93 Strength Motivational Quotes

July 31, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

93 Strength Motivational Quotes

Everyone has moments where they feel like giving up, where the challenges seem insurmountable, and the path ahead appears too daunting to tread. During these times, a few powerful words can reignite our inner fire and propel us forward. That’s exactly why we’ve compiled a curated collection of the top 93 strength motivational quotes. These quotes come from a variety of voices and perspectives, but they all share one common goal: to remind you of your inherent strength and resilience. Whether you need a quick boost of confidence before a big presentation, inspiration to push through a tough workout, or a gentle reminder that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle, these quotes will serve as a source of empowerment and encouragement. Dive in, and let these words of wisdom fuel your journey to becoming the strongest version of yourself.

1. “God surely did not create us, and cause us to live, with the sole end of wishing always to die. I believe, in my heart, we were intended to prize life and enjoy it, so long as we retain it. Existence never was originally meant to be that useless, blank, pale, slow-trailing thing it often becomes to many, and is becoming to me, among the rest.” - Charlotte Brontë

2. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” - Mahatma Gandhi

3. “one thing I don’t needis any more apologiesi got sorry greetin me at my front dooryou can keep yrsi don’t know what to do wit emthey don’t open doorsor bring the sun backthey don’t make me happyor get a mornin paperdidn’t nobody stop usin my tears to wash carscuz a sorry.” - Ntozake Shange

4. “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.” - Mahatma Gandhi

5. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” - Corrie Ten Boom

6. “A strong woman who recklessly throws away her strength, she is worse than a weak woman who has never had any strength to throw away.” - Thomas Hardy

7. “I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.” - Jane Austen

8. “And my heart bled within me; for you can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fullfilment. you should be free indeed when your days are not without care nor your nights without a word and a grief, but rather when these things girdle your life and yet you rise above them naked unbound.” - Kahlil Gibran

9. “The law of evolution is that the strongest survives!' 'Yes, and the strongest, in the existence of any social species, are those who are most social. In human terms, most ethical...There is no strength to be gained from hurting one another. Only weakness.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

10. “Strength is not something you have, it's something you find.” - Emma Smith

11. “If we feel inwardly strong, we will have no need or desire to speak ill of others.” - Sri Chinmoy

12. “God, grant me strength to accept those things I cannot change.” - Dan Brown

13. “In the end you’ll see you won’t stop me.” - Christina Aguilera

14. “Anyone can give up; it is the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would expect you to fall apart, now that is true strength.” - Chris Bradford

15. “Everything can be taken from you in a second, but the human spirit is so strong. War can teach you so much about evil, and so much about good.” - Zainab Salbi

16. “Lord, may the pain be ours, And the weakness that it brings, But at least give us the strength, Of not showing it to anyone!” - Fernando Pessoa

17. “Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” - Steve Maraboli

18. “(The presence of evil) in his life provokes him into either overcoming it or yielding to it. If the first, it has led him to work for his own improvement; if the second it has led him to acknowledge his own weakness. Sooner or later, the unpleasant consequences of such weakness will lead him to grapple with it, and develop his power of will...Immediately and directly, it may either strengthen him or weaken him. Ultimately, it can only strengthen him.” - Paul Brunton

19. “Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does. So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's when you find out who you are.” - Joss Whedon

20. “There is a certain strength in being alone.” - Heather Duffy Stone

21. “For the first time in history, middle-class women do not need men in the traditional ways - for safety, for money, for a life. So they’re demanding instead what they always wanted but couldn’t ask for: emotional connection, presence, intimacy. Sex with enough foreplay, enough seduction, enough closeness to please them. Men are baffled not only because the needs they are being asked to fill differ so from what their fathers and grandfathers understood to be their jobs but also because full-fledged intimacy requires strengths and skills they’ve never learned. Moreover… they’re strengths and skills that were once left solely to women: Men didn’t have to develop them. This maturational mismatch may be contributing to distrust among lovers of all ages.” - Dalma Heyn

