95 Dresden Files Quotes

Sept. 10, 2024, 5:45 p.m.

95 Dresden Files Quotes

The Dresden Files, a captivating urban fantasy series by Jim Butcher, has enchanted readers with its gripping storytelling, dynamic characters, and razor-sharp wit. Through the eyes of the eponymous wizard detective Harry Dresden, fans have ventured into a world brimming with magic, intrigue, and danger. Amidst the spellbinding adventures and heart-stopping confrontations, the series offers a wealth of memorable quotes that resonate, amuse, and inspire. We've carefully curated a collection of the top 95 Dresden Files quotes that encapsulate the essence of Butcher's masterful creation. Whether you're a longtime fan or a newcomer ready to dive into Harry Dresden's world, these quotes are sure to ignite your imagination and leave you yearning for more.

1. “He had hard, steady eyes, and all the comforting, reassuring charm of a dental drill. - Harry Dresden describing Morgan” - Jim Butcher

2. “You don't take your cat with you to go bird shopping. Not because the cat isn't polite, but because he's a cat.” - Jim Butcher

3. “Even in winter, the cold isn't always bitter, and not every day is cruel.” - Jim Butcher

4. “I don't have anything against God. Far from it. But I don't understand Him. And I don't trust a lot of the people that go around claiming that they're working in His best interests. Faeries and vampires and whatnot -- those I can fathom. Even demons. Sometimes, even the Fallen. I can understand why they do what they do. But I don't understand God. I don't understand how he could see the way people treat one another, and not chalk up the whole human race as a bad idea” - Jim Butcher

5. “Holy shit," I breathed. "Hellhounds.""Harry," Michael said sternly. "You know I hate it when you swear.""You're right. Sorry. Holy shit," I breathed, "heckhounds.” - Jim Butcher

6. “You must be Warden Ramirez."This is the part where I got nervous. Ramirez loved women. Ramirez never shut up about women. Well, he never shut up about anything in general, but he'd go on and on about various conquests and feats of sexual athleticism and—"A virgin?" Lara blurted. Lara blurted. She turned her head to me, grey eyes several shades paler than they had been, and very wide. "Really, Harry, I'm not sure what to say. Is he a present?” - Jim Butcher

7. “There's power in the night. There's terror in the darkness. Despite all our accumulated history, learning, and experience, we remember. We remember times when we were too small to reach the light switch on the wall, and when darkness itself was enough to make us cry out in fear....” - Jim Butcher

8. “I lunged, low and quick, and drove about a foot of cold steel into his danglies. Hey, I don't care what kind of fearie or mortal or hideous creature you are. If you've got danglies, and can loose them, that's the kind of sight that makes you reconsider the possible genitalia-related ramifications of your actions real damned quick.” - Jim Butcher

9. “There aren't any magical words, really. Words just hold the magic.” - Jim Butcher

10. “You suck. You suck diseased moose wang, Marcone.” - Jim Butcher


12. “Bigots see something they expect and then they stop thinking about what is in front of them. It's probably how they got to be bigots in the first place.” - Jim Butcher

13. “[Mouse is] with us. The dog is a handicap-assist animal."The kid lifted his eyebrows."My mouth is partially paralyzed," I said. "It makes it hard for me to read. He's here to help me with the big words. Tell me if I'm supposed to push or pull on doors, that kind of thing.” - Jim Butcher

14. “Keep it up, wise guy. I'm always going to be taller than you once you're lying unconscious on the ground.” - Jim Butcher

15. “It's hard to think when someone's trying to kill you. We human beings aren't wired to be rational and creative when we know our lives are in danger of a swift and violent end. The body has definite ideas of which survival strategies it prefers to embrace, and those are generally limited to "rip threat to pieces" or "run like hell." No thinking need be involved, as far as our instincts are concerned.Our instincts were a long time in the making, though, and the threats that can come after us now have outpaced them. You can't outrun a bullet, and you don't go hand-to-hand with a gunman unless you're certain you are about to die anyway. Speed and mindless aggression weren't going to keep me alive.” - Jim Butcher

16. “I ask people impertinent questions. Hopefully turning up pertinent answers.” - Jim Butcher

