98 Fantasy Fiction Quotes

Aug. 17, 2024, 11:45 a.m.

98 Fantasy Fiction Quotes

Fantasy fiction has an unparalleled ability to transport readers to realms of wonder, magic, and adventure. Within the pages of these extraordinary stories lie nuggets of profound wisdom, stirring inspiration, and timeless truths, all encapsulated in beautifully crafted quotes. Whether they are uttered by wise wizards, valiant heroes, or enigmatic creatures, these lines resonate deeply, reminding us of the limitless possibilities of imagination. In this blog post, we present a curated collection of the top 98 fantasy fiction quotes, each one a testament to the genre's enduring power to enchant and inspire. Dive in and let these words spark your sense of wonder and adventure.

1. “I'm about to start reading it again, because what good is a story you only want to read once?” - Bill Willingham

2. “And yet many of us do it without families," Nynaeve said. "Without love, without passion beyond our own particular interests. So even while we try to guide the world, we separate ourselves from it.We risk arrogance, Egwene. We always assume we know best, but risk making ourselves unable to fathom the people we claim to serve.” - Robert Jordan

3. “There was love, a reliable and real love grown in a handful of days, and Tristan did not know why it was: friendship had happened to both of them, on the sudden, completely aside from Tristan's both endangering and saving Crissand's life. It was no reason related to that, it was no reason that either of them quite knew. Crissand had simply risen on his horizon like the sun of his banner...and that was that....They were together, and there was a great deal right with the day simply in that.” - C.J. Cherryh

4. “The pendulum swings between Light and Darkness” - Brandon Mull

5. “There's more to life than just surviving . . . but . . . sometimes just surviving is all you get” - Charles de Lint

6. “Just remember who you are... The world will try to change you into someone else. Don't let them. That's the best advice anyone can give you.” - Cinda Williams Chima

7. “Dua kebaikan yang berbeda tidak mungkin berada pada satu intensitas yang sama. Sesederhana itu.” - Fredrik Nael

8. “Gerisik angan dan deru lembut laju harapan.Waktu itu adalah menit-menit akhir menjelang malam di Bukit Angin. Daun-daun berwarna-warni dalam berbagai wujud melayang ke langit dan berkumpul mengelilingi puncak pusaran angin. Di sana, di balik awan, beradalah studio Sang Pelukis.” - Fredrik Nael

9. “Segala hal yang dikatakan Komandan mengenai Orde adalah kebenaran yang tidak dilebih-lebihkan. Orde memang bersinonim dengan kebaikan. Orde menghargai kemajuan. Orde mencintai kehidupan. Orde bahkan mengajarkan pertobatan. Semua yang dijabarkan di dalam Kitab pada dasarnya akan berakhir pada kebahagiaan, pun setelah kematian.Akan tetapi Orde dan Kitab adalah takdir. Yang tidak dapat dibantah dan harus diterima semua orang dengan pasrah.Sama seperti penglihatanku, Orde tidak memberikan pilihan.” - Fredrik Nael

10. “All stories are ultimately about the fall.” - J.R.R. Tolkien

11. “How can you understand the language of music, if you will not be an instrument?”—Zarost” - Greg Hamerton

12. “Those who try to juggle wisdom, power and greed, drop one of the balls, every time.”—Zarost” - Greg Hamerton

13. “But why?" Vimbai whispered, overwhelmed with the weight of accumulated disbelief. "What is happening to us?""Who knows?" Maya shrugged. "Who cares? Enjoy it while you can, why don't you? There will be tons of boring shit in your life, okay? I promise.” - Ekaterina Sedia