22. “She can feel his blood, just beneath his skin; when he breathes, the air fills with smoke. He's like a dragon, ancient and fearless.” - Alice Hoffman

23. “I ran out of strong.” - Ron Hall

24. “Women Are Not RosesWomen have no beginningonly continualflows.Though rivers flowwomen are notrivers.Women are notrosesthey are not oceansor stars.i would like to tellher this buti think shealready knows.” - Ana Castillo

25. “No man ever threw away life while it was worth keeping.” - David Hume

26. “when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong and you'll finally see the truth- that hero lies in you.” - Mariah Carey

27. “If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.” - C. JoyBell C.

28. “George smiles to himself, with entire self-satisfaction. Yes, I am crazy, he thinks. That is my secret; my strength.” - Christopher Isherwood

29. “Mental strength induces mind and body.” - Toba Beta

30. “Did it never strike your mind that what every woman says, some women may feel?” - Thomas Hardy

31. “Give me strength, not to be better than my enemies, but to defeat my greatest enemy, the doubts within myself. Give me strength for a straight back and clear eyes, so when life fades, as the setting sun, my spirit may come to you without shame.” - P.C. Cast Kristin Cast

32. “Sin embargo, conocí a muchos internados que supieron ser fieles a su dignidad humana hasta el mismo fin. Los nazis lograron degradarlos físicamente, pero no fueron capaces de rebajarlos moralmente.Gracias a estos pocos, no he perdido totalmente mi fe en la humanidad. Si en la misma jungla de Birkenau no todos fueron necesariamente inhumanos con sus hermanos hombres, indudablemente hay todavía esperanzas.Esta esperanza es la que me hace vivir.” - Olga Lengyel

33. “Valor is strength, not of legs and arms, but of heart and soul; it consists not in the worth of our horse or our weapons, but in our own.” - Michel de Montaigne

34. “But borrowing strength builds weakness.” - Stephen R. Covey

35. “Suddenly this is all too hard. I am tired of putting up walls. I want someone with the strength - and the honesty - to break them down.” - Jodi Picoult

36. “And right on cue, Viola yells, " TODD! "And I hit him with everything I got -Every bit of her behind me -Every piece of anger and frustrayshun and nothingness -Every moment I didn't see her -Every moment I worried -Everything -Every little tiny thing I know about her -I send it right into the center of him - VIOLA ” - Patrick Ness

37. “That's a good attitude. You should hate me more, curse me more, and detest me! Then you should take the power of that hatred and use it to survive this rotten world.” - Sorachi Hideaki

38. “From Orient PointThe art of living isn't hard to muster:Enjoy the hour, not what it might portend.When someone makes you promises, don't trust herunless they're in the here and now, and just herwilling largesse free-handed to a friend.The art of living isn't hard to muster:groom the old dog, her coat gets back its luster;take brisk walks so you're hungry at the end.When someone makes you promises, don't trust herto know she can afford what they will cost herto keep until they're kept. Till then, pretendthe art of living isn't hard to muster.Cooking, eating and drinking are a clusterof pleasures. Next time, don't go round the bendwhen someone makes you promises. Don't trust herpast where you'd trust yourself, and don't adjust herwords to mean more to you than she'd intend.The art of living isn't hard to muster.You never had her, so you haven't lost herlike spare house keys. Whatever she opens,when someone makes you promises, don't. Trust yourart; go on living: that's not hard to muster.” - Marilyn Hacker

39. “The strength of a man isn't seen in the power of his arms. It's seen in the love with which he EMBRACES you.” - Steve Maraboli

40. “The sun is still there... even if clouds drift over it. Once you have experienced the reality of sunshine you may weep, but you will never feel ice about your heart again.” - Elizabeth Goudge

41. “Coercing attitude drains your strength.” - Toba Beta

42. “I might not be ready to pour out my feelings to the world, but I’d had enough of trying to ignore them.” - R.J. Anderson

43. “When you were in a room with Kurtis James, whether it was one or a hundred other people, Kurtis seemed to be the only one there” - Dee Remy

