and guidance, remind us of the profound beauty and goodness that exist in the world. Whether you're seeking comfort, motivation, or a spark of divine wisdom, our curated collection of the top 93 angelic inspirational quotes is here to uplift your spirit and provide a touch of celestial serenity. Join us on this journey to embrace the light and love that angels bring into our lives.

1. “hanging out the window, Amber blew her a kiss. a lump the size of a fist clogged Heather's throat, while a breeze from th sea pushed her thick hair away from her face. tears trickled unchecked down her cheeks. ” - Lurlene McDaniel

2. “Let twelve angels come into being to rule over chaos and the underworld." And look, from the cloud there appeared an angel whose face flashed with fire and whose appearance was defiled with blood. His name was Nebro, which means in translation 'rebel'; others call him Yaldabaoth.” - Rodolphe Kasser

3. “I would rather be a devil in alliance with truth, than an angel in alliance with falsehood.” - Ludwig Feuerbach

4. “25 And the Lord spake unto the Angel that guarded the eastern gate, saying 'Where is the flaming sword that was given unto thee?'26 And the Angel said, 'I had it here only a moment ago, I must have put it down some where, forget my own head next.'27 And the Lord did not ask him again.” - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett

5. “Hang on, did you just call me Angel?" I asked."If I did?""I don't like it."He grinned. "It stays, Angel.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

6. “Are you gloating inside? That's what this is about, isn't it? Getting me to trust you so you could blow it up in my face!" [...]"I get that you're angry—," said Patch."I am ripped apart!" I shouted.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

7. “She'll kill me if she finds you in here. Can you climb trees? Tell me you can climb a tree!"Patch grinned, "I can fly.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

8. “We're all as susceptible to the lure of power.” - Nalini Singh

9. “A queen keeps a court that is spoken about. A goddess keeps a court that is never forgotten.” - Nalini Singh

10. “To forgive is to set someone free.” - Suzanne Selfors

11. “My angel-boy is close now, as in five-feet-away close. There's no way I'm going to burst into song in front of him. But then the contrary part of me says, you're going to let a boy keep you from singing out loud? Sing, sister! Sing!So I do, and my angel-boy turns his head.” - Lauren Myracle

12. “They don't live here. They live in Heaven.'Where's that?'I don't know,' I said. 'Enos says it's right here, on this side of the wall, but I never saw an angel over here. Kuba says it's in Russia. Olek says Washington America.'What's Washington America?'Enos says it's a place with no wall and no lice and lots of potatoes.” - Jerry Spinelli

13. “Audrey had an angelic quality about her. She didn't act like she was better than everyone, she just had a presence, an energy, a sort of light coming from within her that was overwhelming.” - Kevyn Aucoin

14. “Stay with me always, my sweet, my love . . . my Claire.” - Teresa Medeiros

15. “He caught her bythe shoulders and gave her a hard little shake. "Do you think you're so charming in that silly little nightdress that I can't resist tumbling you? Do you think I have no pride when it comes to you?""B-b-but I—""Well, you're right," he shouted. "I don't!"With that, his lips came down on hers” - Teresa Medeiros

16. “He looked like those paintings of baby angels - what do you call them, hubbubs? No cherubs. That's it. He looked like a cherub who'd turned middle-aged in a trailer park.” - Rick Riordan

17. “Write to your heart’s content and by all means, have fun with your creation. It’s your moment to do absolutely anything within those pages.” - Jennifer Murgia

18. “Scared, Angel?” - Becca Fitzpatrick

19. “I remembered Robyn telling me the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and how they'd survived: when the King chucked them in the furnace and an angel or someone went in with them. The furnace blazed all around them but they didn't burn.And it did calm me. I don't know if it was Robyn or an angel or even God himself was in the boot, but I was starting to suspect that whenever I wanted God, he was there. Only not necessarily in the form I wanted, or doing what I wanted...In the pitch of the black boot I clung to the image of a fiery furnace, and it wasn't the furnace or Hell either.” - John Marsden

20. “Where is your angel now?” - Cassandra Clare

21. “He could totally be your boyfriend," [Angel] went on with annoying persistance. "You guys could get married. I could be like a junior bridesmaid. Total could be your flower dog.""I'm only a kid!" I shrieked. "I can't get married!""You could in New Hampshire."My mouth dropped open. How does she know this stuff? "Forget it! No one's getting married!" I hissed. "Not in New Hampshire or anywhere else! Not in a box, not with a fox! Now go to sleep, before I kill you!” - James Patterson

