In this quote by Mohamed Said Ramadan Al-Bouti, he emphasizes the idea that the universe consists of fixed axes that do not change, as well as evolving and changing aspects. He suggests that just as the fixed aspects of the universe are met with consistent systems and principles, the evolving aspects must also be met with evolving systems based on those same principles. This concept highlights the balance and harmony in the universe between stability and change.
In this quote by Mohammed Said Ramadan al-Buti, he emphasizes the idea that there are constant elements in the universe that do not change, as well as ever-evolving aspects. This concept can be applied to various fields such as science, technology, and even personal growth. Let's explore how this notion of constant and evolving elements can be relevant in the modern world.
Here is a quote in Arabic from the famous Syrian scholar Mohammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti about the constants and changing aspects of the universe.
“و إن العقل يقرر أن الكون يتألف من محاور ثابتة لا تتبدل و لا تتغير، و من مظاهر أو نسج متبدلة متطورة، و لا بد أن يقابل الثابت من حقائق الكون بثابت من النظم و المبادئ، و أن يقابل المتطور منه بمتطور من تلك النظم نفسها.” - محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
In this quote by Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti, he discusses the idea of the universe being composed of fixed axes and changing manifestations. Here are some reflection questions to think about: