98 Love Story Quotes

Sept. 22, 2024, 6:45 a.m.

98 Love Story Quotes

Love has an unparalleled ability to inspire, uplift, and resonate across the ages. Whether you’re seeking the perfect words to express your feelings, reminiscing about cherished memories, or simply looking for inspiration, love story quotes have a unique way of capturing the essence of romantic experiences. Our curated collection of the top 98 love story quotes brings together the profound, the poetic, and the heartfelt, offering a rich tapestry of emotion and wisdom. Dive in and let these timeless words speak to your heart, reminding you of the beauty and magic that love infuses into our lives.

1. “The more you love,the more love you have to give.It's the only feeling we have which is infinite...” - Christina Westover

2. “But I wondered if all this kissing was a bad habit with him and me. The thing we did with our mouths instead of talking.” - Gabrielle Zevin

3. “I went back to look for you.Not understanding the language of hello,I thought I’d speak it just the same.” - Rod McKuen

4. “Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.-Leonard Cohen” - Bailey Bristol

5. “Quiero esperar en silencio la séptima ola. Si, aquí cuentan la historia indómita de la séptima ola. Las primeras seis son previsibles y equilibradas. Se condicionan unas a otras, no deparan sorpresas. Mantienen la continuidad. Pero, !cuidado con la séptima ola¡ La séptima es imprevisible. Durante mucho tiempo pasa inadvertida, participa en el monótono proceso, se adapta a sus predecesoras. Pero a veces estalla. Siempre ella, siempre la séptima. Porque es despreocupada, inocente, rebelde, barre con todo, lo cambia todo. Para ella no existe el antes, solo el ahora. Y después todo es distinto. ¿Mejor o peor? Eso solo pueden decirlo quienes estuvieron arrastrados por ella, quienes tuvieron el coraje de enfrentarla, de dejarse cautivar...” - Daniel Glattauer

6. “How could you love us being together?" he asked me "We are nothing alike and we are not meant for each other and we drive each other crazy, you love that? How can you love that?" So I told him "I know that we're not meant for each other, that we drive each other crazy, and that we are so different. But that's us. That's what we have; a wild nonsense. We are not good together, but together we are bad for each other. I love us together this way just like this. Because even if it's no good, it's what we have! It's us.” - C. JoyBell C.

7. “What a grand thing it is to be loved! What a far grander thing it is to love! The heart becomes heroic, by dint of passion.” - Victor Hugo

8. “Stop being the shy boy that wants to do everything right and responsibly. I’m sick of your honorable intentions Eli. In fifty years, when I’m old in my bed I want to wake up when the sun shines in my window and know that the person lying beside me was the right choice. I don’t want to look at someone else and always wish it was you.” ~ Maggie Parsons from Epitaphs from the Afterlife” - Autumn Rosen

9. “‎''I froze. Like an idiot I froze. He was staring right at me. (...) He wore an innocent and mesmerizing smile directed right at me. I did my best to ignore it but having a gorgeously naked man staring at me like I was the only girl in the world was impossible to brush off. ” - Shawn Kirsten Maravel

10. “Don't do this to us." He warned, his voice hoarse with angry desperation as he realize he was losing her. "You're letting eleven years of mistrust color everything you've discovered I've done".” - Judith McNaught

11. “‎''A heart that had chosen its path couldn't be led in any other direction.” - Shawn Kirsten Maravel

12. “Sometimes you want to say, “I love you, but…”Yet the “but” takes away the ‘I love you’. In love their are no ‘buts’ or ‘if’s’ or ‘when’. It’s just there, and always. No beginning, no end. It’s the condition-less state of the heart. Not a feeling that comes and goes at the whim of the emotions. It is there in our heart, a part of our heart…eventually grafting itself into each limb and cell of our bodies. Love changes our brain, the way we move and talk. Love lives in our spirit and graces us with its presence each day, until death.To say “I love you, but….” is to say, “I did not love you at all”.I say this to you now: I love you, with no beginning, no end. I love you as you have become an extra necessary organ in my body. I love you as only a girl could love a boy. Without fear. Without expectations. Wanting nothing in return, except that you allow me to keep you here in my heart, that I may always know your strength, your eyes, and your spirit that gave me freedom and let me fly.” - Jamie Weise