44. “There is a greater Christian faith than one which settles for the temporal happiness, and that is the augmentation of faith. The more faithful you become, the harder the obstacles get; but the harder the obstacles get, the tougher your spine grows; and the tougher your spine grows, the less dependent you are on man's approval. I came to know this about Christianity when valuing faith before comfort.” - Criss Jami

45. “In the land where excellence is commended, not envied, where weakness is aided, not mocked, there is no question as to how its inhabitants are all superhuman.” - Criss Jami

46. “You are evidence of your mother's strength, especially if you are a rebellious knucklehead and regardless she has always maintained her sanity.” - Criss Jami

47. “I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong.” - Leo Rosten

48. “Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it's enough.” - Robert Heller

49. “He leaned heavily on the desk now, as if danger had strengthened him before and its lack now made him weak.” - Kristin Cashore

50. “When a nation which has long groaned under the intolerable yoke of a tyrant rises at last and throws off its chains, do you call that weakness? The man who, to rescue his house from the flames, finds his physical strength redoubled, so that he lifts burdens with ease which in the absence of excitement he could scarcely move; he who under the rage of an insult attacks and puts to flight half a score of his enemies,—are such persons to be called weak? My good friend, if resistance be strength, how can the highest degree of resistance be a weakness?” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

51. “There's no need to curse God if you're an ugly duckling. He chooses those strong enough to endure it so that they can guide others who've felt the same.” - Criss Jami

52. “I have a realistic grasp of my own strengths and weaknesses. My mind is my weapon. My brother has his sword, King Robert has his warhammer, and I have my mind… and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. That’s why I read so much, Jon Snow.” - George R.R. Martin

53. “I never could understand why some writers treat women as helpless. Every woman I know is strong in her own unique way.” - Terry Goodkind

54. “No te averguences por lo que otros, más cobardes y más ciegos, opinen de ti. Porque esa es su debilidad, no la tuya” - Marisa Rubio

55. “I believe in going with the flow. I don't believe in fighting against the flow. You ride on your river and you go with the tides and the flow. But it has to be your river, not someone else's. Everyone has their own river, and you don't need to swim,float,sail on their's, but you need to be in your own river and you need to go with it. And I don't believe in fighting the wind. You go and you fly with your wind. Let everyone else catch their own gusts of wind and let them fly with their own gusts of wind, and you go and you fly with yours.” - C. JoyBell C.

56. “It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.” - Isaac Asimov

57. “Love, Mercy, and Grace, sisters all, attend your wounds of silence and hope.” - Aberjhani

58. “The hollowness was in his arms and the world was snowing.” - William Goldman

59. “Never believe for a second that your weak, within all of us we have a reserve of inner hidden strength,” - Victoria Addino

60. “I earnestly wish to point out in what true dignity and human happiness consists. I wish to persuade women to endeavor to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings are only the objects of pity, and that kind of love which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.” - Mary Wollstonecraft

61. “i want to be stronger, so i can protect what i love more.” - Hiroko Sakai

62. “...My deepest personal reason for staying in Paris is that whatever I have as a character, good or bad, is based on the fact that since the age of four I have never run away from anything however painful or dangerous when I thought it was my duty to take a stand -- the American Ambassador to France upon being asked to evacuate Paris by the State Department on the eve of Nazi occupation of Paris in 1940” - William C. Bullitt

63. “That's it. Love makes us all strong.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

64. “Have nuts and be nuts.” - Criss Jami

65. “the bleakest situations bring out the hospitality in all of us, but it's during the harshest we find out how strong we really are.” - Evan Meekins

66. “Long as I can spell G-o-d I got somebody along.” - Alice Walker

67. “Sometimes she couldn't tolerate a man's physical superiority. No wonder they were so damned macho.” - Margaret Way

68. “You don't always get stronger on the days that everything comes easily to you.” - Nastia Liukin

