96 Inspiring And Timeless World Quotes

Nov. 20, 2024, 11:45 p.m.

96 Inspiring And Timeless World Quotes

In a world rich with diversity and history, the wisdom passed down through generations continues to inspire and guide us. Quotes have a unique power; they encapsulate profound truths in just a few words, offering clarity and motivation when needed most. Our carefully curated collection of the top 96 inspiring and timeless world quotes brings together insights from visionary leaders, thinkers, and cultural icons from around the globe. Whether you're seeking encouragement, reflection, or a spark to ignite your creativity, these quotes promise to resonate across time and space, reminding you of the shared human experiences that bind us all. Dive in and let these timeless words inspire your journey.

1. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

2. “The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

3. “ The Paradoxical Commandments People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.Love them anyway.If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.Do good anyway.If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.Succeed anyway.The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.Do good anyway.Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.Be honest and frank anyway.The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.Think big anyway.People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.Fight for a few underdogs anyway.What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.Build anyway.People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.Help people anyway.Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.Give the world the best you have anyway.” - Kent M. Keith

4. “All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.” - Seán O'Casey

5. “You never enjoy the world aright, till the Sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars: and perceive yourself to be the sole heir of the whole world, and more than so, because men are in it who are every one sole heirs as well as you. Till you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and Kings in sceptres, you never enjoy the world.Till your spirit filleth the whole world, and the stars are your jewels; till you are as familiar with the ways of God in all Ages as with your walk and table: till you are intimately acquainted with that shady nothing out of which the world was made: till you love men so as to desire their happiness, with a thirst equal to the zeal of your own: till you delight in God for being good to all: you never enjoy the world.” - Thomas Traherne

6. “Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world.” - Walt Disney

7. “It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not to despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to be able to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love, admiration and respect.” - Hermann Hesse

8. “All right then," said the savage defiantly, I'm claiming the right to be unhappy.""Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat, the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence."I claim them all," said the Savage at last.” - Aldous Huxley

9. “The whole world is divided for me into two parts: one is she, and there is all happiness, hope, light; the other is where she is not, and there is dejection and darkness...” - Leo Tolstoy

10. “Well, if you don’t like the idea of one world, how many worlds do you want, and how would you like them divided? By race? By religion? By income? Unless you have a spare planet in your pocket, one world is all we have.” - Burl Barer

11. “The world is not growing worse and it is not growing better -- it is just turning around as usual.” - Finley Peter Dunne

12. “That's the trouble with having the whole world love you. One day, you wake up and it's flirting with your best friend instead. And you don't know what to do. You're thrown.” - Sophie Kinsella

13. “The world needs more anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough.” - Bede Jarrett

14. “You can either be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It all depends on how you view your life.” - Paulo Coelho

15. “Listen closely... the eternal hush of silence goes on and on throughout all this, and has been going on, and will go on and on. This is because the world is nothing but a dream and is just thought of and the everlasting eternity pays no attention to it.” - Jack Kerouac

16. “Sometimes I get so caught up in my own problems that I forget how amazing the world is.” - Wendelin Van Draanen

17. “They have money and position and Ann has none.It's amazing how often you can be right as long as you have those two things working in your favor.” - Libba Bray

18. “You are aware of only one unrest;Oh, never learn to know the other!Two souls, alas, are dwelling in my breast,And one is striving to forsake its brother.Unto the world in grossly loving zest,With clinging tendrils, one adheres;The other rises forcibly in questOf rarefied ancestral spheres.If there be spirits in the airThat hold their sway between the earth and sky,Descend out of the golden vapors thereAnd sweep me into iridescent life.Oh, came a magic cloak into my handsTo carry me to distant lands,I should not trade it for the choicest gown,Nor for the cloak and garments of the crown.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

19. “Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance.” - Oscar Wilde

20. “We live in a dark and romantic and quite tragic world.” - Karl Lagerfeld

21. “My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world and exiles me from it.” - Ursula K. Le Guin

22. “The greater part of the world's troubles are due to questions of grammar.” - Michel de Montaigne

23. “A long time ago people believed that the world is flat and the moon is made of green cheese. Some still do, to this day. The man on the moon is looking down and laughing.” - Vera Nazarian

24. “The world seemed to shimmer a little at the edges.” - Neil Gaiman

25. “For, what is order without common sense, but Bedlam’s front parlor? What is imagination without common sense, but the aspiration to out-dandy Beau Brummell with nothing but a bit of faded muslin and a limp cravat? What is Creation without common sense, but a scandalous thing without form or function, like a matron with half a dozen unattached daughters?And God looked upon the Creation in all its delightful multiplicity, and saw that, all in all, it was quite Amiable.” - Vera Nazarian

26. “Oh, Irrylath,Irrylath, we squaundered our two years together.” - Meredith Ann Pierce

27. “Why can’t the world hear? I ask myself. Within a few moments I ask it many times. Because it doesn’t care, I finally answer, and I know I’m right. It’s like I’ve been chosen. But chosen for what? I ask.” - Markus Zusak

28. “Sometimes I feel like if you just watch things, just sit still and let the world exist in front of you - sometimes I swear that just for a second time freezes and the world pauses in its tilt. Just for a second. And if you somehow found a way to live in that second, then you would live forever.” - Lauren Oliver

29. “Does anybody know which are the thoughts of God, even if they are plants, mountains, sky, stars or whatever else?” - Sorin Cerin

30. “There is no longer waiting for anyone, but for death.” - Sorin Cerin

31. “There is one thing that has disappeared, not just from the U.S. but from the entire world, is the idea of ever being embarrassed by anything.” - Fran Lebowitz

32. “There were moments when it honestly seemed as if the world were conspiring against her.” - Nicholas Sparks

33. “The concept of dreaming is known to the waking mind but to the dreamer there is no waking, no real world, no sanity; there is only the screaming bedlam of sleep.” - Stephen King

34. “A step lower and strangeness creeps in: perceiving that the world is "dense", sensing to what a degree a stone is foreign and irreducible to us, with what intensity nature or a landscape can negate us. At the heart of all beauty lies something inhuman, and these hills, the softness of the sky, the outline of these trees at this very minute lose the illusory meaning with which we had clothed them, henceforth more remote than a lost paradise. The primitive hostility of the world rises up to face us across millenia.” - Albert Camus

35. “Don't pity this sinful world!Just pity those who made it so!” - Toba Beta

36. “If you believe in the idea of true friends, then your heart is vulnerable to betrayal.” - Toba Beta

37. “The world has changed from quality to quantity, and so have we.” - Santosh Kalwar

38. “Not because we think that it's still about to happen, thus makes our future life as though yet to be exist.Human mind can't yet perceive the nature of future.” - Toba Beta

39. “The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” - Alan Wilson Watts

40. “You show the world as a complete, unbroken chain, an eternal chain, linked together by cause and effect.” - Hermann Hesse

41. “That which attracts the world must please and pander to the self-importance of man. The world itself is a vain show, and likes its own. Consequently there is nothing which so carries the mass of men along with it as that which flatters the vanity of the human mind. It may assume the lowliest air, but sinful man seeks his own honour and present exaltation.” - William Kelly

42. “Sober Minds give the world a chance. True Love brings you Hope. Blind Faith moves mountains. And the main savior from despair is Laughter.” - Lara Biuts

43. “If people would know how little brain is ruling the world, they would die of fear.” - Ivo Andrić

44. “Are you listening, Jasper? Sometimes you'll be walking in the city late at night, and a woman walking in front of you will spin her head around and then cross the street simply because some members of your gender rape women and molest children!” - Steve Toltz

45. “Suicides? Heart attacks? The papers didn't seem interested. The world was full of ways to die, too many to cover. Newsworthy deaths had to be exceptional. Most people go unobserved.” - Haruki Murakami

46. “I tell the story to you now, but in each telling the story itself changes a little, changes direction, and that in turn changes you and me. So be very careful not only in how you repeat it but in how you remember it, goslings. More often than you realize it, the world is shaped by two things -- stories told and the memories they leave behind.” - Vera Nazarian

47. “There is no endTo what a living worldWill demand of you.” - Octavia E. Butler

48. “Flame is not the only fire.” Her tone turned almost stern. “You have brought your folk another spark far greater than any flame. You have opened their eyes to the world, Aljan, shown them lands and peoples formerly beyond their ken. You have whistled them out of their cramped, closed, inward-facing ring and led them into my Dance, the Great Circle and Cycle encompassing all. <…> Nay, flame has not been the greatest of my gifts to you. Knowledge, Aljan, that even now remakes the world. Knowledge is the fire.” - Meredith Ann Pierce

49. “I'm very down to Earth, I'm just not from this Earth.” - Karl Lagerfeld

50. “The world is a much more beautiful and incredible place than you think, and each of us has a great deal of power to make it more so.” - Oie Osterkamp

51. “My world had for some years been Lowood: my experience had been of its rules and systems; now I remembered that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of sensations and excitements, awaited those who had courage to go forth into its expanse, to seek real knowledge of life amidst its perils.” - Charlotte Brontë

52. “We should set our goals; then learn to control our appetites. Otherwise, we will lose ourselves in the confusion of the world.” - Hark Herald Sarmiento

53. “The world loves to be amused by hollow professions, to be deceived by flattering appearances, to live in a state of hallucination; and can forgive everything but the plain, downright, simple, honest truth.” - William Hazlitt

54. “Blessed with so many resources within myself the world was not necessary to me. I could do very well without it.” - Jane Austen

55. “You may think I’m small, but I have a universe inside my mind.” - Yoko Ono

56. “The world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?” - Pablo Picasso

57. “People move around so much in the world, things get lost.” - Emma Donoghue

58. “We shall take a star out of the skies and shall set thousands of worlds on fire...” - Cordwainer Smith

59. “The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon.” - Paulo Coelho

60. “In this day and age, there is a special mandate for every one of us to be in-charge of our lives by sitting at the driver's seat of our lives. Rule your world!” - Ifeanyi C.O. Obiakor

61. “The world, we'd discovered, doesn't love you like your family loves you.” - Louis Zamperini

62. “I stared hard, trying to find a pattern. Thinking if I kept looking hard enough, maybe the pieces of the world would fit back together into something I could understand.” - Carol Rifka Brunt

63. “Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory.” - John Green

64. “The successful person and the unsuccessful person are looking at the same world; the difference between them is what they see.” - Steve Maraboli

65. “It's a big question. Where do you begin to change the world?” - Neal Shusterman

66. “Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world’s weight he had never chosen to bear.” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

67. “The universe is a unity. Every material thing is in all things.All things come from all, and all is in all things.” - John Toland

68. “The entity God created to traffic His transcendence has fallen far from its mission when it chooses instead to traffic what can be found on any street corner or at the local mall. You may ask, "But how has the church done that?" * By offering secularists what they find mildly interesting and calling it church.*By submitting to self-help sermons where encounter with God is not even on the agenda.* By letting the horizontal excellence of the show stand in for Vertical impact.*By substituting the surprise or shock of superficial entertainment for the supernatural.Church was designed to deliver what we were created to long for. Church must again be about a Vertical encounter that interrupts and alters everything.” - James MacDonald

69. “Pale sky, white land; like somewhere past the end of the world” - Rinsai Rossetti

70. “You are perceiving the world around you and you act likewise. How can you go beyond that? Simply, by observing what you do and why you do it. Be clear to yourself and you will experience everything in a new dimension. The clearer you are, the deeper and better you will be able to perceive everything around you in clarity ~” - Grigoris Deoudis