14. “When people dis fantasy—mainstream readers and SF readers alike—they are almost always talking about one sub-genre of fantastic literature. They are talking about Tolkien, and Tolkien's innumerable heirs. Call it 'epic', or 'high', or 'genre' fantasy, this is what fantasy has come to mean. Which is misleading as well as unfortunate.Tolkien is the wen on the arse of fantasy literature. His oeuvre is massive and contagious—you can't ignore it, so don't even try. The best you can do is consciously try to lance the boil. And there's a lot to dislike—his cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his boys-own-adventure glorying in war, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos, his belief in absolute morality that blurs moral and political complexity. Tolkien's clichés—elves 'n' dwarfs 'n' magic rings—have spread like viruses. He wrote that the function of fantasy was 'consolation', thereby making it an article of policy that a fantasy writer should mollycoddle the reader.That is a revolting idea, and one, thankfully, that plenty of fantasists have ignored. From the Surrealists through the pulps—via Mervyn Peake and Mikhael Bulgakov and Stefan Grabiński and Bruno Schulz and Michael Moorcock and M. John Harrison and I could go on—the best writers have used the fantastic aesthetic precisely to challenge, to alienate, to subvert and undermine expectations.Of course I'm not saying that any fan of Tolkien is no friend of mine—that would cut my social circle considerably. Nor would I claim that it's impossible to write a good fantasy book with elves and dwarfs in it—Michael Swanwick's superb Iron Dragon's Daughter gives the lie to that. But given that the pleasure of fantasy is supposed to be in its limitless creativity, why not try to come up with some different themes, as well as unconventional monsters? Why not use fantasy to challenge social and aesthetic lies?Thankfully, the alternative tradition of fantasy has never died. And it's getting stronger. Chris Wooding, Michael Swanwick, Mary Gentle, Paul di Filippo, Jeff VanderMeer, and many others, are all producing works based on fantasy's radicalism. Where traditional fantasy has been rural and bucolic, this is often urban, and frequently brutal. Characters are more than cardboard cutouts, and they're not defined by race or sex. Things are gritty and tricky, just as in real life. This is fantasy not as comfort-food, but as challenge.The critic Gabe Chouinard has said that we're entering a new period, a renaissance in the creative radicalism of fantasy that hasn't been seen since the New Wave of the sixties and seventies, and in echo of which he has christened the Next Wave. I don't know if he's right, but I'm excited. This is a radical literature. It's the literature we most deserve.” - China Miéville

15. “But this was no ordinary chicken. This chicken was evil manifest.” - Terry Goodkind

16. “Lady Selyse was as tall as her husband, thin of body and thin of face, with prominent ears, a sharp nose, and the faintest hint of a mustache on her upper lip. She plucked it daily and cursed it regularly, yet it never failed to return. Her eyes were pale, her mouth stern, her voice a whip. She cracked it now.” - George R.R. Martin

17. “It's a never ending dream for everyone it seems, to find again what was once precious and has been lost.” - Carolyn Turgeon

18. “How could none of them comprehend the beauty of a human soul,shining in heaven for eternity? Where it would be whole again, as they all had been once in times past?” - Carolyn Turgeon

19. “I can't stop thinking about dying the way humans do it. Imagine! If at any moment, you could just stop existing. How different everything would be.." They don't stop existing Lenia said...They have souls that live forever. Even knowing that, they fight so hard to stay alive. I think it's so beautiful. Imagine: being that fragile, that permanent.” - Carolyn Turgeon

20. “just because a mage wears the black robes does not make him evil.” - Margaret Weis

21. “Go and you will see that nothing is as wonderful as our dreams can make it” - Carolyn Turgeon

22. “there are people all over the world who carry the mermaid inside them, that otherworldly beauty and longing and desire that made her reach for heaven when she lived in the darkness of the sea.” - Carolyn Turgeon

23. “Love is when you’d rather see someone one last time and die, than never see their face again.” - Bryan Butvidas

24. “I CLOSED MY EYES AND PRETENDED SHE WAS YOU. illutions- aprilynne pike” - Aprilynne Pike

25. “...how impossible itis to really make a choice, when the best choice of all is an option youcouldn’t even imagine.” - Laurie J. Marks

26. “Gods and politics are the tools with which the godless and unprincipled manipulate the gullible.” - Janet E. Morris