69. “He’d pushed it back, where he’d kept the thought for weeks, but it wouldn’t stay. Wouldn’t stop. Wouldn’t let him go.” - Veronica Rossi

70. “Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury.” - E.H. Chapin

71. “A winner is not someone who wins. It's someone who tries and isn't afraid to lose.” - Nusrat Sultana

72. “We are designed with a dreaming brain and a hopeful spirit; it is our nature to envision the life of our dreams. And while dreaming comes easy to us, we must never forget that it takes strength, dedication, and courageous action to bring that dream to life” - Steve Maraboli

73. “Devo farmi le ossa is how they say it in Italian. “I need to make my bones.” - Elizabeth Gilbert

74. “One example of an uniquely Sethian approach towards initiation is for the initiate to regard his or her own life with the same urgency and need experienced as in a war zone in which every move and action must be weighed yet determined swiftly, as necessity dictates. During battle, situations such as missed opportunity, lingering sentimentality, second or third chances, or excessive contemplation would be fatal; and so it is on the sinister path.” - Zeena Schreck

75. “. . . she tried to weave the strength of her father and the young beauty of her first love with David, the happy oblivion of her teens and her warm protected childhood into a magic cloak.” - Zelda Fitzgerald

76. “Isn't it funny how ignorance is the source of strength of so many?” - Lionel Suggs

77. “You are no ruin sir--no lighting-struck tree: you are green and vigorous. Plants will grow about your roots, whether you ask them or not, because they take delight in your bountiful shadow; and as they grow they will lean towards you, and wind round you, because your strength offers them so safe a prop.” - Charlotte Brontë

78. “Sometimes events that lead us bereft of anything but grief just happen for no reason other than happenstance--a car turns left instead of right, a train is missed, a call comes too late--and the real test of our humanness is whether, in light of that knowledge, we are ever able to recover. When we again find our way despite the inability to manufacture a deeper meaning in our suffering, that I think is when God smiles upon us, proud of the strength of his creation.” - Neil Abramson

79. “Take down the walls.” - Lauren Oliver

80. “She did not suspect that the Abbess was even there hovering about the house, herself estimating the stresses and watching for the moment when a burden harms and not strengthens.” - Thornton Wilder

81. “His strength kept me moving forward, and it was also tearing me apart.” - Rebecca Donovan

82. “It is hard to lose the people we love ,but feeling sorry they died is selfish.Dying is going heaven home to God we know your papa is in heaven with our Lady and Jesus.Let us try to be happy for him.” - Maryanne Raphael

83. “I don’t think it's weak to admit you made a mistake. That takes strength, if you ask me.” - Terry Pratchett

84. “If you will but aspireYou will attain to all that you desire.Before an atom of such need the SunSeems dim and mirky by comparison.It is life's strength, the wings by which we flyBeyond the further reaches of the sky.” - Attar of Nishapur

85. “My hopes for pie died on the sidewalk. There went my grin.” - Carrie Butler

86. “We are stronger than we think. We have emotional, spiritual and even physical resources at our disposal. We may get knocked down, but we don’t have to stay down.” - Steve Goodier

87. “The military is only as strong as the other institutions supporting it.” - Michael DeLong

88. “On some such night as this she remembered promising to herself to live as brave and noble a life as any heroine she ever read or heard of in romance, a life sans peur et sans reproche; it had seemed to her then that she had only to will, and such a life would be accomplished. And now she had learnt that not only to will, but also to pray, was a necessary condition in the truly heroic. Trusting to herself, she had fallen.” - Elizabeth Gaskell

89. “I may have power but I do not have strength.” - Rebecca L. Ethington

90. “Let your strength from the pastprovide proof of your abilities to . . .conquer the difficulties of the present.” - John-Talmage Mathis

91. “Inner strength of character cannot be measured by any means but performance in the time of need.” - K.L. Toth

92. “Powerful words come with powerful intent. Where you have passion, strength, courage, and determination you can accomplish anything!” - K.L. Toth

93. “But we are strong, each in our purpose, and we are all more strong together.” - Bram Stoker