71. “She had to go on this quest. The fate of the world might depend on it. But part of him wanted to say: Forget the world. He didn’t want to be without her.” - Rick Riordan

72. “But still," Ayumi said, "it seems to me that this world has a serious shortage of both logic and kindness.""You may be right," Aomame said, "But it's too late to trade it in for another one.” - Haruki Murakami

73. “It is impossible to give a clear account of the world, but art can teach us to reproduce it-just as the world reproduces itself in the course of its eternal gyrations. The primordial sea indefatigably repeats the same words and casts up the same astonished beings on the same sea-shore.” - Albert Camus

74. “The world is vast, beautiful, and fascinating… even awe-inspiring, but impersonal. It demands nothing of me, and allows me to demand nothing of it.” - Herbert Simon

75. “This is not just "our" world.” - Mario Stinger

76. “The world is mad, but let's not get angry about it.” - George Hammond

77. “Lulled by stupefying illusions, the world is asleep in the cradle of infancy, dreaming away the hours.” - Mary Baker Eddy

78. “The world is a fairy tale; we are its guardians.” - Dejan Stojanovic

79. “from the Prize winning poem - UNBORN in the book Terra Affirmative."Under the surface / her body is curled, / seed of the one race, / shell of the world. // She is thw waterfall, / she is the womb, / she is the bubble, /she is the tomb. // Her hair flows upward, / blood red of the birth. / Her arms are folded / deep into the earth. // She is the fern, / she is the bark, / she is the lantern, / she is the dark. // Her eyes burn the flame / of the old and the young. / Her breath is the name / of each branch of each lung. // She is the ingredient. / She is the blend. / She is the beginning. / She is the end.” - jay woodman

80. “Arrival in the world is really a departure and that, which we call departure, is only a return.” - Dejan Stojanovic

81. “The world contained in a seed, Determined by its program.” - Dejan Stojanovic

82. “Is it a world in the making that turns as it whistles to the depths of my beingIt is burningSuppose it were to appearA bleeding rosary at the windowa sun setting on the marshlands("Silver Clasp")” - Paul Dermée

83. “The world would be a better place if everyone just helped one another out when they needed it, in my opinion.” - Claire Cook

84. “Where were the peacekeepers? Where was the UN? Why was the entire world ignoring Saddam's attack upon his own people? Were we Kurds considered so unworthy, so disposable? I longed to stand at the top of the mountain and shout out, Where are you, world? Where are you ?” - Jean Sasson

85. “Laughter and irony are at heart reminders that we are not prisoners in this world, but voyagers through it.” - Eben Alexander

86. “world is not destroying because the standard of living has been deteriorated, it is destroying because the standard of faith is deteriorated.” - S.M

87. “There’s so much negativity in the world and what you only need to hear is all the love.” - Miley Cyrus

88. “When the whole world starts behaving like a big family, protecting and caring each other, the world will become a good place to live!” - Mehmet Murat ildan

89. “People are always looking for magic, when the natural world holds true miracles” - Avery Williams

90. “Those who rule the world get so little opportunity to run about and laugh and play in it.” - Stephen Fry

91. “If we had paid attention, we would have understood there are some things in this world you cannot outrun.” - Alice Hoffman

92. “If the world were perfect, then I would not exist.” - Gavriil Stiharul

93. “The world speaks many languages, the boy thought” - Paulo Coelho

94. “Gern hätte er Europa jetzt aus der internationalen Weltraumstation ISS gesehen. Wo sonst die feinen Adern und leuchtenden Knoten des Lichtsystems bis ins All strahlten, musste über weiten Flächen Dunkelheit liegen.” - Marc Elsberg

95. “suicide is not just killing yourself, but the world outside” - mayank sharma

96. “I do feel like I have important, beautiful things to say about the world, I just can't think of them at this particular instant.” - Peter Davis