13. “Tricks ripped and you tripped, tricked yourself by falling slowly.I’m the winner in this game,unable to stoop to your level of shame.Unwilling to reply to your words of ache.” - Jamie Weise

14. “He had let me know time after time that he was a thinking man, a man of intellect and wit. Yet one unintended hungry look into my eyes and he betrayed each of his words he had carefully spoken to me. I knew it in that instant. He was a viscerally driven man. And one day, he would possess me.” - Jamie Weise

15. “When we are in love, we are convinced nobody else will do. But as time goes, others do do, and often do do, much much better.” - Jamie Weise

16. “He couldn’t look back at the children. He couldn’t think of it. All he could do was watch the eyes of his wife.He pulled her to him, her body soft, her skin warm. She was life, she was his. He took her lips and tasted his freedom once more. The subtle tenderness. The hope hidden in joined breath. He took it into himself. Soaking in the peace that came with it. And even as the rustling began he felt still, he felt calm. Scratching and scrapping within the stones, and the rustle of wings. But all Eli knew was the nature of love.” - Rachel A. Marks

17. “We were both young when I first saw you. I close my eyes and the flashback starts. I'm standin' there on a balcony in summer air.” - Taylor Swift

18. “I'm not a type-O ... Don't delete me.” - Carroll Bryant

19. “...Where we got to know eachother. Not just with words, it was how we observed eachother's movements. The way your smile only effected the lower half of your face. How our hands moved when they were close: as if they had minds of their own.” - Elaine Turnbo

20. “I desperately want to talk to her now. I want to ask her who it was who so deftly crafted and shaped the legend that was our love.” - Dan Simmons

21. “The growth of my love story had been gradual but my success had always existed and both coupled together formed a deadly combination that was detrimental to our love. I wanted people to love me. She wanted them to leave her alone.” - Faraaz Kazi

22. “No one is perfect. Sometimes, it is the imperfections that make us more alive than those around us. It’s the happiness of truly breathing and living in freedom of ourselves. Even though we may look broken to the world, there is always someone who sees us as we truly are, and helps us to create our whole being.” - Jennifer Varnadore

23. “Sunrise, sunset, changes right before my eyes, but your vision stays forever in my heart” - Karla M. Nashar

24. “Too many adults wish to 'protect' teenagers when they should be stimulating them to read of life as it is lived.” - Margaret A. Edwards

25. “After 50 years together as a couple:"Look how fast the leaves are falling now," Alan says. "The trees will be bare in a couple of days. Do you realize that we have watched the leaves fall together for more than fifty autumns?"I stand quietly, looking at Alan, letting his words sink in. I am suddenly so moved.” - Norman Sunshine

26. “Upon their meeting in New York in 1958: “We didn’t want to live together. We didn’t have any examples of what a good love relationship between two men could be. And there was always the problem of hiding so no one would know we were gay. There was no question that if I were known to be gay, living with another man, it would make it more difficult for me to get work as an actor.” - Alan Shayne, co-author, Double Life” - Alan Shayne

27. “As an artist in the 1960s, Norman Sunshine was able to maintain a moderately out lifestyle. But when the first exhibition of his paintings in New York brought on a profile in The New York Times in 1968, he was photographed in the apartment that he admitted sharing with Shayne. At both his advertising agency and Shayne’s television production company, the article was met with absolute silence.” - Norman Sunshine

28. “So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

29. “While she could hardly fathom what had just happened to her that night, she reached some conclusions before she fell asleep, certain things now made perfect sense; Moon River didn’t sound so syrupy, mistletoe wasn’t such a bad idea, and perhaps dating was not such a frivolous waste of time after all.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

30. “... you’ll have to fall in love at least once in your life, or Paris has failed to rub off on you.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