22. “Doyle: "What is it now, then?"Cordelia: "Isn't java supposed to be a coffee?"Doyle: "Ready to abandon the the Web project?"Cordelia: "No way. We have a chance here to make contact with the millions of people out there who are glued to their computers."Doyle: "All those millions, shunning human contact. I'll never understand it. Call me old-fashioned, if you like, but I want to interface with a face, not a hunk of plastic and glass."Cordelia: "Climb out of the Dark Ages, Munchkin man."Doyle: "It's leprechaun, and either way, I don't appreciate the insult.” - John Passarella "Angel"

23. “Yeah, you're sitting in a tree because you're fine. That's easy to see. I can't believe this is Maximum Ride, destroyer of despots, warrior hottie, leader of the flock! All you need now to make yourself more pathetic is a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!” - James Patterson

24. “Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.)” - James Patterson

25. “There are very few things that live in both this world and the world of dreams. Most are gods, angels and demons. The Stone you hold was made by Vlad Valkire the son of an angel and a demon. By the divine blood that ran in his veins, Valkire could see the light and hear the song of creation -- if only as glimmerings and whispers. "Over time, he became aware of the light and the music and as he grew so did his understanding of it. At the age of twenty two, he began his greatest labor -- the making of the Wyrd Stones. In them he captured the light and song of creation and by them some of the powers of gods, angels and demons fell into the hands of elves and men. A sorcerer who knows its secret may -- like a god, angel, or demon -- stand with one foot in this world and another within the world of dreams. "Your Stone is a gateway into the world of dreams, Luthiel. When you sing, it opens and you are, in part, taken there. Others who hold a Wyrd Stone like yours may know when someone crosses into dream. When you sang, I could hear you quite clearly.” - Robert Fanney

26. “Listen, street punk. You're a guy, and you're a couple inches taller, and maybe forty pounds heavier, and ooh, you're in a gang. But I've survived ten years of Catholic school, and I will cut you off at your knees without a blink. Do you understand?” - James Patterson

27. “Yeah, and so Max and Dylan are supposed to, like, go to Germany and have kids together," I heard Gazzy say. My eyes popped open and I bolted upright."What?" Fang said, his voice icy."Gazzy!" I yelled.Wide blue eyes looked at me in surprise, then back at Fang's stoic face. "Oh. Was I not supposed to say anything?" Gazzy asked.” - James Patterson

28. “Love you,” Xavier said just before he drifted back to sleep.“Love you more,” I said playfully.“Not a chance,” Xavier said, fully awake now. “I’m bigger, I can contain more love.”“I’m smaller, therefore my love particles are more compressed, which means I can fit more in.”Xavier laughed. “That argument makes no sense. Overruled.”“I’m just basing it on how much I miss you when you’re not around,” I countered.“How can you possibly know how much I miss you?” he said. “Have you got some sort of built-in miss-o-meter that can give us a reading?”“I’m a girl; of course I have a built-in miss-o-meter.” - Alexandra Adornetto

29. “¿Por qué? ¿Acaso crees que los demonios no podemos sentir afecto? Somos seres racionales y experimentamos emociones complejas. Si los ángeles pueden matar, ¿por qué nosotrso no podemos amar?” - Laura Gallego García

30. “If you meet an angel, you will have not peace, but a fever.” - Stefano Benni

31. “Man allowed by God to do good and evil.That's why some of angels feel so jealous.” - Toba Beta

32. “Trying to make sense of love is like trying to dissect a rainbow.” - Suzanne Selfors

33. “Do you love me?What?Do you?I love you. I don't know if I trust you.Maybe you shouldn't do either.Maybe I'm the one who should decide!” - Joss Whedon

34. “My people - before I was changed - they exchanged this as a sign of devotion. It's a Claddagh ring. The hands represent friendship; the crown represents loyalty... and the heart... Well, you know... Wear it with the heart pointing towards you. It means you belong to somebody. Like this.” - Joss Whedon

35. “I’ve noticed in my life that the people who act as my angels are not some strange angelic creatures that seem almost untouchable, but are more real than that. They are people who have tasted sorrow, who have felt pain, and in a way, that makes them capable of being an angel. In their darkest moments they have become strong.” - Hippie

36. “You want to be bad, angel? I can teach you every position it comes in” - Debra Anastasia

37. “That wasn’t blood. It was love. It pours out of you when you lose faith.” - Debra Anastasia

38. “I’m Emma. I’m here to make you see the meaning of your life.” Her exalted words were totally conquered by her dragging tone and lack of eye contact.” - Debra Anastasia

39. “When you just breathe on me, I want you. Being in your arms will melt me. Being naked with you might kill me.” - Debra Anastasia

40. “Her eyes were of different colors, the left as brown as autumn, the right as gray as Atlantic wind. Both seemed alive with questions that would never be voiced, as if no words yet existed with which to frame them. She was nineteen years old, or thereabouts; her exact age was unknown. Her face was as fresh as an apple and as delicate as blossom, but a marked depression in the bones beneath her left eye gave her features a disturbing asymmetry. Her mouth never curved into a smile. God, it seemed, had withheld that possibility, as surely as from a blind man the power of sight. He had withheld much else. Amparo was touched—by genius, by madness, by the Devil, or by a conspiracy of all these and more. She took no sacraments and appeared incapable of prayer. She had a horror of clocks and mirrors. By her own account she spoke with Angels and could hear the thoughts of animals and trees. She was passionately kind to all living things. She was a beam of starlight trapped in flesh and awaiting only the moment when it would continue on its journey into forever.” (p.33)” - Tim Willocks

41. “There's an old folk saying that goes: whenever you delete a sentence from your NaNoWriMo novel, a NaNoWriMo angel loses its wings and plummets, screaming, to the ground. Where it will likely require medical attention.” - Chris Baty

42. “If an angel could admit she was wrong about a vampire, maybe there was hope forthe werepanthers in East Hampton after all.” - Shari Richardson

43. “And who talks of error now? I scarcely think the notion that flittered across my brain was an error. I believe it was an inspiration rather than a temptation: it was very genial, very soothing—I know that. Here it comes again! It is no devil, I assure you; or if it be, it has put on the robes of an angel of light. I think I must admit so fair a guest when it asks entrance to my heart.”“Distrust it, sir; it is not a true angel.”“Once more, how do you know? By what instinct do you pretend to distinguish between a fallen seraph of the abyss and a messenger from the eternal throne—between a guide and a seducer?”“I judged by your countenance, sir, which was troubled when you said the suggestion had returned upon you. I feel sure it will work you more misery if you listen to it.”“Not at all—it bears the most gracious message in the world: for the rest, you are not my conscience-keeper, so don’t make yourself uneasy. Here, come in, bonny wanderer!”He said this as if he spoke to a vision, viewless to any eye but his own; then, folding his arms, which he had half extended, on his chest, he seemed to enclose in their embrace the invisible being.“Now,” he continued, again addressing me, “I have received the pilgrim—a disguised deity, as I verily believe. Already it has done me good: my heart was a sort of charnel; it will now be a shrine.” - Charlotte Brontë

44. “What's so funny 'bout peace, love, and world destruction?” - James Patterson

45. “Authors can write stories without people assuming that they are autobiographies, but songwriters and poets are often considered to be the characters in their works. I like Michelangelo's vision, 'I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” - Criss Jami

46. “Your guardian angel never, ever stops communicating with you. I feel that at times they should be frustrated with us but they seem to have endless patience and they never ever give up on us. ” - Lorna Byrne

47. “His hands as he worked were deft and sure, but so gentle -- he was being careful not to hurt me any more than he had to. I sat very still, hardly daring to move.I was in love with him.The knowledge swept through me, truer than anything I'd ever known. Oh, my God, I was in love with him.” - L. A. Weatherly

48. “You’re doing it again,” he said.“Doing what?” I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong.“Melting my heart with your smile,” he said.” - Mary Ting

49. “Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an Angel.” - Saint Augustine

50. “Hey, he's not using a holster," I said, glancing at Alex's on the dresser. He laughed out loud. "Yeah, I guess he must want something shooting off. It'd be so great if these things were true to life - the next scene would show him at hospital like, clutching himself in agony."'Angel - L.A.Weatherly” - L.A.Weatherly

51. “You are a most effective killer, Michel. Is it true you wept like a child when they killed your sister? That you cried out in agony as if the sword had pierced your own heart? Such compassion. Does your handiwork not bring you to tears as well?” - P.A. Minyard