27. “With him I couldn’t be anything but myself and that scared the crap out of me, because I had never existed like that before.” - Carlyle Labuschagne

28. “He was in a strange, badly lit room, wearing even stranger clothes, getting an earful from an unknown woman, in a language that he could and couldn’t exactly place in a very disturbing way.These were not his memories.” - Angelo Tsanatelis

29. “It was an alien place, as much inhuman as it was ungodly. There was no life in this place. It was a different world altogether.This world was dead.” - Angelo Tsanatelis

30. “A weapon needs a wielder; it should not be permitted to start its own fights.""You are not my wielder; you are naught, a forgotten ghost, not even a memory.""Maybe, but you are still a weapon.” - Angelo Tsanatelis

31. “Knowing all the languages in the world could help you to really understand all the jokes you can hear... from my future Kids' Funny Business.” - Ivan Stoikov - Allan Bard

32. “I can't wait to get my memory back. It sounds like I am a really cool person” - John C Wright

33. “I never liked the influence of others when it came to feelings. I rather went through the painful process of analyzing everything half to death.” - Erika M. Szabo

34. “Affection is when we can't find any flaws in the other. Maybe I could if I really wanted to, but I don't want to, I accept you as you are.” - Erika M. Szabo

35. “If the other novice wizards on the row hadn't broken into Raeshaldis's rooms, pissed on her bed and written WHORE and THIEF on the walls, she probably would have been killed on the night of the full moon.” - Barbara Hambly

36. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Michael Scott

37. “GET IN" he says, getting in on the driver side. I get in with no questions. Okay. This is a bad movie waiting to happen-I'm getting in a car with a guy I just met today who is keeping secrets from me. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm too scared to speak or ask or run away, though. So I just get in and put on my seat belt. I am so stupid.” - Sara Daniell

38. “The quickest way is sometimes the longest.” - Neil Gaiman

39. “I’m a firm believer that in-depth subjects can be better handled in a fantasy setting. ... Let’s face it, traveling to some far off land is a terrific way to break the mold, to do something different. Isn’t that why we go on vacations?” - Jim Starlin

40. “I think love is stronger than habits or circumstances. I think it is possible to keep yourself for someone for a long time and still remember why you were waiting when she comes at last.” - Peter S. Beagle

41. “Apalah gunanya impian bila tidak diwujudkan?” - Fredrik Nael

42. “There is no getting away from the past or from one’s destiny.” - Laxmi Hariharan

43. “Seductive pull of the forest, an open canvas for trouble.” - Karsten Knight

44. “It's all just a bit of fun ...” - Mark Waters

45. “To be a convincing story, you've got to know what you're talking about. In EVERY detail."-Rayner Unwin” - Jeff Shanley

46. “We should follow every supply that runs into the particular lake below, going upstream in terms of we can. When we do not find Drakes’ path, or even an additional, we should come back straight along,look yourself upward an additional way to obtain foods,and then do a similar for the next water for the south.” - Chayada Welljaipet

47. “There is something about riding a unicorn, for those people who still can, which is unlike any other experience: exhilarating, and intoxicating, and fine.” - Neil Gaiman

48. “No, I will not join your Civil War reenactment troupe.” - Aaron A. A. Smith

49. “Dreams are glimpses into life’s truths.” - Larry Itejere

50. “In a game of chess, someone has to take the black pieces.” - Eve Forward

51. “It had become their creation, and they all would know it.” - Evan Meekins

52. “Milcas raced out his door, anxious to find the answer to this riddle and discover the source of hope for a Roegan in Fargranther; the propellant of an unheard of, forgotten, impossible, and by all accounts, damned idea.” - Evan Meekins

53. “Without your own inner beast tamed ye can never tame the wild ones around ye!” - Jennifer Silverwood

54. “Drawing her closer he tucked his chin and lifted hers to meet his abysmal onyx eyes.” - Jennifer Silverwood