31. “If someday you should ever think of me and miss me, know in your heart that I'd want you to find me once again. No matter how distant in time or space... FIND ME.” - Sebastian Cole

32. “When the love of your life dies, the problem is not that some part of you dies too, which it does, but that some part of you is still alive.” - Jackie Kay

33. “Come on Princess," he sighs, as he scoops me up off the sand and carries me to my room. "I'm not going to be able to sleep, unless I know you're safe.” - Jillian Dodd

34. “I want your hand without the skin. Bone to bone without the molds. Mouth to mouth, without the porn.” - Coco J. Ginger

35. “You're maybe eighteen. Your mother didn't love you enough so you decided to pierce your lip and brand your body to piss her off. You hang around this band because they make you feel like you belong. And most days you wish you were in a band of your own, but you know that probably will never happen." I met his eyes waiting.I'm twenty. my mother has an assload of tattoos herself, she thinks its art. I have a lip ring because it turns girls on when I do this." He licked his lip, lingering on the metal for a couple intense seconds. My eyes fluttered with nervousness.” - Holly Hood

36. “Vielleicht gibt es ja gar keine tollen, wunderbaren Menschen. Und wir reden es uns für eine kurze Weile nur ein, dass der oder der toll und wunderbar ist, damit wir einen Grund haben, uns in ihn zu verlieben. Sozusagen ein Alibi für die Liebe.” - Brigitte Blobel

37. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” - Bernard Branson

38. “... it’s a blessed thing to love and feel loved in return.” - E.A. Bucchianeri

39. “You are perfect in your own dysfunctional way. And it’s exactly what I want." - Fenn” - Candace Knoebel

40. “...Aku ingin kau tahu, diam-diam, aku selalu menitipkan harapan yang sama ke dalam beribu-ribu rintik hujan: aku ingin hari depanku selalu bersamamu...” - Yoana Dianika

41. “The silkiness of his voice was a torturous caress that I could have endured for the rest of my life.” - Melissa Andrea

42. “I know this isn’t a conventional love story. I know there are all sorts of reasons I shouldn’t even be saying what I am. But I love you. I do. I knew it when I left Patrick. And I think you might even love me a little bit.” - Jojo Moyes

43. “No one can force you to become a monster – you hurt someone and you create your own demons.” - Melody Manful

44. “She clasped his hands and pressed her lips to them. 'I want you to be proud of me,' he repeated. She dropped his hands, feeling defeated.” - Natasha Farrant

45. “In a dark layer of Esme's memory there was a kiss. Vividly she recalled Mihai in the snow, naked and fanged. That kiss had conjured ancient passions a god had tried to erase, and Esme remembered the pressure of it and even knew the flavor of that black river. But it belonged to someone else. Tom's kiss, by contrast, wasn't passionate.Esme didn't even have time to close her eyes and tilt her face up to meet it, and it landed crooked and only half on her lips. It was clumsy and it ended quickly. And it was hers.” - Laini Taylor

46. “Not for the first time, I wonder what it would feel like that, to be so beautiful that you don't even realize people are watching you, to be so confident that you don't even have to worry about being nervous or feeling self-conscious. I've spent what seems like my whole life trying to pretend I'm that way. What would it be like to have it just come naturally?” - Lauren Barnholdt

47. “I could hold you prisoner here for the rest of the day and list everything I love about you, but that’s only half of it,” he explained, turning toward me. “The other half is something I can’t put into words. Something I don’t think I’ll ever be able to. It’s something that ties me to you, and you to me. Call it chemistry, call it fate, call it whatever you want. All I know is that I’m yours just as much as you’re mine, Luce. That’s the surest thing I’ve ever known.” - Nicole Williams

