“...morally speaking, there is no limit to the concern one must feel for the suffering of human beings, that indifference to evil is worse than evil itself, that in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible.”
“The worse the evil, the readier must the Christian be to suffer it; he must let the evil person fall into Jesus' hands.”
“Without man there would be no evil. But there was also no good, nothing moral built over the world of fact. Humans were responsible for it all.”
“Analysis, when seen as limited and never final, helps force thequestion of human responsibility, human judgment, and the suffering thataccompanies the assumption of the burden they impose. It is our willingness to assume this burden of suffering that is the only salvation we have,in the end, against evil.”
“No one must ever fancy another human being so much more evil than themselves that killing was justified.”
“ Monsters remain human beings. In fact, to reduce them to a subhuman level is to exonerate them of their acts of terrorism and mass murder — just as animals are not deemed morally responsible for killing. Insisting on the humanity of terrorists is, in fact, critical to maintaining their profound responsibility for the evil they commit.And, if they are human, then they must necessarily not be treated in an inhuman fashion. You cannot lower the moral baseline of a terrorist to the subhuman without betraying a fundamental value.”