“ Man is in reality a spiritual being and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy. ”
“You are a Spirit, living in a body, who has a mind. You are a spiritual being having a human experience, not a human being having a spiritual experience.”
“Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he lives so as to make happiness impossible.”
“It was at that moment he realized that his spirit was truly human once more. For he no longer remembered how to be alone without being lonely.”
“Now if a man thus favoured died as he has lived, he will be just the one you are looking for: the only sort of person who deserves to be called happy. But mark this: until he is dead, keep the word "happy" in reserve. Till then, he is not happy, but only lucky...”
“Spiritual superiority only sees the individual. But alas, ordinarily we human beings are sensual and, therefore, as soon as it is a gathering, the impression changes- we see something abstract, the crowd, and we become different. But in the eyes of God, the infinite spirit, all the millions that have lived and now live do not make a crowd, He only sees each individual.”