48. “As Robin thought about what he had just said, Noah got up from the chair and knelt down in front of her. 'How about I give you three reasons? Morning, day, and night.'She narrowed her eyes.'Stay… so every morning when I open my eyes, you’ll be the first thing I see. Stay… so every day when I’m with you, I can show you all over again exactly how much you mean to me. And stay… so every night when you lay your head down next to mine, you’ll know… you’ll know just how much you’re loved.'Her eyes drifted to the water as she thought for a moment, returning to look deep into Noah’s eyes.'Okay, Noah… I’ll stay.” - Sebastian Cole

49. “You remember?' he said incredulously. 'What could you possibly remember?' he asked, staring at her, waiting for the answer.The beauty from within her soul shined brightly through her loving eyes as she looked deep into Noah’s now melting eyes.'I remember — I love you,' she said in a soft voice, nervously biting her lip.” - Sebastian Cole

50. “In the morning, that moment, when I knew it was you. When I could feel you breathing and we opened our eyes at the exact same time.” - Kate Chisman

51. “E' la possibilità, non la garanzia, quella che mi fa andare avanti. Una specie di scomessa da parte mia. E chiamatemi pure pazzo, o sognatore o quel che vi pare, io credo che tutto sia possibile.” - Nicholas Sparks

52. “Baje a la orilla y me senté en la arena, donde años atrás había esparcido las cenizas de Marina. La misma luz de aquel día encendió el cielo y sentí su presencia, intensa. Comprendí que ya no podía ni quería huir más. Había vuelto a casa.” - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

53. “You should do that more often,” he said. “Laugh, I mean.”“I know.” But that sounded sad, and she didn’t want to be sad, so she added, “I don’t often get to torture grown men, though.”“Really?” he murmured. “I would think you do it all the time.”She looked at him.“When you walk into a room,” he said softly, “the air changes.” - Julia Quinn

54. “I don't deserve a girl like Hatsumi," Nagasawa once said to me. I had to agree with him.” - Haruki Murakami

55. “He stopped complaining, but now I was annoyed. I went to the roof and drank alone.” - Haruki Murakami

56. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son [Stalin], so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” - Austin 3:16

57. “He left the next morning, searching for a city with light that reminded him of me. He would mail me empty envelopes and boxes, I would take them into my closet, shut the door, and quickly open them. A flash of foreign light would fill the room, but only for a moment. I would whisper ‘this is what we’re like, this is what we’re like.’…” - Mikl Paul

58. “She told me there was a place on my face she wanted to inhale.” - Mikl Paul

59. “Two is always better than one.” - Missy Lyons

60. “Setiap ada hujan, aku akan mengingatmu. Karena kamu benci hujan. Dan kamu, di tengah kebencianmu, kamu akan mengingatku - Shin Ji Woo & KIm Sun.” - Lia Indra Andriana

61. “There was no reason for Bella Swan to cross paths with me. She would be avoided like the plague she was.” - Stephenie Meyer

62. “When you do fall in love with me, Eena, I don’t want it to be because I gave into your demands, but because your heart gave into its desire to truly be loved.” With an injured frown he uttered goodnight and left the room. She stood alone, chastised and bruised. It seemed right to apologize for her insensitive words, but not now. Not while a room full of people remained out there.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

63. “Think of that person you knew when you were a kid, who you always thought you could have loved completely and forever.Well, you could have. It’s the truth, and it’s the saddest and simplest thing. There isn’t just one person for each of us in the world. There aren’t many, but there are always a few people we could have made it with, that maybe we still want to make it with, that press themselves so close to our hearts they leave scars, and then slip through our fingers and disappear from our lives. And it doesn’t make a difference if you’re thirteen or ninety- eight because some things you feel are real, no matter when.” - Abigail Tarttelin

64. “He extended a finger to her face, the simple gesture bringing into play the sleek muscles of his shoulders and arms. “You are so beautiful, so adorable. I know full well you’re my doom, and I don’t care.” - Chris Lange

65. “We have flattered ourselves by inventing proverbs of comparison in matter of blindness,--"blind as a bat," for instance. It would be safe to say that there cannot be found in the animal kingdom a bat, or any other creature, so blind in its own range of circumstance and connection, as the greater majority of human beings are in the bosoms of their families. Tempers strain and recover, hearts break and heal, strength falters, fails, and comes near to giving way altogether, every day, without being noted by the closest lookers-on.” - Helen Hunt Jackson

