“You’re the only girl I’ve ever touched. And I feel like itwas supposed to be that way. I touch you and my whole body …rings. Like a bell or something. And Icould touch other girls, and maybe there would be something, you know, like maybe there would benoise. But not like with you.”
“Just checking you’re living and breathing,” Kieran said. “Maybe we should discuss ways to keep you that way because right now I feel like strangling you. You got me into a lot of trouble with my brother.”
“I look older. Maybe it's the short hair or maybe it's just that I wear all that has happened like a mask. Either way, I always thought I would be happy when I stopped looking like a child. But all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am no longer the daughter my parents knew. They will never know me as I am now.”
“Normally Halloween was like Christmas for me. I would anticipate it for weeks, decorating myself and the house, as well as strolling around the neighborhood, admiring everyone else's decorations. Nothing lifts my spirit like a scarecrow in the front yard.”
“But being around so much love has managed to thaw my frozen parts into something human. I feel human. Like maybe I could be part of this world. Like maybe I don't have to be a monster. Maybe I'm not a monster. Maybe things can change.”