“In that moment, Dan was reminded why he wanted to write in the first place. It was the same reason anybody does anything -- to impress women.(Jeremy Goodwin, Sports Night)”
“I don’t know why anybody does anything in the winter. I always say, if you want to do something, move to Phoenix.”
“The truly great writer does not want to write: he wants the world to be a place in which he can life the life of the imagination. The first quivering word he puts to paper is the word of the wounded angel: pain.”
“The government cannot give to anybody anything that thegovernment does not first take from somebody else.”
“Scientology does not teach you. It only reminds you. For the information was yours in the first place.”
“A big chunk of Western civilization, consciously or otherwise, has given the impression that it's dying to surrender to somebody, anybody. Reasonably enough, Islam figures: Hey, why not us?”