55. “Some justice, though did not deal with kindheartedness or good feeling toward others. No, justice had a darker side, a gray area where it mingled alongside vengeance, and only the wise and pure of heart were able to tell the two apart. That kind of justice was swift. It was only called upon afer mercy and morals fail. It was the darkest form of goodness known to anyone, even the gods, and required only the strongest, most daring men to bring about.” - Evan Meekins

56. “Do not forget about the butterflies.” - Evan Meekins

57. “They were rebellious through their artistic expression and their uplifting spirits” - Evan Meekins

58. “He is a free man, not because is in a poition of political power and influence that you will never be able to achieve, and not because he has more character and heart in his fingertip than you have in your entire being, but because he is a man, and is thus entitled to be free.” - Evan Meekins

59. “The festive music died down and the granite pillars were replaced with rotted wooden beams as he continued down the alleyways. The scent of fresh flowers turned to mold, and the colorful mosiacs of honor and nobility were nonexistent. Run-down tenements were shadowed by its surrounding buildings, as if the capital itself wanted to conceal its existence.” - Evan Meekins

60. “Even though we don't admit it, every single one of us aspires to be like somebody, whether they live in the world today, within the bard's lyrics, or on the pages in the Library” - Evan Meekins

61. “There is no right or wrong, only what we believe is more right or more wrong” - Evan Meekins

62. “there are some some times in life where you have to let your feelings go and do what must be done” - Evan Meekins

63. “Before I fix the world, I have to fix myself.” - Evan Meekins

64. “Animals do not respect their master's brother, but they do respect their brothers as masters.” - Evan Meekins

65. “War was easy. The hard part was cleaning up afterward.” - Evan Meekins

66. “Heralds don't sing about men who lived in orthodoxy or played it safe, they sing about men who lived an uncertain future and took enough risks to make your head spin.” - Evan Meekins

67. “With the threat of them being potential spies or saboteurs, nobody will argue against our actions, and history itself will vindicate us.” - Evan Meekins

68. “a true leader must be able to command with an iron fist, not just a humble heart.” - Evan Meekins

69. “We must kill the guard before we can enter the palace.” - Evan Meekins

70. “the bleakest situations bring out the hospitality in all of us, but it's during the harshest we find out how strong we really are.” - Evan Meekins

71. “it's through the simple things in life, through its games, when our minds mature the most and we grow knowledgeable. It's also when the cloth masks of our outer, false personalities are torn asunder, and we are able to see every last blemish of a man's genuine character that they hide beneath... no matter how dark or obscene it may be.” - Evan Meekins

72. “Let your dissent fuel you, your anger inspire you, your rage convey you, and your fury strike a chilling fear onto the spines of your enemies.” - Evan Meekins

73. “Hate did not give way to heroism.” - Evan Meekins

74. “We can't change the world by shouting, but our words can have meaning if we give them enough respect.” - Evan Meekins

75. “While parchment may burn and gold may be stained or melted down, the things that are truly important to us will never lose their value.” - Evan Meekins

76. “Goodbyes are sad, but they are temporary, because as hellos ends with goodbyes, so will goodbyes start with hellos.” - Melody Manful

77. “Amie frowned. 'That’s what I can’t figure out. I mean everyone wants their happy ending, right? No one cares about reading actual literature anymore anyway. All they want is vampires and supernatural mumbo-jumbo. It’s sick, really.” - Jennifer Silverwood

78. “Probably went swimming and got eaten by a pineapple.” - Terry Pratchett

79. “Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab. Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.” - George R.R. Martin

80. “There goes the world's wimpiest vampire.” - Heather Swain

81. “Todo o reino de Fantasia assenta-se sobre alicerces de sonhos esquecidos." A História Sem Fim(The whole kingdom of Fantasy sits upon foundations of forgotten dreams - Endless Story).” - Michael Ende

