“Be not held back by fear's insane insistence that sureness lies in doubt. I am not doubtful, but certain. The miracle is always there. I will see them in the light.”
“I am not sure how evil religion by nature is, but I have no doubt of its stupidity and insanity in practice.”
“Sometimes I doubt and sometimes I believe. And I like not making myself believe when I am doubting, and not making myself doubt when I am believing. Surely neither God nor Accident need my consistency.”
“All of God's creatures have names, every last one of them. Of that I am sure: of that I have no doubt at all.”
“I am suggesting that the radical of poetry lies not in theresolution of doubts but in their proliferation”
“Yo, back in the day, I was bad boned. I was tough, ok? Rugged. People feared me,” Cain said. “I’m sure they did.” “Are you doubting my mad badness?”