52. “I want to see the front of you.”“That’s what all the girls say.”“Do you expect me to roll you over? ’Cuz I will.”“Your mate’s not going to like this.”“As if that’s going to bother you?”“True. It actually makes it worth the effort.”With a groan, he shoved his palms into the shimmering silver pool of blood beneath him, and flopped over like the side of beef he was.“Wow,” she breathed.“I know, right? Hung like a horse.”“If you’re really nice—and you live through this—I’ll promise not to tell V.”“About my size.”She laughed a little. “No, that you assumed I’d look at you in any fashion other than professionally.” - J.R. Ward

53. “I fell into a deep sleep tucked in that little cocoon, a deeper sleep than I might of had in years.Right up until someone kicked me and said "Gotcha!” - James Patterson

54. “You're mine, Angel, and don't you forget it. Your fights are my fights. What if something bad had happened today? It was bad enough when I thought your ghost was haunting me; I don't think I can handle the real thing.” - Becca Fitzpatrick

55. “I write about the scariest monsters: The ones inside us all. And the ones that want to eat what is inside us all.” - Aaron Marcusson

56. “You're the right colour for the Angel of Death, Mister Cale. But a little short.' 'I could cut your head off and stand on it. Then I'd be taller.” - Paul Hoffman

57. “Mister, when I see my first lady angel, if God ever sees fit to show me one, it’ll be her wings not her face that’ll make my mouth fall open. I’ve already seen the prettiest face that ever could be.” - Kurt Vonnegut

58. “Betsy: You gentlemen stand around and look tough while I do an astral reconnaissance. Fantomex: I confess to feeling inferior in the company of such a gifted telepath. But for you, Warren, to be so.. dependent. It must be emasculating. Warren: Oh yeah, it's a real hardship. Worst part is all the sex it leads to. Terrible stuff to endure.” - Rick Remender

59. “He banged on the side of the carriage. "Thomas! We must away at once to the nearest brothel. I seek scandal and low companionship.” - Cassandra Clare

60. “The devil is a very big angel, but a very little man.” - Gregory Maguire

61. “Beauty is given to dolls, majesty to haughty vixens, but mind, feeling, passion and the crowning grace of fortitude are the attributes of an angel.” - Charlotte Brontë

62. “Mitch thought she looked like an angel might—if the angel had fallen very hard into a very naughty position.” - Lauren Stewart

63. “My mind may be in gutter, Abigail, but at least I’m looking at an angel!” - Tom Conrad

64. “This was the first time I thought of S— that day. Her music was beautiful, her voice was beautiful, her body was beautiful. Even the dirty little pads of her feet were beautiful. I cursed myself then. For once, heaven had sent me Beauty in its most perfected form and I abandoned it. She might not have been a girl after all but an angel: a force to guide me on this hazardous path of life I hurry down. How can life be hazardous if it can only end in death?” - Roman Payne

65. “sometimes it's better to be with the devil u know than the angel u didn't know” - Al Pacino

66. “Alex grabbed our things from the bike and bought them inside; then he fastened the tent closed, securing us in."Come here, babe, I'll keep you warm.” - L.A. Weatherly

67. “If I weren't out of my mind at this second, I would've sworn he nuzzled my temple.” - Piper Shelly

68. “Two or three angelsCame near to the earth.They saw a fat church.Little black streams of peopleCame and went in continually.And the angels were puzzledTo know why the people went thus,And why they stayed so long within.” - Stephen Crane

69. “Hurricanes couldn’t remove you from my mind. You’re my world and I’m incapable of not loving you.” - Billie-Jo Williams

70. “Alex resisted the urge to throw Seb off the balcony and see if he could fly.” - L.A. Weatherly

71. “She was strong and stubborn but loving. She was an untouchable angel with a devil’s mark. She was beautiful.” - Shannon A Thompson

72. “Gabriel no conseguía explicarse por qué precisamente aquella mujer le fascinaba tanto, por qué de repente añoraba cosas tan tontas como pasarse horas acariciándole el cabello. Sí, el amor tenía la increíble y desconcertante cualidad de ser inexplicable, incluso para un ángel.” - David Safier

73. “Oh yes. You’ve done a marvelous job of succeeding at failure.” - Laura Kreitzer

74. “He stepped off the pavement like a man jumping off a bridge, as calm as a swimmer with an ocean out below. Lucy had known what he was going to do the instant their eyes met. She'd know what he intended because she would have done the very same thing if she'd had his courage. Nothing was going to break his fall.” - Alice Hoffman