17. “You can be as sincere as hell and still be wrong.” - Jim Butcher

18. “It turns out that Molly wasn't her mother's daughter in that respect. Charity was like the MacGuyver of the kitchen. She could whip up a five-course meal for twelve from an egg, two spaghetti noodles, some household chemicals, and a stick of chewing gum. Molly ...Molly once burned my egg. My boiled egg. I don't know how.” - Jim Butcher

19. “Hospital waits are bad ones. The fact that they happen to pretty much all of us, sooner or later, doesn't make them any less hideous.” - Jim Butcher

20. “Yeah, they look great, but that isn't a fantasy come true, Harry. That's a wood chipper in Playboy bunny clothing.” - Jim Butcher

21. “No one just starts giggling and wearing black and signs up to become a villainous monster. How the hell do you think it happens? It happens to people. Just people. They make questionable choices, for what might be very good reasons. They make choice after choice, and none of them is slaughtering roomfuls of saints, or murdering hundreds of baby seals, or rubber-room irrational. But it adds up. And then one day they look around and realized that they're so far over the line that they can't remember where it was.” - Jim Butcher

22. “Fire isn't always an element of destruction. Classical alchemical doctrine teaches that it also has dominion over another province: change.” - Jim Butcher

23. “I like to think of it less as embezzling and more as an involuntary goodwill contribution.” - Jim Butcher

24. “I like to stay cozy with my paranoia, not pass her around to my friends and family.” - Jim Butcher

25. “Molly, you are a good person. Don't let anyone take that away from you. Not even yourself.” - Jim Butcher

26. “Injun Joe studied the body for a moment, his eyes sad. Then he said, "I'd rather go in my sleep, I think." He glanced back at me. "What about you?""I want to be stepped on by an elephant while having sex with identical triplet cheerleaders," I said.” - Jim Butcher

27. “He gave me a severe look over his spectacles and said, as if he thought the words were deadly venom and might kill me, "You are an untidy person.” - Jim Butcher

28. “Courage is about learning how to function despite the fear, to put aside your instincts to run or give in completely to the anger born from fear. Courage is about using your brain and your heart when every cell of your body is screaming at your to fight or flee - and then following through on what you believe is the right thing to do.” - Jim Butcher

29. “Sheep can befriend a hungry wolf only for briefly.” - Jim Butcher

30. “You can't plan for everything or you never get started in the first place.” - Jim Butcher

31. “We're all so damned fragile.” - Jim Butcher

32. “Because nothing says flattery like a gun to the head.” - Jim Butcher

33. “Stop," Kincaid said in a calm voice. "Unclench.""Unclench what?" Murphy demanded."Unclench your ass.""Excuse me?""You're going to trip the beam. You need another quarter inch. Relax.""I am relaxed," Murphy growled."Oh," Kincaid said. "Damn, great ass then.” - Jim Butcher

34. “You're a cop. I need a doughnut.” - Jim Butcher

35. “Magic. It can get a guy killed.” - Jim Butcher

36. “I'm never really comfortable at parties. Maybe I'm just not the partying type....I think it's because I'm never sure what to do with myself.I mean, there're drinks, but I don't like being drunk.... There's music, but I never really learned to dance to anything that involved an electric guitar. There are people to talk to...but once you put all the stupid things I do aside, I'm really not that interesting. I like reading, staying home, going on walks with my dog.... Who wants to hear about that? Especially when I would have to scream it over music to which no one dances.So I'm there but not drinking, listening to music but not dancing, and trying to have conversations with near-strangers about anything other than my own stupid life.... Leads to a lot of awkward pauses. And then I start wondering why I showed up in the first place."-- Cold Days (The Dresden Files Book 14), pg. 33” - Jim Butcher

37. “Tiny," Sanya rumbled to Michael, clenching a demonstrative fist. "But fierce.” - Jim Butcher

38. “Murphy caught that arm and continued the motion, using her own body as a fulcrum in a classic hip throw - except that Binder was facing in the opposite direction than usual for that technique.You could hear his arm come out of its socket fifty feet away.And then he hit the gravel face-first.Binder got extra points for brains in my book, after that: he lay still and didn't put up a struggle as Murphy dragged his wrists behind his back and cuffed him.I traded a glance with Mouse and said, wisely, 'Hard-core.” - Jim Butcher

39. “I admit," Morgan said with another withering look, "it's no donut.” - Jim Butcher

40. “Sir," said the guard from behind me. "I'd appreciate it if you left your club here."I paused and looked over my shoulder, He had a gun. His hand wasn't exactly resting on it, but he'd tucked his thumb into his belt about half an inch away."It isn't a club," I said calmly. "It's a walking stick.""Six feet long.""It's traditional Ozark folk art.""With dents and nicks all over it."I thought about it for a second. "I'm insecure?""Get a blanket.” - Jim Butcher

41. “After a few minutes, Molly came partway up the short ladder to the bridge and stopped. "Do I need to ask permission to come up there or something?""Why would you?" I asked.She considered. "It's what they do on Star Trek?” - Jim Butcher

42. “Peabody may not have seen the man turn into a grizzly, but he was bright enough to know that Injun Joe was getting set to adjust another relative ass-to-ears ratio.” - Jim Butcher

43. “Everyone dies, honey," I said, very quietly. "Everyone. There's no 'if.' There's only 'when.'" I let that sink in for a moment. "When you die, do you want to feel ashamed of what you've done with your life? Feel ashamed of what your life meant?” - Jim Butcher

44. “Mac folded his arms on the bar and looked at me intently and said, in a resonant baritone, "You've got to be very careful, Harry."I looked at him, shocked. He'd...used grammar.” - Jim Butcher

45. “Susan smiled at me, giving Molly the Female Once-Over - a process by which one woman creates a detailed profile of another woman based upon about a million subtle details of clothing, jewelry, makeup, and body type, and then decides how much of a social threat she might be. Men have a parallel process, but it's binary: Does he have beer? If yes, will he share with me?” - Jim Butcher

46. “Booya!" I shouted in pure triumph, the adrenaline turning my manly baritone into a rather terrified-sounding shriek. "What have you got for fiery beams of death, huh? You got nothing for fiery beam of death! Might as well go back to Atari, bug-boy, 'cause you don't got game enough for me!” - Jim Butcher

47. “And from the perspective of those in need, that extra quarter of a million bucks your material person spent on the prestige addition for his house looks like an awful lot of lifesaving food and medicine that could have existed if the jerk with the big house in the suburbs hadn't blown it all to artificially inflate his sociogeographic penis.” - Jim Butcher

48. “Thomas took a slow breath. His silver eyes grew even brighter. It was creepy as hell and fascinating. "I was hoping you knew a good spot. I sure as hell can't take him to my place."Molly's voice sharpened. "I don't even have a place," she said. "I still live at my parents' house.""Less whining," Thomas said, his voice cool. "More telling me a place to take him where he won't be killed.” - Jim Butcher

49. “I took a big dose of Tylenol the original, since I didn't have my Tylenol 3 or its lesser-known, short-lived cousin, Tylenol Two: The Pain Strikes Back.” - Jim Butcher

50. “I am somewhat proud of this," Mab's cold voice said. "To be sure, the White Christ never suffered so long or so terribly as did this traitor. Three days on a tree. Hardly enough time for a prelude. When it came to visiting agony, the Romans were hobbyists.” - Jim Butcher

51. “This creature serves you?" Sanya asked."This one and about a hundred smaller ones. And five times that many part-timers I can call in once in awhile." I thought about it. "It isn't so much that they serve me as that we have a business arrangement that we all like. They help me out from time to time. I furnish them with regular pizza.""Which they...love," Sanya said.Toot spun in a dizzy, delighted circle on one heel, and fell onto his back with perfectly unself-conscious enthusiasm, his tummy sticking out as far as it could. He lay there for a moment, making happy, gurgling sounds."Well," I said. "Yes."Sanya's eyes danced, though his face was sober. "You are a drug dealer. To tiny faeries. Shame.” - Jim Butcher

52. “So," he said. "Mab."I grunted vaguely in reply."You hit that," Sanya said.” - Jim Butcher

53. “Thomas barked out a laugh. "There are seven of us against the Red King and his thirteen most powerful nobles, and it's going well?"Mouse sneezed."Eight," Thomas corrected himself. He rolled his eyes and said, "And the psycho death faerie makes it nine.""It is like movie," Sanya said, nodding. "Dibs on Legolas.” - Jim Butcher

54. “There were quick footsteps beside me, and then Molly pressed her back to mine. "You take that side!" she said. "I'll take this one!"DJ Molly C lifted both of her wands and turned the battle chaos to eleven.” - Jim Butcher

55. “Butters," rumbled Skaldi Hair Ball. If he really had broken fingers, it didn't look like they were bothering him much. "When are you going to get in this ring and train like a man?""About five minutes after I get a functional lightsaber," Butters replied easily, much to Hair Ball's amusement.” - Jim Butcher

56. “My name is Harry Dresden," I said.Fitz stumbled. "Holy shit," he said. "Like...that Harry Dresden? The professional wizard?""The one and only."He recovered his pace and shook his head. "I heard you were dead.""Well, yeah," I said, "but I'm taking it in stride.” - Jim Butcher

57. “Good Lord, I'm regretting this now," I muttered. "I have never - ever - smelled BO this bad in my life. And I once had s'mores wit a Sasquatch.""Hang out with him for awhile," Mort gasped. "Eventually it's not so bad.""Wow. Really?""No. Not really.” - Jim Butcher

58. “Booya!" I drunkenly howled from the ground. I choked a little on the dust as I staggered back to my feet, my heart pounding, my whole body alive with strain and adrenaline. I stabbed a pointing finger toward the impact crater. "That's right! Who just rocked your face? Harry fucking Dresden! That's who!” - Jim Butcher

59. “You want to play head games?" Molly snarled, her blue eyes blazing. "Let's go.” - Jim Butcher

60. “Uriel smiled. "Collin, like the others, is wit me because he is not yet prepared to face what comes next. When he is, he'll take that step. For now, he is not.""When you say what comes next, what do you mean, exactly?""The part involving words like forever, eternity, and judgment.""Oh," I said. "What Comes Next.” - Jim Butcher

61. “It took several minutes, and when Butters woke up, Andi and Marci, both naked, both rather pleasant that way, were giving him CPR. They'd kept his body alive in the absence of his soul."Wow," Butters slurred as he opened his eyes. He looked back and forth between the two werewolf girls. "Subtract the horrible pain in my chest, and all the mold and mildew, and I'm living the dream."Then he passed out.” - Jim Butcher

62. “The Carpenters had a threshold more solid and extensive than the Great Wall of China. I would not be in the least bit surprised if you could see it from space.” - Jim Butcher

63. “Souls," I said. "I mean, you always wonder if they're real. Even if you believe in them, you still have to wonder: Is my existence just this body? Is there really something more? Do I really have a soul?"Uriel's smile blossomed again. "You've got it backward, Harry," he said. "You are a soul. You have a body.” - Jim Butcher

64. “We had reached the doors to my suite, which still felt awkward to say, even in my own head. My suite. Guys like me don't have suites. We have lairs.” - Jim Butcher

65. “Lean forward a little, my lord," Toot said instantly, and shouted, "Hey, Kernal Purpleweed! Come watch the Za Winter Lord Knight's back!"I fought not to smile. "No, that's a metaphor," I said.Toot frowned and scratched his head. "I don't know what it's for.” - Jim Butcher

66. “Bob," I said over my shoulder. "Tell her it's me.""Can't," Bob said in a dreamy tone. "Boobs.” - Jim Butcher

67. “If your new boss wanted yo on the island, wouldn't she just have told you to go there?" Thomas asked."Seems like," I said. "Taking her orders is pretty much my job now."Molly snorted softly."Maybe I'll grow into it," I said. "You don't know."Thomas snorted softly.” - Jim Butcher

68. “I'd been to the island on most weekends up until I got shot, and Thomas had often come with me. We'd used some fresh lumber, some material salvaged from the ruined town, and some pontoons made from plastic sheathing and old tractor-tire inner tubes to construct a floating walkway to serve as a dock, anchored to the old pilings that had once supported a much larger structure. Upon completion, I had dubbed it the Whatsup Dock, and Thomas had chucked me twenty feet out into the lake, thus proving his utter lack of appreciation for reference-orientated humour. (And then I'd thrown him forty feet out with magic, once I got dry. Because come on, he's my brother. It was the only thing to do.)” - Jim Butcher

69. “Merlin had, according to legend, created the White Council of Wizards from the chaos of the fall of the Roman Empire. He plunged into the flames of the burning Library of Alexandria to save the most critical texts, helped engineer the Catholic Church as a vessel to preserve knowledge and culture during Europe's Dark Ages, and leapt tall cathedrals in a single bound.” - Jim Butcher

70. “I told you," Molly said, never looking toward me. "It's in the past. Leave it there.""You listening to my head, kiddo?"Her mouth twitched. "Only when I want to hear the roar of the ocean.” - Jim Butcher

71. “The cabin door swung open and Molly belly-crawled onto the deck until she could see me. "Who started shooting at us?""Bad guys!" I cringed as another round hit the side of the boat and peppered me with wooden splinters. "Obviously!” - Jim Butcher

72. “Thomas looked like he was about to talk some smack at the malk, but only for a second. Then he frowned and said, "It's odd. You sound like...like a grade-school teacher.""Perhaps it is because I am speaking to a child," Cat Sith said. "The comparison is apt."Thomas blinked several times and then he looked at me. "Did the evil kitty just call me a child?” - Jim Butcher

73. “About thirty feet from the door, Molly abruptly stopped in her tracks and said, "Harry."I paused and looked back at her.Her eyes were wide. She said, "I sense..."I narrowed my eyes. "Say it. You know you want to say it.""It is not a disturbance in the Force, she said, her voice half-exasperated.” - Jim Butcher

74. “It is the only way," Vadderung said. "If anyone managed to set free the things in the Well...""Seems like it would be bad," I said."Not bad," Vadderung said. "The end.""Oh," I said. "Good to know. The island didn't mention that part.""The island cannot accept it as a possibility," Vadderung said absently."It should probably put its big-girl pants on, then," I said.” - Jim Butcher

75. “Paradox is an overrated threat. There is...a quality similar to inertia at work. Once an event has occurred, there is an extremely strong tendency for that event to occur. The larger, more significant, or more energetic the event, the more it tends to remain as it originally happened, despite any interference."I frowned. "There's...a law of conservation of history?” - Jim Butcher

76. “Thomas grunted. "Might have been smarter for them to have left you alone. Now you know something."I made an exasperated sound. "Yes. Those fools. By trying to kill me, they've revealed their very souls. I have them now."Thomas gave me a steady look. "Being Mab's bitch has made you a pessimist.""I am not a pessimist," I said loftily. "Though that can't last."That made Thomas grin. "Nice.""Thank you.” - Jim Butcher

77. “I love watching him think," Maeve told Lily. "You can almost hear that poor little hamster running and running on its wheel.” - Jim Butcher

78. “Okay," I said. "I'm going to do something I know you both hate. I'm going to get direct. And I'm going to get direct answers from you, answers that convince me that you aren't trying to hide anything from me and aren't trying to mislead me. I know you both have to speak the truth. So give me simple, declarative answers, or I assume you're scheming and walk away right now."That made Lily press her lips together and fold her arms. Her gaze turned reproachful. Maeve rolled her eyes, casually gave me the finger, and said, "Wizards are such weasels.” - Jim Butcher

79. “Mab had the kind of power you had to describe using exponents.” - Jim Butcher

80. “I nodded to her. Then I eyed Maeve. "What about you? Holding anything back?""I want to take you to my bower, wizard," Maeve said, and licked her lips. "I want to do things to you that give you such pleasure your brain bleeds.""Uh," I said.Her foxlike smile sharpened. "Also," she said, "my people are about to attempt to kill you.” - Jim Butcher

81. “Hell's bells," I snarled, taking an involuntary step back. "Right here? Now? You could have given me a couple of minutes to get clear, dammit.""And what fun would that be?" Maeve asked, pushing out her lower lip in a pout. "I am who I am, too. I love violence. I love treachery. I love your pain - and the best part, the part I love most, is that I am doing it for your own good." Her eyes gleamed white all the way around her irises. "This is me being one of the good guys.” - Jim Butcher

82. “And they have a problem with Dresden, I take it?" Murphy asked."Wanna kill him or something. I don't know," Thomas said, nodding. "They tried it on Jet Skis earlier today.""Roger Moore Bond villains?" Murphy asked, her tone derisive. "Seriously?""Be silent, mortal cow," snarled one of the Sidhe. Murphy tracked her eyes calmly over to that one, and she nodded once, as if memorizing something. "Yeah, okay. You.” - Jim Butcher

83. “I glanced up at Thomas. "We've still got Hook, right?""He's being held prisoner on a ceramic-lined cookie sheet in the oven," Thomas said. "I figured he couldn't jigger his way out of a bunch of steel, and it would give him something to think about before we start asking questions.""That's an awful thing to do to one of the Little Folk, man," I said."I'm planning to start making a pie in front of him.""Nice.""Thank you.” - Jim Butcher

84. “Not sure. Using it is trickier than most people think," I said. "You've got to keep it from drying out, and you've got to get it undiluted. It was raining, so if someone wanted my blood, they'd have had to get to it pretty quick - and it looked like Sith was keeping them busy.""Sith?" Butters asked."Not what you're thinking," I said."Oh," he said, clearly disappointed.” - Jim Butcher

85. “Butters blinked at looked at Thomas. "My God," he said. "You've been shot."Thomas hooked a thumb at Butters. "Check out Dr. Marcus Welby, MD, here.""I'd have gone with Doogie Howser, maybe," I said."Split the difference at McCoy?" Thomas asked."Perfect.” - Jim Butcher

86. “Someone is out there," I said. "Someone who has been manipulating the events. Playing puppet master, stirring the pot, stacking the deck - ""Mixing metaphors?" Thomas suggested.” - Jim Butcher

87. “Just then, Toot buzzed back into the apartment from somewhere. He zipped in frantic, dizzying circles, starting at the point he'd last seen Lacuna, until his spiral search pattern took him to the kitchen. Then he swooped down to Lacuna, landing neatly on the counter.I peered at the two little faeries. Toot held out to Lacuna a wrapped watermelon Jolly Ranger, as if he were offering frankincense and myrrh to the Christ child. "Hi!" he said brightly. "I'm Major General Toot-toot!"Lacuna looked up from her food and saw Toot's gift. Her eyes narrowed. And then she sucker punched Toot-toot right in the face.My little bodyguard flew back a couple of feet and landed on his ass. Both of his hands went up to his nose, and he blinked in startled bewilderment.Toot had dropped the Jolly Rancher. Lacuna calmly kicked it into the disposal drain of the kitchen sink. Then she turned her back on Toot, ignoring him completely, and went back to eating her meal.Toot's eyes were even wider as he started at Lacuna. "Wow!" he said.” - Jim Butcher

88. “I flicked a comb through my wet hair, for all the good it would do, and said, "How do I look?""Mostly human," she said."That's what I was going for.” - Jim Butcher

89. “There was a low growling sound and the Munstermobile came gliding up out of the parking garage, dripping water from its gleaming surface like some lantern-eyed leviathan rising from the depths. There were still a few dents and dings in it, but the broken glass had all been replaced, and the engine sounded fine.Okay, I'm not like a car fanatic or anything - but the guitar riff from "Bad to the Bone" started playing in my head.” - Jim Butcher

90. “Okay," I said to Karrin. "Let's move.""Uh," she asked, without turning her head. "move where?""The island," I said."Harry, this is a motorcycle.""It'll work," I said. "Look at it."Karrin jerked as she noted the appearance of the Harley. "You want me to drive into the lake.""You have to admit," I said, "it isn't the craziest thing I've ever asked you to do. It isn't even the craziest thing I've asked you to do tonight.” - Jim Butcher

91. “I leaned into Karrin a little and said, next to her ear, "You ready for this?""Only a lunatic is ready for this," she said. I could hear her smile as she spoke. Then she turned her head and, before I could react, planted a kiss right on my mouth.I almost fell off the Harley.She drew her head back, flashed me a wicked little smile, and said, "For luck. Star Wars-style.""You are so hot right now," I told her.” - Jim Butcher

92. “The words first. Damned near everything begins with words."I am," I breathed, and suddenly the ice was clear of my mouth."I am Harry..." I panted, and the pain redoubled.And I laughed. As if some freak who never loved enough to know loss could tell me about pain.” - Jim Butcher

93. “Come on," I said to Karrin. "Head for the other boat.""Should we?" she asked. "That Erlking guy seems a little..do-it-yourselfy.” - Jim Butcher

94. “There was a roar from the shadow-tiger mask around the Harley, and Murphy swept up alongside the boat. I leapt down onto the back of the bike in a single smooth motion, which I felt was cool, and landed with too much of my weight on my genitals, which I felt was not.” - Jim Butcher

95. “We start by sinking a barge," I decided. Then I blinked and looked at the Erlking. "Can we sink a barge?"The shadow-masked Erlking tilted his head slightly to one side, his burning eyes narrowed. "Wizard, please.” - Jim Butcher