“I had the best image of several dragons sitting on a couch crying into a microphone...”
“And that is the story of the boy who cried "Dragon!"Of course, when dragons sit around the campire at night or tuck their children into bed, they tell the story of the dragon who cried "Boy!”
“What I was hungry for was sitting nonchalantly next to me on the couch.”
“Lexy lay curled up in Greys arms on the couch and slept a dreamless sleep free of dragons for she had slain them once again.The Children of Ankh series”
“He was a god of rock. He nearly solved all the world's problems with nothing but power chords and anguished cries into a microphone.”
“I always hated it when TV reporters stuck a microphone in the faces of people who'd just lost a home or a loved one, wanting to know how they felt. They felt like shit. They hurt, and they didn't know how they were going to get through the night. They wanted to scream and cry and hit the guy with the microphone.”