75. “You do that, and I take back every nasty thing I've ever said about you."He grinned, his mood changing from serious to wicked in an instant. "Why? I'm all those things and more."I shook my head. Ian was more proud of his depravity than anyone I'd met, but if he helped me pull Bones out from under four bespelled vampires and one demonically-enchanced vamp, I'd shower him with prostitutes and porn while swearing he was an angel.” - Jeaniene Frost

76. “I was looking forward to having a halo. It would make such a convenient reading lamp.” - Dean Koontz

77. “An angel kissed my strings, while I slept last night. And her rhythm broke my hunger. And I died a little less.” - Sara Quin

78. “Work like an angel, dress like a demon, live like a ghost, and dream like a human.” - Rebecca McKinsey

79. “The summer I turned eleven, I found out that ghosts are real. Guess it's hard to rest nice and easy in your coffin if you got stuff on your mind. Your soul stays chained to earth instead of zipping up to heaven to sing in one of the angel choirs. Sometimes ghosts show up in the msot peculiar places. Sometimes ghosts fool you. Then you are those ghosts that hang around because we have unfinished business. Business that sinks like old crawfish left in a bucket for a week. That's some nasty smell let me tell you. But the most important thing I learned is that ghosts can help you spill your guts before guilt eats you up and leaves a hole that can't ever be fixed no matter how many patches you try to steam iron across it.” - Kimberley Griffiths Little

80. “He spake well who said that graves are the footprints of angels.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

81. “What are they fighting about?” Saba listened for a moment and closed her eyed in frustration. “They’re arguing scripture.” “Your brother is arguing scripture? With an angel?” - Dawn Jayne

82. “Finally,” Lilith said, smiling warmly at her. “A reasonable angel.”“I’m no angel,” Eleanore quietly insisted.“Yes, you are,” said every man in the room.” - Heather Killough-Walden

83. “He would be able to create a scent that was not merely human, but super human, an angels scent, so indescribably good and vital that who ever smelt it would be enchanted and with his whole heart would have to love him.” - Patrick Suskind

84. “Así es. Entonces de todos modos, tu y tu hermano vinieron a la fiesta y tan pronto entraste por la puerta, Liam se quedo mirándote. Él literalmente no podía apartar sus ojos de ti. Tu sonreíste y le dijiste feliz cumpleaños, pero ni siquiera podía hablar contigo, así que te alejaste para ir a bailar. Se volvió hacia mi y ¿Sabes que me dijo? —pregunto, con los ojos lagrimeando. Negué con la cabeza. ¿Que diablos va decir ella? ¡Esto me esta volviendo loca! — Él dijo en un tono muy serio "Mamá ¿estoy muerto?" Y yo dije "No cariño, no estas muerto" Y el sacudió la cabeza, mirando a todos lados confundido por algo. Luego señalo hacia ti bailando y dijo: "Si no estoy muerto, ¿Porque hay un ángel en nuestra casa?" . .” - Kirsty Moseley

85. “I’m not leaving you. Right here, right now is the happiest I’ve ever been. I love you. That means I don’t leave. Sorry.” - Debra Anastasia

86. “How can it be wrong? Love picks the right path, not the one of least resistance.” - Debra Anastasia

87. “My love, I’d volunteer to live a thousand lives if I got to spend any part of them with you.” - Debra Anastasia

88. “Heaven and hell could wait.He had paradise right there in his arms.” - Cynthia Eden

89. “Jamie glanced at her notes. "So let's be honest, Jacks, can we? What is the best part of being an Angel? Is it the lifestyle? Is it the parties? The fame? What's your favourite part?" "Just having this chance," he said after considering. "And what chance is that?" Jamie asked. Jacks's blue eyes twinkled. "The chance to be a hero.” - Scott Speer

90. “He'd been an angel once. He hadn't meant to Fall. He'd just hung around with the wrong people.” - Terry Pratchett

91. “Your angel cannot protect you against that which neither god nor the devil had made” - Cassandra Clare

92. “...there’s no such thing as a dirty fight.” - Susan Ee

93. “The trouble with being an angel on Earth was that he was still a man. He got hungry. He thirsted. His lungs clamored without the draw of air. And for this woman, the only one in a thousand years, his body and soul ached. The trick was to will his mind, and ignore the Earthly sensations, as he'd done so many times with pain and trouble. Desire was no different, a call of the flesh. He could divide himself-acknowledge the lust and act on intellect. But see, the trouble with being an angel was that he was still a man.” - Erin Kellison