66. “Gazing around, looking up at the lofty pinnacles above, which seemed to pierce the sky, looking down upon the world,--it seemed the whole world, so limitless it stretched away at her feet,--feeling that infinite unspeakable sense of nearness to Heaven, remoteness from earth which comes only on mountain heights, she drew in a long breath of delight, and cried: "At last! at last, Alessandro! Here we are safe! This is freedom! This is joy!” - Helen Hunt Jackson

67. “When I reach out, you take my hand. When I smile, you mirror the expression.When I triumph, you glory as if it were your own.When I fail, you point to the light at the end.When I need, you tenderly provide.When I cry, you kiss away my tears.When I suffer,  you bleed.And you wonder why I love you?” - Richelle E. Goodrich

68. “To become the love of a poet is to become both a muse and an immortal all at the same time.” - Jennifer Megan Varnadore

69. “Love, at its best, wipes commonsenseAway. Much as drops will condenseFrom hidden liquid in the air, So, too, do lovers soon compareTheir temp’ratures til, happily,Their judgement fogs up suddenly.” - McKenzie Bodkin

70. “And Mother, I love her dearly, but she flies into a panic whenever I mention women’s rights. As she sees it, it will be so much more difficult to marry me off if I am not only of a weak constitution but of a progressive mind as well.” - Gwenn Wright

71. “Ever since the first day I’d seen Drew, none of my thoughts made sense. My entire world had turned upside-down, and I had no explanation why.” - Michelle Madow

72. “Our connection was like a hidden force pulling us towards one another, and resisting it took a strength that I didn’t know I could keep up for much longer.” - Michelle Madow

73. “I had the most beautiful dream, and then I fell asleep in your arms and my dream turned lovelier still.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

74. “You’re everything to me—you always have been, and you always will be. Always and forever.” - Michelle Madow

75. “All I could think about while driving after you was how it was about to happen all over again and that I would never be able to feel your warm skin under my hands or look into your beautiful blue eyes, or tell you how much I love you.” - Michelle Madow

76. “One fine moonlit night, Mortain and his Wild Hunt were riding through the countryside when they spied two maids more beautiful than any they had ever seen before. They were picking evening primrose, which only blooms in the moonlight.“The two maids turned out to be Amourna and Arduinna, twin daughters of Dea Matrona. When Mortain saw the fair Amourna, he fell instantly in love, for she was not only beautiful but light of heart as well, and surely the god of death needs lightness in his world.“But the two sisters could not be more different. Amourna was happy and giving, but her sister, Arduinna, was fierce, jealous, and suspicious, for such is the dual nature of love. Arduinna had a ferocious and protective nature and did not care for the way Mortain was looking at her beloved sister. To warn him, she drew her bow and let fly with one of her silver arrows. She never misses, and she didn’t miss then. The arrow pierced Mortain’s heart, but no one, not even a goddess, can kill the god of death.“Mortain plucked the arrow from his chest and bowed to Arduinna. ‘Thank you,’ he said. ‘For reminding me that love never comes without cost” - Robin LaFevers

77. “Así es. Entonces de todos modos, tu y tu hermano vinieron a la fiesta y tan pronto entraste por la puerta, Liam se quedo mirándote. Él literalmente no podía apartar sus ojos de ti. Tu sonreíste y le dijiste feliz cumpleaños, pero ni siquiera podía hablar contigo, así que te alejaste para ir a bailar. Se volvió hacia mi y ¿Sabes que me dijo? —pregunto, con los ojos lagrimeando. Negué con la cabeza. ¿Que diablos va decir ella? ¡Esto me esta volviendo loca! — Él dijo en un tono muy serio "Mamá ¿estoy muerto?" Y yo dije "No cariño, no estas muerto" Y el sacudió la cabeza, mirando a todos lados confundido por algo. Luego señalo hacia ti bailando y dijo: "Si no estoy muerto, ¿Porque hay un ángel en nuestra casa?" . .” - Kirsty Moseley

