The quote "الطريق إلى فلسطين ليست بالبعيدة ولا بالقريبة، إنها بمسافة الثورة" by Naji Al-Ali emphasizes the idea that the journey to Palestine is not defined by physical distance, but rather by the magnitude of revolution. This quote highlights the belief that true change and liberation for Palestine will come through a revolutionary spirit and collective action, rather than mere geographic proximity. Al-Ali suggests that the struggle for Palestinian liberation is ongoing and requires a profound and sustained effort to achieve.
Naji Al-Ali's quote, "The road to Palestine is not far or near, it is the distance of revolution," remains relevant in modern times as the struggle for Palestinian liberation continues. The quote highlights the ongoing fight for justice, freedom, and self-determination for the Palestinian people, emphasizing that the journey towards a just resolution is not dependent on proximity, but rather on the determination and perseverance of those involved in the struggle. In an era where the Palestinian cause remains at the forefront of international discussions and debates, Al-Ali's words serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring spirit of resistance and resilience within the Palestinian population.
The quote by Naji Al-Ali emphasizes the idea that the road to Palestine is not neither near nor far, but rather it lies in the distance of revolution.
Examples of usage: - This powerful quote by Naji Al-Ali reminds us that achieving justice and freedom for Palestine will require a revolutionary effort. - Naji Al-Ali's words serve as a poignant reminder that the struggle for Palestine is ongoing and requires a revolutionary spirit to overcome.
As we reflect on Naji Al-Ali's powerful statement, "The road to Palestine is not distant, nor is it close; it is the distance of a revolution," we are prompted to consider the following questions:
“-إنها ثورة إذاَ ..- أدخلوا الثورة إلى السجن- بل هي حس وطني- أدخلوا الحس الوطني إلى السجن- إنها مطالب شعب بأكمله- ليدخل الشعب بأكمله إلى السجن”
“الثورة ليست هدفاً ولا غاية. الثورة حل لمن وصلوا لطرق مسدودة. ونحن يجب أن نعمل كي لا تصل أوطاننا لطرق مسدودة”
“إن قوانين الله هي التقدم.. وهي طريقة حياة.. تبني أكثر المجتماع تقدماً.. إنها ليست عودة إلى الرجعية.. ولكنها الطريق الحقيقي إلى التقدم والرقي.. وهي لا تتصادم مع العصر الحديث ولكنها تقدرِّه.. وهي تبني وتبني مجتمع الرفاهية والعدل والحق والشجاعة والتقدم.”
“إنها الثورة.. ومأساتها التعقيد”
“اعلم أن الطريق الموصلة إلى الحق سبحانه ليست مما يقطع بالأقدام، وإنما يقطع بالقلوب”