“The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every other calling, is diligence. Leave nothing for to-morrow which can be done to-day.”
“The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.”“It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day,’” Alice objected.“No, it ca’n’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every other day: to-day isn’t any other day, you know”
“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do and mostly Live.”
“Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself.”
“Daimons, vampires, ghouls, whatever you want to call them. They suck your blood and your soul and leave you with nothing. Kind of like lawyers. (Selena)”
“To me, meditation sounds a whole lot like doing nothing. I don’t do nothing. I pack every second of every day with something that can get done.”