In this quote by Al-Sadeq Al-Nihoum, he reflects on the idea that those who used to be considered patient individuals were those who endured hardships in order to bring about change in their reality. However, he points out that nowadays, the truly patient ones are those who remain silent and passive, waiting for change to come to them without taking any action. This quote highlights the shift in mindset and behavior within society, emphasizing the importance of active participation and perseverance in the face of challenges.
The quote by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi highlights the shift from patience and perseverance to complacency and silence in the face of adversity. In today's society, it is crucial for individuals to actively engage in discussions and take action in order to bring about necessary changes. Remaining silent and waiting for change to happen on its own can lead to stagnation and a lack of progress. It is important for individuals to speak up, voice their concerns, and work towards creating a better future for themselves and their communities.
This Arabic quote by Al-Sadiq Al-Nihoon explores the idea that patience is not about enduring hardships for change, but rather about remaining silent and waiting for change to come.
"لم يعد الصابرون هم الناس الذين يصبرون علي الشدائد في سبيل تغيير واقعهم .. بل اصبحوا هم الناس الساكتين الذين ينتظرون تغيير واقعهم بطول السكوت ..." - الصادق النيهوم
In light of this quote by El Sadig El Nihioum, consider the following reflection questions: