“Much were bent over in laughter. I pushed him, and he rolled to the floor without my intended insult. “Come off it!” I stamped my foot.“What’s so funny?” John asked, coming over in the middle of eating an apple. He tossed me an apple and I threw it at Much. He only laughed harder. “K-k-kissed Scar!” he hooted.“Someone kissed you?” John asked, turning to me. He didn’t look like it were too funny. “Who is he?”This made Much laugh more.“None of your business, John Little,” I told him.He stepped closer to me with a flat face that, if I could ape it, I’d never be kissed by a stupid girl when I didn’t want to be. “Who, Scar?”“Jenny Percy!” Much roared.John’s face broke open, like a smile could split a blackmood. “Wait till Rob hears this.”

A.C. Gaughen

A.C. Gaughen - “Much were bent over in laughter. I...” 1

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