82. “Winter Liar" by Liam Doyle the IncubusWhat come once here will never come again,no matter monument nor memory;all sunwarmed green succumbs to winter's wind.And you, my love, were also my best friend,and had your life to live. The tragedywas not just my youth's recklessness, althoughI trusted much to impulse, whim, freedom,a destiny excluding doom. Frankly,youth can be our insanity. But now I'm curedof that fever, although the price was high;and chilly April wind can only sighat my regrets, yet sun will brighten wind so,one knows that soon green stirs, and wild bees hum.And summer once more will make winter liar,but I won't warm. You're all I'll ever desire.” - Juliet Dark

83. “Curse us and crush us, my precious is lost!” - J.R.R. Tolkien

84. “Every so often i'd wake up when his arms clenched around me, his embrace so tight i thought he'd cut off my circulation, holding me as if even in his sleep he was haunted by the fear of losing me.” - Jennifer L. Armentrout

85. “The only wand you'll ever need is a better-feeling thought.” - C.G. Rousing

86. “If a lioness spends her hours pacing back and forth in a cage of gold with the finest meats at her disposal, does that make her any less of a prisoner? If that same feline’s fangs are filed down to blunt, un-tearing teeth and her roar is silenced, can she still be called a lioness?” - Kristen Reed

87. “Erano stati vanesi ed egoisti, persino Cam. Ma ora tutto ciò non aveva più importanza perché non era rimasto niente, tranne loro, tranne gli Dèi Bianchi che avanzavano sullaterra in cerca di qualcosa che non esisteva più.” - Sabrina Miso

88. “The Cat: When the wine drinks itself, when the skull speaks, when the clock strikes the right time, only then will you find the tunnel that leads to the Red Bull. There be a trick to it, of course.” - Peter S. Beagle

89. “Amie blinked through the haze of her thoughts and the constant drum of the rains. A golden light swung back and forth in the distance like a pendulum and every second drew closer. Finally, Amie could tell it wasn’t a faerie light but a lantern, carried by a small green-cloaked person.” - Jennifer Silverwood

90. “Between dainty bites, she told Amie, 'Oh, you simply are as darling a creature as Henry described! I had no idea of your being so grown up! Henry, she is positively frazzleging!' Amie deepened her smile, saying, 'And I had no idea you would be so pretty either, madam.” - Jennifer Silverwood

91. “How did they go from Braveheart to Brigadoon in less than five minutes?” - Jennifer Silverwood

92. “If Emrys was acting normally, like the typical self-gratifying narcissist he was, then it would have been easier to keep him in that special category of potential enemy.” - Jennifer Silverwood

93. “It would be nice to report she lived happily ever after till the end of her days. But such cheap, cop-out one-liners belong to other uncomplicated fairy tales.” - Jennifer Silverwood

94. “He considered my question for a moment and then ducked his head to kiss me. He tugged me flush up against his chest , pulling me closer than i even though possible, and then his lips touched mine.” - Colleen Houck

95. “Gray, the colour of forgetting.” - Daniel Arenson

96. “Does it make you brave to stick your hand in a bear's mouth? Would you do it again just because you didn't die?” - Robert Jordan

97. “I adore you, Chiru. I want to show you in ways words can't express” - Augusta Li

98. “Chapter 8 - The Rescue Team: "Timbroke Hall was completely dark. A creaking shutter opened and closed to the rhythm of a howling, north wind. It bore a cold reminder of the harsh winter coming quickly this year. The children crept up the rock stairs to the familiar wooden doors at the front of the building. Ariana led them around the porch to a side door according to her, was never locked. The broken handle dangled loosely and offered free entrance. The team cautiously crossed the threshold of the old hall into pitch blackness. An owl hooted and the sound of large wings flapping reverberated around them. Camilla startled, cried out a fearful yelp causing everyone to jump. Hannah reflexively covered Camilla’s mouth until she was certain nothing more would slip out. “Quiet,” whispered Jess in an angry tone directed at Hannah. “It wasn’t me,” whispered Hannah pointing down at Camilla. “Sorry,” whispered Camilla apologetically.” - M.K. McDaniel