78. “In the end I sort of though we created a companion who was so alive and dynamic and so wedded to the doctor that you’d need a whole universe to contain her in. The only way to get rid of her is to send her into a parallel world from which she can never return; otherwise she would stay with the doctor forever.” - Russell T. Davies

79. “What comes from the heart will go to the heart” - Renae Lucas-Hall

80. “Being in love has the same effect as being on drugs.” - Natalie Ansard

81. “bueno, hay una chica, llevo enamorado de ella desde que tengo uso de razón, pero estoy bastante seguro de que ella no sabia nada de mi hasta la cosecha.” - Suzanne Collins

82. “To love her was to taste sweet surrender. For had she not entered his life, he would have sought the wonders of both Heaven and Earth. But she surpassed them all and, by her pleasing nature, stayed him.” - Richelle E. Goodrich

83. “All the bruised lives, searching hearts...Everyone wants a love story but few will risk what it takes to live one.” - Donna Lynn Hope

84. “Cursed,” he once cried in a fit of rage. His temper has always been as restless and unpredictable as the sea itself. But his words had power behind them and I felt the effects instantly. Too late to take it back.” - Jennifer Silverwood

85. “Not everyone's life will be a great love story.” - Scott Hutchins

86. “Love takes time, So don't rush it” - Anna Napper

87. “As the fireworks began to illuminate the sky above them, Blake and Veronica made love for the first time on Hideaway Hill.” - Elle A. Rose

88. “I want to keep living in this beautiful dream-world of ours.” - David Dennis

89. “- What’s there to talk about? I love you, you love me. Nothing else matters, love is the most important thing. The rest will come by itself.- No, Elida. You’re mistaken. Everything is important while sharing a life together. Love, honesty, habits, affinities. Everything. One is fulfilling the other and one can’t exist without the other.” - Natalie Ansard

90. “I love you times infinity.”“Ditto, babe.” He kissed me softly.” - Alexandria Rhodes

91. “I don't have a love life. I have a like life.'Mamie smiled. She thought how nice that might be, to be peacefully free from love...” - Lorrie Moore

92. “di setiap pandangan mata,genggaman tangan,pelukan hangat,ada definisi cinta bagi tiap pasangan,ada pemahaman yang berbeda,ada pengertian yang berbeda,mungkin kamu akan lebih banyak terluka,tapi itu tidak akan membuatmu berhenti mencari cinta.A Perfect Love” - Yuchita Erayani

93. “Gil sat baking in the sun for at least 45 minutes before one of the tour guides noticed him looking listless and leaning to his left side. As she approached him, she noticed that he had a stupid grin on his face.“Are you all right, Mr. Cohen?” she asked as she tried to slowly help him to his feet.His shirt was drenched with sweat and his skin was mostly clammy, signally that he was suffering from the middle stages of heat stroke.“It’s not so bad?” he muttered as he struggled to stand straight up. “What not so bad, Mr. Cohen?” one of the tour guides asked.“Death,” Gil stated in a glazed response.The guide looked at the heat-stricken man who appeared to have amoment of clarity amidst all of the sweat and dehydration. “Why is death not so bad?” she pressed on. Gil took a big swig of Gatorade and replied, “Because life wasn’t so great.” - Phil Wohl

94. “Next time I get sick, you can tell that to me. You can be my girl in the mountains.""Okay", I say."I'll be your mountain girl and take care of you.” - Gayle Forman

95. “I love you, Vic! Anything else is lies. I really, truly love you. I’ll love you until the day I die.” - Natalie Ansard

96. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they'll destroy my soul.” - Cassandra Giovanni

97. “I've loved many women...I'm not going to lie to you, but it never works...vanity always gets in the way.” - Cassandra Giovanni

98. “He was just beautiful. She'd never known a man could be beautiful, but he definitely was.” - Emily Jane Trent